
Friday, August 2, 2013

Jesus Enters the Temple and Predicts his Death and Resurrection

God Restores the Spirit of Those that Accept Jesus as Savior
Verses: John 2: 13-21

My thoughts about the verses:

I believe that God allows us to see the things that we need to see to help us fully understand the love and compassion that God has for us.  Have you ever noticed that there are always one or two trees in a field without leaves.  Have you thought about it and wondered why this had occurred.  Do you ever think that God is trying to show us that all things can be saved.  This tree is no different and it really shows how God can resurface in your life if that is your desire.  I bet the tree misses its leaves and wants to be restored.  Where is the best place to start this.  We have to start back at the root.  See the green working itself up the tree.  Amazingly this tree will hopefully one day be restored and its beauty show.

I think of the tree as those that have lost their connection with God.  The green growth at the bottom is Jesus.  Yet, the restoration is occurring somewhere that we cannot see it.  Deep down in the roots, our soul, God is rebuilding that direct link with God.  The wind may come and blow our leaves off but if we stay focused on God we will have everlasting spiritual connection to the one that loves us more than anyone or anything does.

This is probably not the first time you have heard the story of Jesus running the money changers out of the temple.  Jesus proclaimed in scripture that this is not the way the house of God was to be used.  I love the fact that Jesus took a whip made out of cords to drive those selling out of the temple.  Shocking to think that a whip would one day is used on Jesus.

This story occurs because the Jewish leaders have allowed individuals to come into the temple to sell items for sacrifice.  Ironic as it might seem the temple had become a market place.  The synagogue had become A place where items were bought and sold so that people could ask forgiveness for their sins.  I can almost see Jesus coming into the middle of the crowd and throwing the people out.  How could they expect Jesus or anyone else to truly worship at a place that bought forgiveness instead of offering it freely.

I believe that there is a much bigger meaning to this story.  In actuality isn't the story establishing what the temple should be.  I believe that Jesus is saying that this is a place of refuge.  The temple, home of God, should be a place where all can be safe.  Where those that desire to meet and commune with God could come to one place and be accepted even if they suffered in the world.

Jesus then had to deal with the Jewish leaders who were attempting to discredit him.  You can imagine them being upset here comes this man from Nazareth that has come into the temple and trying to change things.  So they tempt him by saying show us a miracle.

Now Jesus could have immediately fulfilled their request with a snap of the finger.  Then they would have the ammunition that they were looking for.  They also wanted him to tell them that he was the Son of God.  Jesus was ruining their plans.  They wanted a King that would come in and take back the land that God have given the Jews.  Yet, Jesus wasn't coming to do this instead he was preaching that he was the messiah that had come to restore their connection with God.

See Jesus wasn’t sent because God left us.  Instead Jesus was sent because we walked away from God.  Yet, instead of God allowing us to do it alone Jesus was sent here for one single mission to build a link between us and the Parent.

Jesus took on the challenge as only he could.  He said I will tear down the temple and I will rebuild it in three days.  I can almost hear the laughter of all those around him.  Today would never fully grasp how long and tedious it took to build the temple.  We think of modern equipment and think it must be an exaggeration that the temple took 46 years.  Yet, in the days that it was built the technology was not there and it was made by the blood and tears of those that worked hard to cut and lay each stone in place.

Even though they were laughing Jesus was making a point that some will never understand.  The temple was not the building but his  body.  His body that was bruised and beaten.  Jesus was God in the flesh so by crucifying Jesus the temple would be destroyed.

Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus.  We ask that you restore our spirits so that we may grow closer to you.  May you use the Holy Spirit to bring us to a closer understanding of your love. May we truly feel connected to those that are around us.  Dear God we ask that you give us the everlasting gift of new life through Jesus.  In you Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Are life's struggles keeping you down?  Are you worried that your connection with Christ has been disconnected?  Do you need a renewal of mind and spirit?  Today is a good day to ask for that reconnection with Christ. How each one of us can shows God's love?  How can you become the inspiration that someone needs to allow their roots to get stronger so they can regain the happiness and fulfilment of their life?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Water is Turned to Wine...The First Miracle

God's Miracles Surround us Daily
Verses: John 2: 1-12

My thoughts about the verses:

Was the waterfall the first thing that you focused on when you saw the picture?  Did you notice the green leaves on the trees first?  Did your eyes focus on the algae growing on the rocks in the very front of the picture?  Lastly, did your eye fully take in all the beauty of this scene.

God surrounds us  daily with miracles.  The miracles are both large and small.  Often we tend to go through the world with blinders on.  We are so focused on our own needs that we miss what is happening on around us.  We sometimes focus on one or two small details and miss all the things that God has already given us.  We often get so inpatient that we ask that God provide us what we desire instead of accepting that God will always give us what we need.

We  often forget that there are others that are in need.  We worry about the ups and downs that life has given us personally.  We sometimes take for granted those that are around us.  We immediately get upset if things do not go our way.  When others are not able to live up to our expectations we assume that they do not care.  We often become so upset with the obstacles God has given us that we miss the times that God has carried us.

Is this not what happened in this moment of Jesus's life.  Jesus told his mother that it wasn't time for him to start his ministry.  Yet, this was not what his Mother wanted to hear.  She knew that her son could help this family if he so desired.  She wanted her son to fix this issue right then and there.

It is amazing that sometimes it is our loved ones that we take most for granted.  We assume that they can snap their fingers and all of our needs will be met. The fact is our loved ones want to do what is best for us.  They would do anything to solve our problems.  Yet, there are times that they cannot do anything but watch what we are going through and hope that we feel their love.

Yet, Jesus took this opportunity to teach us two important things.  That first God will always give you what you need.  Secondly, that sometimes when you are inpatient God will give you what you desire even if it isn't what you truly need.

So what did Jesus's mother do she becomes inpatient at his response and tells the servants do whatever Jesus tells them to do.  Jesus at this point tells them to fill the jugs with water and then to give it to the host of the party. Jesus was performing this miracle in my mind to show that he could do whatever needed to be done.  Yet, there was times that what we want is not what we need.

When the host was given the ladle filled with water it had turned into wine. Not an ordinary wine but the best.  The bride and groom then had to answer why they had kept the best for last.  The tradition was to give the best wine in the beginning when people could enjoy it.  Jesus had proven to all that sometimes you should wait for your miracle so that you get what you truly need.  When you become so inpatient that you push God to perform miracles he often gives you exactly what you want even if it is something that you really didn't need.

Imagine the bridegroom now having to explain why he had saved the best for last.  His friends would never believe him that he had given them the best that he had in the beginning.  The miracle shows that God has power and that if we allow Jesus to perform the miracles we need in his time we receive what is needed

So back to the those three questions about the picture.  What did you see first?  I have a feeling that most of you saw that beautiful waterfall.  Then you probably noticed the different shades of green.  You probably were trying to figure out just where it was located and how hard are it to get too.  But, the question is how many of you saw the algae growing on the rock.

I will be honest I saw the waterfall and wanted to get the best shot I could.  But I love framing my pictures and the rock was just a natural part of the frame.  As I was going back through the pictures picking out the shots that I would keep I chose this one again for the beauty of the waterfall.  It wasn't until later that I really saw what God wanted me to see.  I needed to see the beauty in the colors of the trees and how the smallest things make our life special.


Dear God we thank you for the tiny miracles and all the big miracles.  We thank you for answering prayers sometimes by not giving us what we want but instead giving us what we need.  We ask God that you be with us and let us feel your presence in all we do.  God we ask that your guard our hearts and direct our spirits.  May we fully understand that you are there and provide all the nourishment of our soul needs.  Please help us focus on you and help us remember to be patient.  For we know that you will always provide the mini miracles we need in your own time.


