
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jesus Enters Jerusalem to Praise

Verses: John 12 : 12 - 19

My thoughts about the verses:

It is amazing to me that this happens just days before the people sentence Jesus to the cross.  They see their King they acknowledge the miracles performed.  Yet, they turn their back and demand his death and to let a known criminal free.   This was predicted that the sacrificial lamb would come to set them free.  I wonder if they truly knew in their hearts what that meant to them as they praised the new King of Israel.

Imagine being one of the disciples seeing this. Would you not be shocked the man that you have followed and trusted is now being called King.  You can feel Judas heart skip beats.  The thoughts in his head if this goes on they will kill us all.  You can see Peter he probably had the biggest grin a little boost of his ego.  It would not last long as he turned his back out of fear.  Each of the disciples would later understand what was happening.  But, makes you wonder in this moment did they truly believe that the salvation would come through Jesus taking over the country and setting the people free.

Then you look at the Pharisees and other church leaders.  They to say the least were afraid of what was happening.  You can see Caiaphas looking around and trying to see if there are any Romans watching. If they saw it they would surely tear down the temple and not allow us to worship freely.  This has to stop or we will lose it all.  Yet, he was actually helping fulfill the prophecy.  His decision to turn him over to the Romans was the start of their salvation.  I wonder if Caiaphas ever came to that understanding in his lifetime.

Now today we can look back and say the King was truly there.  We can see Jesus as the great leader who sacrificed for all of us.  Throughout history there have been few leaders that have been in the front lines as the battle happened.  That did have gone down in History because they led the charge.  The fact that Jesus was hosted on the donkey and taken right through the middle of the town was awe inspiring.

He did not coward and sneak in to town.  He paraded in like the great salvation that was needed.  Yet, it would not be this that made him the King that was needed at the time.  Isn't it amazing that the real crown would be of thorns.  The scepter would be a wooden cross.  This is the way that Jesus became the King of our hearts.  Jesus would die A humble man who would give it all to free his people.  Can we ever truly understand what it must have felt in those moments as he entered the city knowing that he would soon be betrayed.  Can we fully imagine his anguish, as the people would go from saying our new Leader is here to shouts of crucify him?


Dear God we thank you for the saving grace that was fulfilled through the death of Jesus on the cross. We thank you for giving us a Savior for all humankind instead of a King for a small group.  Dear God we ask you help us accept Jesus into our lives.  Help us praise the Savior.  Help us fully understand what is important.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the savior in your heart?  Are you praising God with all of your power?  Have you shared with others the story of Jesus?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Lazarus must Die also

Verses: John 12 : 9 - 11

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been in a situation when people get mad at you because of what your friends have done? Have you ever had to deal with people assuming you are one way because they know someone in your family?  I would guess that most of us have had one of these things happen to us.  People make judgment calls on how those in your group act.  If you have friends that are sweet people immediately expect that from you.  If you have friends or family members that do harm to Others then people feel you are just like them.  How else could you be with either type of person if you are not like them?

Lazarus loved Jesus with all his heart.  Jesus also loved Lazarus and his two sisters.  Jesus brought Lazarus back to life to show two important things.  One that Jesus had power over death. Secondly, Jesus wanted to show us all the immeasurable amount of love that he had for each one of us. Jesus did nothing wrong but show love and compassion.

Yet, here is the problem.  The church leaders were afraid of the power Jesus was gaining.  The fact that many had witnessed Lazarus rising from the grave made them angry.  People were starting to really believe that this man, Jesus, was the true Messiah.  They could not have this.  As long as Lazarus was alive it was a testimony of Jesus's healing power.  The leaders could not have this.  He had to go so that they could stop the uprising that they feared.

Isn't it interesting that the leaders were so worried about the power of Jesus that they wanted to take down other people he was connected with.  It makes sense when the disciples would soon run and hide. They knew how much their lives were in jeopardy because of their connection with Jesus.  This still occurs in the world today.  There are many countries where it is still a mortal danger to claim to be a Christian.  Hiding is sometimes the only way to live and there is something quite ominous having to live in fear.

I have experienced the fear of being something someone doesn't agree with.  I hear it from both groups that I belong in.  I am a very proud Christian who happens to be a Lesbian.  I hid the fact that I was gay for years.  I was a Christian and was taught that I couldn't be that way.  So around my Christian friends I hid the Lesbian side of me.  In the gay community I hid being a Christian.  They could not believe someone was Gay and a Christian.  They wondered how I could justify it because of the way they had been treated in the past by so called "Christians".

