
Saturday, August 23, 2014

God will prevail in bad times

Verses: Psalms 12 : 1 - 8

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

David is writing this when he sees everything going bad.  The world seems to be turning upside down. Those that are doing badly seem to be gathering rewards.  Yet, those that are serving God seem to be having hard times.

I want us to think about this a second, haven't you ever felt like your world was turned upside down.  Anything and everything that could go wrong was happening.  You even start calling out to God wondering if God was listening.  The people and events around you were destroying your faith in God.

I know that I have felt that feeling.  Imagine losing your independence because of an illness that you could not control.  I have to take medicine just to stay mobile.  I know how it feels to have to use a wheelchair to get around because of your balance being off.  Falling and breaking your wrist just trying to do simple task around your house.  I know how others feel being afraid that you will eat something that will trigger another episode.  I understand having pain that no one could imagine unless they were living it.

Yet, learning through all of this that God was there helping you.  At the weakest moments of my illness God has carried me.  When I though it wasn't possible to make it another day God sent someone to help.  When I felt like giving up God sent something to give me a reason to keep going.  I realize that even though you felt like you were alone you were actually closer to God than you have ever been.

The things that seem to be destroying us can actually make us stronger.  The fact is when we feel like our enemy is taking over God is handling the situation.  God is helping us overcome our enemy.  Maybe it is our declining health, a job that is going nowhere, or bills that will never end God is in charge.  We need to realize in these moments if we let God things will work out.

The next time your world looks like it  is crashing around yourself ask yourself if you are letting God be in charge.  Knowing that God will fix the situation and help you overcome it if you turn it over.  You may not have the outcome you want but God will get you through it if you ask for the help.


Dear God thank you for being there with us.  Thank you for carrying us when we need your help. Help us offer our troubles over to you.  Help us accept your answer.  In the name of our Savior we pray.  Amen


Do you feel like you are alone?  Do you feel like your world is being turned upside down?  Is it time to turn your troubles over to God?  Isn't it time you allow God to carry you?

Friday, August 22, 2014

You must trust in God

Verses: Psalms 11 : 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

This is a very simple you must trust God.  Even though the world seems to be against you your trust must be in God.  No matter how big the problem seems to you God will get you through it.  Those that are righteous and serve God have nothing to fear at judgment.  Yet, those whom are wicked and do not serve God will pay at the time of judgment.

It is through trust that we come to serve God.  We learn through our trust to praise God for everything that we have.  For everything that has gone right has been done in the name of God.

I know that there are times that those that serve God face enemies.  They are often afraid and worry about things that are happening in the world.  The only place to take refuge is in the arms of God.  God will protect all who serve because it is trough trust that we learn to love.

I am sitting here tonight thinking about those affected by the Ebola virus.  It is often hard in times of great grief to think to praise God.  Yet, there are little miracles that happen every day.  Some of the people that are being affected are surviving.  There are more people that are going from the United States to affected regions to help contain the disease.  Companies are working on drugs to help treat Ebola.

All of these miracles should show us as long as you have trust in God there will be miracles abound.  God will always be there protecting people and making sure that the right thing is done.  People will be able to find peace in their times of despair.  Do not be afraid for God will provide a way when things seem impossible.  So in all things we need to trust and send our praise to God.

It might be hard to see the little things that are happening because of the big picture.  Yet, if you look around you will start to see little things that are good.  For each thing that goes good we need to praise God.  We also need to turn over and trust God will answer our prayers.


God we thank you for what you have done.  We thank you for the little miracles that happen in our life.  We praise you for walking with us even when we are blinded by the things of this world.  Help us turn over the impossible to you.  For we know you can make the impossible possible.  Thank you for what you have and will do.  We pray in the name of the Source of Hope.  Amen


Do you see the little miracles God has placed in your life?  Have you felt God's arms of strength in your times of need?  Do you trust God to do the impossible?  Are you praising God for what happens each and every day?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Time for Peace and love for the oppressed

Verses: Psalms 10 : 1 - 18

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Humanity as a whole stands up against the will of God.  There are so many groups of people that are fighting God and each other.  Instead of uniting and spreading the news of peace and love, people have waged war against each other.

Those groups in the world that have stood up and said peace is the answer have often been mocked by groups.  They have faced persecution and have had to hide among other groups to survive.  The wicked seem to be stronger than those that serve God.  Yet, that is only a temporary situation.  See those that truly serve God will be justified and helped.

I am sitting here today thinking about the children that have travelled hundreds of miles just hoping that the future here in America would be better.  I am thinking about the mothers and fathers that have sent their children to America with the dream that they can get out of the violence that live in.  I am thinking about the children that are on buses that are being shaken by people that want them to go back to where they come from.  I am also thinking about what God is saying to us.