Do you have things in your life that you need to give over to God and let God take over?  Are you afraid God isn't answering your prayers in your time frame?  Do you feel alone?

What has God given you that have made your life better?  What prayer did God not answer because that was best for you?  How often have you felt God carrying you?  Is it time just to relax and let the Holy Spirit lead you where you need to be?  Are you ready to accept the small miracles God show you every day?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jesus Begins Gathering and Leading His Flock

Follow Me

Verses:  John 1:35-50

My thoughts about the verses:

These verses can be compared to a group of Canadian Geese.  This is truly not a long stretch because geese will follow their leader to the end.  If the leader tires or is lost one of the stronger members of the group will become the new leader.  They will continue on the same path as the original leader.  Therefor the leader is not only their guide but also their teacher. For those that are on their first trip they have to learn quickly how to keep things going.  They never know when it may come their time to be the leader. There is also that element of surprise awaiting them at the end of the journey.  Will they have found a safe place that they can stay or will things be so rough that they will have to struggle?

This story reflects the true power and love that comes from Jesus.  It isn't a power he uses to demand you to do something.  Rather he simply states if you want to know follow me then come. The decision then is placed on you whether to follow or stay behind.

The first disciples were told by John that Jesus was the Messiah.  The long awaited Prince of Peace.  He needed them to know that he was the one that would deliver them from the turmoil that that they were living.  The thing is I wonder if the disciples truly knew what that meant in the beginning.

Many had thought that Jesus was coming to release them from the powers that were holding them hostage on Earth.  A new King of Israel would come and the tyrants of Rome would flee and Israel would be restored.  I honestly believe that John the Baptist knew what was truly happening. The Messiah wasn't coming to free them from this world but the next.

Just like many of us some of the disciples had to be convinced that Jesus was the true Savior. Nathanael was so different from Philip. Phillip believed without question that Jesus was the one that had been promised to them.   Nathanael on the other hand had to be convinced that Jesus was the Son of God.   Imagine your surprise if Jesus called you by name and said that yesterday you were sitting under a fig tree.  Would you not acknowledge that this was the Son of God especially if you never met him and he knew that much information on you.

Then there is Simon who from this point on would be known as Peter.  How many times did he stumble in his journey.  Yet, later he is told that he will be the foundation the Church is built on.  His brother Andrew had great faith and wanted his brother involved.  He had no idea how big an impact that he would have during those early years making sure that the church had strong leaders.
Anyone in this small band of believers could easily been the rock.  Anyone of them could be the leader who after being taught could bring the story of Christ to all humankind.  In fact, the members later went out and started teaching what they knew.  Each building their flock but following the original path lay out by Jesus.  This is where things started when it came to the early church.  The goal was to share the good news.  No matter what differences each disciple had their leadership was influenced by Jesus.


Dear God we thank you for giving us the greatest teacher and leader the world ever knew.  We thank you for offering us the choice to follow you.  We Praise you for the knowledge that you have shared with us through your word.  We ask that you help us break down the barriers that have come between us and our brothers and sisters.  Help us dear God spread the good news to the whole world.  We also ask that you give us discernment so that we will know when a true leader comes in our presence that is sent by you.  In your Holy Name we pray Amen.


Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  Do you need more evidence that God has come to Earth to set us all free from the bondage that we are in?  Do you need to become a leader who teaches the truth to those around you?  Who will you choose to lead you forward in your walk in life? 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

John the Baptist announces Jesus is the Son of God

A ripple in the water is all it takes to change the destiny of the world

Verses: John 1: 29-34

My thoughts about the verses:

I can see John witnessing that the Messiah is coming.  John had already addressed the leaders and told them that he was not the Messiah.  I often think of John as ripples on a creek.  I see his words as a simple leaf flowing gently among the current.  The leaf will follow the current from the creek to larger areas of water.  Eventually the water will pour into the Ocean where the current is more intense.  The leaf that started in one part of the world, through the simple flow of water, can end up in another part of the world.  That is if the wind does not pick it up or an obstacles destroy it.

