
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Healed through Faith

Verses: Luke 18 : 35 - 43

My thoughts about the verses:

I want to start by saying that I believe there are many types of healing.  I believe some people will receive the gift of physical healing.  I believe others receive the gift of spiritual healing.  Others will receive the gift of emotional healing.  Anyone that asks and believes will be healed.  Yet, it might not be the type of healing that you desired.

I know that I would have loved physical healing.  Yet, what I found out is if you let God give you what you need you will be blessed.  I want it know that I truly believe in the gift of Healing.  I actually believe that there has been a few times in my life that God had worked through me to bring healing to those that needed it.

It is hard for people to look at me and hear me say that.  I have had people say if you would just believe you will have your body healed.  I have others say why you have accepted that you will not get physically better.  Do you not have enough faith in God.  Yet, what I want to tell those that read this that I actually believe that I have been healed.  It wasn't my physical body that needed the healing but I needed emotional and spiritual healing.

When you look at this particular story Jesus asks the man what he wanted from God and he said his sight.  Jesus gave him back his sight because the man trusted that Jesus could do that.  Yet, for me I did not limit God's healing.  I said God give me the healing that I need.  I know that I am stronger now emotionally and spiritually than I have been in my whole life.  Every day I grow even stronger because heard my prayer and answered.

I believe that God is using me as a witness just like he used the blind man.  See if I had all of a sudden being physically healed then I would not be on the path that I am now.  I would still be working, which was my biggest stumbling block.  Instead what God did was heal my Spirit.  Jesus calmed my spirit and gave me the strength to share with others that illnesses are not the end of the world.  I still struggle when I cannot do things that I used to do.  Yet, I am not mad at God.  In fact, I know that when I am struggling I am not letting the gift that was given to me to be seen by others.

Simple ask and you will be healed.  Have faith that God will do what needs to be done in your life and it will happen.  After you have received the gifts lift up the praises to God.  Share with others that you are well because God has set you free from the pain that was affecting you.  Praise God and you will grow closer and stronger to the one that has made you whole.


We thank you God for the healing that you have done in my life.  We thank you God for the healing that you have done for others.  Thank you for being with us when we did not deserve it.  Thank you for your unconditional love.  Help us praise your name.  In the name of the one who Has Set us Free.  Amen


Do you have faith in God?  Do you believe God can heal you?  What do you need to turn over to God now?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Jesus prepares the Disciples for his Death

Verses: Luke 18 : 31- 34

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine for one moment if you were one of the disciples.  You had left everything to follow Jesus.  Jesus was not only your teacher but your friend.  You are willing to do anything to spread the news that he has placed in your heart.  Can you imagine the chock and doubt that would cloud your mind when Jesus tells you that he would be beaten and killed.

I know I would be like this is crazy.  You are the Son of God.  There is no way that you are going to die.  Look at me I believe you I have left everything to follow you.  Come on where is the punch line. This has to be a joke.

Yet, Jesus doesn't waiver from his prediction.  He knew the disciples would not understand.  Isn't it true that it is those that we are the closest to that have the hardest time to believing the hard things that are happening in our life.  I can remember telling my parents and wife that I would never get any better.  That I was resolved that this was going to be okay that it wasn't the end of the world.  That I might not be the way I used to be physically but emotionally, spiritually and mentally nothing had changed.  I can still see the looks on their faces.   I know they were thinking don't give up.  Fight hard there has to be away to get better.

The disciples had to be right there at that moment.  They went right up to the moment Jesus was taken not accepting the destiny that would happen.  Yet, Jesus knew that if he foretold his death that they would be able to accept his return.

I think of the TV show that came out last season in which people that had been dead for different amounts of life started showing up alive and at their loved ones houses.  They were in shock questioning how this is possible.  I mean people don't come back to life and walk up to you on the street.

Yet, isn't that what Jesus wanted the disciples to understand.  He was preparing them for the moment that the stone would be rolled away.  The moment the disciples would be free forever.  He was getting them ready for the moment that Jesus would rise victorious over death and sin.

It is important that it says the truth of the matter was hidden from the disciples.  It shows us how hard it is to accept Jesus.  Yet, we know that these things did happen.  The disciples witnessed it and were able to spread the news.  You can almost see them sitting around and saying you remember when Jesus said this would happen.  I can hear Peter saying I never thought it would happen.  Yet, now I know that he was getting us ready for the next part of our journey.


Thank you for accepting the pain that should have been us.  Thank you for taking our death upon your shoulders.  Thank you for loving us even though we did not deserve it.  Help us accept what you have for us to learn.  Help us tell others about your saving Grace.  Help us tell the story about the Savior that will return to claim us.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen


Two simple questions

1) Do you believe the story of Jesus's life, death and resurrection?

