
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Our God Is Awesome and Wonderful

Verses: Psalms 19 : 1 - 14

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Time to life up the praises to God for all that we have been given.  

  1. We need to look at what the law does for our life.  The law is gives us the guiding principles that we need to follow.  It is through the law that we can find our need for salvation.  
  2. The creation of God manifests the wonder of God.  It is through creation that we are able to see the power and strength of God.  
  3. We cannot hide from God.  God is like the sun which shines on the Earth.  No matter what you try to do the sun will find you.  Therefor God's enlightenment upon our deeds and actions should help us change and be the people that we need to be.
  4. The love we receive from God surpasses the wealth that we obtain from the goods of the Earth. God loves us so much that the ultimate gift was sent to die on the cross for us.  There is nothing that we can receive on this Earth that is more precious than the gift of God's love.  
  5. God is our refuge and rock.  When we cannot make it on our own God is our strength.  God will protect you and carry you through all the struggles of your life.  We should never fear those that are against us as long as we stand in the shelter of our God.
There are many reasons to praise God.  No matter what is happening right now in your life you can find a reason to praise God.  

  1. God gives us the gift of salvation.
  2. God heals us body, mind and spirit.
  3. God provides are daily needs.
  4. God protects us from those that would hurt us.
  5. God is there with us in all the things we face.
  6. God desires us to be happy and free.
It is your turn to do something for God.  Offer up your praises.  Thank God for all the awesome things that are in your life.  Thank God for your gift of everlasting life.  Thank God for loving us when we were against the law.  Thank God for the Earth that has been given for us to live on.  Praise God for given you this day.  For today is the day that God has made and in that we should always rejoice.


This Dear God is our praise to you.  Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for giving us the law to live by.  Thank you for the sun that sheds light on us and the things we need to change in our life.  Thank you for all of the glorious gifts you given to us.  Thank you for the wonderful blessings that you will give us in the future.  Help us never stop praising and worshiping you.  In the name of the Creator we pray. Amen


Evaluate your life.  Is it not time to thank God for the gifts that have been given to you?  Is today the day that you finally let God enter your life?  What do you need to let go of so you can sing out praises to God?

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Lord is our Rock and Fortress

Verses: Psalms 18 : 1 - 50

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Sing praises to God.  God protects us and delivers us from those that are against us.  God protects us from everything that comes our way.  We should fear nothing because God has surrounded us with a strong fortress.  Nothing in this world can hurt us to the core of our being if we trust in God.

We need to sing praises to God.  We need to sing praises to God for the love that is shown us.  God loved us so much that God sent Jesus so that we may have everlasting life.  Jesus willing went to the cross to pay for our transgressions.

Sing Praises to God.  God provides us help when we need it.  We have to trust that God will be there when we need it.  Accepting this we need to praise God for the strength that is shown.  God will always be there anytime we call out for help.

We need to sing praises to God.  Though our enemy is battling against us God intervenes.  God comes into our struggles and gives us the relief we need.  We need to remember no matter comes our way that God will be there helping us overcome the battles of our life.

Sing Praises to God.  We need to sing praises to God for the gifts that are given to us.  God gives us strength and courage.  God gives us peace of mind.  God gives us love.  God gives all that accept Christ Everlasting Life.

We need to sing praises to God.  God lives.  God is our rock.  God is our refuge.  God is our strength. For all of these things we need to sing praises to God.  We are blessed to have a God loves us.  Rejoice in the Holy Spirit that lives within us and gives us the direction that we need to get through life's struggles.


Dear God we praise you for your love.  Jesus we praise you for your sacrifice.  Holy Spirit we praise you for the guidance that you give us.  We praise the trinity that is our strength, our refuge, and our peace.  In the name of the Blessed Trinity we pray.  Amen


Is it time to sing praises to God?  Are you ready to accept the love that God freely gives?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Gift Giving to the Righteous

Verses: Psalms 17 : 1 - 15

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

There is a special gift to all those that obey and follow God.  At the end of their life they are able to behold God with their own eyes.  This gift is the most wonderful gift that anyone can give a person.  We receive this gift by the sacrifice that Jesus made.  If we accept Jesus into our lives we will enter the gates of Heaven with great joy.

