
Saturday, November 29, 2014

We are Triumphant in Jesus our Prophet, Priest and King

Verses: Psalms 110: 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Those that accept Jesus into their lives are to know the peace that comes from the grace of God.  Jesus was triumphant over death and so will we be.  This is not to say that we will not die an Earthly death.  Instead we will not die an eternal death.  We will receive our gift of everlasting life at our appointed time.

Jesus fulfilled all of the prophesies of old.  Jesus was the prophet that the world had looked for.  Jesus was the Messianic prophet that would come and end our pain and suffering.  The world would be uplifted in peace and grace through the one that came to fulfill all of the prophesies.  The Messiah would not only come to one community but to all the people that would accept the grace so freely given.

Jesus was the priest that the community had hoped for.  Jesus was the one that would be able to explain the past and teach about the future.  Jesus brought the teachings that the world needed to hear.  Jesus taught about salvation and restored hope.  Jesus taught all that would hear the story of new life.  The story of the new creation was taught by Jesus.  Jesus was anointed as the most High of all Priest and was given the power to teach the ultimate story.

Jesus is the King that had been waited for.  Jesus did not arrive in a chariot shooting arrows and conquering the nations of the world.  Instead Jesus came as a babe that lived a human life that was pure and holy.  His life was without sin.  He would be the ruler of the heart of man.  The final judgment would come in the end through the power of the mighty king.

See we have all been given a gift.  Yet, there are many who do not accept the free gift of salvation.  Jesus is waiting for us to turn over our hearts to God.  Jesus is waiting for us to accept the grace that is ours for the taking.  It is a gift that we have not earned it was bought through the power of our Messiah.  Our Savior conquered the death that awaits us if we do not accept the gift of eternal life.

We shall be triumphant in Jesus our prophet, priest and king.  We can claim that victory if only we humble ourselves enough to accept the grace offered.  We can serve the One Most High if we only give our lives over to God. 


We praise you God for your love.  We thank you Jesus for your gift of eternal life.  We offer our voices up in song to praise the Holy King.  We ask that you help us live for you.  Help us share your love to others.  We ask that you cleanse us and make us whole.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the gift of everlasting life?  Have you asked God to be the ruler of your life?  Have you read the priestly teachings and accepted the story of salvation?  Do you now understand the prophesies fulfilled by Jesus the prophet of God?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Do Not Speak Ill Against the Innocent

Verses: Psalms 109: 1 - 31

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Isn’t it amazing how many times in our life we are accused of doing things that we have never done.  People often see the bad and miss the good that we do.  They assume that everyone does wrong and miss the people that are spreading well throughout the world.  The assumption is that the world is full of evil people and that there are very few people that do well.

The psalmist is in one of these situations.  The psalmists is not done anything wrong yet is being accused.  The judges are being swayed by the accusers to believe that the psalmist has committed a deed against them.  The fact is that the psalmist has shown love and mercy.  Yet, instead of that being returned in like kind they are being hated.

I watched a movie today about a man that was found guilty of killing his wife.  He stated that he was innocent.  That he had nothing to do with the murder.  He could not help the detectives because he could not imagine anyone wanting to kill his wife.  They find him guilty by association because they could not find evidence leading to any other reason she had died.

Twenty years past and he continued to plead his innocence.  The case was taken up by the innocence project because they felt there was merit to his pleas.  After twenty-five years in prison it came out that there was evidence that had never been disclosed.  That even at the time of the murder there was evidence leading to someone else doing the killing.  He was finally exonerated of all charges and set free.

The one moment that stood out to me is when he was testifying against the attorney that had hid the evidence.  Instead of asking for a harsh sentenced he asks the court to be lenient.  Imagine the strength of character that it would take to ask for a judge to be fair to someone that had wrongly accused you.  Imagine how hard it would be to put aside your angry and animosity against the person. 

We may not have gone through a situation like this.  Yet, we all have had times that we have been wrongly accused.  We have friends that have accused us of things that we never even thought of doing.  We have family members that have left our side because they think we are in the wrong. 

What is one to do in a situation like this?  The psalmist makes it clear.  We need to ask God to be the ultimate judge.  We need to ask God to deal with the situation.  We need to realize is that our God will be a fair and honest Judge.  God knows the wrongs of a person’s heart.  God knows when people seek ill will on those that have done no wrong.  We need to turn it over to God and know that God will resolve the issue.

The next time you feel that your loyalty has been betrayed.  The next time you feel that your love has been put to the side.  The next time you are wrongly accused.  You do have an option.  Ask God to hear your pleas.  Ask God to provide you with the safety that you need in times of distress.  Ask God to deal with those that wrongly accuse you.  Trust that God will be fair and the wrong will be righted.