2) If not what more do you need to hear or see to accept?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Those that Believe in God will Receive more in Eternal Life than they Ever Thought Possible

Verses: Luke 18 : 26 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

So you might ask yourself what happens if I leave everything behind and follow God?  Just think about what the disciples did.  They walked away from their families and their life.  They walked with Jesus learning how to be the first generation of Christians. They had walked with Jesus because of their Faith.

Jesus promises us two things one there is no one that cannot be saved.  Anyone that chooses to follow God with their hearts will be saved.  Those that through faith accepted the gift of eternal life will receive it.  They might not have everything that they desire on Earth yet, their slate will be wiped clean.

Secondly Jesus promises that he can provide more than we can ever imagine.  The gifts that we are given are not always of this world.  Instead the gifts will be more than we can ever imagine could ever happen.

Faith is the only prerequisite of having the gift of salvation.  Yet, we are often worrying is that enough. Is there more than we need to do to make sure that we make it to the loving arms of God at the end of our life?  Yet, here is a point I want to make it isn't our actions that take away our trespasses.  The actions of Jesus did the clearing.  Yet, it is our choice to accept.

People have always wondered what Heaven will be like.  I can't answer that question for you.  Yet, what I can tell you if you give your life over to God here on this Earth you will find the one thing many of us strive to find.  That gift is unconditional love.  We think we find it in others yet, only the Savior can give you that love.  God's love is a love that never ceases.  I love knowing that if I was the only one that would have accepted Jesus he still would have gone to the cross so that I could be free.

So lay down your worries and pick up the gift of security.  Lay down your struggles and pick up the gift of freedom.  Lay down your past life so and accept the new life.  When you do these things great things will happen to you.  You will walk in freedom and love.  Things that you thought were impossible will happen.  Your life will be changed forever.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  Thank you for saving us when we do not deserve it.  Thank you for taking away our worries and making us whole.  Help us walk in faith with you.  Help us leave our old life behind so that we can take on our new life.  In the name of the Risen Savor we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God with all of your heart?  Have you left your old self behind?  Have you taken on the new life God wants to give you?  Is there anything that you need to let go of so that you can receive all that God wants you to have?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It is Hard to Follow God

Verses: Luke 18 : 18 - 25

My thoughts about the verses:

It is very hard to follow God.  We do many things to do anything to keep from serving God.  We take on jobs that keep us from being able to serve.  We plan vacations and mini weekend excursions that keep us away from the temple.  We choose activities that keep us out of the spotlight.  We use our illnesses and education limitations to say we can’t serve God.

Now I know some are going to be upset with this blog, but I really feel that we need to look at our own lives.  When you look inward you are less likely to be able to judge others.  Because when you look at what you do to distance yourself God you cannot judge others for things that they may do.  See it is our actions that keep us from truly serving God.  God gives us all the opportunities to be the witness we need to be in the world yet, we choose to do other things instead of answering our call.

I know one of the obstacles that came up for me was the fact that I was a woman.  I was taught from a young age that women could not preach.  Yet, I felt the call to tell others about Jesus.  So when I was younger I believed that my call was to teach children.  I spent a lot of energy on making sure that children heard the story of God.

Yet, a second obstacle came up and that was when I came out as a Lesbian.  Many would think of this as the double whammy.  I knew that there was a call on my life yet, what could I do.  Then I found the Metropolitan Community Church in my hometown.  I knew right then and there that the second door in my ministry had been opened.  God was leading me to teach others just like me about the love of God.

Then I did the craziest thing.  After searching for years how to minister I allowed a job and other things to become a stumbling block to me.  I was running from my call because I felt that I had to make money to survive.  I had to provide so that we could live.  Yet, through it all my heart ached and my soul had a part that was being ripped apart.

One day I asked God to help me get back to your call.  I never expected what would happen next.  I lost my job not because of anything that I had done.  My body had started falling apart.  I had to put my trust back into God.  Now when you are sick it is really easy to throw in the towel and feel defeated.  I will have to admit that anger hit me for a while.  Yet, I knew that somehow this was an answer to the prayer that I had prayed.

Now I am able to reach people with the story of love that I never would have been able to talk to.  It amazes me how many people from so many different countries and continents have found this little blog.  Yes there are days that I cannot post especially the last few months as I have dealt with illness and surgery.  Yet, I know that God has opened the channel for me.

