
Saturday, November 8, 2014

God is Righteous and Just

Verses: Psalms 89: 1 - 52

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Our God is righteous and just.  God shows favor to those that love the Heavenly Parent.  At the same time God shows judgment to those that turn away from the Creator.  God judges all on the same level.  No one is better than another person.  The same judgment falls on all people.

The problem that we have is that we often think that we deserve to be on the top.  We are just as guilty of turning away from God as the next person.  Yet, we determine that we are more in line with God than other people.  We therefor judge others and forget to show love and compassion.

God gave us all things on the earth.  Yet, we as humans tend to forget the grace that is given to us.  During our struggles we often forget the power of God.  We turn away from God and try to solve all of our struggles ourselves.  It is in those moments that we miss the fact that God is love and helping us with all things that happen.

The Psalmist extols gratitude to God for the gifts that have been given.  Yet, the psalmist also expresses the need for God in the present situation.  The people have turned away from the One that made them.  God allowed the enemies to come in and destroy all that they have built.  The fact is that God wanted the people to be happy and content.  Yet, the people turned away from God and took matters into their own hands.

See God wanted them to learn that they were chosen.  They could have a good life like they had in the past.  Yet, through their actions and disobedience to God they underwent the judgment of the One who created them.  They were knocked to their knees as a way of realizing what they had done.  In that moment, the people learned that their God was almighty and should be worshipped in all things.  They learned that they should have worshipped God not the things that were given to them.  They learned that they were not perfect.  They learned the power of God’s judgment on all people.

Haven’t we all been there?  We forget to worship God because we are content with what we have.  We look around us and see the gifts yet we do not worship God.  We face struggles and instead of turning it over to God we look away and become disobedient to the Creator.

We have all felt the judgment of God when we do things that are disobedient to God.  We walk in fear because we feel that God has abandoned us.  Yet, what we miss is that it us that ran away from God.  We were doing so good that we attempted to live our life without God in the center.  The day then comes in which we have to realize that we need to turn back to God.

God will save us from our own actions.  God will do what is needed for us to turn back to the One that loves us.  The righteous God can rebuild us if we allow God to take charge.  We have to come to the realization that God needs to be praised for all that is given to us.  When we put the worldly gifts before God we are turning away from the righteous and just God.  We come to those moments when God has to convince us to turn back. 

We come to the conclusion that God is the ultimate lover.  We must learn that grace is there for the taking if we only ask for it.  Our struggles will come less stressful if we allow God to take over.  Our God will rebuild our life and extend the love that we need to survive if we only worship the Savior.  God does not punish us out of hate.  Instead God uses our struggles to draw us closer.  We as humans often have to learn the love of God in our darkest moments.  When God comes into our life and we worship God we will soon learn the strength that comes from the one above.


We praise you God for you hand of justice.  We thank you God for your hand of righteousness.  Help us dear God to not turn away from you.  Use us dear God as an instrument of peace.  Help us remember to always give you the praise.  Help us to never run away from you.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God in your life?  Do you feel the righteous peace that comes from serving God with all of your might?  Are you struggling today?  Have you turned it over to God?  Are you willing today to turn back to God?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Pray to God in Times of Distress

Verses: Psalms 88: 1 - 18

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Our hearts are often besieged by have burdens.  We face challenges that seem impossible to overcome.  We struggle with things in our daily life.  We have fear and doubt.

We have to remember in these times to pray to God.  It is very hard when life is knocking you down to lift prayers to God.  It often feels like there is no help in sight.  Yet, in all this you need to offer your prayers to God.

Holding back your prayers makes your burdens heavier.  We try to solve things on our own we find that our fears often become reality. The problem that arises is that we forget to turn it over to the one that can fix it.  You might not get the answer you want.  You will get what you need.

God provides for us and we need to remember this.  We often make our problems bigger than they are because we forget the power of God.  In your darkest hour if you lift up praises to God you will find relief.  The fears and doubts that you have will be replaced by hope.

God wants us to have hope and peace in our life.  It is our task to accept the gifts that God has given to us.  The psalmist makes it clear that he is struggling against what seems impossible.  Yet, although he feels this way he is lifting his prayers up to the one on high.

This Psalm teaches us that we have to rely on the Most High.  We need to accept that God is there with us.  We will find rejoicing when we turn over our troubles.  The next time you feel like you are in the pit of despair call upon the Lord.  You will soon find that your struggles become smaller.  You may find that they do not go away.  Yet, you have the gift that God is carrying the weight.  

We need to remember that God is Good All the Time and All the Time God is Good.


We praise you for hearing our prayers.  We thank you for helping us when we are struggling.  Help us Dear God in our times of despair.  Help us receive the peace and hope that you offer us freely.  In the name of the Heavenly Parent we pray.  Amen


Are you struggling today?  Have you turned to God in prayer? 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Jerusalem the City of God

Verses: Psalms 87: 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Jerusalem is the city of God.  All that sprang out of the city has brought us to where we are today.  We need to understand as Christians the city of Jerusalem is our foundation.  It was in this city that Jesus carried his cross to the mount to be crucified for our sins.

