
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Jerusalem the City of God

Verses: Psalms 87: 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Jerusalem is the city of God.  All that sprang out of the city has brought us to where we are today.  We need to understand as Christians the city of Jerusalem is our foundation.  It was in this city that Jesus carried his cross to the mount to be crucified for our sins.

It is quite ironic that this city is the focal point for the three religious traditions which sprung from the offspring of Abraham.  Each tradition can trace part of its heritage to this city.   The fact is that we (Christians, Jewish, and Muslim) are all connected through the City of God.

It is no wonder that there are so many fights that have occurred around this city.  People in all three traditions want to have it as their Holy City alone.  It is hard to talk about a place that means so much too so many people.  Our very existence as a community draws us to this place.

God wants us all to understand that we are to acknowledge this foundation.  Yet, we need to remember that it is not the city that is important.  The important thing that we need to remember is that God is our focal point.  No matter what you call the One on High we need to remember that we are to praise God. 

We need to work cooperatively as a community to teach others that Jerusalem may be the beginning but not the end.  The traditions that sprang from this site are now all over the world.  Each tradition teaches the peace and love of God.  For each person that believes in the Almighty God have to look no further than them to see the works of God.

People throughout the world take pilgrimages to the City of God.  In fact, this is a wonderful way to feel the presence of the One Most High.  The truth is that if you look at yourself and the community you are in you can see the joy that sprang from Jerusalem.  We need to always remember that God dwells within us. 


We praise you God for the City that you made Holy for us.  We thank you Jesus for carrying the cross through Jerusalem to the mount.  We offer gratitude for the wonderful things that you have done through this city.  We ask now God that you help us to work cooperatively with other traditions.  Help us all to understand that you live within us.  Help us to understand that it isn’t the city that makes us complete. Help us understand that the dwelling of your spirit within us that makes us complete.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the Holy One into your life?  Are you willing to see that God living within you that makes you complete? Are you willing to work cooperatively with other faith traditions?  Have you accepted that God loves us and will create his dwelling place within us?

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