We praise you God for being a fair and just God.  We thank you for always being there with us.  We honor you for you love and kindness towards us.  Help us when we are wrongly accused to turn it over to you.  Help us to remember that you know the way of our hearts.  Help us to stay focused on you and to allow your will to work out.  In the name of the Almighty Judge we pray.  Amen


Do you feel that you have been wrongly accused in your life?  Have you tried to solve the situation yourself?  Have you turned over the issue to God?  What must you do today to allow the past to be taken away so that you can focus on the future?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Awaken Our Soul

Verses: Psalms 108: 1 - 13

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We all have moments in our life that our souls are not awake.  Our souls are not awake praising God.  We forget to offer up thanksgiving.  It is if we are awake in the physical sense but asleep deep within.

We walk around the world with a heavy heart.  Our mind loses focus on the one that has set us free.  We forget about all the things that God has led us out of.  Instead we focus on the problems that we are currently struggling with.

We need to awake our souls and offer up praises to God.  We need to look into our inner self and realize that we are not walking in the triumphant which is our salvation.  We need to thank God for helping us through the hard times.  We need to praise God for the good times that are in our life.

We need to awake our souls and ask for God’s compassion and grace.  We need to pray to God to help us in this moment and place.  We need to ask God for strength and wisdom.

When we turn our lives over to God we feel a freedom that no one can give us.  When our soul is awake praising God our struggles become less a burden.  When we go to God and ask for help we have a triumphant God that eases our pain. 

Yet, how many of us walk every day in this world without focusing on God?  How many of us allow our struggles to overtake us and miss the reward that is ours?  When you allow your soul to awake in the name of God you will be blessed with healing and grace.  Your problems may not go away but you will have a helpmate on your side. 

Think on this a moment Jesus was able to conquer death.  Jesus arose out of the grave a heroic savior.  Jesus came so that we may have peace.  Yet, do we allow that peace to flow freely in our life?  We need to always remember that Jesus is the ultimate peacemaker in our life.  If we only allow the Messiah to take control our life will be changed.

The Holy Spirit is there waiting for you to turn over your problems.  We need to awaken our souls so that we can walk in peace and victory.  Yet, look at your life have you allowed the Holy Spirt to guide you.  If we would allow our souls to be awakened in the knowledge of our Savior living within us we would have a heart of purity and strength. 
Yet, we often forget that the one that saved us lives within us.  We do not allow the Holy Spirit to take charge.  Instead we sleep within and carry the burden alone.  We need to learn to awaken each day not only physically but spiritually.  When we do this our daily struggles will only seem as minute obstacles. 


We praise you God for your love.  We offer up our hearts and minds to you.  We praise you for your salvation and peace.  We give you thanks for your strength and wisdom.  We ask that you help us awaken our soul.  Help us dear God to walk in your strength each day.  Help us praise and worship you.  In the name of the Peacemaker we pray.  Amen


Did you awake today both physically and spiritually?  Are you walking through this world with your soul asleep?  Is today the day that you turn over your cares?  Are you willing to allow God to be your guide?  What do you need to thank God for today?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We may be Tossed About in the Raging Sea of Life God Helps US

Verses: Psalms 107: 1 - 43

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We ebb and flow through life.  We come upon waves that knock us down.  We can also quietly drift in the calm sea current.  We have hard times in our life like a large Hurricane in full swing.  The sea of life billows around us this way and that way.  It is ever guiding us in new directions.

Yet, the One that created the sea is with us.  In the quiet moments of our life God is celebrating with us.  In the moments when the waves get higher and higher God is there.  There is nothing that we cannot overcome with God.

Yet, how often do we look at the sea of life and feel like we are alone.  We feel like we are doing all the rowing and no one is there helping us.  We go through life forgetting the One that is always there.  We are so caught up with the problems that we are facing that forget that God is there to help us.
God has done so much for each and every one of us.  When we are sick God is there carrying us.  When we feel alone God is there by our side.  When we are at the end of our rope God is there helping us hold on.

We only need to ask God to help us and we will receive the help we need.  We have a tendency to only see this moment and forget about all the other things that God has gotten us through.  We are so caught up in our worries and fears that we do not allow God to work in our life.

God wants us to let go and let God take control.  Yet, this is our biggest fear of them all.  We fear most not being in control of our future.  We often feel that if we let go of our control things will happen that we never wanted to happen.  Yet, if we allow God to be in charge our life will work out.

