
Saturday, February 15, 2014

House Cannot Stand if Divided

Verses: Luke 11 : 14 - 28

My thoughts about the verses:

I can only imagine standing there when this event occurred.  The church leaders were standing there saying that Jesus was acting in the name of Beelzebub.  They were trying to catch Jesus in saying he was the Messiah the Son of God.

Yet, what Jesus says is that a house cannot stand if divided.  Isn't this very true let’s think about this a moment.  Why would Jesus cast out demons if he was working in the name of Beelzebub.  Wouldn't this be counteractive for the ruler of the demons.  In reality the only way the demons would truly be cast out if they were in the name of the Most High.

A house has to work together to be successful.  Therefor if you are doing well you are doing it in the name of the Risen Savior.  Yet, what happens when you do things outside the will of God?  Are those not the moments when things go wrong in your life.  You are being counterproductive in a situation and eventually will be brought back to the center focus of God in your life.

There are many times in our life that we lose sight of God in our life.  We concentrate on other things.  For a while we might prosper.  Yet, there will be a moment when it will all go away.  God's desires will make us turn back to the one that has set us free.  You can only work so long outside that will.

I went through this myself.  when I was working I allowed my career to be more important than the work that I needed to do for God.  then the day came when God refocused my life.  Everyone has to go different things to change our focus for me it was losing the ability to work.  when I could no longer work I was faced with two options.  Option one was to get angry and turn further away from God.  The second option is the one I chose and that was to grow my relationship with God.  The building of the walls and strengthening those things that had been torn apart by my own choices were strengthened.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for keeping us in your mind when we run from you.  Help us rebuild our relationship with.  Help us to keep you in the center of our life.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you working outside God's will?  Have you allowed other things to come in your life that are affecting your relationship with God?  Are you standing firm on the foundation of the Risen Savior? What do you need to do today to maintain or rebuild your relationship with God?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Never Give Up

Verses: Luke 11 : 5 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

I loved this moment when I took the picture.  Here are these babies persevering to get from their mom just what they needed.  If you can tell from them expressions they were not going to give up.  Either feed us or we will stand here making noise until you do.

See we are to have that kind of preservation.  We are not to give up without asking God for help.  You have seen people that do this.  In fact, you may even be one of those people that only went so far asking God for help.  We decided our problem is something that God can't fix for you.  You knock on the door but it is just a very small tap.

God wants us to know that if we come seeking answers and results God will give it to us.  We need to Never Give Up.  When you stop giving up you are actually moving forward in your life.  when you seek knowing God will provide your will receive.

God wants us to live in faith.  We need the faith to know when we turn it over to God you will receive what you need.  Faith that no matter what is happening God is there for us.  To boldly go up to the door and knock until the door opens.  Never Giving up is something that you must do to live the life God desires from you.

People have told me in the past that I inspire them with my attitude.  That might be true on my good days.  Yet, on my bad days there are those times that I want to give up.  It is on those days that my only option is to turn it over to God.  I can feel being carried in these moments of despair.  On my good days I know God is walking beside me helping me carry the load.  I have learned in the last year that God will be there when you turning over to the one that can do it all.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for carrying us when we cannot do it on our own.  Help us walk through life depending on you.  Help us to never give up.  Help us be the people that we need to be.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you willing to trust God as you go through life's struggles?  Are you willing to never give up?  What do you need to turn over to God today?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lord's Prayer

Verses: Luke 11 : 1 - 4

My thoughts about the verses:

The best way to look at the Lord's prayer is to divide it into its several parts.  We have to understand that this was a model of a prayer to God.  Each part plays a part in showing our humbleness and dedication to the one that make us whole.  The parts need to be considered on their individual merit. Yet, it is the entire prayer that shows God our full spirit.