This is exactly what happened with the message that John started there in that small pool of water.  He opened the flood gates by announcing to everyone that Jesus was the Son of God.  John had done his part he had prepared the way.  He had started the ripples and Jesus was now the fast current that would spread the good news to the world.

Can't you just see those standing there at the water.  John is preaching that he is preparing the way for the Messiah.  That the lamb of God will come too baptized in the water.  Yet, the water would one day be replaced with the baptismal of the soul by the Holy spirit.  John further told them that he would only know who the messiah was when a simple dove landed on the person after they were baptized.

Jesus came to the water to be baptized by John to fulfill that prophecy.  John would die before Jesus was crucified on the cross.  God therefor did something special that day to let John know that his work was completed.  John was given the chance to see the Holy Spirit and actually accept the peace that he had talked about. He had prepared the way and started the ripple that would get the word out to the world.

As soon as John saw the Holy Spirit rest upon Jesus's shoulder.  He announced that Jesus was the savior the son of God.  This was the first time anyone would make this statement.  It was one of the most important announcements because there was a group of individuals that had come to follow John. With this simple statement John stopped the rumors that he was the one that had come to save them.  You can imagine the word spreading among the crowd.

Then Jesus steps out of the water and begins his journey to the cross.  Jesus was now acknowledged as the savior that the people had desired for so long.  The word, leaf, would not be stopped because Jesus's current was much stronger than the ripples that John had started.  There was no wind or obstacle that would stop that current.  People tried to stop the word but the current created that day was too strong.


God we want to thank you for sending Jesus into the mist of the turmoil.  Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit down to Earth.  We praise you for all you have done and will do.  We ask now that you fill our hearts and minds with the love that you so freely desire to give.  We know that all we need to do is accept your gift of salvation.  Please work through us to keep your word flowing so that all will have the chance to hear that the savior has come and freed us from our past faults.


Do you accept that Jesus is the son of God?  Have you given your heart and mind to God?  Have you felt the Holy Spirit fill you with love and grace?  Are you helping spread the word so others can fill the peace that comes from accepting Jesus?

For those that answer no to any of these questions I encourage you to look at all the signs that were sent before Christ came to Earth.  I encourage you to look upon your life and ask do I have the peace that passes all understanding.  Lastly, look at those around you and ask yourself what I need to do to help them as much as Christ has helped me.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Voice Calling in the Wilderness

The one who does not want to be noticed will be the one that people will remember.

Verses:  John 1:19 - 28

My thoughts about the verses:

I often wonder what John thought about his fame.  John was not out trying to gain fame he was just trying to do what God had called to do him.  He knew that his mission was to prepare the way for Jesus.

The leaders wanted to discredit him at all cost.  It is amazing to me how strong he was during the questioning never once did he give credit to him.  In fact, he told them freely that he was not Jesus.  He then went further to say that he was not Elijah.  This shook up the leaders because they wanted him to admit that he was someone he was not.

My favorite hobby is looking for trees that are different that all those around them.  I often think it is God's way of making a statement.  It is something to think that a single tree can withstand the temptations of the trees around it.  Like the picture above you can almost see its defiance to be like all the others around it.

This reminds me so much of John.  He could have said many things but he choose to be a voice preparing the way for the Messiah.   He stood out among his contemporaries.  People heard his word and began following him.  There were many who actually believed that John was the one that had come to save them.  Yet, John did things to distract individuals from this.  From the way he dressed, and ate down to his teaching style they were all attempts to keep people focused on the Messiah that would soon make his appearance.

Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus.  We thank you for sending John and those that followed him preparing our hearts for the gift of the Messiah.  God we ask that you use us.  Help us become a voice in the Wilderness calling your flock to worship.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


What can you do to show Jesus to others?  How can you lead others to God's Grace.  Are you willing to stand out from the crowd and lead other to Christ?  Is today the day you decide to follow the one that had his path prepared by a simple man calling out in the wilderness?