The sea of life is a very complicated thing to navigate on our own.  We have an option to be the captain.  We also have the option to be the first mate.  When we are the captain we are trying to make all the decisions and chart our own path.  We often find out that our way is not the best way.  Yet, when we decide to be the first mate and allow God to be the captain we do not have to fight the battle alone.  The obstacles that come in front of us will be smaller in our eyes.

Having God as the captain of our life doesn’t mean there will always be smooth sailing.  The sea of life will churn and the waves will often become more than we can handle.  Yet, when you allow God to be the captain you will get what you need.  This does not mean you will get what you want.  For too often what we want is the opposite of what we truly need.

The next time you are in the quiet seas thank God for all that has been done in your life.  When the water gets rough ask God to come and be your helpmate.  You will soon discover that you have many things to thank God for.  The waters might be high for a while in your life yet only imagine what they would be like if you didn’t ask God to be the captain of your life.


We thank you God the Creator of our life.  We praise you for your gift of salvation.  We praise you for the strength that you give us when we are weak.  We thank you for helping us when we feel that there is no way out of the situation that we are in.  Help us Dear Savior to turn our lives over to you.  Help us to allow you to be the captain of our life.  Help us always remember what you have done in the past so that we can be reassured about our future.  In the name of the Creator of the Sea of Life we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God into your life?  Have you turned over your control of your life to the One that is stronger than you?  Are you in a moment of your life when there is calmness and you have the opportunity to sing praises up to God?  Are you struggling today and need to ask God to help you?  Have you thanked God for all of the things that God has done in your life?

God Never Abandons Us

Verses: Psalms 106: 1 - 48

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Amazingly we who have accepted God in our life will often turn from the one who has saved us.  We know the right way to live yet; we act against the very nature of God.  We do things that we know are against the will of God.  We forget that the Messiah is our part of our very existence. 

We often put other things before God.  We put our desire for fame and fortune before the humble service of God.  We put our desire for love before the Love that God has given to us freely.  We crave the abundance of the earth without respect for the One who created the Earth.  We envy others who have more than us instead of offering a helping hand to those that are less fortunate than us.

There are many reasons why we turn our backs on God.  Throughout our life we will fall short of the free gift of Love that is given to us.  Yet, God is a just and holy God.  God forgives us when we see our wrong and ask for help.  God pours out love when we see that what we have desired is not the will of the One Most High.

We often are overcome with the results of our actions.  We may face jail time. 
We may lose our family and friends.  We may grow sick because of the way we destroy our bodies.  Yet, God does not abandon us.  All we have to do is call on the name of the Holy One.  At that moment God will give us the help we need. 

Our God will in the end of our life here on Earth bless us with the grace of salvation.  It is not a gift that we earned instead it is a free gift that we can receive.  We make the choice of receiving the free gift of salvation.  If we decide to accept the love of the Messiah our life becomes complete.  No matter what has happened in the past it is forgiven.  No matter what happens in the future it is forgiven.  The blood of the lamb covers our trespasses and we are made whole.

We should lift our voices in praise to God.  We need to thank the one that never abandons us.  We need to praise the Messiah for the gift of salvation.  In all things bless the Holy One.


We thank you God for never abandoning us.  We praise you for covering our trespasses with the blood of the Perfect Lamb.  We give you all the glory for you are holy.  We praise you for giving us new Life through your love and grace.  Help us dear God never to lose focus on you.  Help us to always to remember to offer up our praises to you.  Help us today to accept your gift of salvation.  In the name of the Almighty we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the gift of Salvation?  Have you asked God to forgive you for the times you have strayed?  Are you offering up praises to God who never abandons you no matter what you do?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Praise God for the Works God has Done in the Past

Verses: Psalms 105: 1 - 45

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God has brought so many blessings to us in the past.  In this Psalm we are reminded of everything that God did to ensure the Israelites had a safe place.  God helped them overcome times of famine.  God helped the people overcome the struggles in Egypt.  God brought them out of their slavery into freedom.  God led them to the promise land and brought them to their own land.

We can all look at our life and see the wonderful work that God has done in our life.  Everyday God performs miracles that help us overcome the impossible.  The miracles may seem small at the time yet when you look back you can see how big they really are.

Yet, we often are like the Israelites we forget to praise God for the miracles in our life.  We spend our time so wrapped up in our misfortunes or bumps in the road that we miss what we are given.  We come to expect God to save us without offering thanks to God when we do receive blessings.
The best way to thank God for the miracles that happen is to lift our voices in praise.  To thank God for the little things that make our lives complete.  Give God the entire honor when the speed bumps in our life erode.  We need to lift our voices up in praise to keep our life in focus with the one most high.

