
Saturday, October 4, 2014

God is our Helpmate

Verses: Psalms 54: 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many times in our life we feel like we are all alone.  We feel as if people have risen against us.  We fear that we cannot make it.  We feel hopeless. 

Our heart is torn between trusting we have strength and fearing that we are weak.  We know we need someone to help us.  Yet, we feel that we have no one to turn to.  We have tried to put our trust in others but they have let us down.  Even our strongest allies have at one point or another not been there for us.

Yet, I am here to say that we do have a perfect helpmate.  God will be there with us all the time.  God will help us through the hard times.  God will carry the burden so that we do not have to do it alone.  God will be our backbone when we are weak.  God is our hope through the bad times in life.

God never leaves those that trust.  Trusting in God gives you strength that you cannot feel alone.  When things get rough you will feel like you can face it head on.  The One that created us will be with us in those moments that we need the most help.

God deserves to be praised.  We should lift up our thanks to the One that is always with us.  We should worship the Creator for loving us.  We need to sing up our praises to our Provider.
Anyone can have this never-ending strength.  There is only one thing that we need to do to receive it.  That one thing is ask God into our life.  God is waiting for that moment when we turn our life over.  When we give God our life we have the helpmate we need.  Our Creator will help us if only we turn it over.

God not only is there when we need help, but God is there when we have good times.  God wants us to feel the presence of our salvation in all things.  We need to remember that God is there celebrating with us when things are going good.  God loves celebrating with the saved when they are having good moments.  One of my favorite statements sums up this.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good. 

Therefor we need to remember when things are going good we need to offer praises to God.  We need to thank God for walking beside us.  We need to praise God for endless love.  We need to worship God in all things.


Dear God we pour out our praises to you.  We thank you for your strength in our life.  We thank you for being our helpmate.  We worship you for the good times in our life.  We honor you for always being with us.  Help us accept you into our life.  Help us turn our life over to you.  Help us be the people that always worship and praise you.  In the name of the Perfect Helpmate we pray.  Amen


Do you feel alone?  Are your struggles more than you can handle?  Have you asked God to come into your life?  Are you worshiping God?  Is today the day that you ask God to come into your life?  Are you ready to have the Perfect Helpmate in your life forever?

Friday, October 3, 2014

God will Restore us

Verses: Psalms 53: 1 - 6

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

There are so many people that have not accepted God into their life.  They live without inner peace.  They are always looking over their shoulder expecting the next shoe to drop.  They are afraid that this day will be their last.  They live in constant fear and doubt.

Imagine never knowing that you are safe.  Imagine feeling as if you will lose everything that you have.   This is something that many of us do not have to imagine.  We live this way every day.  We doubt that anyone can help us. 

The truth is that God can change your life.  Giving your life over to God will break you free from sadness.  Your fear will be changed to hope.  Your doubts will be wiped away.  We will discover that God will be with us when no one else will be.  We will be giving the gift of everlasting life.

At the same time we learn another valuable lesson.  Those that do not turn to God for their salvation will live a life of fear and doubt.  They will have to answer for their own transgressions.   They will feel no inner peace.

The person that doesn’t ask God in their heart will have hard times.  Times that they cannot overcome.  They will not have a helping hand to overcome their struggles.  No matter what they gain on Earth it will be lost.  They will search the rest of their life for peace and not find it.  Their connection with the Creator will not be restored.  They will have chosen to put a wall between themselves and the Holy One. 

See when you accept God in your life you have a friend for life.  Others may turn against you but, you will be restored.  Your life will be complete.  The creator will cleanse you from all your transgressions.  You will be restored to the perfect creation that God made.  The sins that separate you from the One that created us will disappear.  At that moment we will have the peace that we all search for.  Our life will never be the same again.