I learned the same thing that Lazarus learned.  It did not matter what people thought.  I was a Christian who just happened to be a Lesbian.  God had created me and loved me.  I did not care what others thought because I knew Jesus died for me.  The Holy Spirit was living within me.  Having a loving connection with God is nothing to be ashamed of.  There are times that you cannot share your identity. Yet, do not hide your identity from yourself.  Do not be ashamed of the creation God has made.  No matter what we are all different.  Be happy with yourself and you will achieve great things come.  Like Lazarus you can overcome huge obstacles, because you love Jesus.


Dear God we thank you for your gift of life.  We thank you for offering your most beloved as a sacrifice for us.  Dear God help us be proud of who we are.  Dear God be with us through our struggles.  Help us live the life that you desire us to have.  Dear God allow us to share your love with those that come along in our life.  Even in times that we cannot share our identity by name allow us to share our identity by actions.  In your precious name we pray.  Amen


What secrets are you keeping?  Are you sharing your identity and what God has done for you with others?   Are you living a true Christian life?  Are your actions those that are given to you from God? What do you need to do today to lead others to Christ?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mary prepares Jesus's Body for his Burial

Verses: John 12 : 1 - 8

My thoughts about the verses:

Each religion creates its own way of handing the body at the time of death.  Some cultures allow for a person to be cremated.  While other groups see this as a direct opposite to the way things should be done.  In some cultures the body is buried within 24 hours while in other traditions wakes or funerals are held.  There are also traditions for preparing the body that may vary depending on the way the person died.

It is hard for many of us to understand the significance of the perfume being poured on Jesus's feet.  It is Even harder for us to understand Mary drying his feet with her own hair.  To understand this one must look at the Jewish customs of the first century.  You must remind yourself that things were different than they are now.  The body was seen as a vessel for the spirit.  The body’s death allowed the Spirit to be released and had to be treated with dignity.

With this in mind let us consider a few of the Jewish customs mandated when a person died.  The custom would have dictated that the body to be washed so that it would be purified.  Then the body would be anointed by perfumes and spices.   The body would be wrapped in white linen cloth. Once this occurred the body would be placed in a tomb carved out of the side of a hill or mountain. All of this would occur within the first 24hours.  The rules change if the Sabbath is involved.  With the Sabbath no one was to work so if a person died to close to the start of the Sabbath or during they would have their bodies prepared after the Sabbath.  There were also special conditions made for those that died and loss blood during their death.

Let us then go back to this pivotal moment in the life of Jesus.  The Passover feast is happening.  His followers are gathered and preparing to eat a meal in Lazarus's home.  Martha is doing all the cooking. Mary then walks into the scene with very expensive perfume.  She begins pouring it on Jesus feet.  Then she uses her hair to clean his feet.  Think about this a moment this was the greatest act of hospitality. She had cleaned her Messiah's feet with the only thing she had her hair.

Lazarus objects saying that they should have sold the perfume and given the money to the poor.  Jesus responds by saying that Mary had done the right thing.  She was preparing his body for burial.  You can almost see the looks in the room.  Jesus was not dead how could he be saying such things?  How could he agree that what Mary was doing was better than giving the money to the poor?

Jesus knew that his time was drawing to an end.  He knew that it would be very violent and that there would not be time for a proper burial.  He was once again preparing the followers for the end of his life with them.  That they would have time to go out and help others yet, they would have to do it alone. This moment would be one of their last and they could be comforted that he had been properly taken care of before he was placed in the tomb.

Mary through her actions was preparing the Messiah to go onto the next level.  Her gift was out of ultimate love and servant hood.  She was teaching us all to take care of those that we love while we still have them.  We are not guaranteed tomorrows.  So we should do for our loved ones now while they are alive because tomorrow they may not be here with us.


Dear God we thank you for showing us  how to love others.  Thank you for giving us your precious life and blood.  Dear savior we ask that you help us love others.  Help us show them hospitality at all cost. Help us not to be afraid to do the things that you have called us to do.  In the name of the risen Savior we pray.  Amen


what are you willing to sacrifice for the ones you love?  Have you told the people in your life how much they mean to you?  Have you prepared your heart for Jesus to enter?  Have you been there for those in need?  What do you need to do today to make someone’s life more comfortable?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Caiaphas's prophecy concerning Jesus

Verses: John 11 : 45 - 57

My thoughts about the verses:

Today's scripture made me think of one of my collection.  If you know me you will know that I am avid Star Trek collector.  I love everything Start Trek from the movies, books, and series.  In fact, I consider myself a true Trekker because if it is Star Trek I like it.  See I see a lot of everyday reality in the series.  There  is a lot we can learn: How to be kind to each other, not to interfere with growth, to treat each other with dignity and respect, To put our needs after those of the group.

