
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Taking a Stand can Sometimes be the Hardest Thing we are Asked to DO

Verses: Esther  3 : 1 - 15

My thoughts about the verses:

King Xerxes decides to give power to the Haman.  King Xerxes made him the head of all the leaders.  The people were to bow down and honor him.  Mordecai came every day to the gate.  Yet, he would not bow down to Haman.

This infuriated Haman.  The guards asked Mordecai why he would not bow to Haman.  His simple answer is that he was a Jew and would only bow down to God.  The guards and Haman could not understand this.  The days passed and still Mordecai would not bow down to Haman.

Haman finally decides the only way to get revenge is to kill Mordecai.  Yet, that isn't enough he wanted all the Jews dead.  The plot was simple convince the King that there were a group of people under his rule that would not obey his commands.  This would force the King to go along with his plan. Remember Xerxes was a very flamboyant King.  There could be no one that did not do as he desired.  To do this was totally against his authority and that had to be stopped.

So the plan was put in motion.  It could not be reversed because the law of the King was the absolute law of the land.  Haman chose a date to kill all the Jews.  This would end his pain and humiliation that Mordecai had brought him.  It would show others that they could not stand against the King or himself.  Simple you do not do what the King wants and you and your people will die.

I can remember standing my ground on an issue that I thought was worth fighting.  I could not see any more people suffering due to their HIV status.  I wanted to end the disease anyway I could.  I can remember the nights that I would show up in the local bar handing out Condoms.  I remember working a hot line to help people who were scared about the disease that so little was known about.  I didn't do it for glory or praise.  I did it because it was the right thing to do.

My friends and family were in shock.  Some even question if I had the disease.  They didn't understand that there are times that you have to stand up for a cause.  I felt like every time I helped someone I was doing the work of God.  I was ridiculed by some because they thought this was a punishment sent from God to stop what they felt was bad behavior. I knew simply that people should not be sick.  I did lose a few friends yet I think back now and realize that they must not have been friends if they would not stand with me.

Look in your life have you ever taken a stand against something?  We all have something that we will fight for.  When your fight surrounds growing the Realm of God you will receive great rewards.  The reward might not be gained here on Earth.  Yet, know that God sees in your heart and if you are taking a stand because of the love you have for the ultimate Ruler of the world you will get your reward in Heaven.


Dear God we thank you for showing us how to stand up.  We thank you for the times that you have put a burning desire in our hearts to fight back against tyranny.  We thank you for Jesus who taught us that sacrificing for others is a worthy cause.  May we always remember those that you sent to help us along our path.  Dear God we ask that you help us stand up for a cause that helps grow the Heavenly Realm.  May we always be reminded that someone stood up for us and that we need to do the same for others.  In the Name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you ever stood up for a cause?  Did you get backlash because of your stance?  Did you cave in to the neigh Sayers and stop doing the right thing?  Are you willing today to stand up for injustice?  What reward is waiting you in Heaven?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mordecai and Esther save the King

Verses: Esther  2  : 19 - 23

My thoughts about the verses:

Mordecai was very worried about his niece Esther.  Even though she was the Queen he worried that if her identity was found out she would be dethroned.  So he came every day to the palace gate to keep an eye on his beloved niece.  Esther respected Mordecai and did as he had told her and told no one that she was a Jew.

One day as he is sitting at the gate he learns that two of the guards are plotting to kill the King. Now the guards did not know that Esther was his niece and as he learned of the plot he knew he had to do something.  So he tells Esther of the plot to kill the King.  He tells her to warn Xerxes.  Again being faithful to her uncle she tells the story and also tells the King that she learned of the plot from Mordecai.

Now this was a risky situation for both Mordecai and Esther.  Accusing guards of plotting to kill the King was quite dangerous.  The King investigated the situation and discovered that this was something that was actually being planned.  He then punishes the guards by impaling their bodies. To show what would happen if others plotted against the King.  He then had the whole history written in the books so that he would not forget those that had saved his life.

Have you ever stepped out and put your own integrity on the line.  I can remember something that happened when I worked at a restaurant.  I was there working and watched someone give food away.  At the time I was just only 16 years old and the person that I was accusing was much older.  Not only that but they had been there a long time.  I thought to myself should I say anything or should I just keep quite. Before I could think that customer was gone and he was waiting on the next customer.  

