
Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Samaritan's believe because they Meet the Messiah

Verses: John  4 : 39 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

We have all had people come in our lives that change us.  Those changes can be for the good or for the bad.  We need to understand when Christ is in the middle of that meeting only good will comes out of it.  Today's story sums that up so well.

You can imagine the people hearing that there was a man that knew this woman's story that had never met her before.  How was it possible?  To make it more interesting she tells them that the man in a Jew and she believes it is the Messiah that they are promised.

The people must have felt something in their hearts when she said this because instead of running from her or calling her a liar.  They went themselves to meet this man.  They had blind trust because they believe what she was saying.  How awesome would it be if we believed our closest friends when they tell us they have felt the presence of God?  Just imagine how the world would change if we believed it from people we did not even know.

So the people ran to meet Jesus.  They wanted to see it with their own eyes.  This is no different than us.  We believe what people say.  Yet, when we personally experience the power of Jesus we are more apt to put our trust in it.

Jesus was not offended that the people had believed the woman and wanted to see it.  In fact, I believe Jesus knew this would be what would happen.  As soon as they saw and heard Jesus they began to trust him.

The most awesome part of this story is that the Samaritan's acknowledge that Jesus is there to save them also.  Even though he was a Jew they believed in his power to be their Messiah also.  That is true for so many of us we believe that God can help others.  Yet, we fear that he cannot save us from our faults or help us in our times of need. The Messiah came to save the entire world.  We need to trust and believe in that one simple thought.  That Jesus does not pick and choose who comes to the table.  It is our own choice.


Dear God thank you for coming for the entire world.  God we thank you that you are there in our good and bad times.  Thank you for carrying us when we are weak.  Thank you for never leaving our side when we are strong.  God help us have trust in you and the power that you have in saving not only a few but all.  In the holy of holiest names I pray.  Amen


Have you trusted that Jesus can save you?  Have you turned over all the things that are affecting your life?  Are you hiding under the weight of the world or are you being carried on the strong shoulders of Christ?  Is it your time to trust?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Take on the Harvest of the Lord

The Harvester does Not have to be the Planter

Verses: John 4 : 31 - 38

My thoughts about the verses:

For just one moment think of all the things that you get to enjoy in life but did not start.  One of the things I am most grateful for is my Church.   I wasn't there when it started in fact I wasn't even a thought when the first MCC opened its doors.  I have a feeling that the small group that gathered that day in a living room 45 years ago never dreamed of the harvest that they were planting.

I was only one when MCC Louisville had its first bible study and began planting seeds that are still being harvested.  Yet, in both of these situations the groups that met were coming together because they needed their own spiritual fruits.  Isn't that the same today?  Don't we do things that help us grow without considering the harvest that is to come.

This is not true of Jesus.  Jesus knew that the harvest would be large.  He knew that he was planting the seeds that would be grow and grow.  The harvest would be large and need many harvesters.  There was no need for more than one planter because Jesus was the very essence of living water that would nourish the seeds planted and make them grow.

The disciples were the seeds planted that day.  Along with the disciples each life that Jesus touched that day and in the future would become plants needing harvesting.  See the gift was free the nourishment for the soul was everlasting.  Anyone who would drink in the living water of Jesus would grow.  Those that basked in the sunlight of God would turn into a plant with deep roots. Those that were filled with the fertilizer of the spirit would produce the most awesome of all fruits.

Yet, at times we are all like the disciples.  We believe we need more than this to survive.  We think it takes the gifts that the world has to make us powerful and important.  Jesus's message was not to become planters but to become harvesters.  During this time the planter was the owner of the land the one that controlled the seed, water, fertilizer.  The harvester was one that just gathered the crops for the owner.  In reward they were given parts of the harvest to enjoy.

Just like this group of water lilies.  We have an opportunity to see the beauty of the greatest farmer of souls ever.  We can glean from the field those that are ready to be harvested.  We can reach the unchurched if we so choose.  If we do not glean the fields the flowers will fade and their beauty disappear from our sight.  Yet, the flowers never lose their beauty in the eyes of the planter because after each flower fades a new pod is ready to bust open with even more beautiful flowers.
The flower that fades leaves a pod ready to bloom


Dear God we thank you for your beautiful harvest.  We thank you for planting numerous seeds in the field.  We thank you for allowing the plants to continue to grow and be reborn over and over again.  Dear God we ask that you use us to glean the field.  May we truly give you our hearts and souls.


Have you been harvested from the field?  Do you need to start harvesting the flowers that are in bloom?  If you haven't started gleaning the field what is keeping you from doing starting?  Is today the day that you accept the call to harvest God's field?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jesus knows all our past, current and future deeds

Yesterday merges with Today and leads to Tomorrow

My thoughts about the verses:

I think it is amazing how God shows me something like today's photo.  This would have been a shot that I would have taken and over time knowing me had gotten rid of thinking it was something that I would never need.  Then I read today's verse and understood that even though I could not walk the day this was shot God wanted me to see it so I would understand the message that people needed to see.