God judges us both day and night.  Those that have Jesus in their life will have their sins covered by the lamb of God.  Through this sacrifice and accepting of the gift of Salvation we are found without blemish in the eyes of God.

As a child of God we should not follow the way of the unrighteous.  We need to make sure that we listen and follow God.  If it is not good in the sight of God we should do our best to avoid it.  Even though our sins are covered we should live a Christ like life.  So that those that ha vent accepted Jesus will found the salvation that they need.

Remember always that God is your support.  That God is there protecting you.  Those that have accepted Christ are blessed by being the very center of God's love.  We need to accept that the One that Created us Saves us from our own transgressions.  God loves us so much that the perfect lamb was sent to make us free.  God didn't pick and choose who would be saved.  Instead God accepts all that will trust in the lamb of God.  

The unrighteous will face problems in the end of times.  They will not receive the gift of everlasting life.  God wants us to have peace and to accept the love.  Yet, many turn away from the one that could give the hope and freedom.  As Christians we should also want others to find that peace.  It is up to us to share it.  Yet, at the same time we need to realize that for some people no matter how hard you try to share the word of God they will turn away.  When this happens pray that they will one day accept the love of God before it is too late.

Don't worry about those that stand up against you.  Understand that God knows what is happening and is there protecting us.  We might face persecution because of our love of God.  We might have our life threatened because of our belief.  Yet, we need to know that we will be safe.  That no matter what happens to us here on the Earth the acceptance of God will lead you to everlasting life.

You may be asking who did God come to save?  The answer is simple the world.  God came to save each and every person that has and will ever walk on this Earth.  God didn't pick and choose who would be worthy enough to be accepted as Children of God.  We need to reach out to all people.  We need to reach out to individuals that stand against us.  Remember you may be Jesus to someone today.


God we bless you for the gift of everlasting life.  Dear God we rejoice in the gift of the perfect sacrifice.  We praise you for never leaving our side.  Help us be the people that share your love.  Help us to never turn people away from your love.  Help us be the example of Jesus that someone needs to see today.  In the name of the One that Gives us Peace we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ into your life?  Do you do your best to show love to others?  Have you tired your best to live a righteous life?  Are you ready to accept the gift of Everlasting Life?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

God is the Path of Our Life

Verses: Psalms 16 : 1 - 11

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God is the path of our life.  We should follow the guidance God gives us.  We need to trust in the Savior.  God will lead us to a place of safety and security.  Think about this a moment if you trust in God you will follow the path straight to Heaven.

We should offer our praises to God for the love that is sent our way.  We need to praise Jesus because he will always be with us.  We need to accept that Christ is always walking with those that accept the Savior into their lives.  Christians need to understand Christ is carrying them when they are troubled. Christ is celebrating with us when we are having positive things happen in our life.

We should take refuge in God.  We need to open our hearts to God.  We should be blessed knowing that the comforting arms of God surrounds us.  We should rejoice in the comfort that comes from being in the protection of God.

We should come to know that God gives us all we need.  Jesus is the answer we need to reach Heaven.  If God can provide this for us then we should trust God will give us the rest of our needs.

Now there is a warning for those that do not follow God.  Their sorrows will multiply.  They may seem to have what they need on Earth.  Yet, the fact is that they are following a path that will lead to despair. We need to be concerned about these people.  Yet, we need to understand that we do not need to do what they are doing wrong in life.  It is important that we live our life following Jesus's example. Therefor when we see people doing wrong we should pray for them, but not follow their path.

Think on this one moment.  Would it not be awesome if we would always follow God?  Putting God first in all we do.  Allowing God to be our path of life no matter what circumstance we are in.


