Verses: John 18 : 12 - 27
My thoughts about the verses:
This part of the scripture is often known as the trial of Jesus by the High Priest. Others think of it as the fulfillment of Jesus prophesies to Peter that he would deny Jesus three times. Yet, what I see is three trials. The first is definitely the trial of Jesus by the High Priest. The second is the trial of followers and their faith and dedication to God. The last is Jesus's trial of the church. I really feel this part of the scripture was intertwined so that we could see both the human and spiritual side of Jesus.
Let's start with the trial of Jesus. The guards after arresting Jesus bring him to Annas and he begins questioning Jesus. They are trying to get Jesus to admit that he has called himself the Messiah the Son of God. Caiaphas the High Priest has already said is better for one man to die than the whole community is destroyed. Yet, they want Jesus to admit he has broken the law. Jesus does not come right out and say that he is the Messiah. Instead he says what I have taught is true. If you want to know what I have said ask the followers. Then with this the Priests want to know who is followers are. As he did during the entire time he was with the followers he again protected them. To say the least the Priests were not happy and decided to send him on to Pilate.
The second trial that we want to discuss is the trial of Faith that Peter was facing. Peter is much like us. One time we think of him as the rock that the Church will be built on. In the next moment we think of him hiding and saying he doesn't know Jesus. We have all done this at one point in our life. Those that accepted God love him immensely. Yet, there are times we act like we do not even know God. There are times that our Faith is solid as a rock. We truly believe that the Holy Spirit walks with us and helps us through all things. In the next moment as we feel as if God has abandoned us.
Jesus tells Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed. You can almost see Peter as he says never. Then in the face of death what does he do he denies Jesus. Then as the rooster crows he realizes that Jesus knew him better than he knew himself. This is another way of pointing out that Jesus is not only human but God. See it would be lucky if a man predicted something and it happened. Yet, Jesus was not guessing he actually knew that Peter would do this to save his own life. I believe that even though he failed this test of Faith he gained something much greater. He gained the faith that would let him go out in the world to tell all about Christ. Imagine how you would be changed if you had been there and saw this prediction become a reality.
The last trial is that of the Church. Now this is harder for people to see, but is clearly in the scripture. The leaders of the Church had the Messiah in their very presence. Yet, they thought he was better off dead than in the middle of them. Haven't we been places where we see the leaders of the Church miss what is right in front of them. Sometimes in our darkest hours we forget what our focus should be centered on. Instead of being like Christ we barricade ourselves behind walls of fear and doubt. Instead of walking into the future we slip into the old ways. We forget that God wants us to go beyond our walls and out into the community. If one lesson can be learned by the trial of the Church leaders is that we are all human. the leaders of a church should not be put on a pedestal. That they fail just like we do. The hardest thing to remember is that only God does not make mistakes. When you expect the leaders of the Church to be your only voice you are not living up to the commandment that God has given each and every one of us. That commandment is to go out into to world showering it with the love of God.
When we place people on pedestals instead of God we sometimes lose focus on true reality. We see the church as failing when in actuality it is only transitioning. We need to regroup our efforts on helping the world by being servants. Instead of depending on a few people to do the work of the Church we need to divide the work among the masses. A strong church will have many pillars. You can become one of those pillars if you put the thoughts out of your mind that the only people that can make a difference are the leaders. we need to take on the truth that we have our own responsibility for growth and discipleship. We are able to grow and become a healthy church. One needs not to place judgment on God when things do not go as we expect. When we realize that we are all humans doing our best we are able to grow as a community and take ownership for expanding the body of Christ.
Dear God we thank you for allowing us to see Jesus's spiritual side. We thank you for opening our eyes to the many truths that come through your scripture. We ask right now that you guard our hearts from feelings that are not a benefit to you. May we put aside our animosity and grow to be the people you desire. Help us remember that all are human and that mistakes happen. Help us become the people who serve you openly and outwardly. In your holy name we pray. Amen
Have you taken on the responsibilities that Jesus has for you? Have you come to the realization that no matter the status of a person that they are human? Are you willing to put things behind you and allow the church to grow through you? Have you the faith of Peter who once realizing what he did turned and became a strong witness of Christ?