I wonder if Lincoln would have ever thought that he would change the world the way he did.  I wonder what he would think about the monuments that commemorate his life.  I bet he would have never considered that towns and roads and so much more would be named after him.  Makes you wonder if he would have done anything differently.

As discussed yesterday the Samaritan woman's entire experience with Jesus was unique and very shocking.  Now imagine her total look of surprise when Jesus told her of her past.  Imagine then the thoughts running through her mind as Jesus told her that currently the man she was with was not her husband.  Then to take it one step further he predicted the future.

Now in today's world we would start looking for the hidden camera.   We would start looking for the small concealed earpiece.  Immediately we would suspect our family was involved or a close friend.  We live in a world where we have lost the ability to believe that things can happen without the power of magic.

Yet, the Samaritan woman did not have this problem.  She accepted that Jesus was the Messiah she had so longed waited to see.  She wanted the filling of the spirit and immediately considered that the man that knew all was the promised one.  She left what she was doing and ran and told the rest of the town.

The story is very simple the Messiah is willing to forgive us of our past.  The spirit desires to help us throughout the day. God the Parent is preparing our home for tomorrow. Jesus is waiting today to forgive us of all the things that we have ever done or will ever do.  The Holy spirit is waiting to help us live a life that is centered in love and peace.  God the Parent is longing for us to join the trinity in Heaven.

Yet, here is where we come into the story do we run or do we trust?  The Samaritan woman did two things that day she did run to tell others.  She also trusted that Jesus was much more than just a simple man.  She believed that she had found the Messiah.  Her trust is what brought others to know Christ and to walk freely in peace from that day forward.


Dear God thank you for preparing a holy city for your people.  Dear God we thank you for the blessings that come from us being with Jesus at the table of life.  We ask right now God that you take away our hurts and our pain.  We ask that you fill us with your gentle spirit.  May we learn to put the past behind us and live each day anew.  May we strive to meet the savior in Heaven and to relax in the home that has been prepared for us.


Do you continue to run from the Savior?  Have you placed your trust in the compassionate Messiah?  Are you living today as if it were your last providing love and peace to all those around you?  Are you truly ready if today was your last?  Has your spirit been filled?  Will you allow your deeds of the past,  your worries for the future destroy the grace God is willing to give today?  It is your choice, do your run or do you trust?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Drink the Living Water that is Freely Given

The Spring of Living Water is Deeper and wider than any Well

Verses: John 4 : 1 - 15

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus is the living water.  Jesus is the water that flows and ebbs deeply in our soul.  This is the gift of everlasting life that is given to those that accept Jesus as their savior.  This gift of everlasting water is ours if we choose to accept it.

The Samaritan woman had to deal with two situations that shocked her but gave her strength.  The first thing that occurred is that a man was treating her as an equal.  Secondly, this man who talked to her was just not any man but a Jew.  Jewish individuals and Samaritans had no contact with each other.  Therefor this entire interaction was a shock to this woman.

Jesus was beginning the ministry that would spread outside the Jewish community.  Many Jews believed that when the Messiah came that they were only people that were to be saved.  Yet, Jesus reached out and touched the life of this woman to let her know that she too could choose the gift of everlasting life.  She could receive a filling of the spirit of water that would never run dry.

The Samaritan's were the individuals that the Jews treated much like those who had leprosy.  The two groups would share the same well water but they would have gone at separate times of the day.  You can almost see the disciples witnessing this and wondering has Jesus gone mad.  Yet, they too were to learn that they had to go out to the rest of the world.  That the water, blood, that would cleanse and stop all thirsting would be given freely to all people.

No wonder people wonder why there are so many different denominations.  There is also why people say that Jesus only came for this group or that group.  Jesus testimony at the well was very simple.  All individuals that would drink from the fountain of living water would have everlasting life.  This is not the first time Jesus said this, but at this moment the actions meant more than words.  People learn by example and Jesus showed that there were no barriers.

When I tell people about my church I often tell them that we are following Christ's example I often get a questioning look.  Most churches believe that they are too living by the example.  This may be true in most areas.  Yet, if you fail to recognize any person as being accessibly to the salvation of the natural spring of water you are not living the example.  Choosing who and who cannot receive the gift of everlasting life is totally against all Jesus taught.

There are so many that have felt like the spring of living water has been kept from them.  I know personally that I would never want to worship a savior that could not have the power to save all.  The power and gift are available if we choose to accept.  The Messiah that I serve opens the everlasting gift of life to whoever will accept.


Dear God you are so awesome.  We praise you forever everything that you have given to us.  We praise you for open the door for everyone who desires to enter.  We ask God for the gift of your living water to flow through us.  May our very souls feel your grace.  May our lives be changed. May we never deny entrance to your truth to anyone who desires to receive it.


