
Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Trial of Faith

Verses: John 18 : 12 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

This part of the scripture is often known as the trial of Jesus by the High Priest.  Others think of it as the fulfillment of Jesus prophesies to Peter that he would deny Jesus three times.  Yet, what I see is three trials.  The first is definitely the trial of Jesus by the High Priest.  The second is the trial of followers and their faith and dedication to God.  The last is Jesus's trial of the church.  I really feel this part of the scripture was intertwined so that we could see both the human and spiritual side of Jesus.

Let's start with the trial of Jesus.  The guards after arresting Jesus bring him to Annas and he begins questioning Jesus.  They are trying to get Jesus to admit that he has called himself the Messiah the Son of God.  Caiaphas the High Priest has already said is better for one man to die than the whole community is destroyed.  Yet, they want Jesus to admit he has broken the law.  Jesus does not come right out and say that he is the Messiah.  Instead he says what I have taught is true.   If you want to know what I have said ask the followers.  Then with this the Priests want to know who is followers are.  As he did during the entire time he was with the followers he again protected them. To say the least the Priests were not happy and decided to send him on to Pilate.

The second trial that we want to discuss is the trial of Faith that Peter was facing.  Peter is much like us.  One time we think of him as the rock that the Church will be built on.  In the next moment we think of him hiding and saying he doesn't know Jesus.  We have all done this at one point in our life.  Those that accepted God love him immensely.  Yet, there are times we act like we do not even know God.  There are times that our Faith is solid as a rock.  We truly believe that the Holy Spirit walks with us and helps us through all things.  In the next moment as we feel as if God has abandoned us.

Jesus tells Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed.  You can almost see Peter as he says never.  Then in the face of death what does he do he denies Jesus.  Then as the rooster crows he realizes that Jesus knew him better than he knew himself.  This is another way of pointing out that Jesus is not only human but God.  See it would be lucky if a man predicted something and it happened.  Yet, Jesus was not guessing he actually knew that Peter would do this to save his own life.  I believe that even though he failed this test of Faith he gained something much greater.  He gained the faith that would let him go out in the world to tell all about Christ. Imagine how you would be changed if you had been there and saw this prediction become a reality.

The last trial is that of the Church.  Now this is harder for people to see, but is clearly in the scripture.  The leaders of the Church had the Messiah in their very presence.  Yet, they thought he was better off dead than in the middle of them.  Haven't we been places where we see the leaders of the Church miss what is right in front of them.  Sometimes in our darkest hours we forget what our focus should be centered on.  Instead of being like Christ we barricade ourselves behind walls of fear and doubt.  Instead of walking into the future we slip into the old ways.  We forget that God wants us to go beyond our walls and out into the community.  If one lesson can be learned by the trial of the Church leaders is that we are all human.  the leaders of a church should not be put on a pedestal.  That they fail just like we do.  The hardest thing to remember is that only God does not make mistakes.  When you expect the leaders of the Church to be your only voice  you are not living up to the commandment that God has given each and every one of us.  That commandment is to go out into to world showering it with the love of God.

When we place people on pedestals instead of God we sometimes lose focus on true reality.  We see the church as failing when in actuality it is only transitioning.  We need to regroup our efforts on helping the world by being servants.  Instead of depending on a few people to do the work of the Church we need to divide the work among the masses.  A strong church will have many pillars.  You can become one of those pillars if you put the thoughts out of your mind that the only people that can make a difference are the leaders.  we need to take on the truth that we have our own responsibility for growth and discipleship.  We are able to grow and become a healthy church.  One needs not to place judgment on God when things do not go as we expect.  When we realize that we are all humans doing our best we are able to grow as a community and take ownership for expanding the body of Christ.


Dear God we thank you for allowing us to see Jesus's spiritual side.  We thank you for opening our eyes to the many truths that come through your scripture.  We ask right now that you guard our hearts from feelings that are not a benefit to you.  May we put aside our animosity and grow to be the people you desire.  Help us remember that all are human and that mistakes happen.  Help us become the people who serve you openly and outwardly.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you taken on the responsibilities that Jesus has for you?  Have you come to the realization that no matter the status of a person that they are human?  Are you willing to put things behind you and allow the church to grow through you?  Have you the faith of Peter who once realizing what he did turned and became a strong witness of Christ?