Then the next customer came up told him hey buddy can we do the usual.  He said yes and before I knew it he was doing it again.  As a newbie I walked over to the supervisor and told her what I was witnessing.  At first she was reluctant that I was witnessing what I was saying.  So she watched and sure enough he didn't ring it up.  Handed it to the man walked away with free food.  She immediately walked over and printed out his receipts and sure enough the two meals were never ringed up.  I had placed my reputation on the line with only one day under my belt, but it proved to be the right thing.  I ended up becoming one of the youngest shift managers because what I had done that day.  I learned that sometimes the right thing does hurt.  Yet, doing the wrong thing hurts a whole lot worse.


Dear God we thank you for giving us the example of how to live our life.  Thank you for not being afraid of doing the right thing.  Thank you for showering us with blessings when we do what is right.  We ask that you help us live up to your expectations.  We ask that you guide us each day so that we can become the person you desire for us to be.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been faced with a hard decision?  Are you willing to step out in faith?  Can you help others even when they are against you?  What can you do today to further the presence of God in the world?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Unexpected becomes the Queen of Persia

Verses:  Esther 2 : 1 - 18

My thoughts about the verses:

The King realizes what he had done, but it is too late.  He had exiled his Queen and now is feeling very lonely.  His advisers come up with yet another brilliant idea.  The Idea excites the King.  They suggest that the beautiful virgins of the land are brought to the palace.  The one the King likes the best becomes the new Queen.

Now Xerxes loved the idea.  He liked the idea that he got to choose from all the beautiful women. He set up special rules that the women would have to go through beauty treatments.  This was to even make them more desirable to him.  They were placed under the care of one of his eunuchs.

Esther who is a member of the Jewish community is taken into the household to become one of the options for the King.  This is where God puts his plan into action.  The Eunuch finds favor in Esther and places her in a higher part of the Kings household.  The day finally comes and she goes into see the King.  The King falls head over heels for Esther.  He immediately chooses her to be his new queen.

I wonder if he would have done this if he knew her secret.  See Esther had been told by her uncle who had raised her not to tell anyone that she was Jewish.  The Jewish community was slaves to the King.  They were conquered people.  Now the conquered people have a place of power.  Yet, you have to remember the rules still apply that were established because of Queen Vashti.  Esther was a trophy to be shown.  She was very beautiful and very obedient.  She was following the advice her uncle had given her. See we are sometimes put into places that we feel uncomfortable.  God can use us even if we consider ourselves unworthy.  If we allow God to lead and guide us we can become great things.  It is amazing to think that a woman who was from a conquered people became a member of the royal household.

Think about the times that God has placed you some place that  you didn't fit in.  I can remember multiple times in my life that I was in a situation where I felt like I was a fish out of water.  The job that I worked led me to work with groups of people that held much higher positions.  There were multiple times when I was leading the workshop and was so amazed and how comfortable I got overtime.  Yet, before I got to the meeting my stomach was full of butterflies.  How was I going to make through this new situation.  Then one day it hit me.  These people have the same fear I have. They don't know what I am teaching them so in some ways I have a step above them.  It ended up making my job a little easier.


Dear God we thank you for the plans that you have for our life.  We thank you for trusting us enough to accomplish your goals.  We ask that you help us live our faith. Help guide us so that we can do what you need us to do.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a situation?  Have you stepped out and done things you never thought possible?  Are you walking in faith?  What do you need to do today to help people have a closer walk with God?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Queen Vashti Disobeys the King

Verses:  Esther  1 : 1 - 22

My thoughts about the verses:

Esther is an amazing book because it deals with the rule of the Persians over the Jewish community.  There are many things that we can learn from this story.  The story occurs under the rule of King Xerxes.  To understand the story you have to understand what was happening during this time in history.  The Persians were nearing the end of their reign.  They ruled by complete authority and power.  They went through several different leaders.  The fact is that they could not help themselves they felt like they had to keep growing.  They eventually spread themselves so thin that they fell to Greece.

Yet, this story happens before the fall.  The rulers were very flamboyant.  When they won victories they would throw elaborate parties to celebrate their feats.  They humiliated their enemies by impaling them on sticks.  We join the story right during one of their elaborate parties.

The room was elaborated decorated and all the male leaders were present.  They were also drinking all of the wine they could consume.  It was a way of showing that they were victors that had endless power and wealth.  While the men are partying and getting stumbling drunk the Queen throws a party for the women of the other leaders.

Now Queen Vashti was beautiful and so the King wanted to parade her in front of the other leaders.  He was showing off just one more of his trophies.  So he sends seven eunuchs to bring the Queen to his party.  It says he was high in spirits because of all her drinking.  So we can assume he was punch drunk and bragging about his beautiful wife.  Haven't we all seen this at one time or another.  We all know people who parade their spouse as a trophy.

