
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lazarus Dies, Jesus Returns to Judea

Verses: John 11 : 1 - 16

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine for a moment knowing that your close friend is dying.  They need a bone marrow donation to live.  Would you get in line immediately to see if you were a match?  Would you wait and see if someone else stepped forward first?  If you weren't a match would you help get other people to sign up to donate? Would you stand by and just watch them pass away without doing anything?

This may be something that you have already faced at some point in your life.  You may have been able to give of yourself to help someone in need.  It may have been through blood or bone marrow.  You can also help people by being there supporting them as they face those hard moments.  It may be the person who is sick or their family that needs your prayers and support but this is something that you can do even when you are not able to do other things.

This is what Jesus was experiencing in this very moment.  He was dear friend was dying.  Lazarus and his two sisters needed their friend there.  Jesus had the lifesaving medicine.  Yet, Jesus did something that was probably harder for him to do than it would be for us.  He did not rush to Lazarus and heal him.  Jesus allowed Lazarus to fall into the deep sleep.  He was going to do something for his friend that meant more than healing him from his illness.

Jesus needed to show the world that Jesus could overcome death.  This would be an example that the community would remember when his own death came.  See if the community had not seen this miracle they may have not fully accepted Christ resurrection.  Jesus was setting a precedent that no one else would be able to do.  The fact that life would not hold back his powers was something that his followers did not understand fully.

His followers even tried to keep him from going back to Judea.  They were afraid he would be stoned if he went back because his death was on the hearts of the Jewish leaders.  Jesus taught them not to be afraid.  That as long as you are doing the right thing in the right way you will have all the support you need.  It is when you do the right thing the wrong way, or the wrong thing, that you will stumble.    They went with him.  Yet, they also went with the thought that if he is going to die returning we will follow him even if we are to be killed.  How ironic that they were willing to do it in this moment when much later other decisions would be made.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for dying so that we may have everlasting life.  Dear God we ask that you come into our lives.  Help us live without fear.  Guide us to do your will.  Help us walk with the spirit of freedom that you give us through everlasting life.  In you Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever helped someone without question?  How can you help people in need?  Have you learned to walk without fear?  Are you walking in the light or are you stumbling in the dark?

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Eternal Flame

Verses: John 10 : 22 - 40

My thoughts about the verses:

The first thing that we need to do is understand what the Feast of Dedication is about.  Approximately 150 years before Jesus was born the Jewish community in Judea were under Greco-Syrian rule.  They were forced to worship Greek Gods.  The temple had been taken over and was no longer a place of Jewish worship.  Four brothers led a revolt which overthrew the rulers of the area.  When this occurred the temple was taken back into their possession.

Once the temple was back in possession the Jewish community rededicated the Temple.  The Eternal flame was lit with the last amount of oil.  To explain the Eternal Flame this is a lamp that was lit all the time to represent the presence of God with the chosen people.  When the flame was lit during the rededication there was only enough oil for less than a day.  Yet, the flame stayed lit for 7 days.  We now know this part of the rededication is known as The Festival of the Lights.

So now let us look what was happening on the day Jesus entered the temple during the Feast of Dedication.  He once again is confronted by the leaders.  The Questioned if he was the Messiah.  They desired Jesus to give them the evidence they needed so that they could stone him and get rid of this trouble maker.

Jesus's response was a question back.  What miracle have you seen me do that you want to kill me for? Think about this a second.  Jesus was teaching them something very important but they had missed it.  He was showing them that the Eternal Flame was standing right there in front of them.  The fulfillment of the rededication was complete.  Yet, the leaders became angrier.  How dare some mere man say he was God's son.

See they expected this great conqueror.  They were not expecting someone to come that would arrive as a baby.  That would walk among the people.  This day Jesus was doing something that they did not understand.  As he stood on the Porch of Solomon he was bringing the Eternal Flame in person to the temple.  He was actually dedicating the temple once more.  He was dedicating for those that would come to know him as the Messiah.  He was purifying the temple so that the Jewish community would have a truly sacred temple to worship in.  Yet, it was not just for the Jewish community, but for all who would follow God.