We thank you for you love.  We thank you God for your peace.  We praise you for restoring us.  We worship you for the free gift of everlasting life.  Help us today to give our life over to you.  We ask for peace and freedom from doubt and fears.  Help us accept your free gift.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you searching for inner peace?  Are you trying to find a way to end your fears?  Are you in a place where you doubt that there is true forgiveness for you?  Have you asked God in your life?  Are you willing to trust that God will and can restore you if you ask for the cleansing you need?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

God is Trustworthy

Verses: Psalms 52: 1 - 9

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We have a hard time trusting other people.  We feel that people will turn against us at the drop of a hat.  We have a hard time accepting that people can be faithful.  We have built our lives around the fact that the only thing we can trust is ourselves.

Yet, there is something bigger than us.  We miss what is right in front of our face.  The one true thing that we all have is God.  God is the one thing we can always trust. 

People are given everlasting life through the power of the Living God.  God is the one and only thing that is always the same.  God gives us everlasting life.   God’s love for us is something that we can trust always.

Though we may have been disappointed by people we have no reason to doubt God.  God will never disappoint us.  When things are going bad in our life all we have to do is lean on God.  God will answer our prayers when we give them over.  The thing that we have to understand is that God will not let us down.

The thing that we always have to remember is that Jesus loves us no matter what.  Jesus would have gone to the cross if we were the only ones that needed to be saved.  Jesus was and is spotless.  We need to trust in the perfect sacrifice today and always.

The Holy Spirit will be there to guide us every day.  Once we accept Jesus our best friend becomes part of our life.  The Holy Spirit will lead us where we need to go.  We can trust that the Holy Spirit will always guide us to do the right thing if we ask for the guidance.


Dear God we love you.  Dear Jesus we praise you for your sacrifice.  We praise you Holy Spirit for guiding us.  Dear God help us trust in you.  Help us give our lives over to you.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray.  Amen


Have you put your trust in God?  Are you willing to follow the Holy Spirt throughout your life?  Have you asked Jesus in your life?  Do you need to trust in God today?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Though we are Sinners God will Cleanse us of Our Trespasses

Verses: Psalms 51: 1 - 19

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Think on this a moment all have sinned but one.  The only person that was without sin was Jesus.  Jesus came so that we would be free.  He lived a life without any transgressions.  He was spotless in the eyes of God.  Jesus was human like us.  Yet, he did something none of us he lived his life without ever going astray.

No matter how hard we try to not sin we will.  Our thoughts and deeds will lead us astray.   Our human nature will go against us.  People may never truly understand this but no matter how hard we try at some point in our life we will sin against God.  

It is hard to think back to that first moment when we sinned.  We may have told our parents a lie.  We may have taken a toy or something else that wasn’t our own.  We may have disrespected our parents.

We forget about all the little fibs that we tell.  We forget about the times we have told people what they wanted to hear even when it wasn’t the truth.   We forget about the times when people ask us how we are doing and we think we are doing them a favor by not sharing the truth.  We forget about the times that we tell people stories to make ourselves feel better.  We forget about all these little lies.

We forget about all the times that we desire something someone else has.  We get jealous over the new car someone is driving.  We get jealous over the new house that someone just moved into. We forget how we wish that we were with someone that is dating someone else.  We forget all this envious actions because they seem so small.

We forget about the times that we show dislike toward others.  We don’t like someone because they are different from us.  We dislike someone so bad that we wish they would just die.  We turn are eyes off of God and desire things of the world.  We forget about all these times that we should have showed love.

All these little things add up over time.  They may seem small to us but there are all sins in the eyes of God.  Yet, we have a God that loves us even though we do these things.  God loved us so much that the Beloved Son was sent so whosoever would believe would be set free.  Our God wants us to be one with us.  That desire is so great that the way back to God was provided for us.  Believing in Jesus is all we need to do to have all our transgressions, whether they be big or small, forgiven.


We praise you God for your love.  We thank you for the gift of the Beloved Son.  We lift up our hands in worship for the everlasting life you have given to us freely.  Dear God we ask that you forgive us for our transgressions. We ask that you walk with us daily so that we may live a true Christian life.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted that you need God in your life?  Do you understand that you have transgressed against the will of God?  Have you asked God to forgive you from your iniquities?  Are you living the life of a true Christian?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thank God through You Sacrifices

Verses: Psalms 50: 1 - 23

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

First we must understand how far back sacrifices go.  Think back to Cain and Abel.  They were bringing the best of goods to the altar to offer praise to God.  They were giving back to God a part of what had given to them.  They were worshiping God as they brought their sacrifices to God.