The reason I thought of this series is the discussion that Spock has with Kirk as they are facing the destruction of the ship.  Spock tells Kirk that the "Needs of the Many Out Weigh the Good of the One." He then sacrifices himself so that the ship would survive.  He put himself in harm’s way to keep others from being perished. Think upon this a second.

Isn't that what Jesus was soon facing.  Jesus gave his life on the cross so that those that lived righteously could go to Heaven.  He was the true sacrificial lamb.  One innocent person given of his life so all could live.  Not just the Jewish community, but for the entire world.

Poor Caiaphas he had no idea that he was preparing the way for the Messiah.  See Caiaphas was concentrating on the current situation.  The Romans aren't bothering us as long as we do not seem like we are powerful.  There are not enough to destroy the Roman rule so we must live within their laws. The temple and people were able to continue serving Yahweh as long as they abide.  If Jesus was to continue then this would set up a new precedence.  The Jews would be self-declaring a King, a Messiah, which would change the way they lived.

So Caiaphas tells the people you do not understand his death is better than us all dying.  If Jesus keeps doing what he is doing the Romans will destroy what little the Jewish people have left.  The temple and the nation would be destroyed.  So he wanted them to see that killing Jesus was the only way to keep the nation on the right path.

What Caiaphas did not understand is that he was telling the other leaders that Jesus was really the Messiah.  He was prophesying what we in today's world know.  That Jesus died so that many could live.  Caiaphas was doing exactly what God had planned.  He was allowing the sacrifice to happen so that the world could be saved.

One thing else to consider is that the Passover was at hand.  The Passover festival was the time in which the Jewish community honored God for freeing them from Egypt.  It was through the blood of the lambs on the door arches that signified that this house was one under the protection of God.  When death came it passed over these houses, yet everyone else in Egypt suffered loss.

Putting that in perspective it is also time for the fulfillment of the ultimate sacrifice.  Jesus would be the last lamb needing to be sacrificed.  Those that accepted Jesus would then be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the time came for death to strike they would be passed over.  It is a wonderful thought when you consider that Jesus knew all this, but at the same time was ready for the inevitable end.

People all around the world would have the hope they needed.  It was no longer for a select community. It was for each individual that chose Christ.  Makes you wonder if Caiaphas would have done things differently if he truly understood what he was saying.  The good of all humankind outweighs the needs of one.


Dear God we thank you for the sacrifice that you made.  We thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit that fills us.  We praise you for offering Jesus to be the life given so we could life for eternity. We ask you Dear God to fill us with your presence.  Help us understand that what we do here on Earth is small compared to what Jesus did.  Help us be the light that the world needs in this time of darkness. In you most Holy of Names we pray.  Amen


Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb?  Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you putting the needs of others before you own personal needs?  How can you help others see Christ today?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lazarus Come Forth

Verses: John 11 : 38 - 44

My thoughts about the verses:

If you know me you know that I love some of the songs and messages from the singer Carmen.  Some of his thoughts are way over board for me but his goal has always been to bring people to Jesus.  He uses elaborate sets, and upbeat songs to deliver his message.  One of my favorites is the song "Lazarus Come Forth."

The song retells the story of Lazarus coming from the grave from the view of Lazarus.  Imagine how awesome it would be to be in The Bosom of Abraham. Imagine being in a room with all of those believers that have passed on before you.  Hearing them talk about their connection with God.  They believed God because what had happened to them.  Just think of the amazing stories you would hear.

Some I would like to hear is Ruth's take on surviving.  I would love to hear Esther talking about her faith as she entered the King's throne room.  Imagine talking to Paul about his visit during the days of writing Revelation.  Listening to Noah talk about the boat trip that would never be repeated again.  Witnessing so many people talking about how God had been there in spirit.

But just imagine hearing the stories from those that actually walked with Jesus while he was here on earth.  Can't you imagine talking to Mary and her telling you about the baby that turned into a King. Hearing the stories told by the apostles as they gathered for that last meal.  The stories that John the Baptist could tell of his cousin and Messiah.  Imagine Listening at last to the stories that Lazarus had to share.  Not only of walking on the Earth and being friends with Jesus, but dying and being brought back out of the grave alive.