In today's world we have the opportunity to see the Eternal flame when we see the deeds of a true Christian.  The Holy Spirit comes into the new temple, our body, and stays lit for the rest of our life. The deeds that we do in the name of Christ are the same examples of love as the miracles Christ did in his time.  Even though you may feel persecuted by the actions that you do know that Jesus said that all that accept Jesus are a child of God.  Therefor the presence living with us refreshes us and encourages us to do things that benefit the good of all people.


Dear God thank you for dying for us.  We thank you dear savior for entering our hearts and blessing us with the Eternal Flame.  We ask that you light our way.  We ask that you guide our actions.  Lastly, we pray that we keep our Spirits open to do the things that you desire from us.  In the name of everlasting love we pray.  Amen


Have you asked Jesus into your heart?  Have you allowed the Eternal Flame to ignite your deeds?  Is there someone you need to share Jesus with?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Sheep, The Robber, The Worker, and The Shepherd

Verses: John 10 : 7 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

For just one second let us imagine that the story is talking about a group of believers.  There are four different types of individuals that make up the group.  All four exist in most groups.  The important thing is to look at who you are in the group.  Determine if you like who you are.  If you do how do you keep growing?  If you do not like whom you are in the group how do you change?

The first group that I want to talk about is the sheep.  Many of us are the sheep of the group.  We gather because we consider ourselves part of the group.  Casually observing what happens around us.  Every once in a while we actively participate when we feel that it is something that we truly believe in. When we feel the call we become active and do what Jesus desires us to do.  Then once that pull on our heart strings is met we go back to our own grazing.  Yet, will respond each and every time God calls on our name.

There are also Robbers that are in the group.  These are individuals that are in it for the fame and glory. They come in the door with big plans.  Yet, they are only there for a little while.  When they lose being the center of attention they sneak out the first open window.  They move from group to group giving talents, but only those they desire to share.  They give money as long as they are seeing what they want done.  Yet, they pull that also when their passion moves out of the center.  It isn't that they do not do well.  The truth is that there are a lot of things that they accomplish every day.  The problem is that they lose their focus of why they are doing what they do.  Instead of making what they do important they make themselves the important part.

The third group is the worker.  The worker is the person who does whatever is needed.  They spend all their energy making sure that the little things are done.  The group would not survive without these little worker bees.  Yet, there is something that happens to this group. The members get tired and burned out.  They feel like they are responsible for so much that it doesn't bring them the joy they first received.  People take for granted what they do and little is offered to them for what they do.  Even though they are not seeking praise they get tired of pushing themselves to the limit while they see others not working.  They often will stay in the group, but will move from the worker to the sheep status.  It is very hard once they move to that status to bring them back to the worker status.  Yet, they can be encouraged to take on smaller jobs that have set time frames and responsibilities.

The Shepherd is a much different person.  This person is a leader in one specialized area.  They realize that they are good at one thing and instead of spreading their energy among many areas they concentrate on this one.  They are also good at letting others share the spotlight.  They want to encourage as many people as they can to use their own talent.  They shepherd individuals take on responsibility. Members of the group in general seek these people out when they have concerns.  They are leaders because of their dedication.  They are seen as constants and are missed when not present.  The one thing about this group of individuals is that they have a hard time stepping outside of their current role. They are so committed that they feel that they have to do the role they are performing or it will not be done.  They often push themselves very hard and sacrifice their good for the good of the group.

As you can see each group has good and bad sides.  The sheep watch and participate when they have a pulling of the heart strings.  The robber runs in and does great things but leaves if people do not applaud their actions.  The worker does all of the small things but can face burn out.  The Shepherd is strong in one activity to the point of sacrificing their good.


