
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Share the Good News All the Children of God will see the Heavenly Realm

Verses: Psalms 48: 1 - 14

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

The psalms were written over a very long time period.  There were many different writers.  Many different generations that faced different upheavals and battles.  Changes that varied from one generation to the next from moving into the promise land to the exile.  Changes from the exile to return to Judah are all recorded in this one book of the Bible.

Yet, there is a truth that stays constant in the entire writing.  That truth is that the Children of God will see the Heavenly Realm.  The people had assumed that the Realm that they were looking for was here on Earth.  People want to see Jesus even today come in on a white horse and defeat the evil in the world.  The victory would finally establish Earth as the Kingdom that people want for the children of God.

Yet, what we miss is that the Realm is a Heavenly Realm.  The realm of God is one that we currently cannot view with our own eyes.  We have to look beyond our desires.  God created the Earth for us yet, we have done everything we can to destroy it.  We pollute the planet.  We kill the beast of the field.  So many animals have become extinct because of our disregard for the planet that God has created for us.  We have shown total disregard for this beautiful planet. 

We fight each other.  We create weapons that kill innocents.  We fight against our own family and friends.  We put limitations on who can find love in God.  We have tried to take over Earth by force.

Yet, when we get into Heaven things will be much different.  We will find that we will be shocked to how many people that we thought would not be in Heaven are.  We will be shocked when we find that we are all equals in Heaven.  The only power and authority will be the trinity.  In fact, this has never really changed.  The Parent, Son and Holy Spirit have always been in joint power and authority in Heaven.

Now what can we do to change what we have done: 

The first thing we can do is to open the doors of our hearts to people who are different from us.  We need to realize in God’s eyes we all deserve love.  We need to share that love with anyone that is willing to hear. 

The second thing that we can do is start treating our planet better.  We need to look around and see if we can help end pollution.  We need to conserve our resources.  We need to share our resources with others so that we will not fight over what resources we do have.

Lastly we need to prepare for that moment when we can go home.  Many of us think the home is somewhere here on Earth.  Yet, the home is in Heaven.  We need to prepare our hearts to enter into Heaven.  Therefor we must accept Jesus in our life so that we may be ready when it is time to be called to Heaven.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for preparing a home for us.  We ask you to bring peace to our hearts.  Help us accept you into our hearts and our life.  Help us take care of the planet you have given to us.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray.  Amen


Have you asked Jesus in your life?  Have you opened your doors to people that are different from you?  Are you conserving the resources God has given us?  Are you ready to go home?  If you are not ready is today the day you ask God to enter your life so that you can be ready?

Jesus has ascended and Reigns over the World

Verses: Psalms 47: 1 - 9

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine back to that moment when Jesus died on the Cross.  The whole Earth must have seemed too stopped for those that loved him.  The idea that their Teacher, Son, and Messiah was dead must have been one of the hardest things they would have ever experienced.  They had to feel a since of loss.  Imagine if you were there wouldn’t you have felt the same?

The battle had to seem to be over.  The disciples had to think for that moment that their messiah must have thought that the battle was a loss.  I love the song “The Champion” by Carman.  You can almost feel those three days in the grave as they were being lived.  Then as the countdown goes backwards you can see the excitement building.  The Earth shakes and the stone rolls away. 

Imagine their surprise when the final prophecy was fulfilled.  Jesus walking right out of the grave and overcoming death was the end of the Great War.  The Savior was like a soldier who did what needed to be done at whatever the cost.  In the end, the Savior became the Conqueror over life and death. 
Then the great Conqueror ascended into Heaven to reign over the world.  The conqueror was now the Ruler of the universe.  Now I want to point out that Jesus was always the Ruler of the universe.  Jesus was with God since the very beginning.  Jesus came to Earth to be the perfect sacrifice for us.  When the work was achieved Jesus went back to the Parent’s right hand to reign. 

That isn’t the end of the story.  There will be a day when the great Ruler of the Universe will return to claim his own.  To call those those have fought the good fight home.  A blessed day, when those that have accepted Jesus in their life will live in Eternity, with the One that created them.  Then on that day the war that we are fighting will be over. 

Until that day we must ask Jesus into our life.  We must strive to share the word to those that haven’t heard it.  We have to make sure that we never exclude anyone.  We have to understand that Jesus came for whoever would believe.  We cannot judge who those people are.  Only Jesus and the individual know if they are redeemed.  I know for me I am waiting for the trumpet to sound so I to can join the Parent and sing praises for all eternity.