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Arrest

Verses: John 18 : 1 - 11

My thoughts about the verses:

John presents the arrest of Jesus differently than does the other Gospels.  To understand this difference you have to first understand the reason this book was written.  The book is written for believers who were Gentiles and for nonbelievers. The fact is that there were two lessons that were being taught.  first, is accepting the free will that Jesus had concerning his death.  Secondly, that he loves and protects all his believers.

Jesus's death is a freewill decision.  Let's start with the biggest difference in this take of the arrest of Jesus.  Judas does not deliver the kiss. Judas does bring the guards to the garden.  So he does fulfill the task of betraying Jesus.  Yet, Jesus gives himself to the guards.  He is offering himself without hesitation.  Isn't this a wonderful thought.  Jesus did not go to his death fighting instead he was going with respect and dignity.  He was walking forward in faith to glorify God.

I have said this before I feel sorry for Judas.  Someone close to Jesus had to be the betrayer because it would have taken that much trust for the officials to find him.  Yet, according to this gospel Jesus spares Judas from having to turn him over with a kiss.  The betrayal was a key point to the overall story.  Yet, the main underlining thing is that Jesus even though betrayed did not have to go freely. Jesus could have called on the Angels in that very instant and be safe.  The fact is that Jesus gave his life for us on his own freewill.

Peter pulls his sword to fight. Jesus simply tells him to put it up.  That he must go with the guards.  He was worried that this action would set off the priests and that they would strike out at his followers.  he was also letting the disciples know that he had to do this.  That he had no other option that he was walking down this path to fulfill all the prophecies that had been written.  His death as the sacrificial lamb was needed as much for the disciples as it is for us.  The cup would not be bitter as long as the story was able to get out.  That the one who died was freely giving of himself for all who followed.  this was an action that no man could do unless they were one with God.

Jesus loves us so much that his concern is not for himself but his followers.  He asked the guards to take him and not hurt his followers.  He had already prayed to God that they would be protected when his time on Earth was through.  Yet, at this moment he fulfills his promise of love by protecting those that were with them.  The Jewish leaders could have destroyed this whole "uprising", as they saw it, by killing the disciples.  Instead Jesus offers himself freely so that they may be left to share their story.  I know if I was there this would totally humble me.

As I was writing this today my mind slipped away to the school shooting in Newtown Connecticut. There are numerous accounts of teachers and other adults risking their life to save the children. These adults loved the kids in their classes.  They felt that their role in life was to not only teach the children but ensure they had great lives.  You can imagine the thoughts running through their heads as they hear gunshots going off.  There you are with young children who haven't had a chance to live.  What would you do?

I believe that this is exactly how Jesus felt.  He knew that he would perish but was doing it to save his beloved followers.  He was willing to sacrifice himself so that others could live.  He didn't want the followers to be hurt.  He told Peter to stop so that he would not perish and so that he could spread the good news.  The sacrifice was the only option. Yet, he did it so that the whole world would not perish.

When we think back to the teachers they did it because they were given a job to protect and educate the children in their care.  They did what they were trained to do.   you only need to look at other situations involving shootings at schools.  Teachers have jumped in to save the lives of the ones under their care.

If humans would be so willing to do this how come we cannot understand how Jesus would be willing to give up his own life.  We need to understand that the greatest teacher did it at a time when he could be safe.  Jesus did not have to sacrifice his life.  He could run and flee and no one could have found him.  Yet, what Jesus did was freely walk into the line of fire. Jesus gave his life so that we may live. Everlasting life is the ultimate gift giving freely  to protect us from our own faults.

Dear God we thank you for giving us Everlasting life.  Jesus we thank you for giving of yourself freely.  We thank you for everything that you have done in our life.  We ask you to help us share your good news.  Help us understand the true meaning of your sacrifice.  Dear God help us show others the love that you have shown us.  In the name of Our Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


What would you do to protect your loved ones?  What would you do to help strangers?  Have you been someone’s Jesus today?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jesus is the true Gift of Love that We must Share to the World

Verses: John 17 : 20 - 26

My thoughts about the verses:

To be a true follower of Christ you must show love.  There are times in our life that no matter how hard we try to show love to others we find it difficult.  There are people in our life that have hurt us.  That caused undue pain and suffering.  Yet, we are to love them with the same love God loves us.

I just want to point out that Jesus showed love that outshines any that we can give.  To go to your death so others may live is a sacrifice that shows true love.  Jesus is not asking this from his followers.  What he asks is that his followers share the love they have received.  We are to share the truth so that others may find the love that we have found.