God thank you for giving freely of your gift of love.  Dear God we thank you for putting a heart of service in us.  We ask that we do your will all the time.  We ask that you put our will to the back and help us keep focused on you.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Do you feel like a member of the group?  Which role are you playing today?  Where are you in that role? Where would you like to be?  Do you need to change your current role?  What talent can you give to the service of the church that you have kept to yourself?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Shepherd and the sheep

Verses: John 10 : 1 - 6

My thoughts about the verses:

If you grew up in church you probably have heard Jesus called the Good Shepherd.  Have you ever wonder what it takes to be a good shepherd?

As a child I came up with this vision of a bunch of sheep following Jesus.  Jesus was a young man with a stick and a slingshot. Every time one of the sheep quit following him Jesus calls it by name and it comes running to him.  When a predator approached all he had to do was pull out the slingshot and it would flee.  Then at night he would take and lock them in a barn and they would be protected.  Then he could rest and the sheep would sleep.  In my childish thoughts I had concluded that no one would bother them at night because they were safe behind closed doors.

That is what I thought it took to take care of sheep them as an adult I stayed on a sheep farm.  The one thing that I came to realize is that there is never a time when the predators are at rest.  The shepherd has to always be on guard.  I also learned that sheep have a tendency to wander away from each other and go in many different directions at once.  The last part is probably biggest lesson and one that comes out in this story.  A good shepherd puts the needs of the flock before their own.  I can remember them hearing a noise and getting up late in night to make sure everything was okay.

See a good shepherd is always on guard protecting the sheep.  They are always Watching for those that go astray. They spend most of their day keeping away predators.  They guard their flock both night and day.  The good shepherd is their protector so that they can grow and flourish.  Jesus is the ultimate example of a Good shepherd. He put his own life on the cross so that we may be saved.

As far as the sheep that are mentioned in the story that is us.  He died for the  multitude of people running in different directions all trying to do our own thing.  Not watching what is going on around us instead just grazing on God's green grass.  Jesus calls our name and we come together as a flock.  Not all come because they have yet, to recognize the savior’s voice.  Those that have even though they are doing their own thing run to him for protection and safety when he calls to them.  They are protected day and night.


Dear God thank you for being our protector.  Thank you for sacrificing yourself so that we may live. Help us hear your voice.  Guide us so that we may do your will here on earth.  In you name we pray.  Amen


Have you heard the shepherd's voice?  Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  Are you doing your own thing or obeying the will of God?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spiritual Blindness

Verses: John 9 : 35 - 41

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever driven through an old cemetery and noticed how many monuments have been damaged? Have you ever wondered if it was from age or some person that just didn't understand what they were doing?  I ran across this beautiful monument at a cemetery and I was shocked.  How could someone purposefully break such a memorial to a person's loved one.  If you look closely you will see that it has holes from a pellet gun or BB gun that have broken the glass.  From a distance you can hardly make out what is in the blue glass.  But focusing in you can see this beautiful Angel with open arms inviting you to come to the cross.

I used this example to help us understand spiritual blindness.  This is when are so caught up in our own thoughts that we miss the point God is trying to make.  If you have ever watched a horse race you will notice that they put guards on the horses eyes so that they do not look to the side.  So they are focused to go in the direction that the Jockey is sending them and that is forward.  Not allowing them to be distracted by the horses that they are running against.  If you live within spiritual blindness you are missing the world around you just like the horses in the race.

See what God wants is for you to take all of you’re made up notions and place them at the base of the cross.  He wants us to open your eyes to the world around you.  He desires you to see the many miracles to understand the freedom of grace.  Yet, so many people walk around claiming that they see the true living God and follow the correct way that they miss the boat.

The blind man was turned away from the church because he spoke the truth.  This offended the leaders because they wanted to find just one more reason to arrest Jesus.  Yet, the blind man had a new vision that went much deeper than the new eyesight that he had.  His vision was that of salvation.  He realized that the gift he was given was that of eternal peace not just temporary eyesight while he was on the Earth.