Now what does this apply to others that are reading this.  First of all there are some obstacles that seem insurmountable.  We have obstacles that have been placed in our faith journey by others.  Yet, if you are willing to serve God a path will be made clear.  There are other things that we put in the path that keep us from serving God.  In those things God will eventually clear the path so that you can do what you are called to do.

This man felt like he was doing all he needed to do to serve the one who had Created him.  Yet, what he was missing is that you cannot serve the world and Jesus.  You have to put God first and when you do miracles happen.  You might not believe it at the time.  Yet, if you talk to anyone that gives their life over to God's call they will tell you of the little miracles that come about.

I am not sure what the next obstacle will be.  Yet, what I know is if I continue serving God and living the call on my life there is nothing me and Jesus will be able to overcome.


Dear God thank you for being there for us when we run and hide.  Thank you for never leaving us even when we put other things first.  Thank you for the call that you have placed in our life.  Thank you for loving us when we do not deserve it.  Help us follow your call.  Help us never to put things before you.   We thank you for breaking the obstacles that we put between you and us.  We thank you for tearing down the obstacles so we can serve you.  In the name of the Great Guide of Life we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the call that God has placed on your life?  Are you finding it hard to follow God?  Is there something that you need to put out of your life so that you can serve God?  Are you being an obstacle to someone else's call?  What do you need to do today to Follow God?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Trusting God as a Child Trusts

Verses: Luke 18 : 15 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Kids are amazing people.  They have the ability to trust and love without getting anything in return. Spend a few minutes with a small child and you can’t help but fall in love with them.  I love sitting in a restaurant and spotting that one little baby that is just smiling and waving at all the adults that are now acting like little kids.

Being around kids has that ability to make you to think back to happy moments in your own life.  No matter what has happened we all have that one memory that we go back to and can remember the fun of just being a kid.  Maybe it was a birthday, maybe a special holiday or a person that always gave you big hugs.  Those moments help remind us what it feels like to be innocent and truly trusting.

Imagine if everyone kept that innocence.  That total trust of the world around them.  I happened to be one of those kids, might shock all of you :), that never met a stranger.  I loved being around adults and getting special treatment as life went on in my life.  My best friends were not kids, but rather adults that protected me and guided me.

In those moments when I think of my relationship I go immediately back to my childhood.  I see Jesus as this wise older adult that is there to protect me.  That I am loved unconditionally and that Jesus is waiting just to reach out and give me one of those big hugs I received from different family members.

What Jesus wants us to know that if we just go to him he will take us in our arms.  That Jesus will love you for just who you are.  You are protected by the loving arms that embrace you and carry you in our times of need.  We need to trust that God will never leave us.  That the One who created us is also the One who saves us.

See if we go to God as children we do not put up barriers between God and us.  Instead we freely give ourselves over God.  We allow God to enter our heart and to cleanse away the things that we have done that would have separated from our Savior.  When you go to God as a child you have the utmost trust and faith that God will not reject you and you will find the love that you need in your life.

There is one more thing that I want to point out and that is that Jesus did not let the disciples stop the children from coming.  All Christians need to remember this.  We cannot judge who God will accept as children.  Therefor we should never be a stumbling block that comes between God and those that desire to be a child of God.  We need to open up our arms and hearts so that we create a welcoming environment. If we live as children of God we will open the doors for all those that need to find the love and forgiveness of God.


Dear God thank you for your unconditional love.  Thank you for opening your arms and heart to welcome us home.  Help us be the people that you desire us to be.  Help us see you as the one that created us and loves us as we are.  Help us never to be a stumbling block for your children.  Give us the heart of a child so that we can trust you and those that you have sent in our life as a witness of true Christianity.  In the Name of Our Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you trusted God?  Have you seen Jesus as if you were a child needing a protector and friend?  Have you ever stopped someone from coming to Christ?  Are you willing to be there for others that need to find God's love?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Choosing to be Right with God

Verses: Luke 18 : 9 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

From the title you can see that I believe that our relationship with God is based on the choices we make.  Now before you get all bent out of shape I want to explain why I believe this.  I believe that people can choose to love God.  I believe that we can choose to be humble in the sight of God.  I also believe that we can choose to put others down so that we can seem to be better.

Clearly Jesus death on the cross was a choice that Jesus did freely.  The choice to give up life so that we could live was one that was taken on gladly.  If you choose to accept Christ as your Savior there is no turning back.  You have chosen a path that will determine your future.  You are now a child of God that has been forgiven for the trespasses that you have and will make.

Yet, we can choose how we live the path that we are walking on.  We can put others down or we can lift them up.  We can see ourselves as undeserving of God's grace and accept that Jesus loves us as we are. We can walk through life assuming that we deserved God's love because of how righteous we are.  Yet, if we choose to walk down this path are you not making yourself the center of Grace instead of making God the center.