This is how I see things happening at that moment and time.  I chose this picture because it is what I can imagine happening.  Jesus has the stone rolled away.  He speaks the name of Lazarus.  Lazarus's body was in the tomb, but not his soul.  It was in The Bosom of Abraham  worshiping the Living God.  Rejoicing, not in pain, no worries just living with peace.  Jesus knew this and when the name was spoken God helped Lazarus's spirit come back into this world so that it could enter his body.  The reflection of the hands says it all the hand of Jesus is open ready to take a firm grasp and ready to take on the load of the weight.  The hand of the young man is cupped and offered up in a form of servant hood.

You can imagine Lazarus was shocked when this all happened and it probably took a while to fully understand what happened during those 4 days.  I had a feeling his sisters rejoiced like never before. Yet, this was done for more than these three people.  It was for those that had gathered to support Mary and Martha.  It was Jesus's way of saying that he had power over life and death.  The grave could not hold him from his responsibilities.  The Jewish leaders would not be able to quench his activities by just killing him.  Because, with all the miracles that he had done both with multitudes of people watching, or with just a few he had established his influence.  The grave would only solidify what needed to happen to save the world.  Jesus was getting closer to the point of letting the reality facing him to come to a head.


Dear God thank you for giving us the miracle of life.  Thank you for showing us that your power was not ended when you were placed in the grave.  Thank you for showing us that you had the power over life and death.  We ask you Dear God to help us accept you in our life.  Help us understand what you need us to do each and every day.  Let us proclaim our stories so that others may come to know you and accept you in their life.  Amen


Have you told others your story?  What would your story be when it comes to the power of God?  Is there someone that you wish you could have heard their story?  Is there someone that you want to go to now and ask about their experience with God?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Jesus Cries

Verses: John 11 : 28 - 37

My thoughts about the verses:

Think a moment of this important scripture lesson.  Jesus Cries.  Imagine being so loved by Jesus that your very death brings tears to the Savior's eyes.  Jesus saw Mary with tears running down her eyes and felt great compassion.  He felt her agony.  He felt it just as much as she did.  He was Lazarus's friend and his Messiah.

Have you ever been to a funeral and seen people cry just because they feel the heartache you are feeling.  It reminds me of a funeral that happened here in Louisville.  People gathered because they loved this person with their heart.  They came and at different times they shed tears of both sadness and joy.  They knew the person had lived their life centered in God.  Yet, they felt pain not because she had passed on, but because they hurt.  They hurt because she was not going to be there to be a leader and a witness in their eyes.  Some people cried because they remembered the good times that would never happen again.  While others cried because they felt the pain the other church members were feeling. Hardly a dry eye was in the Church especially as her pictures flashed on the screen.  There were moments of laughs and there were moments of wails.  Yet, in the end we felt the crush of the heart because this was a changing of the guard.

Jesus cries when we suffer.  He picks us up and carries us when we are weak.  Jesus celebrates at our victories and walks with us when we are standing tall.  When a beloved child of God dies Jesus celebrates when they meet him in Heaven.  He also cries with those that are left to deal with the loss. We have a God full of compassion.  If God did not love us he would not have sent Jesus to die a brutal death on the tree.

He did not abandon Lazarus or his sisters.  In fact, Jesus did something with this family to show the world how powerful and compassionate he was.  You can imagine the people standing around Mary. They had heard about this great King that had come to free the people from tyranny.  Imagine the shock of suddenly seeing him crying because of the death of one man.  Those tears flowed not because of the fact that Lazarus had died and gone to join God in Heaven.  The tears flowed because his two sisters were hurting.  Jesus was crying out of compassion for them.  Lazarus's pain was gone he was no longer sick he had already passed to the other side.  What happened in that moment is that Jesus cried because his children were crying and were distraught.

This is something you always have to remember no matter what you are going through Jesus is there. If you have asked the Holy Spirit in your heart you have the compassion that you need.  You have the Eternal Flame living within you.  The gift of everlasting life is yours.  Next time you see someone who is sad.  Next time you hear of someone going through great trials show them compassion.  Give them an arm to cry on.  Allow the embrace to guard them from the pain.  Most of all give them the love that is within you.  You are someone’s Jesus every day.


Dear God we want to thank you for showing us your side of compassion.  Thank you for carrying us during our greatest trials.  Thank you for giving us people to share our life with.  Help us be someone’s Jesus today.