My thoughts about the verses:
This part of the scripture is often known as the trial of Jesus by the High Priest. Others think of it as the fulfillment of Jesus prophesies to Peter that he would deny Jesus three times. Yet, what I see is three trials. The first is definitely the trial of Jesus by the High Priest. The second is the trial of followers and their faith and dedication to God. The last is Jesus's trial of the church. I really feel this part of the scripture was intertwined so that we could see both the human and spiritual side of Jesus.
Let's start with the trial of Jesus. The guards after arresting Jesus bring him to Annas and he begins questioning Jesus. They are trying to get Jesus to admit that he has called himself the Messiah the Son of God. Caiaphas the High Priest has already said is better for one man to die than the whole community is destroyed. Yet, they want Jesus to admit he has broken the law. Jesus does not come right out and say that he is the Messiah. Instead he says what I have taught is true. If you want to know what I have said ask the followers. Then with this the Priests want to know who is followers are. As he did during the entire time he was with the followers he again protected them. To say the least the Priests were not happy and decided to send him on to Pilate.
The second trial that we want to discuss is the trial of Faith that Peter was facing. Peter is much like us. One time we think of him as the rock that the Church will be built on. In the next moment we think of him hiding and saying he doesn't know Jesus. We have all done this at one point in our life. Those that accepted God love him immensely. Yet, there are times we act like we do not even know God. There are times that our Faith is solid as a rock. We truly believe that the Holy Spirit walks with us and helps us through all things. In the next moment as we feel as if God has abandoned us.
Jesus tells Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed. You can almost see Peter as he says never. Then in the face of death what does he do he denies Jesus. Then as the rooster crows he realizes that Jesus knew him better than he knew himself. This is another way of pointing out that Jesus is not only human but God. See it would be lucky if a man predicted something and it happened. Yet, Jesus was not guessing he actually knew that Peter would do this to save his own life. I believe that even though he failed this test of Faith he gained something much greater. He gained the faith that would let him go out in the world to tell all about Christ. Imagine how you would be changed if you had been there and saw this prediction become a reality.
The last trial is that of the Church. Now this is harder for people to see, but is clearly in the scripture. The leaders of the Church had the Messiah in their very presence. Yet, they thought he was better off dead than in the middle of them. Haven't we been places where we see the leaders of the Church miss what is right in front of them. Sometimes in our darkest hours we forget what our focus should be centered on. Instead of being like Christ we barricade ourselves behind walls of fear and doubt. Instead of walking into the future we slip into the old ways. We forget that God wants us to go beyond our walls and out into the community. If one lesson can be learned by the trial of the Church leaders is that we are all human. the leaders of a church should not be put on a pedestal. That they fail just like we do. The hardest thing to remember is that only God does not make mistakes. When you expect the leaders of the Church to be your only voice you are not living up to the commandment that God has given each and every one of us. That commandment is to go out into to world showering it with the love of God.
When we place people on pedestals instead of God we sometimes lose focus on true reality. We see the church as failing when in actuality it is only transitioning. We need to regroup our efforts on helping the world by being servants. Instead of depending on a few people to do the work of the Church we need to divide the work among the masses. A strong church will have many pillars. You can become one of those pillars if you put the thoughts out of your mind that the only people that can make a difference are the leaders. we need to take on the truth that we have our own responsibility for growth and discipleship. We are able to grow and become a healthy church. One needs not to place judgment on God when things do not go as we expect. When we realize that we are all humans doing our best we are able to grow as a community and take ownership for expanding the body of Christ.
Dear God we thank you for allowing us to see Jesus's spiritual side. We thank you for opening our eyes to the many truths that come through your scripture. We ask right now that you guard our hearts from feelings that are not a benefit to you. May we put aside our animosity and grow to be the people you desire. Help us remember that all are human and that mistakes happen. Help us become the people who serve you openly and outwardly. In your holy name we pray. Amen
Have you taken on the responsibilities that Jesus has for you? Have you come to the realization that no matter the status of a person that they are human? Are you willing to put things behind you and allow the church to grow through you? Have you the faith of Peter who once realizing what he did turned and became a strong witness of Christ?