
Friday, September 26, 2014

Though Things may Change God Remains the Same

Verses: Psalms 46: 1 - 11

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Life has a way of changing even when we don’t want it to change.  We often think that we are just where we want to be and then things change.  The change doesn’t necessarily mean it is a bad change but it is different than what we are used to. 

People like things to be constant.  People like going to the same places to work.  We like to eat at the same restaurants.  We like eating the same foods.  We like where the same clothes.  We like the same programs.

When we are faced with things changing our mind is filled with doubt and fear.  We start to worry if the change is going to cause us problems.  We worry are we going to like the new.  We have a hard time just allowing change to happen.

Yet, change does happen.  We have no way of stopping it.  Just like the sea the waves are constantly changing.  The waves can bring all kinds of little treasures for us to view from, seashells to small creatures.  The waves take back sand and other debris.  This changes our landscape over time.  Yet, we accept that waves will come in and out.

Yet, when we are facing changes in our life many of us can’t handle it.  We have fear that things will go wrong.  Some of this is based on past experiences.  Some of this is based on just no knowing the outcome.  Some is based on what others have told us.  Our fears are real because they are something that we own.

Yet, here is the truth.  Our world may change around us but God remains the same.  God’s love for us is as strong today as it ever was.  God’s love for us tomorrow will be the same as it ever was.  God’s grace is the same for all times.  God’s mercy is the same throughout all eternity. 

No matter how many fears and doubt cloud your days no that God is with you.  If you ask Jesus in your heart he will always be there.  The Holy Spirit will guide you forever if you will allow that to happen.  Our fears can feel very real.  Yet, if we turn it over to God our fears will disappear.  We may have a human fear but our spiritual fear will be gone.  The spiritual fear can be crippling.  Yet, if you let Jesus enter your life you entire life will be changed.  Remember your life will always be changing but God never does.


We thank you God for always loving us.  We praise you for carrying us through all our life.  Jesus we thank you for your sacrifice that can change our life forever.  We ask that you help us never to lose focus on you.  Help us dear Savior to accept you in our life.  In the name of the God Who Never Changes we pray.  Amen


Have you ever feared change?  Is your life full of fears and doubts?  Have you asked Jesus to come into your life?  Have you allowed God to take away your fears?  Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit guide you through the multiple changes that happen in life?

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