It is quite ironic that this city is the focal point for the three religious traditions which sprung from the offspring of Abraham.  Each tradition can trace part of its heritage to this city.   The fact is that we (Christians, Jewish, and Muslim) are all connected through the City of God.

It is no wonder that there are so many fights that have occurred around this city.  People in all three traditions want to have it as their Holy City alone.  It is hard to talk about a place that means so much too so many people.  Our very existence as a community draws us to this place.

God wants us all to understand that we are to acknowledge this foundation.  Yet, we need to remember that it is not the city that is important.  The important thing that we need to remember is that God is our focal point.  No matter what you call the One on High we need to remember that we are to praise God. 

We need to work cooperatively as a community to teach others that Jerusalem may be the beginning but not the end.  The traditions that sprang from this site are now all over the world.  Each tradition teaches the peace and love of God.  For each person that believes in the Almighty God have to look no further than them to see the works of God.

People throughout the world take pilgrimages to the City of God.  In fact, this is a wonderful way to feel the presence of the One Most High.  The truth is that if you look at yourself and the community you are in you can see the joy that sprang from Jerusalem.  We need to always remember that God dwells within us. 


We praise you God for the City that you made Holy for us.  We thank you Jesus for carrying the cross through Jerusalem to the mount.  We offer gratitude for the wonderful things that you have done through this city.  We ask now God that you help us to work cooperatively with other traditions.  Help us all to understand that you live within us.  Help us to understand that it isn’t the city that makes us complete. Help us understand that the dwelling of your spirit within us that makes us complete.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the Holy One into your life?  Are you willing to see that God living within you that makes you complete? Are you willing to work cooperatively with other faith traditions?  Have you accepted that God loves us and will create his dwelling place within us?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

God is Enduring Love

Verses: Psalms 86: 1 - 17

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Our God is the very essence of Love.  God’s love endures for all eternity.  God created us out of love.  Jesus died for us out of love.  The Holy Spirit lives within us out of love. 

All one has to do is look around them and see the love which is from God.  All that is beautiful comes from the Creator.  All that is wonderful is given to us so that we may see God’s ever enduring love.  We may walk away from God yet the love God has for us continues. 

God showers gifts on us each and every day.  There are times in our life that we may feel that we are alone.  We may feel as if there is no one on your side.  You need to know that you are never alone.  God is with you.  God is helping you overcome on the obstacles in your life.

When you are in those moments when you feel all alone look back on your life.  See all the things that God has gotten your through.  See that you were never left alone.  Even in your darkest hour God held the weight of your cross.  Do not be afraid of being alone instead thank God for the strength that you have.

As we remember the gifts that God has given us we should offer up our thanks.  God is the wonderful spirit that ensures each and every one of us has a place in the Heavenly Realm.  We need to lift our spirits in praise thanking God for walking with us.  We need to honor God for the love that is shown to us each and every day.  The greatest joy of our life should be offering praises to the one that has made us whole.

You will soon find as you give your life over to God and offer up praise things are not as difficult as you first thought they were.  The struggles will come but God will provide the answer you need.  No one can come between you and the one that Died for you.  God is the very presence that helps us with our life.  God will deliver you in your times of stress and fear.  Remember to always offer up to God praises for the wonderful works that God has done.

There is one last thing that we can do to show honor to our God.  When you see someone that is struggling help them.  Offer what you can to make their life less burdensome.  The most wonderful gift God has given us is the gift of prayer.  When you see someone struggling do you offer up prayer to God?  God will hear the prayers of the People.  Though they may be struggling your gift of prayer may be the answer that they need.  They may feel the strength and comfort of God and remember for themselves all the times that God has helped them in the past.  Is it not amazing how wonderful our God is?


We praise you dear God.  We thank you for all of your wonderful work.  We praise you for your ever enduring love.  Help us now Dear God walk in your light.  Help us to always remember your love.  Help us and other in times of struggle for we know that you are our helpmate.  In the name of the Heavenly Parent we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the love of God?  Have you accepted the grace that comes from God on High?  Are you struggling with life?  Have you turned over your cares to the God?  Are you sending praises up to the Holy One?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

God Restores Our Hope

Verses: Psalms 85: 1 - 13

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God listens to those that trust the Heavenly Parent.  It is in those moments we look back at our past and remember what God has done before.  We pray to God to help us. 

We find in those moments the hope that we need.  It is when you are at your lowest that you learn to depend on God.  You plead for the one that can save the world to save you from what you’re facing.  You soon learn that God is always there.

God restores our Hope because it is the love of God that we need.  It is the inner feeling of security that comes from knowing God will get you through all things.  No matter how grim the situation feels there is an answer.  The answer comes from God.

Looking over my life I have seen people with great faith.  It seems that no matter what is going on their life they have no fear.  They offer praise to God in their lowest moments.  They know that God will help them.  This comes from knowing what God has done in their past.

Look at your own life.  Can you think back to those moments when you thought all hope was lost?  That there were no way you would make it out of a situation.  Then miraculously God provides the way out. 