I love the fact that it is Jesus that goes and finds the man.  Jesus does not want us to battle alone he wants to be there with us.  He is always seeking us out when we are hurting so that we can feel the comforting peace.  The man makes the decision to follow Jesus and at that point he has the connection that God desired also.  We have an eternity of spiritual sight.

The leaders on the other hand saw this and they were offended.  For Jesus was telling them that they were to be judged.  Because they could not see the truth set right in front of them they were guilty of their sins.  Therefore they were spiritually blinded.  If they had spiritual sight they would see Jesus as their salvation and understand that they too needed Jesus in their life.  Instead what they saw was a man that was teaching differently than what they believed.  They missed the whole story and were therefor still guilty of sin.  Where if they had seen Jesus for the salvation that he was their spiritual eyes would have been opened and they would have had the peace that the once blind man had.


Jesus thank you for coming to the Earth.  Thank you for dying on the cross to open our spiritual eyes. Help us remove the blinders that we have placed between us and you.  Help us gain the sight that you desire that of salvation and grace.  In the name of the savior we pray.  Amen


Are you spiritually blind or spiritually sighted?  What do we need to do to receive the free gift that God is offering?  How can we help others find their sight?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Does God Leave Us?

Verses: John 9 :  13 - 34

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever asked these questions before?  Has God left my presence?  Am I alone in my struggles? Does God leave us?  Have you ever felt alienated from a church?  Have religious people ever made you feel less a person?

I want to start by saying that God never ever leaves us.  The fact is that once you ask God to enter your heart you never lose that connection.  You can attempt to build barriers, yet they will not keep God out of your heart and soul.  The most amazing part is that God is ready to come into your heart at any time. The decision is yours, God is waiting for you to open the door to your heart, and then God will always be there.

Secondly, you are never alone in your struggles.  Once you believe Jesus died for your sins you are never alone.  God celebrates with you in all of your good times.  During your struggles God is with you carrying you.  Even when others run and hide God is there.  The weight is less because Jesus carried your baggage on his shoulder and left it within the tomb when he was buried.  So as you struggle Jesus carries the majority of the weight while you carry the amount that you can bear.

The last two questions are the hardest to deal with because they are about humans.   A lot of people feel that if the church has alienated them then God is pushing them away.  God does not use the church to hurt people.  Churches or people that push people away are not leaving the commandments of God. Instead they are actually living opposite of the way of God.

God did not pick and choose who to care for.  Jesus didn't just die for a "perfect" group of people.  For if they were truly perfect then they would have not needed Jesus to die for their sins.  Jesus died for all people.  So do not be upset at God if people attempt to alienate you from the presence.  The truth is that Jesus died for them just as much as Jesus died for you.  Do not let people who are teaching hate run you from God.

The reality is that God will not condone that behavior.  I know this sounds crazy, but I believe that they will have to answer for the alienation that they have imposed on people.  Jesus led by example and if you look at the example there was no one ever turned away.  In fact, people use law from Leviticus to drive people away.  When in reality Jesus is the fulfillment of all those laws.  So to push a person away because you are picking and choosing what laws to follow is a sin against God.  You either have to obey all the laws or believe that Jesus in the new covenant.

I grew up believing one thing and that still is within me and was taught to me by those that would not see me as equals now.  That truth is simple that Jesus died for everyone.  Those that believe in that death for atonement of their sins will not die but have everlasting life.  Simple but true no one can break the relationship that I have with God.  I was taught that once you are in God's hands no one can pluck you out.  Well guess what no one can force me out of the hands of God.  I was also taught that you can't jump out of the hands also.  See we try to hide or blame God when things are not right.  We try to distance ourselves from God.  Yet, because we asked the Holy Spirit to fill us we can never truly run away from God.  So let those that judge be judged by God and let you be blessed by God.

