
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Caiaphas's prophecy concerning Jesus

Verses: John 11 : 45 - 57

My thoughts about the verses:

Today's scripture made me think of one of my collection.  If you know me you will know that I am avid Star Trek collector.  I love everything Start Trek from the movies, books, and series.  In fact, I consider myself a true Trekker because if it is Star Trek I like it.  See I see a lot of everyday reality in the series.  There  is a lot we can learn: How to be kind to each other, not to interfere with growth, to treat each other with dignity and respect, To put our needs after those of the group.

The reason I thought of this series is the discussion that Spock has with Kirk as they are facing the destruction of the ship.  Spock tells Kirk that the "Needs of the Many Out Weigh the Good of the One." He then sacrifices himself so that the ship would survive.  He put himself in harm’s way to keep others from being perished. Think upon this a second.

Isn't that what Jesus was soon facing.  Jesus gave his life on the cross so that those that lived righteously could go to Heaven.  He was the true sacrificial lamb.  One innocent person given of his life so all could live.  Not just the Jewish community, but for the entire world.

Poor Caiaphas he had no idea that he was preparing the way for the Messiah.  See Caiaphas was concentrating on the current situation.  The Romans aren't bothering us as long as we do not seem like we are powerful.  There are not enough to destroy the Roman rule so we must live within their laws. The temple and people were able to continue serving Yahweh as long as they abide.  If Jesus was to continue then this would set up a new precedence.  The Jews would be self-declaring a King, a Messiah, which would change the way they lived.

So Caiaphas tells the people you do not understand his death is better than us all dying.  If Jesus keeps doing what he is doing the Romans will destroy what little the Jewish people have left.  The temple and the nation would be destroyed.  So he wanted them to see that killing Jesus was the only way to keep the nation on the right path.

What Caiaphas did not understand is that he was telling the other leaders that Jesus was really the Messiah.  He was prophesying what we in today's world know.  That Jesus died so that many could live.  Caiaphas was doing exactly what God had planned.  He was allowing the sacrifice to happen so that the world could be saved.

One thing else to consider is that the Passover was at hand.  The Passover festival was the time in which the Jewish community honored God for freeing them from Egypt.  It was through the blood of the lambs on the door arches that signified that this house was one under the protection of God.  When death came it passed over these houses, yet everyone else in Egypt suffered loss.

Putting that in perspective it is also time for the fulfillment of the ultimate sacrifice.  Jesus would be the last lamb needing to be sacrificed.  Those that accepted Jesus would then be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the time came for death to strike they would be passed over.  It is a wonderful thought when you consider that Jesus knew all this, but at the same time was ready for the inevitable end.

People all around the world would have the hope they needed.  It was no longer for a select community. It was for each individual that chose Christ.  Makes you wonder if Caiaphas would have done things differently if he truly understood what he was saying.  The good of all humankind outweighs the needs of one.


Dear God we thank you for the sacrifice that you made.  We thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit that fills us.  We praise you for offering Jesus to be the life given so we could life for eternity. We ask you Dear God to fill us with your presence.  Help us understand that what we do here on Earth is small compared to what Jesus did.  Help us be the light that the world needs in this time of darkness. In you most Holy of Names we pray.  Amen


Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb?  Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you putting the needs of others before you own personal needs?  How can you help others see Christ today?

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