Have you accepted the living water?  Have you denied anyone access to the grace of God?  Will you open doors to all those that are searching?  Will you be an instrument that leads others to the Messiah?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The choice is ours

Will You Believe the Things of Heaven or the Things of the Earth

Verses: John 3 : 31 - 36

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus at this point of the story is pointed out as the one that came from Heaven.  Many people knew him as the son of Joseph.  They thought of no prophet would come from Nazarene.  Yet, in this simple verse John makes a very bold statement about the heritage of Jesus.  He points out that Jesus was sent from Heaven.  That he was a sacrifice that was sent to Earth to free those that would believe.

The entire truth is that God gives us all choices.  Many times we make the wrong choice because we are afraid of the possible outcome.  Other times we make quick choices that change our destiny without even thinking about the consequences.  Then there are those moments that you fail to make any decision.

The choice of choosing between the ways of Heaven and Earth is the biggest choice we can make.  The fact is that many of us are given the option over and over again.  Yet, we still fail to make a choice.  God knew that this would be the way it was with humankind.  So there were many sent to prepare the way and to talk of the news from Heaven.

The saddest part of this story is that people turn their backs on Jesus because they believe that the fun in life will be gone forever.  They fear that accepting Jesus they must live a life of strict rules and to break those rules would separate them from Christ.  :This is where I want to explain that when the scripture is talking about the things of Earth,  this does not mean that if you become a Christian you lose the ability to have fun.  In fact, you will have more fun than you ever had before.

Earthly things are those things that you allow to come between you and your relationship with God.  Heavenly things are those things that reward your relationship with God.  The Simple things are those things that give us an enriched spirit.  These things allow us to freely understand God.  Encourage us to give back to humankind.  Yet, it is the choice that you make that leads you to decide if you are going to help Christ or to fight Christ.


Dear God we again thank you for the precious gift of you beloved son.  Help us make the proper choices in our life.  Help us fully understand the power we can receive by choosing to follow you with our entire being.  May we receive the gifts that you have set for us.


Have you chosen the right path for your life?  Have you accepted the gift that has been freely given to you?  Are you ready to build a strong relationship with Jesus or are you choosing to fight that relationship?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Came to Prepare the Way

Verses: John 3 : 22 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

There are times in our lives that we must realize that a new beginning is our destiny.  That we do not turn away from things of the past but we start focusing on the new.  That no matter what happens Jesus is with us and he has passed so that the spirit can fill our lives.

You may notice from this video that the first bird is anticipating the arrival of its mate.  It knows that when the second bird comes it must fly on and return to protect the nest.  This is similar to what occurred to John the Baptist and Jesus.  John came and started baptizing saying that the Messiah is coming that you must accept this to have your sinful deeds removed.  Yet, John never considered himself more important than others.

The fact is that it was his followers that did not understand what was truly happening.  They were having a hard time accepting that another person could come that would change their destiny.  They were content with what John was teaching and because of that they were afraid of Jesus's new fame.

John then tells his disciples that it is not me that you should be following.  What you truly needs comes from Heaven not from Earth. That destiny is changed through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Those that follow Jesus will understand the true power and grace that John had talked about.

He told his followers that he only had come to prepare the way.  Think on this a moment.  Those that follow Jesus are always preparing the harvest for the one to come back.  Jesus one day will come and those that are ready to be harvested will go home to Heaven.  While the others will be given one last chance to understand God's will.

There are also times in our life that we must change leaders.  Followers must understand that those that are, called by Christ and ordained by God and filled with the Spirit, have the same purpose.  We are to prepare the field and lead others to Messiah.

Does this mean that the past is not important?  We would not be where we are without our past.  Yet, when things change we must let go of some of our ideas and move forward.  Leaders will come and go but if God is allowed to choose those that we follow we will be successful.

Look back at the video.  Was the first bird important?  Yes it was a necessity to prepare for the arrival of change.  Is the second bird important?  Yes, because that is the instrument of change.  Is the Water important?  Yes, because both birds had to pass through the water to be cleansed.

Yet, what did not change?  The rock never changed its appearance.  It did not move or disintegrate with the changing of the guard.  So what does that have to do with our lives.  As long as we are standing firmly on our beliefs and worshiping the true savior,  we will always have a foundation no matter who is watching us.

The only thing that is missing is the third bird.  I want to explain that the third bird is us.  Lay and Clergy that continue to prepare the way for the second coming.  The birds that never make it through the water and to the rock,  never have the refreshing of their spirit.  Yet, we know that many birds have come through the water and landed.  Therefore, prepare you heart.  Accept the leaders that God sends your way.  Lastly, always remember that the past is important but to keep moving forward you must accept the new.


Dear God thank you for filling us with your Holy Spirit.  We thank you God for allowing new life to come and renew the spirits of your people.  We ask that you guide us with a heart of compassion.  May we begin anew so that we can come close to your will.  We ask that you never let us forget our past but renew us again each and every day.  Amen


Have you accepted the cleansing water?  Have you chosen to stand firmly on the rock of Faith?  Are you ready for a rebirth of your life?  What will you do today to prepare the harvest of all God's people?