The first thing that Jesus tells the Disciples is to praise God.  Think about this a second how often do we start with a prayer with I need this or I want this.  Then we often end it with by the way I need this too.  Yet, what Jesus wants us to know is that we need to give God praise.  We should know that God already knows what we need.  To begin our discussion with God we should come to the table with praise.  A way of saying thank you God before asking God for all that we desire.

Next we are to ask God to provide our daily needs including forgiveness for sins.  We need to understand that everything comes from God above.  Everything comes from God no matter how little or big. By asking God to provide those needs we are focusing on God's mighty power.  We are to acknowledge that we cannot do anything without God's help.  When we humble ourselves in this way we are praising God at the same time.

We then acknowledge our needs to be Christ like.  To not judge others and to let go of things that have happened to us.  Acknowledging that if God can freely forgive our sins we can forgive people for what has happened in our life.  This is hard for many of us to do.  We want God to forgive and forget what we have done.  Yet, we want to cling onto anything that has happened to us.  We want to use this against people in the future.  Yet, what Jesus wants most for us is to forgive and forget those that have done us harm.

Then in the end we ask God to help protect us.  We ask for help to keep us from going against God.  What a moment of servant hood that we give God in this moment.  We are asking God to help us do what is impossible without God's help.  We are actually in that moment turning our lives over to God to be used.

We then usually end the prayer with Amen.  This simply means so be it.  We have praised God through our prayer.  We asked God to forgive us of our sins.  To help us forgive others that do wrong to us.  Lastly to keep us from doing any bad before we do it.  We then know that God will make it happen.  There is no doubt about it God will be there if we give God the opportunity to.


Dear God thank you for being with us throughout our life.  Thank you for giving us all our needs.  Help us worship you and to give our life fully over to you.  Help us to let go of grudges that we have against others.  Be with us as we move forward in life so that we may be the children you desire us to be.  In the name of the Great Teacher we pray.  Amen


Are you blessing God as you pray?  Are you honoring God for all that has been done for you?  Are you forgiving those that do not live up to your standards?  Are you allowing God to work through you so that you will not trespass against the one that died for you?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Choose the Best Part

Verses: Luke 10: 38 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

The big debate has always been what the most important thing to do is.  Are we to work hard to serve God or are we to just turn over our heart?  I think Jesus answers this question in these verses.  See Martha is upset because her sister is not helping prepare a feast for Jesus.  Instead Mary is sitting at Jesus feet worshipping him.  Martha is working to show her faith.  Mary is choosing to give her heart and attention over to God.

Now I am not trying to stir up a big debate or accuse anyone of doing wrong when they are serving God.  What I am saying is that God wants us to do both.  There is a time to serve God by working and leading others to the wonderful salvation we have found.  There are also times to sit and refresh your own spiritual walk.

Martha had a chance to spend time learning from Jesus.  She had an opportunity to allow Jesus to feed her soul.  Instead of taking that time she chose to feed her guest the nourishment of the body.  Mary on the other hand seized the opportunity to learn straight from Jesus.  She was fed spiritually by the one that was there to save her from her transgressions.

Now under most circumstances Martha would have chosen a path of servant hood.  She would be giving her life over to helping those that needed to be fed.  Yet, what Jesus wanted her and those to follow to learn that we have to feed our souls before we can help others.  If you are always serving others you are failing to keep yourself healthy.  When this happens you will eventually run out of steam.  Your desires will be there but you will not have the spiritual nourishment to keep going.  When you have a chance to renew your spiritual life take it.  When you can serve others serve them.  Yet, give both equal times so that you can be a follower that has the energy to go for the long haul.


Dear God thank you for being with us and giving us the nourishment we need to survive.  Dear God we praise you for loving us even when we do not deserve it.  Dear God we turn ourselves over to you. Help us find nourishment for our body and soul when we need it.  In your Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Are you willing to serve God?  Do you take the time to nourish your soul?  Have you kept focus on choosing the best options for your life?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Show Others Mercy

Verses: Luke 10 : 25 - 37

My thoughts about the verses:

Simple we must love God with everything that we are.  We are to concentrate on giving our lives over to God.  Once we give our lives over to God we are challenged to love our neighbors.  It isn't all about us once we put God in the center of our lives and relationships.  It becomes about helping others and being there for those that need help.