Do you need to ask God to enter your heart?  Are you afraid, sad, in pain?  If so have you let go so God can do the work that is needed?  Do you feel the loving arms of compassion carrying you?  Have you allowed yourself to be someone’s Jesus today?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dealing with the Death of a Sibling

Verses: John 11 : 17 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been where Martha was in this very moment.  Her loved one had past and she was dealing with her own personal struggles.  You try to keep your faith and act like everything is alright. You have accepted that they are better off not dealing with the pain they were going through.  Your heart is breaking.  Yet, you put on that smile and tell everyone I know they are in a much better place. While all you want to do is scream.  To trade places with them because you feel you can't go on without them.

I know I have been there several times.  I think the hardest one happened to me when I was a child. I have had to live with since I was only a year old.  If you have a sibling that dies when they are a baby there is a responsibility that you take on that others will not understand. You feel that there is a reason God didn't take you.  When you make stupid mistakes you feel like you are letting everyone down.  Especially your sibling, in my case little sister, has been dealt a raw deal. You often times feel like a failure if you don't do just all the right things.  If you don't do the best in school, work and play you feel that they died and you have let them down.

See I understand how Martha felt.  Her brother and sister meant the world to her.  The only difference between the two of us is that she was able to be with her brother and see him turn into an awesome man.  She knew that he would want her to be brave to accept that he was in Heaven.  To understand that he knew that he had accepted the Messiah as savior and that he was better off.  She put on that good front and said all the things that she knew her brother would want her to think.  Yet, listen closely to what she says to Jesus.  If you had been here my brother would not have died.  If you ask,  God will do whatever you ask of him.

Sum it up why weren't you here?  Did you not love Lazarus and Mary and me?  How could you let us suffer like this?  Now snap your fingers and bring my brother back to me.  I know I still have moments when I think these things.  Wouldn't the world been better if Kristie, my sister,  had been here?  Haven't I made a mess out of my life?  Can't you just snap your fingers God and let her be here.  Then I realize that God did not take her to punish anyone.  That God did not ever expect me to live up to the expectations that I had set for myself.  That those were things that I had created to deal with the fact that I never had the best friend a girl could ever have a sister.

So here is something important you are here because God wants you here.  People pass from this Earth not because God is punishing anyone or expecting someone to live a different way.  You need to know that if you’re loved one accepted Christ in their heart that they are happy and living with peace and painless in Heaven.  If they were too young to make the decision to take God in their heart, like my little sis, then they are doubly blessed.  Because they did not have to learn what true heartache felt like.  They are living the most wonderful life one that we should be jealous of.  Imagine growing up as an angel instead of growing up here on Earth.

If you have a sibling that has passed and you are wondering what I need to do.  Simple live your life to the fullest.  Don't put things on your platter that are impossible for anyone to accomplish.  You are not your sibling.  You are yourself and you have been given a special gift.  You have been given the gift of life.  It is your option to take Christ in your heart.  Remember if you do that you will one day get to play those games and have those conversations you always dreamed of.

I know a lot of us that have dealt with this take on different task in life.  For example, Elvis always used a small "a" for his middle name.  They said it was because he was leaving it for his twin brother’s capital G.  I know that I have heard them say that my sister should have been a twin.  My Mom always said that she was going to name her first son Michael Ray.  So I often think that he passed away before Kristie was born.  So when I do drag I perform under the name Michael Ray in honor of the twin that never was named.  I have many friends that have done other things.  Yet, here is what I want you to know is that you are not expected by anyone to fulfill the obligations or be the child that passed.  Be blessed that when you get to heaven you will have a sibling that will be able to show you around in a way no one else ever could.

Back to the story,  Martha she was right when she said that he would be raised at the second coming. What I love is Jesus told Martha she wasn't going to have to wait that long.  How amazing to think that if we think on our loved one we can be with them right in the moment.  Remember that one day you can be with them if you put your trust in Jesus.


Dear God we thank you for your presence in our life.  We thank you God for everything that you do each and every day.  We ask that you help us deal with the losses in our life.  Dear God we ask that you help us release the expectations that we have placed on our own lives that are too overwhelming.  Dear Savior we ask that you be with us now and in the future.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you put expectations on your life that you can never meet?  Have you allowed Jesus to fill you with his presence?  Have you forgiven yourself for the times you haven't lived up to what you thought you should have done?  Have you allowed God to heal you from the losses in your life?  Do you have a sibling that you need to tell that you love them?