We thank you God for being the path of our life.  Thank you for walking with us every day of our life.  We praise you for the love that you show us each day.  Help us be the people that you desire.  Help us to always remember who we need to trust.  We pray for those that are not following you that they may come into a relationship with you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God into your life?  Have you allowed God to lead you down the path of security?  Is today the day that you leave the path you’re walking to follow The path of life that leads straight to God?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Who can be a member of the Church Body

Verses: Psalms 15 : 1 - 5

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

This is a very touchy subject for many people.  Different religious groups have come up with their own idea of who can be connected with a church.  There are many groups that have limited the group to such a small number that it seems impossible for anyone to be a member.

I know that there is a very basic group of people that are welcome into the Church of God.  Jesus didn't stop anyone from hearing the good news.  All were welcome to hear the gospel.  Jesus was willing to allow anyone that had a desire to connect with the gospel to come and hear.

Yet, there is another thing to look at who actually makes up the body of the Church.  Jesus made it obvious that anyone that accepted him as Savior was part of the body of Christ.  The one thing that they needed was to ask forgiveness of their sins and they would be a part of the body of the Church.

If you look at this chapter you can see that there are certain expectations for those that are part of the Church body.  First they must be found blameless in the eyes of God.  Since all have done wrong and sinned there is only one way to be blameless and that is to be covered by the blood of Jesus.  Therefor those that want to be members of Jesus must ask for forgiveness of their sins.  God will grant this anyone who acknowledges that they need the sacrifice of Jesus to forgive their sins.

Secondly, the members of the church of God must be honest and speak the truth of God.  In sense, the Church must teach of the love of God.  They must share the never ending love of God to all people.  To speak that God doesn't love all are you not limiting those that can be members of the body of Christ.  Is this not a judgment which limits the people that God wants to love.  We have to make sure that we always share God's love through our actions and our words.

Third, the Church must show goodness to their neighbors and strangers.  Through our actions we can show people God's love.  We can provide those in the community food, clothing and shelter.  They can show openness of the Church and encourage the community to come.  We can reach out to the less fortunate and show the love that Jesus showed those that were marginalized in his time.  We can offer prayer and support to the ill.  We can bring comfort to those that are hurting or dealing with loss of a loved one.

The most important part is that they live the life following the example of Jesus.  We should be honest and fair to those around them.  We need to practice not harming any person.  People must desire to accept all people at the table of the Savior.  Opening our arms and lives to those in need.  We should lift up prayers for the things that we need.  People should praise God for all the things that will and have happened.  Lastly, asking God for forgiveness and to use you to help others found the saving grace you have found.


Dear God we love you.  We praise you for accepting us as we are.  We honor you for sacrificing yourself for us.  We thank you for teaching us how to truly live.  We ask that you help us use the example you have given.  Help us never stop people from coming to learn about your story.  Help us to accept people into the Church Body that accept you no matter who they are.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Are you reaching out to the world to share the news about God? Are you following the example Jesus taught?  Is there anything that you need to do differently to show your love to God?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fools say there is no God

Verses: Psalms 14 : 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

This is a condemning psalm because it is addressing the state of Israel.  As they are struggling they start to question the power and might of God.  Is it truly possible that God can save them.  Even the leaders have started to question the power of the Almighty.

This is a reference to the time that the temple will fall.  The Psalmist is talking about a time when temple walls will fall because the people have turned their eyes from God.  They have persevered through so many trials through the power and strength of God.  Yet, in their weakness they start to wonder if God is truly there.

When we think about this verse we have to understand that this happens a lot in our society.  When things are going good we proclaim the majestic power of God.  Yet, when things are going bad we start to question God.  The people around us that are not Christians look at our life and see us going through struggles and determine that there is no God.

We have an obligation as Christians to teach the word to all people.  To convince those that believe there is no God the story of everlasting life.  Yet, we need to accept that not all people will turn and take Jesus into their life.  

The church needs to concentrate on its true mission.  There comes a time when we have to stop bickering over our petty differences.  Imagine how it looks when Christians fight each other.

Now I am not Catholic yet, I have come to respect and adore Pope Francis.  It is amazing to watch a man opening the doors to the ones that have had the door slammed into their face.  A leader that is strong enough to say that the people of the world need to be treated equally.  That God's grace is endless.