I would guess that a lot of us have heard the story of the Good Samaritan.  A man is robbed and left on the side of the road badly beaten.  A priest comes by and sees the man and walks to the other side of the street.  According to custom the man would have been considered unclean because of how bad he was hurt.  Then a Levite comes across the man and he too crosses the road and doesn't help.  At last a Samaritan comes down the road and sees the man.  Now according to the times a Samaritan was considered less than the Jewish people.  Yet, the man stops and helps the man and even pays for him to stay at an inn to he got better.

Jesus asks who the one that is serving his neighbor more is.  The answer is simple the one that was willing to help someone he didn't even know.  See we are willing to acknowledge those that we know but we tend to run away from people that we do not know.  We will help those that we are close to but will turn and run when we see outsiders that need help.

This story is very important because it teaches us many lessons.  First you must give your life completely over to God.  When you give your life over to God you must be willing to do the work God has set out for you to do.  You must recognize that there is no one that God doesn't want you to help.  Our neighbor is anyone that we come in contact with.  When we show them mercy we actually are doing the will of God.  Showing mercy to others allows people that do not know Christ to feel the love that Christians feel.

The truth is that somewhere in the world today someone needs to see Jesus in you today.  You may be the one that helps someone find their way to the Savior.  You have to understand that everyone is our neighbor.  You need to put your own self out of the picture and allow God to accomplish great things. It isn't about what you can do but allowing God to work through you.  So make sure that every time you feel the need to run from situations that you pray to God so that your neighbors’ needs are met.  Remember sometime someone did the same thing for you.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sacrificing yourself so that we could be free from our own transgressions.  We praise you for accepting us with all of our faults.  We ask that you help us help others.  We pray that you guide us so that we will not turn those that need to see you in us today.  Walk with us along our path so that we can truly be the people that help all our neighbors.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you ever ran away from a situation in which you could have helped someone find Christ?  Do you accept that everyone is your neighbor?  Are you open to God working through you today?  What do you need to do today to change you’re feeling about strangers and neighbors?

Monday, February 10, 2014

70 are chosen to spread the Good news

Verses: Luke 10 : 1 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

I can imagine standing there with Jesus.  He calls this group of 70 followers together and challenges them to go spread the good news.  Go to the different towns and if welcomed live there and share the news.  Do not move around from one house to the next rather stay where you are welcome and those with a willingness to hear will come.

Yet, at the same time there would be those that would turn the 70 away.  They would not have a place to rest just like Jesus did not have a place to lay his head.  Towns that do not offer you a place you are dust the sand off of your feet and leave. Do not force people that will not listen to hear the word.  Go out and reach those that are willing and open to hear the good news.

In today's society it is hard to imagine going to a town and depending on others to take care of your basic needs.  Yet, you have to understand that the customs were different at the time of Jesus.  The community knew that they were supposed to take care of the outsider.  They were to  help them and to treat them with respect.  The fact that some would not even give them a bite of food showed that they were not ready to hear about the Savior that had come to the world.

The implications of this scripture can be seen two ways.  The first way is to turn totally away from those that do not accept you the first time.  To curse them to a place that is far worse than this world can understand.  The second way is to go and reap the harvest that is ready.  When those that hear what is happening to others they will come seeking for themselves.

See we have to understand that we will run into people that will reject what we believe.  Jesus didn't want the followers to believe that they would be accepted at face value wherever they went.  Just like Jesus they would be turned away from places that they had been welcomed before.  They were to get back up and walk proudly to the next town and start again.