Dear God we praise you for your love.  We thank you Jesus for your sacrifice.  We praise you Holy Spirit for walking with us every moment of our life.  Help us never to turn away those seeking your love.  Help us be a witness of your love to the world.  Be with us every day as we walk on Earth so that we can put on the good fight in your name.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ into your life?  Are you living the life that God desires from you?  Are you turning people away or are you leading them to the Savior?  Is there anything you need to do today to help others find the love of the Savior?:

Friday, September 26, 2014

Though Things may Change God Remains the Same

Verses: Psalms 46: 1 - 11

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Life has a way of changing even when we don’t want it to change.  We often think that we are just where we want to be and then things change.  The change doesn’t necessarily mean it is a bad change but it is different than what we are used to. 

People like things to be constant.  People like going to the same places to work.  We like to eat at the same restaurants.  We like eating the same foods.  We like where the same clothes.  We like the same programs.

When we are faced with things changing our mind is filled with doubt and fear.  We start to worry if the change is going to cause us problems.  We worry are we going to like the new.  We have a hard time just allowing change to happen.

Yet, change does happen.  We have no way of stopping it.  Just like the sea the waves are constantly changing.  The waves can bring all kinds of little treasures for us to view from, seashells to small creatures.  The waves take back sand and other debris.  This changes our landscape over time.  Yet, we accept that waves will come in and out.

Yet, when we are facing changes in our life many of us can’t handle it.  We have fear that things will go wrong.  Some of this is based on past experiences.  Some of this is based on just no knowing the outcome.  Some is based on what others have told us.  Our fears are real because they are something that we own.

Yet, here is the truth.  Our world may change around us but God remains the same.  God’s love for us is as strong today as it ever was.  God’s love for us tomorrow will be the same as it ever was.  God’s grace is the same for all times.  God’s mercy is the same throughout all eternity. 

No matter how many fears and doubt cloud your days no that God is with you.  If you ask Jesus in your heart he will always be there.  The Holy Spirit will guide you forever if you will allow that to happen.  Our fears can feel very real.  Yet, if we turn it over to God our fears will disappear.  We may have a human fear but our spiritual fear will be gone.  The spiritual fear can be crippling.  Yet, if you let Jesus enter your life you entire life will be changed.  Remember your life will always be changing but God never does.


We thank you God for always loving us.  We praise you for carrying us through all our life.  Jesus we thank you for your sacrifice that can change our life forever.  We ask that you help us never to lose focus on you.  Help us dear Savior to accept you in our life.  In the name of the God Who Never Changes we pray.  Amen


Have you ever feared change?  Is your life full of fears and doubts?  Have you asked Jesus to come into your life?  Have you allowed God to take away your fears?  Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit guide you through the multiple changes that happen in life?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Bride will come with Joy to the Bridegroom

Verses: Psalms 45: 1 - 17

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many people when they first hear this are probably thinking of a marriage of a man and a woman.  People think back to that of a royal wedding in which the King who has been anointed takes his bride.  They think this is a story involving Earthly love.

Yet, there is much more to this story.  This is the story of Jesus marrying the bride.  The most perfect bridegroom marrying the Church.   The Church is the bridegroom that has been called because they love God.  The Church isn’t one particular denomination or religion.  Instead the Church are all that believe in God.  All that have a personal relationship are part of the Church.  At the same time they become just a part of the Bride.

The royal wedding will take place.  There will be a day when Jesus calls the bride to come home.  In that moment the most beautiful of all weddings will happen.  All that have loved Jesus will fully feel the love that Jesus has for them.  There will be no more pain.  Their suffering will be over.  The Bridegroom will have conquered all the enemies as they will live in peace.

Knowing this we need to take into consideration our part in the story.  If you have accepted Jesus in our life then we are already a part of the Church.  If you have a loving relationship with God we are already part of the Bride.  Yet, if you do not have that relationship you are on the outside looking in.  You are a witness to the event but not a participant. 

Things can change and you can go from being a witness to a part of the wedding.  This is a very simple thing that can be done and you can make the choice.  See the Bridegroom is already been chosen.  Jesus has sacrificed his life to give us all freedom from our transgressions.  Jesus has won the battle over life and death.  It is the Bride that has to take the walk to go to the groom.  Today you can choose to ask Jesus in your life and have a place in the wedding party or you can deny Jesus.  Denying Jesus will lead you down a path you will regret in the end.  The choice is yours.


Dear God thank you for your love.  Jesus we thank you for winning the battle for us.  Thank you for sacrificing so that we could have everlasting life.  We ask you to help us take you into our hearts.  Help us accept your love.  In the name of the Royal Bridegroom we pray.  Amen


Are you a part of the wedding party or are you just a casual observer?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Crying out for Help when All seems Lost

Verses: Psalms 44: 1 - 26

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

There are times in our life that we are pushed to our breaking point.  We do not feel like we can do anything else.  We are lost in our pain and suffering.  In those moments we call out for our Savior to save us.