I also think about Rev Troy Perry and all the other Metropolitan Community Church leaders.  Imagine the struggles that occurred in the early years.  The fires, the bomb threats, the trials of reaching a population that had been alienated from society.  Can you feel the struggle that they must have gone through not only with mainline churches but also with a population that felt that God didn't love them.

This group of men and women sought out those that were marginalized and gave them a place to worship.  As people came to know Christ the church grew.  It was through persecution of the unrighteous and the pious that led to the strength of MCC.

I am also thinking about the many countries where people continue to not have a voice.  The fact, that there are many people that must hide their sexual and gender identity.  The truth is many people meet in secret places just so they can worship the  Creator.  I also think about the hundreds of people that have faced violence and death because of the life God gave them.

The world is not just.  Only God is just and loving. We need to work together to help people see that Jesus was a new temple.  That wherever we are in this world God is there.  To communicate to those that feel isolated and abandoned by God.  To help people understand that God is the light of the world.

People might say that there is none that are righteous and that is true to a point.  All people sin.  Yet, those that accept Christ receive new walking orders daily.   We must do our best to serve God. We need to remember that you might be Jesus's instrument to someone that is suffering and needing hope.


Dear God thank you for not abandoning.  Thank you for accepting where we are in our life.  We ask that you listen to our pleas.  Help us be an instrument of hope and peace in this world of chaos.  Help us never to close our door to those that are in need.  Remind us daily that we are no more than sinners saved by your grace.  Help us to never deny that there is a God.  Help us remember we serve a God that can save us but one that loves us no matter who we are or what we have done in the past.  We know as long as we turn it over to you we will become righteous in your eyes.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you ever denied the existence of God?  Have you felt alone and defeated in this world?  Do you need to turn your life over to God so that you can become righteous in the eyes of the Savior?  Are you living your life so others can see God in you so that they may come to realize the loving forgiving God that we have found?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Asking God for Help

Verses: Psalms 13 : 1 - 6

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

David had gone many things in his life.  This is a simple song letting people know that no matter the problem God has the answer.  God knows our needs and we need to humbly go to God with our petitions.  Even before they are answered we need to lift up praises because we know God will provide what is needed.

David went to God and stated the problem he was facing.  He felt the pain of suffering under his enemies.  David felt hat his enemies had the upper hand in the situations going on in his life.  That he was hurting in his soul and heart because of the pain that was being afflicted on him by his enemies.  He then gave it over to God.  He state his case and what he needed to solve his heartache.  He prays to God and asks for help in his time of great need.  David wants more than anything for God to help him. He is asking for to win over his enemies so that he can rest.

Even before God answers his prayers he lifts up his praises.  He trust God will answer his prayers. Therefor he thanks God for the results that he is praying for.  He knows that without a doubt that no matter what happens God is the rock of his salvation.  He is willing to praise God because of his knowledge that no matter the answer it will be what is best for him.

Isn't there times in our life that we feel overwhelmed.  We feel that we are in a battle that we cannot win.  We feel like the whole world is against us.  We often think our problem is so big that it can’t be fixed.

Yet, there comes a point in time that there is only one solution to our problem.  We have to turn it over to God.  We offer our simple prayer to help us overcome the situation that we are in.  We have to trust that God will answer our prayer.  There are times that God is waiting on us to turn it over and quit trying to fix it our self.

Once we ask God to solve the situation we are in we need to lift up praise.  God wants us to trust that the answer will come.  Even before the prayer is answered we need to thank God for all the things that already happened in our life.  We need to thank God for all the things that will happen.  We need to accept that the answer might not be what we wanted but that is what we need.  We need to make sure that in all things we need to thank God for the blessings that are in our life.


Dear God we thank you for all you have done.  Thank you for answering our prayers.  Thank you for always being by our side.  Help us when we are having problems.  Help us offer up our prayers up to you.  Help us Dear God to turn over all of our situations so that we can live in peace.  Help us offer praise up to you for all that you have and will do throughout our life.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you turning over everything over to God?  Are you offering praises up to God?  Do you trust God will answer your prayers?