See the lesson Jesus wants us to learn is that the gift of eternal life is a totally free gift.  We did nothing to earn it.  That it was through the pain and suffering of Christ on the cross that has led to the freedom that we now have.  When you understand that our salvation comes from grace then you are able to make the right choices.

You become humbled by the fact that you are not worthy of the gift.  Yet, God loved you enough to send Jesus to die for you.  You come to the realization that there is no way you can ever pay Jesus back for the salvation that is now given to you.  You are given the chance to walk down the path of life with a mere glimpse of the future hope that is yours.  I am blessed to have a Savior that would die for me when I was so undeserving.

I can see the disciples listening to this story and all of a sudden learning the new twist.  The ones that seem not  to deserve salvation are the ones that need it the most.  The ones that beg for mercy and reconciliation have already received it.  Those that stand and pray acting as if they are better than others are actually less important than those that come in complete humbleness to God.

Pride is something that we all deal with in one way or another.  Yet, what we need to do is put our pride into prospective.  If it is keeping us from showing gratitude to God are we truly living the full potential of grace.  If our pride is keeping us from helping others are we allowing God to use us.  Pride isn't a bad word that we should be ashamed of having.  Yet, we should always remember that knowing when to be prideful and when to be humble is one of the gifts that God gives those that will follow.


Thank you God for loving us when we did not deserve it.  We thank you Jesus for dying on the cross when we were sinners.  We thank you Holy Spirit for entering our lives to make us complete.  Help us always remember that we are your children.  Help us never to look down on others.  Help us be a people that you are proud to say are your children.  In the name of The Creator we pray.  Amen


What path of life have you chosen?  Are you walking with pride of who you are or are you walking with pride because of who God is?  What do you need to do today to walk closer to God?

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Not Only Pray for what you Need but also Believe in God

Verses: Luke 18 : 1 -8

My thoughts about the verses:

I feel this is a message that hits at the core of Christianity.  We as a people pray endlessly for what we need.  We pray for our family, we pray for our community, we pray for our fellow brothers and sisters. Yet, do we take the time to Believe in God.  Do we Believe God is there hearing our prayers? Do we Believe that God answers our prayers and gives us what we need?

There are lessons that we can learn from both the Judges role in the story and also from the woman's role.  I want to start with the lessons that we can learn from the woman in the story.  The first lesson is perseverance.  She never gave up asking the Judge for what she thought was rightfully hers.  She didn't go once and just give up instead she kept petitioning for what she felt was her rights.  We can learn from this that we should be diligent in our prayers.

The second thing that we can learn is that we will be given what we need.  God will provide what we need when we ask for it.  That through our Faithfulness God will give us exactly what we need.  The fact is that we might not get the exact thing we want instead through faith we will receive what we need.  To show our faithfulness to God we need to do one major thing and that is to offer praise to God. Like the woman who went back over and over again to the Judge.  We need to praise God over and over again.

Now let us look at the Judge and the lesson we can learn.  the Judge did not believe in God yet he knew two things for sure.  One if he did not grant the woman's wishes she would return over and over to plead her case.  Secondly, if he granted her pleas then she would go away.  The truth is the Judge is only willing to give the woman her needs to stop her from her incessant begging. This is different from the way God reacts.  God gives because of love.

Now let us look at things this way.  Most of us may be wondering just why God is willing to give us what we need.  Is there something that God gets from giving to us.  In reality there is something that we can give God when our prayers are answered.  We can give God our praise.  In fact, we can give God our praise all the time.  If we believe in God we are to offer those praises all the time.  God hears us even we do not pray.  God knows our needs and will answer our prayers even without our asking.  Yet, when we offer God our praise we are giving glory to what God has and will do for us.

God is just and wants to do good things for the people that offer up praise to the one that created them. God hears our needs even when we keep them close to our heart.  God gives to us because of love.  In turn we should praise God not for what we get but, because of the love that we have for God.  Simply love God with your heart, mind and soul and your worries will be wiped away.  You might not have the exact things that you want but you will have the things you need.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for providing our needs.  Thank You for sending Jesus so that we may have our slates wiped clean.  We praise you for all that you have and will do for us.  Dear God help us always stay focused on serving you.  Help us always to offer you praise.  Be with us in our times of need and help us thank you when you for what you have done for us.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen


Do you thank God for the things that  are given to you?  Do you offer praise for the love that God gives freely?  Do you praise God as much as you pray for your needs?  What do you need to do today to help others find the true love of God?