I am thinking tonight about the world and the struggles that people are facing.  I am thinking about those that are fighting others because their religions are different.  I am thinking about those that are fighting because of their ethnicity being different.  I am thinking about those that are being hurt because of their gender identity.  I am thinking about those that are hurt because people do not understand their differences.

Our world is in a state of uproar.  People from many different lands are being faced with battles on their borders.  Innocents are being lost because of fighting taking place in different parts of the world.  I see the blood and pain of those that are suffering.  My heart breaks. 

Yet, there is hope.  In all of this chaos there is Hope.  God already knows the pleas of our hearts.  God hears our cries and is feeling the same pain that we are feeling.  God is with the innocents as they lose their life.  Jesus is with those that are struggling for food.  The Holy Spirit is with those who are suffering from illnesses that have no cure.

In all things we have HOPE.  Yet, we forget about it.  We see so much going bad in our world that we miss the good.  We miss the new births of healthy babies.  We miss the smiles of a couple walking down the aisle to enter into marriage.  We miss the arms that give us a hug when we are down.  We miss the very presence of God in others.

There is HOPE!  No matter how bad it gets God walks with us.  As our road gets too hard to tread God carries us.  God wants to be there for all people.  God is there for all who will profess that Our God is the Creator and Savior.  Yet, so many people do not want to turn their lives over to God.  They think that they can handle it their self. 

Truly there is HOPE!!  Ask God right now to take away the pain that you are experiencing.  Ask God right now to come and feel the void that you have in your life.  Ask God to be with those that are suffering.  Ask God to be with the innocents that are in the crossfire.  Ask God to love you. 

The Hope is that if you ask you will receive.  Praise God for all the little things that happen each day.  Praise God for those that make each day when things seem impossible.  Praise God for never leaving your side.  Praise God for being with the weak.  Praise God for being with those that are suffering.  For all of this God should be greatly praised. 


We praise you God for all that you do in our life.  Thank you for giving us Hope.  Thank you for being there when people call on your name.  Thank you for the strength that you give us each day.  Help us dear God.  We offer up our world up to you today.  Be with those that need your special touch.  In the name of the Great Hope we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt alone?  Have you looked at the world and seen the struggles happening?  Have you praised God for what you have?  Have you asked God to help you?  Have you asked God to help the world?  Have you asked Jesus into your life?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In times of Struggle offer your Prayers up to the Holy One

Verses: Psalms 43: 1 - 5

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We all have times in our life where we feel that God is not at our side.  We feel as if we are fighting the battle all by our self.  We think that God doesn’t hear us pleading for strength.  Our soul is in despair.

We forget what is written in the scripture.  God tells us that we are never alone.  No matter where we may be if we have asked Jesus in our life we are not forsaken.  We have a deep down strength and peace that others do not have.

I think about the time when I was searching for a place to worship.  I felt like there was no where I could go.  I felt as if I was being judged by others even those that didn’t know me.  I felt isolated because I didn’t have a group to worship with. 

There are so many people in this world that feel this way.  There is hope for anyone who is feeling alone today.  God is our refuge and our strength.  You may not have a place where you can openly worship, but you do have the ability to worship.

I learned that one of the ways to worship is to go to God in your own place.  Anyone can call upon God and feel strength.  You can sing praises to God from your heart.  No one has to hear the words that you are singing.  No one has to hear the praises that you lift.  The communication is between you and the Holy One.

The greatest thing that we can take away is that we are never alone.  God is there with us.  When the world seems to despise us with have strength that comes from deep within.  We have loving arms that will protect us.  We have a God that is always walking beside us.

This world will one day pass.  Yet, the love of God will never end.  We will always have a Savior that will help us in all our times of need.  When we feel alone know that God is carrying us.  God will keep us safe and will never leave us.  This is the one thing that we can know true if we accept Jesus into our heart.  Calling the Savior into your life gives you a friend for all situations and times.


In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Praise God for peace and comfort.  Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for always providing us a place to worship, if only in our heart.  In your name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Do you have God in your heart?  Do you feel peace and comfort?  Do you feel alone?  Is today you asked God into your Heart?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Our Soul Longs for the Quiet Touch of God

Verses: Psalms 42: 1 - 11

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Peace is the one thing that we all long for.  We long for a peace that overflows our mind and soul.  We search for a quietness that calms all of our fears and doubts.  We long for never-ending strength and comfort.