We are to help those that are oppressed.  When families are willing to do anything so that their children can live a normal healthy life we have to recognize their pain.  We have to see into their eyes and know it isn't to take over the country.  It isn't to burden the government.  It is simply so they can get education, places where it is safe to play.  A place where they know they can get meals and not have to beg on streets or live in despair.  Those in this country and throughout the world that believe in God must stand up.

It isn't just happening in the United States it is happening all over the world.  There are people that are living in situations that are dangerous.  Where being a child that can learn, and live in peace is almost impossible.  We hear about the casualties but do we go beyond the casualties.  To the lives that have been destroyed through wars, violence and hate.

God wants those that proclaim the faith to stand united.  We should show love and mercy to our fellow man, woman and child.  God wants a world where people can live free and without wars and violence.  God desires a world where people put the love of God before anything else.

I think it is shocking that we hear so much of the bad things happening in this world.  I would love to have someone step up and talk about the good of Humanity.  To talk about those that are praying for peace.  To mention those that open their homes and hearts for children and families that have nowhere to call their own.

The next time that you are in a situation where hate comes in your mind, think about God and what God would want you to do.  Is it time that we stop being the people that continue the hate and war. Imagine what would happen if everyone that believed in God would decide that they would not fight for anyone for just one day.  I think we would see a world at peace.  This should be our desire.


Dear God we thank you for your love.  We thank you for the guidance that you give us each day.  Help us show love to our community.  Help us bring your love to those that are oppressed.  Help us stop hate and wickedness.  Let us be the instrument of hope for someone today.  In your name we pray. Amen


There is one and only one question.  think on this a second and if you are willing to do it please share what your day was like with us or others that you come in contact.  Will you choose today to put hate down and show love to all humankind?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

God is our Comfort and Protector

Verses: Psalms 9 : 1 - 20

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God is the comfort and protector of all people.  Yet, those that stand against God will be judged.  God is willing to help us at our weakest moment.  God is the healer of our bodies.

We should offer God praise.  To evaluate our lives and look at all the things that God has and will do.  We need to decide to trust in God and give it all over to God.  When we offer our praises and gratitude to God we are comforted and protected.

God judges everyone fairly.  Those that worship God will be judged as innocent and will join God in Heaven.  Those that turn away from God will be forgotten.  Their name is removed from the book of life.  Yet, those that love God will have their names engraved in the book of life and will enter heaven.

People that are suffering in life need to turn it over to God.  God will be there for you if you just let go and let God take charge.  There is no reason for people to suffer.  God wants to be our refuge and strength.  If you love God and ask for help God will not leave your side.

Those that are worshiping God will endure all obstacles put in their path.  Those that don't will eventually stumble.  God wants to make sure each person has strength to make it through the day. Yet, it is people who choose to walk away from God.  When they do they are the ones that choose to walk away from the one that has everything that they need to live forever.

When you are at you lowest it is time to ask God to come in and save you.  The things of this world will soon pass.  Yet, the gift of God last for all eternity.  Think about all those that are suffering today in the world.  The sick, the homeless, the oppressed is there something that we can do to help.  It only takes a little to make the world a better place.  Those simple actions can lead someone to accept the one that can take and make the impossible possible.


Dear God we thank you for protecting us.  We thank you for being our strength when we are weak.  We thank you for being the healer of our problems.  Dear God help us remember that we need you to make our life better.  In the name of the Great Comforter we pray.  Amen


Are you letting go and letting God take care of things in your life?  Do you realize that God wants to be the protector and comforter of your life?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sing Your Praises to God on High

Verses: Psalms 8 : 1 - 9

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We need to lift up our praises to God each day.  We need to realize that we are only a small part of God's creation.  That God loves us and feels that we are an important part of the creation.  We need to remember that every day that we are alive is a day to lift up praises to God.

Think on this moment the Heavenly Parent loved us so much that the Son was sent to save us.  If God loved us this much isn't it important to offer our praises to the Heavenly Parent.  Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross to take away our sins.  With this in mind isn't it important to offer our praises to the Messiah.

God loved us so much that we were placed over things of this Earth.  Think back to Adam and Eve they were given the task of naming ever creature.  We are to take care of all the birds, animals on the land, and the creatures of the sea.  We are also to take care of the entire environment in which we live in.
God provided all this for us so we should offer praise by taking care of what God has given to us.

We should do everything in our power to protect the Earth we live on.  This means protecting not only the birds of the sky, the animals of the land and the fish in the sea, but also protecting the people God created.

The Native Americans are a good example to follow.  They realized that the Creator gave them the land they lived on.  It wasn't a property they owned but a place that they were to cherish.  When they killed an animal they used every part.  They did not just kill to have treasures they killed the animals to survive.

Today I am thinking of all the senseless deaths of animals throughout the world.  I am thinking of the animals  that are killed for sport.  I weep for the elephants that are murdered for their tusks.  The animals that are killed because they get into fishing nets meant for other fish.  We need to understand that the  planet is being destroyed because of over uses of natural resources.  The pollution that is killing the ozone and the air we breathe.  I am stressed about the children that go hungry because of the lack of food, while others waste food and throw it away like it is nothing.