One of my favorite songs when I was a kid was "Climb, Climb up Sunshine Mountain."  The message is that if you take and place your care in God you heart will be warmed.  You are to turn from sin and the doubt you feel and rely on God.  The wonderful love of God will feel you with comfort and peace.  You will walk in the sunlight of love.

We need to understand that Climbing the mountains of life can be very difficult.  If people have hurt you in the past we often want to build barriers between them.  Where would we be if Jesus had turned his back on those that ran and hid?  Where would we be if God decided not to send Jesus because the people of the world were not showing God love?  See God loved us way before we loved God.  So Jesus is a gift of love not an instrument of judgment or punishment.

Jesus prayed to God that those that the believers would become a united group.  We are to be an example of love.  Therefor we should work together with other groups in our communities that love God.  God did not start denominations.  God only gave us the true love shown through the death of Jesus.  We need to work with other believers to lead people to God.  There are enough people in the world that need to hear the saving power of Jesus's love.  So do not build barriers among other believers.   If the other groups do not join you do not return their disdain.  Instead show them love so that they may know that you are truly of Christ.


Dear God we thank you for Love.  We thank you for the sacrificial lamb that was sent to make us free. Dear God we ask that you help us show others love.  Help us break the barriers that people place between us.  Help us unite with like believers so the world can truly experience love.  Dear God we desire to follow your example and we ask that you use us to be a witness of love to the world.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


have you said yes to God's love?  Are you willing to put the things of the world behind you and connect with God?  Are you living the life God desires?  What do you need to do today to help someone feel the love of God?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

God protects those that follow the ways of Jesus

Verses: John 17  : 6 - 19

My thoughts about the verses:

Think back to the worse situation you have ever been in.  We all have one in which we thought this is the end.  I am not going to make it out of this.  What was the first thing that you did.  I would guess if you, think like I do, you started pleading with God to save you.  You ask God to get you out of this situation.  The fact is that you probably bargained with God to take it away promising things that you have long forgotten.

Jesus when his time was at an end he did pray to God for himself.  Yet, as we discussed yesterday he prayed that God would use his death to Glorify the creator.  Now think on this a moment Jesus knew that this was the worst fear that we as humans face.  The majority of people are afraid of their own death.  Yet, Jesus prayed that his death would bring Glory to God.

Let us look at the majority of his prayer.  It wasn't about him or the world as a whole.  It concentrated on his beloved followers.  He knew that they would suffer much.  He was more worried about their life once he left than the death he was facing.  Is this not true love?
Jesus wanted more than anything for us to be happy.   Jesus tells the Creator that the reason he is praying for us is because of this desire.  Even though we would go through hard times he wanted it known that we wanted us to be safe and happy.  That we would understand even though the world would hate the followers God could give them peace.

When you are going through the rough patches of your life we have the grace of God living with us.  We are safe because God is with us helping us get through all the bad things in life.  We do not have to worry about falling apart and not making it.  Instead we have a shield of protection around us that will keep us safe.  It doesn't mean our life will be full of roses without thorns.  Yet through our struggles of life God will be protecting us.  God will carry us through those rough times.  The creator will also celebrate with us when things are going good.

Now that we have God protecting us the next step is to serve willingly.  We have been taught all we need by Jesus's example.  Now we need to take on the role of servant for the world.  We need to spread the story of truth to the entire world.  We need to concentrate on sharing the gift that has been giving freely to us.  For God did not leave us in the world to hide.  God lives with us so that we can share the news of the joy that we have received.


Dear God we thank you for the peace that you give us.  We thank you for protecting us.  We praise you for helping us carry the weight of our burdens.  We ask that you help us face the obstacles that are put in our path.   May you give us the strength to spread  your word.  May we find the happiness that Jesus prayed for.  In the name of the Risen savior we pray.  Amen.


Are you spreading the truth to the world?  Are you finding the roses among the thorns?  Have you given your life to God?  What do you need to give over to the Holy Spirit to live a life of peace?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jesus asks God to use him to Glorify the Creator

Verses: John 17 : 1 - 5

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus is on the mount knowing that his time has come to the end.  He knows there is only one last step and that is to walk boldly into the arms of death.  He asks God to help him put himself aside and take on the role that he was sent to do.   The principle is that you do things not for what you can get but for what you can give to God.

God expects us to live a walk of faith.  One in which we strive to reach a mark that is bigger than ourselves.  We are not guaranteed a perfect life with accolades and praises.  Yet, if we stay true to God and do what is expected of us we will receive our reward in Heaven.  Jesus died so that we could have the greatest prize ever and that is everlasting life.  It is up to us to live through our faith. To accomplish both the small and large task that God puts before us.