It doesn’t matter who you are there is the need to have this peace in our life.  We strive to find calmness in people.  We search for quietness in the places that we go.  We look for strength and comfort in the events that we participate in.

We think if few can find this peace and calmness we can survive all things.  We look at people that have found peace and envy them.  We think that they have accomplished something that may not be for us.  We decide that if we can have their peace our life would be so different. 

There is a way to get that peace.  There is a way to end your searching.  We simply need the peace that comes from God’s gentle touch.  When you ask God into your life you will have the calmness that will overcome all of our fear and doubts.  Our heart can receive the strength and comfort it needs if we turn our life over to God.

It is simple to have the things that most of us long for we need to turn our lives over to God.  As soon as we turn over your life over to God things that change forever.  It is very simple to achieve this if we turn it over to the one that provides all of our needs. 
Yet, the problem is that we are afraid to handle over that control of our life.  We try our best to achieve peace on all of our own.  We think we can achieve peace in things, people and events.  Yet, as hard as we struggle we can never find the peace we need if we do not turn it over to God.  Deep down inside we know this to be true. Yet, it takes the strength to let go and let God enter our lives that brings that peace.  The struggling ends because we have the utmost peace.  There is no ending to the peace that comes from having God the center of our life. 

Allow the peace that comes from turning your life over to God fill your soul, body and mind.  Allow yourself to be wrapped in the strength and comfort of God.  In the end you will see that what you have always longed for is God.  That the peace you have searched from comes for a Spirit that has found the quietness of having God live in you.


We thank you God for our peace.  We thank you God for giving us comfort and strength.  We praise you God for entering our life and setting us free.  We thank you God for helping us with our daily struggles.  In the name of the Source of Peace we pray.  Amen


Have you been searching for peace?  Have you been struggling with doubt and fear?  Have you asked God to give you strength?  Have you asked God to come into your life so you may have peace?  If you haven’t asked God into your heart is today the day?  Is today the day you find the peace that you need to be complete?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

God will provide

Verses: Psalms 41: 1 - 13

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

The main thought that I feel when reading this is reassurance that no matter what is happening God will provide.  God will provide what we need if we will turn it over to God.  We have nothing to fear because God is our provider. 

The first verses talk about how God will provide for those that are poor, those that are sick, and those that have any hardships.  Listen closely people will take care of us if we ask God in our life.  We need not doubt God’s power.

This hit me personally.  I have been in what I thought were the roughest times in my life.  This last year has been very hard on me.  I had to have several surgeries.  I could no longer work.  I lost my income.  I had to fight to get my disability and long term insurance.  In all the mess my house went in foreclosure.  I had to start depending on food banks for part of my food.  It was a very hard time for me.
Yet, no matter how hard things got there always seem a light at the end of the tunnel.  I got to the point I accepted that I was sick.  That was the hardest part.  Once I accepted it I was able to go past it.  I am limited but not dead.  I might not be able to drive or walk without the threat of falling.  I might nave to watch what I eat and take a load of medicine.  Yet, I am here today.  If you have ever felt that fear of my body against me trust me you can get your mind to overlook it.

I finally was able to overcome the financial hardships also.  God worked a miracle and my house was saved and I was able to get through the fights for my disability.  I know that there are a lot of people that are much worse financially.  It was hard for me to have to reach out for help during that year.  Yet, things have changed.  I am now doing what I can do to help others.  It is simple things like giving food and donating items to be sold to help others.  I am able to donate my photos to help people who have different illnesses to raise money.  I have turned my life around because I realized that God provided for me the whole time.  It is amazing how little things would happen that kept us a float.  It is also great to have gotten the money to get my house back.  Now I am able to live and not just survive.

I know we all have been at one of these moments in our life.  A time when we felt nothing went our way.  We were getting sick, or losing our income, or losing our home.  Yet, there were things that happened that helped us survive.  I know you will say that there are still homeless, those that go hungry and people that are sick.  This is where I want you to realize that there are things that you can do to help.  The first thing is to lift them up to in prayer.  The second thing you can do is give what you can.  Find organizations that you can help. 

Think of it this way.  Jesus provides our needs and there is something that we can do to help others.  If we provide the necessities that are in access that God has given to us we are being Jesus for someone.  See God works through his people to help those in need.  This is just one of the ways God provides our needs.


God we thank you God for providing all of our needs.  God we thank you for being with us all the time.  God use us to help others.  God we praise you for we know that you will provide us all our needs.  Help us to always call on your name when our times of need.  In your Holy Name we pray. Amen


Have you been in desperate situations?  Have you been able to overcome the impossible?  Have you felt the power of God?  Have you been Jesus for someone today?