Our world can change and we can become the protectors that we need to be.  Then we can Sing our praises is a way of showing to God that we are grateful for what we have been given.  It also shows that we honor God by lifting up our praises.  The fact is that we as humans need to look at what all we have been given and be grateful for it.  The human race has been given so much that we should always offer up our thankfulness to the one that created the Heavens the Earth and us.


Dear God we lift up our praises to you.  We thank you for all that you have done and will do in our life. We praise you for loving us so much to send the son to perish on the cross.  We honor you for the days that you have given each and every one of us.  Help us lift praises up to you in the morning, noon and a night.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Are you lifting up praises to God?  Are you thanking God for caring enough to send the son to make us free?  Do you show gratefulness to God for the creation that was made?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Without God you are weak

Verses: Psalms 7 : 1 - 17

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

To be truly strong you must have God in your life.  People that have God in their heart may appear weak on the outside.  Yet, because God lives within they are very strong.  They are able to overcome every adversary because they have the power of God in their life.  See it is important to understand that God is the strength that you need to get through life.

The things that come up against us may seem impossible to overcome.  There are many things that we may face every day.  We may have people that condemn us because of who we are.  We may be faced with illnesses that have overtaken us yet, we are able to be strong.

Our enemies may think that they can beat us but, because God lives within us we are able to outlast all enemies.  There is nothing that can come between us and God.  People  may try to hurt us ,but God will save us.

Once we ask Jesus into our life the blood of the perfect lamb covers us.  We are innocent in the eyes of God.  God is the judge and will find us not guilty.  Yet, at the same time those that do not accept God into their lives God will find them guilty.

The only true judge of life is God.  Therefor no person can judge you and tell you that you are against the will of God.   On the same token you should not judge others.  We need leave all of our judging up to true and only Judge.

Those that accept God will not face death.  Yet, those that are against God will face death.  The sword of God will destroy them.  The fact is that the Bible is the sword that divides the nations. Those that accept God will stand protected by the inspired words of God.  People who choose to not accept God will be killed by the very words inspired by God.  The life and death of people comes not in this Earthly world but the Spiritual Realm.  Those that are for God will have everlasting life.  Those that stand against God will perish and not receive the gift that is freely given to those that accept it.


Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus to be the perfect lamb.  We thank you for giving us the power to be cleansed from the inside.  Let the words of God mend our lives.  Help us when we are weak to become strong.  In the name of the Healer of Life we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God into your life? Are you afraid of those that stand up against you?  Is it time to let go your fears and become strong in God?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

God Will Hear our Prayers when we are sick and oppressed

Verses: Psalms 6 : 1 - 10

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many people find it very hard time to pray when they are ill.  We do not want to get disappointed and not receive the answer we think we need.  It is easier to complain about being sick than turning it over to the Great Physician.

Amazingly people that give their illnesses over to God receive the strength they need.  People may not get the healing they desire, but they will find peace.  They will no longer be struggling by them self instead they find peace in loving God.

Then there are those times that we are oppressed and believe that this is God's will.  Yet, God doesn't want any of us to fill less than others.  We should be proud of who we are.  God will save us wherever we are in our life.  God wants us to know that the one that is considered the most important will be the least.  Those that suffer in the name of God will be lifted to the most important place in the Realm of God.

See God is with his people who are tied down to a structure that doesn't allow them to be free. Oppression of any kind is not tolerated in the eyes of God.  People who are oppressing people need to fear God.  God will not tolerate persecution of people based on their minority status. God will save those that pray for help from the Divine.

The main lesson we can learn from this scripture is that God does hear our prayers.  No matter what physical, emotional, or spiritual shape we are in.  If we ask God to take our pains away you will receive the answer you need.  Remember it might not be what you expected, but rather what you really need to survive.

The second thing that we can take from this is to never shut people out from the gift of God. Oppressing people and keeping them from living an independent life is against the will of God.  God will hear their prayers and help them conquer the oppression.  Think about how many times David was presented with hardships he could not overcome himself.  through the power of God he was able to overcome his captivity of isolation from his country and return as a celebrated King.


Dear God we praise you for listening to our prayers.  We thank you for giving us what we need.  We honor you for freeing us from oppression.  We give you glory for healing our bodies, mind and soul.  Help us dear Savior to be open to all people.  Help us to pray to you so that we may be free from our ailments and those that oppress us.  Help us never to turn away from you.  In the name of the One that Freed us from our Transgressions we pray.  Amen


Are you sick and need to hand it over to God in prayer?  Are you oppressed because of who you are it time you hand it over to God?  Are you being a witness of love to the world?  Are you keeping people under any form of bondage?  Is it not time that we stop oppression wherever it is in society?