Just like Jesus our goal is not to impress others.  They will often times be stumbling blocks placed in our way.  Yet, if we are able to go around them and be the person God has created we are able to achieve great things.  There will be times when you are at your absolute worse.  You feel like giving up.  You may have even asked God to help you end the pain by letting you go to join the Heavenly Parent. Yet, here is where I want you to understand that you do not have to win ever battle to have your final reward.  As long as you stay true to your destiny and the fact that you are chosen by God you will receive the gift of everlasting life.

One can visualize it like a sporting event.  The stadium  is filled with fans, two teams desiring the same goal and referees overseeing the event.  No matter which side wins someone will have to loose.  It doesn't matter if it a basketball game, a football game or soccer matches only one team will be the victor that day.  Everyone desires that their team is the winner and there on the field stand referees who have to be impartial even if deep down inside they like one team over the other.

Let's start with the fans.  Sporting events would not be the glory and spectacle they are without a fan base.  Let's just point out even when you have kids playing sports there are fans we call them family encouraging them on.  Their goal is to encourage their team to the win.  They cheer when impressive plays happen.  They encourage their team with chants and applause as the team plays with all their heart.  There are two types of fans though.  One group of Fans stands behind their team no matter what. The second fan bases their decision on supporting the team as long as things go well.

The fans in our scenario are the world that we live in.  There are those that are like minded.  They support us and encourage us to do our best.  They are from the same fabric as we are.  They have the Holy Spirit living within them.  Then there are people in the world that are stumbling blocks.  They do not have the Spirit living in them.  When we fail they celebrate.  They encourage us to do bad and push us to forget that God should be the center of our life.  When it comes to the world the most important thing is to surround yourself with people that are like you.  If you stay with people who are of the world you will not do what God wants from you.  Remember you are to bring glory to God by living your faith.  If you start leaning toward the things of the Earth you lean further from the fruit of God.

Now let us look at the teams.  They both have the same goal and that is to win.  They will push their bodies to the limits.  Their goal is not just to win this game but to win the tournament.   The problem is both teams cannot win.  There is always a loser and a winner.  There are two types of players that make up the team.  there are two types of players one with great sportsmanship and those that brag and boast. Both teams will have these types of players.

Those team members that show sportsmanship are like those that are bringing Glory to God through their deeds.  Their focus is not on what they gain but what they give.  They appreciate that everyone is doing their best.  As they accomplish things they are doing it for their team.  They are not doing it to get the rounds of applause or sponsorships.  Instead they are doing it so their team can win the covenant title.  They are humble because they appreciate the fact that they were chosen above others to play.  They understand that they are not in it by their self.  That in actuality it takes the whole team to win.  No matter what level they are in their sport they do it because of the love of the game.

Now let's look at the other team players.  They love the accolades.  They live for hearing their name praised.  They strut their stuff and rub both their small and large accomplishments in the other player’s faces.  They are not playing for the team but, rather for their own goal.  They know if they outperform the rest of the players endorsements will soon follow.  They forget why they started playing.  Now they are in it for the praise and they often do foolish things because of their loss of focus.

The last thing to discuss is the referees.  There are the ones that do their job and have to be fair. People have no clue how hard it is to ref a game and to put your own biases to the side.  They spend day after day honing their skills.  They have to be athletic and never get the praise.  Instead they are ridiculed from one side or the other.  They never win because someone's team always loses. Who better to blame than the officials.  Yet, a good referee is not doing it for their glory they are doing it because they love the game they are officiating.  They do it so the games can go on and so that people can participate.  They are the ones that ensure that all of the people involved at least act properly.

Now let’s go back to the scripture.  The referees are like Jesus.  They are being fair and sacrificing their selves for their passion.  They are not doing anything for glory rather they are making the calls that lead to others victories.  The players are those that accept Christ.  They have to remember to focus on God.  They have to continue down the correct path.  If they sway too far they will lean away from God and follow the world.  Last, but not least is the fans.  The fans are the world around us.  Some encourage us while others hate us.  Some are like minded while others attack us.

We have to make sure that we are walking in faith.  We need to be the team member, Christian, that just doesn't talk but actually does what they are called to do.  Not boasting of what we are doing or expecting glory.  Instead we need to set about living our life because it is the right thing to do as a Christian.  The ultimate goal is to bring glory to God and to do that we must do what God desires.  No matter what happens in our life we need to keep God the focal point of our life.