Praising God is not a hard thing.  There are so many miracles that happen each day that there are millions of reasons why to say thank you.  The fact that you woke up this morning and was able to take in a new day is reason enough to praise God.

People around us need to see that we praise God for our blessings.  What we miss is that people are looking at us and following our lead.  People that profess to be Christians should spend part of everyday lifting up praise to the One who made us. 

We need to show others though our kindness the love of God.  Someone today needs to see Jesus.  Can you be Jesus for someone today?  There are so many simple acts that we can do to spread the love of God.  I can think of no better way of praising and honoring God than helping the world around us. 

Look at your life.  Look at the life of people around you.  Find the reason to lift praises up to God.  Find a way to be a light in someone’s darkness.  The ancestors of Jesus showed how following God was the right way to do things.  Jesus is our role model and we need to follow the way of the Messiah.  Open your heart up today and allow your love to reach someone in need.

We praise you God for our very breath of life.  We thank you for showing us miracles each day.  Help us to stay focused on serving you.  Help us remember the love that you show us each and every day.  Help us be Jesus to someone to day.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you thanked God today for the miracles in your life?  Have you helped someone in need?  Have you given your life over to the one that gave his life for you?  Are you being someone’s Jesus today?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Praise God Who Gives Breath to All Creation

Verses: Psalms 104: 1 - 35

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Isn’t it easy sometimes to look at the beautiful things on Earth and get lost in their radiance?  Isn’t it easy to feel the warmth of the sun and be overwhelmed by its touch?  Have you ever thought about the birds that are flying in the air and be awe inspired by their grace?  Have you ever watched the stars come out in their brightness and be mesmerized by their grace? 

All too often we get caught up in the works of God and forget who brought it all into existence.  We see the trees as they change their colors and we marvel at their beauty.  We see the flowers bloom in the spring and we are overcome with their radiance.  We see this yet we forget that God caused this all to happen.  We forget that God set the seasons.

We see young animals and think how cute they are.  We hear the chirping of the birds and our imagination swells of the thought of just glimpsing them as babies.  We see butterflies break with their cocoons and are amazed with their dazzling colors.  Yet, we forget to thank God because all that we see is a gift from God to us.  The very breath of life came from the one that created us all.

We see babies and are overcome with joy at the way they touch our hearts.  People forget that God created us just the way we are.  There are no rejects in the eyes of God.  Each and every person that has lived or will live on Earth was created in the image of the Most High.  There are no mistakes to God’s creation.  It doesn’t matter who you are today celebrate that God made you to be the special creation you are.

See what we need to do is praise God not the things God has made.  The things God has made help us remember the very loving presence of God.  Yet, we should lift our praises up to the creator of the breath of life.  The very Angels rejoice and sing praises to God out of love.  We need to praise God for the breath of life given to us.  We need to thank God for the seasons, the day and night, for all the creatures of this world.  We need to praise God for God is worthy of all our prayers.  We need to always remember it isn’t the things that God made that need to be praised instead it is God the creator that deserves our praise.


We praise you Creator of the Breath of Life.  We worship you for you are worthy to be praised.  We thank you for all that you have given to us.  We return our love to you for you first loved us.  We thank you for your continuing strength.  We praise you for the days that you continue to bestow on us.  Help us to always remember to put you first in our life.  In the name of the Breath of Life we pray.  Amen


Are you praising God?  Have you accepted the gift of eternal life that God has given to you?  Can you feel the breath of the new life that is waiting for you to grab hold of?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Give Thanksgiving to God for God is Good

Verses: Psalms 103: 1 - 22

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Our God is an awesome and wonderful God.  God has created everything for us.  God helps us through things that seem impossible.  Our God is there carrying the weight of all our problems.  God heals our needs.

Our God is Good.  God is fair and just.  Those that accept Jesus in their life have their transgressions removed for all their life.  God no longer sees the wrong that has been done instead God sees the cleansing blood of the Beloved Son.

Our God is everlasting love.  God loved us even when we didn’t deserve it.  God never betrays us or abandons us.  God is our helpmate and our strength.  The love of God is stronger than any love that exists.

We need to praise God for all the gifts that God has done in our life.  We need to offer up thanksgiving for all that God will do in our life.  We need to lift our praises to God for all God has done in others’ lives.  We need to give our heart to the one that loves us. 

Praise God for God is Good!!

We offer our praises to you God.  We thank you for you never-ending love.  We offer up thanksgiving for all that you have done in our life.  We praise you for the things that you will do in our life.  We thank you for the help that you have given to others.  We worship you for your saving grace.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you praising God, for our God is worthy of praise?