In my eyes I feel that the harvest can only be reaped when it is totally ready.  You cannot cultivate in soil that is not prepared properly.  So you have to give the seed time to grow and need water before you can spread the good news.  People who have the desire and willingness to hear will.  They will then choose to follow God or not.  So it is at these places where we are to concentrate our efforts. People, that are ready to hear the good news, need to have an opportunity to hear.  If you move from one place to the next when you have come to a group willing to hear you may miss those that need the good news.

Does that mean that we should never go back to those that didn't welcome us?  The fact is they may not welcome us but they may welcome another believer who can share the news.  There may even come a time when we go back and meet with them.  The principle to understand is God will lead you where you need to go.  You will know that you are in the right place because your needs will be met.  You will be able to share the good news if you step aside and let God do the work.


Thank you for loving us.  Dear God we give honor and praise to your name because we know that you are Holy.  We ask that you help us be an instrument of peace to the world.  Help us reach out to those that need to hear your story.  Help us to step out of the way and allow you to work through us.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you been afraid to go somewhere new to share God's story?  Are you willing to take that extra step so someone can find the peace they need today?  Have you become discourage because you feel as if no one is listening?  Is it time to go to fertile ground to share the news?  Are you allowing God to work through you?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Follow Jesus without looking Back

Verses: Luke 9 : 51 - 62

My thoughts about the verses:

It is easy for us to say I will follow you Jesus.  I will go where you lead me.  The hard part is following through with that statement.  We have a tendency to cling onto things that we should be walking away from.  We say we are ready to follow yet we want to finish something that we started. We love Jesus but we try our best to complete or start tasks that we always wanted to do even if it keeps us from following God.

I can understand how these men must have felt as Jesus tells them to put the past behind them because they have something bigger to accomplish.  I know that they were both scared and at the same time reluctant.  How can I leave my family?  How can I go forward following someone that doesn't even have a place to lay his head?  You can see their minds going through all the finer details of how to make this happen and still fulfill their promises to their families and friends.

I know for me it took years for God to break me from this cycle.  I have followed Jesus since I was a little kid yet there are times in my life that God went on the back burner.  Sometimes because I felt betrayed because of the way people were treating me because of my identity.  Sometimes I felt like I had other responsibilities that had to come first.  Deep down inside my heart hurt every time I moved away from God and did my own thing.  Yet, my human side was fulfilled for the time being and I thought that was enough.

God has a way of using the people that give their life to him.  It amazes me today that God stuck with me through all those crazy moments of my past.  The only way to win was to knock me down so that I had only one option and that was to beg for God's help.  I needed to give my life over to God to survive. My life changed forever in that blink of an eye.  I realized that I had fought so hard to be my own salvation that I had walked away from allowing God to freely help me.

Now this will be a shock to the people that know me.  I lived what I called the Christian life.  I was a Deacon through a majority of this time.  Yes, I did commune with god.  Yet, I was trying to survive physically more than spiritually.  When God finally took away the ladder and made me fall to the ground I realized I didn't get hurt.  At the bottom God caught me and that is when I realized that climbing the ladder was much harder than relying on God.

I still have the choice to follow God or to depend on my own self to accomplish things.  Yet, through great humbleness I say God take over.  I know that you will lead me where I need to go.  I may never be a rich person, drive the ultimate car, or be the superhero that I tried to be.  I do know that turning away from those things have made me a better friend, a healthier partner and a more dedicated Christian. Was it worth losing what I thought was important to come to where I am today? Yes it was more than worth it.


Dear God thank you for never leaving us.  Thank you for loving us enough to desire the best for us. Dear God help us focus on serving you.  Help us open our hearts so that you may have a place to lay your head.  Help us turn away from the things that become barriers between serving you and serving ourselves.  In the name of the One who Died for us All we pray.  Amen


Have you giving Jesus a place in your heart to rest?  Have you turned away from the things that have distanced you from the one that made you?  Are you willing to follow God no matter where the path may lead you?  Are you willing to walk away from your old life to live anew?