Did this not restore you hope?  I know that for me there have been moments that I felt were impossible to handle.  Then all of a sudden a miracle happens.  A good day appears out of nowhere.  It is at those moments that I realize that God is always there.  It is up to me to ask God to help.


We praise you for restoring us.  We honor you for the love you give us.  We worship you with glad hearts.  We love you for being with us in all things.  Help us to always turn over our struggles to you.  Dear God we ask that you help us overcome the fear in our life.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you struggling with fear and doubt?  Are you afraid that you are going through things on your own?  Have you looked back at the past and seen how God got you through past struggles?  Are you willing to let go of your fear and allow God to Restore your Hope?

Monday, November 3, 2014

Serving God is the Most Rewarding Thing we Do

Verses: Psalms 84: 1 - 12

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Serving God should be our Hearts Desire.  It is when we worship God we are communing with the one that Made us.  We are praising the one that Died for us.  We are exalting the one that Lives with us.  Our life feels complete when we are in those moments of worship.

The question that we need to address is where we are to Worship.  Many think that attending service at a Church is the only way to worship.  Others believe that anywhere two people are gathered who love God you can worship.  Yet, others believe that you can worship God just where you are.

God lives within us once we ask the Messiah to cleanse us from our sins.  The Holy Spirit has prepared our bodies as the perfect temple of God.  No building is needed outside our own body for worship to exist.  In all actuality you should spend as much time worshipping God as possible. 

We have conceived that it is hard for us to worship God on our own.  Many feel that the best worship is when a group of any size is gathered together lifting the hearts in worship.  We need to remember that the main element needed for worship is the presence of God.  When the presence of God is among us it is the opportune moment to pray.

Some people take moments out of each day to worship God.  In fact, if you are taking the time to read this you yourself are communing with the one above.  The words that are written are just to be a spark to unite your own thoughts.  Every time we read scripture we will find something different in the same words.

Therefor take the time each day to lift up your eyes upon the Most High.  Let your heart rejoice in communion with God.  Take the opportunities that you have to meet in groups to lift up your hearts in one accord. 


We sing praises to your name God.  We worship you for loving us.  We exalt your Holy name.  We thank you for the gift of grace.  Help us every day take the time to sing our praises to you.  Help us be a witness to others.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you ready to attempt something new in your life starting today?

Whenever you have a spare moment just say thank you to God.  You will soon find that the load becomes lighter.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

God will Protect the Church

Verses: Psalms 83: 1 - 18

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God will always protect the Church.  It doesn’t matter who comes up against it the Church will be protected by the one that created it.  Now the hardest part for us to understand is exactly who is the church.  Is the Church one particular denomination?  Is the church one particular group of a denomination?  Is the Church mentioned only the Church we attend?

On writing this many probably immediately determined that their church was the one protected.  Some would even include the denomination their Church belongs to.  Others will go a step further and say that All Denominations that Teach what my church teaches is the Church.

Let us consider that any Church that serves the One Living God is the church in question.  This would take it further than the local church.  This would expand it further than a group of denominations.  In fact, it would expand it to several religious groups. 

Yes, there are many who serve God.  We have a tendency to focus on our own connection because we feel that they agree with us.  It is easier to be connected with a certain type of believers then to accept the entirety of the Church. 

I know some right now are saying to themselves how can this be true?  Let us remember that God did not create all of the religious sects.  Those were created by humankind to explain their ideology.  It even gets more interesting when you think of Churches that have split into denominations.  This usually happened because one group of believers begged to differ on one or two principles.  Therefor they split to say that their beliefs are the proper ones.

Look back to what happened soon after Jesus’s ascension.  Immediately people had gone on a divide on who could be considered Christians.  The first debate was on circumcision.  Some believed that the Messiah had come for the Jewish community.  Therefor they believed that any Gentiles that accepted had to undergo the conversion to Judaism and Christianity at the same time.  Therefor they would need to be circumcises like Abraham.

It is amazing when you look at the Church and how so many different groups have sprung up over time.  Let us first look at where people have started the first branches that separated the Church.  Three very different religious traditions claim Abraham to be their father.  Yet, what we need to realize is that Abraham believed in the One True God.  Therefor if the religious groups trace themselves back to Abraham and still believe in that One God are not they worshipping the same God? 

This is something that we all should think about.  God will protect the church, not only your church but all who serve the Living God.  It doesn’t matter our little differences.  If one was to look at the bigger picture we will see that we are all doing the same thing.  We are laying a foundation to bring harmony, peace and love to the world.  The very core of the Church is the spreading of the Love.  Isn’t it time that we stop fighting amongst ourselves and realize this?


We love you Dear God.  We thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus.  We praise you for giving us the peace and harmony that we need to live.  Help us accept people that are different from us.  Help us understand that we are only one small part of the Church.  Help your people become united in love.  In the name of the Living God we pray.  Amen


Have you limited who can be in the family of God?  Are you willing to accept all believers into your community?  Are you willing today to help break the walls that have caused divide among the Church?  What is God calling you to do today?