
Saturday, February 15, 2014

House Cannot Stand if Divided

Verses: Luke 11 : 14 - 28

My thoughts about the verses:

I can only imagine standing there when this event occurred.  The church leaders were standing there saying that Jesus was acting in the name of Beelzebub.  They were trying to catch Jesus in saying he was the Messiah the Son of God.

Yet, what Jesus says is that a house cannot stand if divided.  Isn't this very true let’s think about this a moment.  Why would Jesus cast out demons if he was working in the name of Beelzebub.  Wouldn't this be counteractive for the ruler of the demons.  In reality the only way the demons would truly be cast out if they were in the name of the Most High.

A house has to work together to be successful.  Therefor if you are doing well you are doing it in the name of the Risen Savior.  Yet, what happens when you do things outside the will of God?  Are those not the moments when things go wrong in your life.  You are being counterproductive in a situation and eventually will be brought back to the center focus of God in your life.

There are many times in our life that we lose sight of God in our life.  We concentrate on other things.  For a while we might prosper.  Yet, there will be a moment when it will all go away.  God's desires will make us turn back to the one that has set us free.  You can only work so long outside that will.

I went through this myself.  when I was working I allowed my career to be more important than the work that I needed to do for God.  then the day came when God refocused my life.  Everyone has to go different things to change our focus for me it was losing the ability to work.  when I could no longer work I was faced with two options.  Option one was to get angry and turn further away from God.  The second option is the one I chose and that was to grow my relationship with God.  The building of the walls and strengthening those things that had been torn apart by my own choices were strengthened.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for keeping us in your mind when we run from you.  Help us rebuild our relationship with.  Help us to keep you in the center of our life.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you working outside God's will?  Have you allowed other things to come in your life that are affecting your relationship with God?  Are you standing firm on the foundation of the Risen Savior? What do you need to do today to maintain or rebuild your relationship with God?

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