The Queen did something that was unforgivable she said NO.  She did not want to be paraded around as a trophy.  She knew her husband was drunk and she did not want to be humiliated. Have you ever been in a situation when you were embarrassed for the person you were with.  They had allowed a substance to overtake them and then they want to parade you around.  Have you ever just said NO.  thinking to you I am not giving them the opportunity to embarrass me just because they want to show me off.

Now the King gets mad.  He pulls together his closest allies to discuss what needs to be done.  Now here is where things change.  The advisers say to him if you don't do something other women are going to start to do this.  They were afraid that other women would start disobeying their husbands. Now this is something hard for today's society to understand.  You have to remember that women were property.  They were not seen as equals and the fact that a woman would stand up to a man was seen as unforgivable.  To make matters worse this was the King being told NO.  He could not bury his head in the sand.  If he didn't stop this other women would start thinking they could rule their husbands.

So the King made three decrees.  First he exiles Queen Vashti from the presence of the King.  Too further humiliate her and to teach women a lesson he took her position away from her.  Lastly, he passed an order that went out to all the land that husbands were to be the rulers of the house.  Those women had to do what their husbands commanded.  In actuality, he just wrote down the law that made women property.  This tradition stood for years to come.  In some cultures women are still ruled and considered property by their husbands.

This event is important for the Jewish community at that time.  Yet, no one knew how it would make a difference in the community surviving.  It is important to remember that God works in mysterious ways.  The laws and decrees passed that day would soon be the saving grace of the entire Jewish community.  The world would be a much different place if things had gone differently with Queen Vashti.  If the decrees had not been placed the lineage of Jesus would have been killed that day.  So it is important to remember that sometimes the strangest things can mean big things to God.

I think back to what recently occurred in the United States.  Laws are being challenged and the government just ended a partial shutdown.  Yet, I believe God is doing this so people can see how things need to change.  Sometimes it is our vote that can change the way our country works. God does work through things, and often the change is not what people expected. Sometimes it takes years to see how one law changed by a government benefits God's people.


Dear God thank you for working big miracles through your people.  Thank you for helping the people during their many times of captivity.  Dear God we thank you for being with us during all of our struggles.  Dear God we ask you to protect us. Help us learn from our History so that we don't repeat past mistakes.  In your Holy Name we pray Amen


Have you allowed God to use you?  Are you willing to be a leader and not a follower?  What do you need to do today to ensure that God's will is done?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How Much Do You Love Jesus

Verses: John 21 : 15 - 25

My thoughts about the verses:

We know that Peter denied Jesus three times as he was scared of being crucified with Christ.  Then here comes Jesus asking Peter three times do you love me.  Each time he asks Peter these he gives him a charge.  These charges show what we must do to serve God.  Walking in faith is more than words it is actions.  You can say that you love Jesus all you want.  Yet, if you do not show your faith do you truly love Jesus with your whole heart.  It is very important that we share God with others and take care of those that are in the fold of the Jesus.

Let us examine the three charges.  The first is that Peter is to feed his lambs.  This is not just a physical food but a spiritual food.  We are to feed the flock the truth.  The flock cannot flourish if they are not exposed to the food, word, of God.

The second charge is to take care of the sheep.  Taking care of the sheep is a way of protecting them.  Again this does not just mean in a physical sense.  We need to pray for the flock so that they will be safe.  They may grow and discover their own path.

The third charge is probably the hardest to understand.  We are to take care of the sheep by putting our life on the line.  Simply we cannot hide in the shadows of others for the flock to be taken care of.  Instead we must step out and be the leaders of tomorrow.  Peter was being told that he would one day face the same persecution that Jesus faced.  He was told that this was to be done to glorify God.  So what does this mean for us.  We must be willing to do those things that make us uncomfortable.   Sometimes putting yourself on the line means stepping outside the box you have built.  For the Church to grow it must go to the very limits.  Followers must also push themselves to the limit. To go outside their comfort zone and witness to those that is different than they are.

The question is who Is the lamb that Jesus is talking about?  Jesus loves all people.  The lambs are all people.  The fact is that what Jesus wants us to do is to be there for all the people.  Not just those in our own group.  This means that all people that desire a relationship with God need to be taken care of.  who are searching and haven't found their way home need to be protected and fed.  Those that are in the fold need the nourishment of the word to continue growing.  We are part of the flock and we need to make sure that no one is left behind.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for guiding us and leading us down the correct path.  We ask that you help us reach out to those in need.  We ask that you bless us with strength as we go out into the world.  Dear God use us so that no one will feel alone.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the charge that Jesus gave the followers?  Have you helped the flock flourish? Have you fed people spiritually and physically?  Have you protected people by praying for them? What do you need to do to spread the word of God to those in need?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fisherman of the World

Verses: John 21 : 1 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

The followers had been fisherman before they had started following Jesus.  Peter decides to go fishing and several other followers go with him.  They fish all night and catch no fish.  Now this is quite ironic when you think about it because they had made their living catching fish.  Then all of a sudden here there are doing their worldly task and they are not able to catch one fish.