Dear God thank you for everything that you have done in our life.  We give you praises for Jesus who died so that we may have everlasting life.  Dear God we ask that you help us live the life that glorifies you.  We ask that you be with us as we walk each day in faith.  Dear God we offer our lives to you.  May they bring glory to you.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you bringing Glory to God?  Are you living the life that God desires of you?  What must you do to ensure that you are not being a stumbling block to others?  Are you leaving the world behind and focusing on pleasing God?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Jesus goes to the Cross in Peace

Verses: John 16 : 25 - 33

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever felt totally abandoned?  You are facing the worse moment of your life and there is no one there with you.  You look around hoping that someone will walk out of a shadow and take your hand.  You start praying because there is nothing left to do.  In that moment a peace fills you because you connect with the Holy Spirit that resides in you.  Then you are able to move forward with what is happening.

I believe that the disciples really loved Jesus.  They never thought that they would run and hide. They never thought that they would leave their teacher to die alone.  Yet, Jesus knew that they would run and scatter like grains of wheat.  Each going to their own place, because they would be deathly afraid.

Here is where I think we miss the point that Jesus was trying to make in this part of the scripture. Jesus knew that he had been in God's presence his entire time on Earth.  in all reality he was never alone.  Even the 40 days he fasted and was tempted by the devil he was surrounded by God.

What I see him telling the disciples is that they would feel abandoned.  Think about this a moment. Many of the disciples had followed John's teaching and left John to follow the Messiah.  They had eaten with Jesus saw Jesus's miracles.  They had seen many miracles that Jesus had performed. How were they to continue this?  They at this point had actually performed the miracles.

Jesus was preparing them to put their trust in God.  The truth is we should never think we are alone.  Jesus walks with us through all the storms of life.  Just like God was with Jesus as he was facing his toughest battles.  The same thing happens for each one of us.  As long as we center our lives in Christ we will always have the peace we need.  We need to follow the example that Christ set as he was facing death without fear.  He knew he had already conquered the death before it happened.  God was with him even if those that he chose as disciples hid.


Dear God thank you for giving us the strength to do all things.  Thank you for helping us and never leaving us alone.  We ask that you surround us with your spirit of peace.  May we feel your endless love.  Dear God help us turn over our cares to you.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you let the storms of your life weigh heavy on you?  Have you ever felt alone?  Have you asked God to come into your life?  Are you willing to accept the peace that God gives freely?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

We can find Joy in our times of Sadness

Verses: John 16 : 16 -24

My thoughts about the verses:

I have heard many women say that the happiest day in their whole life were the day their children were born.  I can remember my Aunt once explaining to me that having a child was like squeezing a watermelon out of your nose.  I use to think why you would go through this if it was that bad.  I can remember imagining a watermelon coming out my nose.  I knew it would have to be excruciating pain.  But even though there is pain there is rejoicing.

The sadness that the disciples would face was truly unfathomable.  Imagine your leader leaving you right when things were getting intense.  You would have to face things alone.  To top it off you just were told that people were going to hate you and want to kill you.  How could you not be worried and sad at the same time.

Yet, Jesus was giving them hope also.  hope that there were greater things to come.  their sadness would be turned to joy.  They would see Jesus again.  That their fears would disappear and they would understand how much God truly loved them.

I believe that Jesus wanted the disciples to understand that they were different than the rest of the world.  The fact is that the rest of the world would be happy in the death of Jesus.  Especially the Jewish leaders those were afraid of Jesus.  Yet, their happiness would end when Christ walked out of the grave.  The joy then would come to those that had believed in the Messiah.

We need to remember that we are like the disciples.  We live in a world that finds happiness from the things of the world. Yet, if you are a true Christian you will find your happiness in the things of the Spirit.  Your life will be more abundant.  The pain that you feel will be forgotten because you will have more joy.


Thank you God for all of the things that you have done for us.  Thank you for allowing us to find joy in a world of despair.  Thank you for giving us the blessings of eternal life.  Dear God we ask right now that you help us find our peace.  Help us accept the things that you want from our life. Help us as we face our struggles so that they will become joy.  In you Holy name we pray.  Amen


Are you experiencing great pain?  Do you need to find joy in your life?  Have you accepted Jesus? Are you willing to transform the bad into good?  Have you allowed the Spirit to work through you?