
Friday, April 4, 2014

Picking and Choosing what you can do on the Sabbath

Verses: Luke 14 : 1 - 6

My thoughts about the verses:

The law was very specific on what you could and could not do on the Sabbath.  Yet, here is a chance for Jesus to challenge the Pharisees about the laws that they so diligently served.  Jesus is at this meal eating on the Sabbath.  This man comes toward him who is very ill.

Jesus asked the Pharisees are it wrong to heal on the Sabbath day.  The Pharisees thinking ahead knew to be careful about answering this question.  If they said no then what happened if things that they had done on the Sabbath were pointed out as things that a person should not do.  They also knew they could not answer yes.  This would set up a long string of changes to the law.  So the Pharisees took the cowards way out and didn't say anything.

This opened the door for Jesus to answer his own question by healing the man.  Now the Pharisees had the one thing that they needed to take him down.  So Jesus poses a question that puts the ball back in their court.  If they had a son or animal that fell into a well on the Sabbath would they not save them? You can almost see the faces on the Pharisees Jesus once again have blind-sided them.  They all knew that they would not let their son or animal perish if it fell into a well on the Sabbath.

Jesus was pointing out that you cannot pick and choose what is right to do on the Sabbath.  So many people do this every weekend.  One might say I need to be off so that I can attend Church.  As soon as they leave Church it is out to lunch with the family.  With no thoughts of the workers that had to miss their service so that they could be there to serve them.

Some people say that you can only do this or that on the Sabbath because it shows your love and faith in God.  It reminds me of something happened a couple of years ago here in Kentucky.  Christmas fell on Sunday and several morning services were cancelled so people could spend their morning with their children and open gifts.  How ironic that on one of the holiest days of the year the material things of the world were put before servicing God.

My roommate was the Chair of a Church Committee.  He jokes about the two years that he scheduled the meeting on Super Bowl Sunday.  Less people came to the meeting that at any other time of the year.  Seems watching the game takes precedence over making a game plan for servicing the community.

What I am trying to say is that we should not look at one thing being more important to do on Sunday than other things.  If we feel that it is important that people go to church why don't we allow our employees off so that they can have that option too.  If we think committee meetings need to happen encourage participation and enjoy fellowship at the same time.

See I believe what Jesus was getting at is that every day that God has made is a Holy day.  That we should not put on our pious hat for the Sabbath day.  Then the rest of the week live differently.  We should come to the understanding that people will know us by our walk.  If our walk only includes God on Sunday what does that say about our life?


Dear God thank you for saving us even on the Sabbath.  Thank you for doing your work on Earth during the Sabbath.  We thank you for all that you do in our life.  Help us be there for others.  Help us to remember that not only is the Sabbath day a day to serve you.  Help us put our priorities right so that we do not become stumbling blocks for others.  In you Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Is there things that you think you should not do on the Sabbath?  Is it okay to do these things the other six days of the week?  Are you living a double standard?  Are you becoming a stumbling block to others relationship with God?  What changes do you need to make today?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jesus Shows His Sadness For Jeurasalem

Verses: Luke 13 : 31 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

People have a tendency to run low in their faith.  They think God will do things yet, there are times they question that fact.  We all have those moments that we think that there are limits to what God can do for us.  That there are only certain times and places that God is willing to work in.  We limit God because we see the limitation of people.  We think that God is somehow linked to that limited possibility that we as humans have.

You can see the people saying go hide Herod is going to kill you.  They were starting to trust in Jesus's healing power and saving grace.  Yet, at the same time they did not understand that Jesus could prolong the day that he would face death.  The thought was simple in the people's mind Herod finds you here and you’re as good as dead.

Jesus answers and says Herod will not touch me here.  I will stay and help this group of people.  I will cleanse them from the inside out.  I am not afraid of Herod.  He does not have the power that he proclaims to have and will not be able to kill me at this time.

Then Jesus reminds them of the prophecy.  The Messiah would be killed in Jerusalem like many of the prophets of old.  Jesus was proclaiming that the place and time of his death would fall when he chose it.  Now this is what is amazing to me.

Jesus was not afraid that he would die.  He knew that was his eventual end.  Yet, he felt sorry for the people that he had come to save.  That the people of Jerusalem would have seen their Messiah yet still he would go to his death.  It isn't all about feeling sorry for him or fearing death.  That was part of the master plan.  He knew this and was willing to take ever measure that needed to occur for the final sacrifice to take place to clean the sins of humankind. The part he hated was that people would see yet, still not believe.  His beloved children of Jerusalem would be the ones that put him to death when he had come to set them free.


Dear God we thank you for your unlimited love.  We thank you for going through with the task at hand.  We thank you that you were willing to perish when we did not deserve it.  We ask right now that you open our hearts and minds.  Let us come to the place where we see new life.  Help us accept you into our hearts so that we may live with you through all eternity.  In the name of the One Who Loved Us Most we pray.  Amen


Have you placed limits with you relationship with God?  Do you think that there is only so much that the savior can do?  Are you willing to accept the Savior into your life?  Are you willing to accept the love and healing grace that never ends?

Monday, March 31, 2014

How Many will be Saved?

Verses: Luke 13 : 22 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

People are always questioning God and the power of salvation.  Will this group or that group get into Heaven?  Have I been good enough to be blessed with eternal life?  Will you turn people away that accept Christ yet do something wrong before they die?  What is the limit of Salvation?

The story is simple that the door to the Realm of Heaven is small.  Only those that know and trust Jesus will go into the realm.  Those that do not accept Christ as their Savior will not have the key needed to enter the Heavenly realm.

Yet, you might be saying to yourself why did the man that ate and drank with Jesus while he was on Earth would not have admittance to Heaven.  Again this is a very simple answer it isn't enough to know Jesus.  You must actually say I trust you as my salvation.  There are many people that have heard about Jesus. Yet, they do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

Jesus is the key to the whole entrance to Heaven.  Is the trust that you give Jesus and the acknowledgement that you Savior has made you whole.  You do not need anything more to get into Heaven.  People from all over the world will enter the door.  They have the right key for entering.  Yet, those that do not understand the power of Jesus will be left outside the door because they do not accept the Messiah.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for opening the door so that we may enter.  Help us make you the center of our life so that we may enter the Heavenly Realm.  In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the saving power of Jesus?  Have you allowed God into your life?  Are you ready to go to the door and enter freely?