After being all night they hear this voice on the shore asking if they have caught any fish.  When they answer no they are told to put their nets on the other side of the boat.  Immediately it fills with more fish than they could even get aboard the ship.  The followers immediately know that it is Jesus on the shore.  Peter doesn't wait he jumps in the water and goes to Jesus.  The rest of the followers come to shore in the boat.

I believe there is a valuable lesson that we can learn from this scripture.  Sometimes we tend to think we accomplish things on our own.  We do not put Jesus first we put ourselves first.  We lose focus on what our real job is.  The job is to become fisherman of the world. To do this we must go where God has sent us.  We must use what God has given us.  If we follow these simple guidelines we will be the messengers God desires from us.

Yet, if we keep fishing our own way  we will never find our way.  Putting our nets where we want to put them.  Not stepping out of our comfort zone.  Staying in the place we fill comfortable.  We will fail in our mission of bringing people to God.

Followers need to focus on what they do best.  They need to concentrate on allowing God to use us and to do what we are asked.  We need to go outside our comfort zone and reach out on the other side of the boat.  We often miss bringing people to God because we do not think God wants us to go there.  Sometimes the hardest thing is listening to that soft voice inside that says go there. Put your nets on the other side of the boat.  Get out of your comfort zone and go where I am sending you.  For us to grow as a Church and as a stronger Christian we have to listen to that voice.  God only wants well for us so never be afraid to do things differently if it will lead to souls being brought to Christ.


Dear God we thank you for teaching us that we must depend on you.  We thank you for giving us second chances.  We ask that you help us put our own needs behind us.  God we ask that you help us focus on you and what we need to do to help others.  Help us always remember that you are our strength.  Give us the ability to listen to what you want us to do.  Help us become the fisherman that you desire from us.  We pray this in your Holy Name. Amen


Have you stepped out of the box?  Have you become the fisherman that God wants from you? What must you need to do right now to follow God closer?  Have you listened to the voice inside that is guiding you?  Have you chosen to answer your call?  Are you willing to do what God is asking you to do?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Faith is Believing without Seeing

Verses: John 20 : 24 - 31

My thoughts about the verses:

I often feel so sorry for poor Thomas.  He wasn't there the first time Jesus appeared to the followers.  So when they told him that he was alive and that he saw him.  You know what he was thinking you aren't going to fool me.  Jesus is dead, his body has been stolen.  Sure you might have seen him but he wasn't alive.

There they are locked back behind the door.  You would think they would be out in the open but they are still scared and worried about the future.  Then in the midst Jesus appears. How humbling would you be if you were singled out by Jesus.  That is exactly what happened.  Jesus says Thomas come and put your hand in the scars where the nails pierced my hand.  Take your hand and touch my side so that you will know that I am alive.

Thomas immediately professes that he believes that this is Jesus.  The true Messiah was there. His doubting was gone he had the faith that he needed.  Jesus blessed him for believing because he saw the wounds.

Yet, what he points out is something that those from that day forward needed to understand true faith believes without seeing.  We have to trust in God completely without depending on our sight. We have to accept that Parent loved us so much that the beloved son was sent to perish for our sins.  This is what true faith is about.  We hear so often that seeing believes.  Yet, faith takes it one step further it believes without seeing.

We are much like those earlier followers they had doubts and worries.  There were times that they were scared.  There were times that their faith was shaken.  Yet, even though their struggles they knew they had Jesus in their life.  We need to take their lead and know that we have the Holy Spirit with us through everything.  Understanding that you can call on help even when no one is around you can make you stronger and help you grow your faith.  All God asks is that you accept that Jesus died so you can be free.  If you can have that much faith you can conquer all your challenges.  Your doubts can turn into belief and your faith will blossom.


Dear God we thank you for the gift of Jesus.  We thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit to live within us so that we can grow.  Right now God we ask that you help grow our faith.  Help us understand that Jesus is with us no matter what is happening in our life.  Help us to grow in our faith.  we praise you for your power and your strength.  dear God help us draw on that strength as we move through this life.  In you Holy Name we Pray Amen.


Have you allowed your worries and doubts to fill your life?  Have you allowed God to fill your life with the Holy Spirit?  Are you allowing your faith to lead your way?  Have you allowed the world to scare you?  Is this the day that you allow God to take away all your fears so that you can become stronger?