Now people may be thinking that I am picking and choosing what I was taught as a child just like those that pick and choose what laws to follow.  For those that think that I have only one message God made all in the image of the Heavenly Parent.  Therefor I am a reflection of God.  when I allow the Holy Spirit to come into my life the reflection is completed.  Does this mean that I will not sin?  No we all sin and that is why we need a God that doesn't just let us fall through the cracks when we come up short.  But, who I am not a sin rather it is who God made me to be.  Sin is only those things which I choose to do which are in contrast to what God wants me to do.

Like I said this is a rough subject to deal with.  People who grow up in Church often have to deal with this when they change denominations.  It can lead to hard feelings between them and those that they grew up with.  When both parties keep their focus on God this will never happen.  Remember denominations were created by man not by God.  We choose how we want to worship.  Yet, the main principle still remains and that is the death of Christ.  That is why those that believe in this are called Christians.

For those that didn't grow up in a church this is even worse on them.  There are so many different things being taught.  There are so many different ways to worship.  Every group is teaching something different.  How can they all be Christians?  If you are just coming to study know that the truth is that the foundation of Christianity is the same.  The goal is to connect with Christ and let the Holy Spirit in your heart.  After doing that find a home church that makes you feel loved for who you are. When you go about it this way you will be much happier and fulfilled.


Dear God we thank you for never leaving us.  We thank you for carrying us in our times of struggle. We offer gratitude for your standing with us and celebrating in our times of joy.  We ask dear God that we do not become a stumbling block for others.  Help us Dear God not to judge others.  Help us dear Savior brings people within the fold.  We lastly, ask that you help us find a place to worship in which we feel your presence.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Do you feel alone?  Is it time that you ask Christ in your heart?  Have you pushed people away because they believe differently than you?  Is it time to accept people for who they are not what we want them to be?  Have you alienated someone from your life that you need to ask back in?  Have you found the place where you feel the presence of God and can worship in Peace?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why Me God?

Verses: John 9 : 1 - 12

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever had something go wrong in your life?  Have you ever had an illness that you just can't shake?  Have you ever been told that your life will never be the same again?  Have you had a love one get a chronic illness and see them start to go downhill?  If you have ever had one of those moments then you will understand the question being asked by those that saw this miracle.  In fact, you probably thought or even said Why Me God?

When those things do happen haven’t your started to wonder did I do something?  Did I sin so bad that I earned this punishment?  Did I not do something that I should have done?  Why Me God?

See what people do not understand is that God does not want us to suffer.  That is not a desire of God's at all.  In fact, God loves us and wants us to be blessed.  Yet, there are times that we will suffer.  I think back to the story of Job.  When I can't take it anymore I think maybe this is to make my faith stronger. Maybe God has such a big plan for my life that I just have to wait it out.

When these people questioned Jesus they wanted confirmation that our infirmities on Earth were caused by our faults.  Yet, Jesus did not give them what they wanted.  Instead what Jesus said is that he was given it so that a great miracle could happen.

The gift of sight is a metaphor for what happens when we accept Jesus in our life.  We receive an opening of our soul that allows us to see things we never saw before.  We may have thought that we were better before accepting Christ, but when your soul is opened up at the time of salvation you feel the hugest miracle ever.  When you have that moment where you ask the savior into your heart your blindness ends forever.

Look at the picture above for one second.  You see the line that is drawn that is us before we accept God into our hearts.  Then the Holy Spirit takes mud and places it in on our heart.  We are given an understanding that Jesus died for us. We pass through the blood, water, shed by Jesus and the mud washes away and the Holy Spirit enters into our heart to live forever.

So the next time you wonder Why Me God?  look around and try to understand that the miracle you need is only a step away.


Dear God thank you for being with us.  Thank you for your healing powers.  Help us understand that healings come in many ways.  The greatest healing is the cleaning of our spirit.  We ask that you be with us and help us show others what you have done for us.  Let us not be a roadblock to others.


Are you going through a hard time?  Is someone you love going through a hard time?  Have you given it over to God? Have you accepted God's love for you?