Second we have to look at the sacrifice of the perfect lamb.  Jesus was the gift that God gave to us.  Jesus went to the cross as the perfect sacrifice.  The lamb was slaughtered to give us eternal life.  The eternal life is our gift. 

The third thing we must come to is that we need to give sacrifices to God today.  The sacrifice is different than in the older days.  Our sacrifice is giving our lives over to God.  We need to Allow God to work through us to help others find inner peace.  We can feed those that are hungry.  We can clothe those that need warmth.  We can offer shelter to those that are homeless.  The goal of our sacrifice is to allow others to see Jesus in us.

We have to accept that we will never be able to give back to God all that has been given to us.  Through Jesus we are given everlasting life.  This is a gift that we will never truly be able to repay.  Yet, when we worship and praise God we are giving God a part of our life.  When we help others we are showing them a little bit of what God has given to us.  The most important thing that we can do is allow Jesus to work through us.  When god works through us people can see a little bit of Jesus.


God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus.  Help us be there for others.  Accept the sacrifice that we give to you.  Help us love others and to worship others.  In the name of the Perfect Lamb we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Have you asked God to work through you?  Are you being a living sacrifice so that others can find salvation?

Monday, September 29, 2014

You can’t buy your Way into Heaven

Verses: Psalms 49: 1 - 20

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

How much does it cost to go to Heaven?  Have you ever asked that question before?  What do I need to do to make it to Heaven?  There has to be a way for me to get there on my own?

Now, you might hesitate and say I have never said anything like this before.  Yet, haven’t we all at one time or another thought we had the power to get to Heaven.  Think about the times you thought as long as I am good, help the poor, and feed the hungry I will make it to Heaven. 

I know I can say I am guilty of this when I was younger.  I had it in my mind that if I did things for others I would earn my way to God.  I thought God will love me more because look at what I am doing.  I think back to that time and just think how much better it would have been if it was done not for reward but because of passion.  I can remember the bus every Saturday asking other kids to come to Church.  I can remember helping with Vacation bible school. 

I was on a mission, but not one that I truly understood.  I didn’t understand it because I hadn’t done the one thing that I needed to do and that was to give my life truly over to God.  To ask Jesus into my life so I could gain the reward of eternal life.  If I had been on that mission things would have been much better.  The reward would know that others had the peace that I had.

Have you ever met someone that has more money than they really need to live?  I have met people like this.  Many have given money to help people.  Yet, there are two different groups.  People that were like me who are on a mission but, do not have inner peace.  The second group is people on a mission, because they want people to have their inner peace.  You can tell the differences the first group gives money expecting something in return.  They are giving their money because of their desire to be seen as doing well.  They give their time and money but live without any inner peace.  The other group usually does not want people to know who they are.  They feel blessed just knowing they are helping others.  Their only reward is when someone finds Jesus in them.

See you cannot do enough to get your way into Heaven.  You cannot worship enough to get your foot in the pearly gates.  You cannot help enough people to win favor in God’s eyes.  Instead you have to trust in God. 

The only way to get to Heaven is to ask Jesus into your life.  Once you ask Jesus into your life you are fulfilled.  It is Jesus that paid the price.  The sacrifice of Jesus is the only thing that can get us into Heaven.  The only thing that we need to do is ask Jesus.  Once you ask Jesus in your life things go much different.  You are on a mission to help Jesus.  You are helping others find Jesus when you do things to help others.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sending Jesus to give us the only thing we truly need.  We praise you for the gift of everlasting life.  Help us turn ourselves over to you.  Help us be the people that you need us to be.  Help us be Jesus to someone today.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you given your life to Jesus?  Are you helping others because you are on a mission to serve Jesus?  Are you trying to be good to win your way into Heaven?  If so can you come to the understanding that you can’t do enough good to get into Heaven?  Do you understand that the only thing you need is Jesus in your life?