Verses: Psalms 12 : 1 - 8
Song inspired by the chapter: Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.
thoughts about the verses:
David is
writing this when he sees everything going bad. The world seems to be
turning upside down. Those that are doing badly seem to be gathering rewards.
Yet, those that are serving God seem to be having hard times.
I want us
to think about this a second, haven't you ever felt like your world was turned
upside down. Anything and everything that could go wrong was happening.
You even start calling out to God wondering if God was listening.
The people and events around you were destroying your faith in God.
I know
that I have felt that feeling. Imagine losing your independence because
of an illness that you could not control. I have to take medicine just to
stay mobile. I know how it feels to have to use a wheelchair to get
around because of your balance being off. Falling and breaking your wrist
just trying to do simple task around your house. I know how others feel
being afraid that you will eat something that will trigger another episode.
I understand having pain that no one could imagine unless they were
living it.
learning through all of this that God was there helping you. At the
weakest moments of my illness God has carried me. When I though it wasn't
possible to make it another day God sent someone to help. When I felt
like giving up God sent something to give me a reason to keep going. I
realize that even though you felt like you were alone you were actually closer
to God than you have ever been.
things that seem to be destroying us can actually make us stronger. The
fact is when we feel like our enemy is taking over God is handling the
situation. God is helping us overcome our enemy. Maybe it is our
declining health, a job that is going nowhere, or bills that will never end God
is in charge. We need to realize in these moments if we let God things
will work out.
The next
time your world looks like it is crashing around yourself ask yourself if
you are letting God be in charge. Knowing that God will fix the situation
and help you overcome it if you turn it over. You may not have the
outcome you want but God will get you through it if you ask for the help.
Dear God
thank you for being there with us. Thank you for carrying us when we need
your help. Help us offer our troubles over to you. Help us accept your
answer. In the name of our Savior we pray. Amen
Do you
feel like you are alone? Do you feel like your world is being turned
upside down? Is it time to turn your troubles over to God? Isn't it
time you allow God to carry you?