
Saturday, December 28, 2013

We are all part of the Tree of Life

Verses: Luke 3 : 23-28

My thoughts about the verses:

Family trees are very important to some traditions and some individuals.  It allows you the opportunity to explore who you are and where you have come from.  It lets you see those that have made it big and those that lived normal lives.  The greatest of family trees is the Tree of Life.

Now let me explain this in terms we can understand.  The Tree of Life was in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the fruit.  When they did their understanding of sin was changed forever.  The first thing they did was cover themselves and hides from God.  They were to be happy and live a very content life.

Yet, one single bite of the fruit that came off the Tree of Life changed everything.  Not only were their lives changed but also ours.  Because they taught their children what was right and wrong.  Their children taught the grandchildren what was right and wrong.  The cycle continues through today.  We through that bite understand the differences and are no longer innocent like Adam and Eve started out in the Garden.

Yet, let us look at two things that Luke is getting at in displaying the family tree of Jesus.  See most people felt at the time of birth believed that Jesus was Joseph's son.  Due to prophecy they had learned that the Messiah would come from the House of David.  Notice that in Joseph's family tree David is one of his great grandfathers.  When the census took place and they had to go to their ancestral home it explains why Joseph went to Bethlehem.  This would be the second time in the history of the Jewish community that a great ruler would have come from this one city.

The Jewish community has for decades celebrated who their forefathers were.  So that one generation passes it on to the next.  This is to keep the cycle going forever.  So that they will understand many things from which tribe they came from to who was important leaders in their life.

Each person has a connection all the way back to Adam.  Now here is where things get interesting. Think about this one second if Adam was created by God he then is the son of God.  Adam was created from nothingness so that he could enjoy and have peace on Earth.  Yet, through sin he separated himself from God.  Jesus on the other hand was also created by God and is the son of God.  Yet, being human and God he did not separate himself like Adam did.

Amazing to think that no matter how you look at it Jesus is the son of God.  Through the line of Joseph that goes back to Adam you can see the connection if God.  If you truly understand the miracle of this birth you will also see that he was the son of God.

I can tell you from my own personal experience how important it is to know your family tree.  The tree of your own family will surprise you.  It has twist and broken branches.  The Tree limbs are intertwined with other trees more than once.  It also has a way of helping you connect with those that came before you.

For me I was finally able to fill in the dots and see how we had come from native American ancestry. I had been told this since I was a young kid.  I also learned that my family tree had strong connections in Prussia to Church Elders.  I would encourage everyone to try their best to connect the dots.

Now I know for some that seems impossible because you are one of those broken branches that were raised by someone that was not your original parents.  I want you to remember that you are a lot like Jesus.  He was not really the son of Joseph yet he was considered a part of that tree.  Because of that the people that have adopted you have made you now part of their family.  Therefor do not be upset because you do not know which tree you originally came from rather celebrate the tree you have joined.


God we thank you for allowing us to connect our lives back to you.  No matter what our earthly family tree looks like we thank you for the Spiritual tree of life that we find in you.  Help us to remember that one day people will look back and see the things that we have done.  Help us so that we can live a more Godly life.  Help us today connect the dots so that we may spiritually connect ourselves with the Risen Savior.  In the name of the one that Created the Heavens and Earth we pray.  Amen


Do you understand the connection that Jesus had as the Son of God?  Are you willing to live for God today?  What will your future generations say about you when they look back?  Will they discover that you worked hard to help them find spirituality or will they discover something else?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Jesus confirms John's Teachings

Verses: Luke 3 : 21 - 22

My thoughts about the verses:

There are a few things that we can take from these verses.  First John baptized Jesus.  Secondly, God announced that Jesus was the Son of God.  Lastly, this was also Jesus acknowledging what John had been teaching.

It is without question that Jesus came to John to be baptized.  That he entered the water and was treated like all of the other followers.  In the earlier verses John makes it clear that he is not worthy to be the one who is to baptize the Messiah.  That he is so humble that he isn't even good enough to clean his feet and remove his sandals.  Yet, Jesus goes to the water and tells John he is to be baptized. John responds with it is I who should be baptized by you.  Yet, because Jesus has come to him for this he is physically baptized in the water.

Secondly, a dove descends and represents the holy spirit.  The voice says that this is my son whom I am well pleased with.  Imagine for a second being at the water and witnessing this.  If you had not understood what John was saying before I believe your life would be changed forever.  God tells the entire world that the Messiah is here.  Those that were there that day had a blessing of knowing their Messiah was in their very presence.  I wonder who besides John truly understood what was happening.

The last part is the one that I think we often miss.  The fact that Jesus was acknowledging what John had taught to the followers.  The Messiah was at hand that they had to be cleansed within their soul.  That the cleansing that occurred in the water was an outward sign of the changes that needed to occur within a person's heart.  John was right about the things he had taught and Jesus was confirming for the followers that day.  John and Jesus had known each other before birth,  I feel it is very significant that it was again in water that the confirmation was made of their connection and of Jesus being the Messiah.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to change our hearts.  Thank you for showing us the true meaning of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  Help us be more like John standing out and proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah.  Help us to never think we are better than the one that came to set us free.  Help us live daily within the light of the Risen Savior.


Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?  Has your Heart been changed?  De you know that the Messiah has come to free you from your own trespasses?  Are you willing to be a witness like John?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Voice in the Wilderness

Verses: Luke 3 : 1 - 20

My thoughts about the verses:

John began preparing the way for Messiah.  He was telling people that they needed to be baptized to show that they had a change in their heart.  He was proclaiming that the Messiah was coming and to have the salvation that the community had waited for the people needed to have a change in their heart. This fulfilled the prophecy that a voice would be heard in the wilderness preparing the way for the Messiah.

The first issue that arose is that people came just to receive the baptism.  They did not understand that the baptism was a sign of the change that were occurring in their lives.  They were accepting the power of the Messiah.  That they had realized the only way to freedom was to change their way of thinking.  That their heart had changed from desiring things that benefited them and move toward loving and obeying God in a different way.

Then people started questioning how they could prove that they had a change of  heart.  John simply told them to give to others without thinking of what you will get in return.  If you had more than one coat then give to someone that has nothing.  If you have extra food share with those that have no food.

Remember that as a Christian you should desire to give as you are able.  Sometimes that is as simple as praying or making a call or even an email.  Other times it might actually take giving to the needy. You need to do whatever you are called to do  because your heart strings are pulled.  Don't base it on what I will get if I give instead concentrate on how it will help the person that you are assisting.


Dear God thank you for giving us the opportunity to help others.  Thank you for changing our hearts.  We offer praises to you for giving us the free gift of salvation.  Help us accept our call.  Help us give to those that need help.  Help us pray for those that need prayer.  Be with us throughout the day so we can be what you need us to be.  In Your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your heart?  Have you had a change of heart?  Do you have the willingness to help those that need your help?  Are you praying for all those that need special needs met today?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jesus is faithful to God

Verses: Luke 2 : 41 - 52

My thoughts about the verses:

I can’t imagine how hard it would be for a parent to not know where their Child was.  Even though Jesus was twelve at this time you have to imagine how scared his parents had to be when they discovered he was lost.  Yet, in Jesus's eyes he was not lost.  He was with his Heavenly Parent doing the work he needed to do.

Here is this young boy amazing the people around him.  You have to understand at twelve years old his knowledge of the customs and of God were stronger than mere man.  He knew who God was because he had been with God since the beginning.  He understood that the Holy Spirit would come into their lives because he had been with the Holy Spirit since the beginning.  The people that heard him during the three days that he was "lost" could not believe how much he knew.

Then Joseph and Mary finally find their son.  They had to be afraid and somewhat angry that their child had not been with them.  Even though they had known Jesus was the Messiah he was still in their eyes their child.  He was someone that they must protect.  Yet, when they saw him their relief and anxiety was expressed in simple terms.  Where we're you?  We have been searching high and low and could not find you anywhere.  It has been three days of worry for us.  Jesus simply said you should have known where I would be.  I am doing the Heavenly Parent's work.  Yet, the Bible says that he was obedient to his parents and left with them to go to Nazareth.  He grew older and stronger and more faithful.

I think back to a time when I was lost in a crowd.  My family had gone to an amusement park and my Mom thought my Dad had me.  My Dad thought my Mom had me.  When they got through the crowd they realized that neither one of them had me.  I on the other had stood completely still.  I was scared because I thought they had become lost.  As a small child it wasn't me that was lost but my parents.  It only lasted a few minutes but that memory is forever etched in my brain.  I was filled with relief when they finally got back to me.  The joy that came from knowing I was safe.

With that thought in my mind I can understand Jesus in a way that his Earthly parents couldn't.  He knew he was safe because he was worshiping the heavenly Parent.  He was doing the work God had called him to do.  He was learning more about God and grows in faith.  He wasn't afraid because he knew where he was.

Yet, his parents had to be in the same mindset of my parents at that moment when  they realized I wasn't with them.  They had to be in pure shock and despair.  They had to be thinking how could we do this?   We have lost our son.  What kind of parents are we?  My parents only had five or ten minutes of that feeling where Joseph and Mary had to go through this for three days.


Dear God we thank you for giving us Jesus.  We thank you for showing us how following you is more important than anything else.  Help us be the children that will set the world on fire for you.  Help us grow in faith and wisdom.  Help us to never put others before you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt that since of lost?  Have you ever felt like there is something missing in your life? Is today the day that you allow God into your heart so that you can live free from worry and doubt?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Simeon and Anna see the Messiah

Verses: Luke 2 : 21 - 40

My thoughts about the verses:

It is important to remember when reading these passages that Jesus was born to a Jewish family.  They had certain rules that they must follow according to customs.  Jesus was first circumcised when he was 8 days old which was set forth since the time of Abraham.  Then Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem so that he may be presented to God and the people.  It was customary that the first child would be given to God as a servant that he be used to help the people.

Now you have to imagine Joseph and Mary being surprised by Simeon who they did not know.  God had granted the man's wish of seeing the lamb that would come to save the people.  He did not know how it would happen but he was very faithful.  When he laid his eyes on Jesus he knew immediately that this was the salvation for the people.  He foretold the destiny of the child and of the Jewish community. First Jesus was there to save all of them and was the Messiah that they had long waited for.  Yet, even though the community had waited for the Messiah there would be those that rejected him.  That there would be many saved because of his birth.  Yet, there would be many that would be lost because they did not believe that Jesus was the true Messiah.  Can't you imagine these two parents shock that a man they didn't know had identified the Messiah?

Then there is Anna she was very old and very faithful.  She was at the temple day and night fasting and worshiping God.  When she saw Jesus she knew that this was the salvation that she had been praying for.  Unlike Simeon who was ready for his days to end.  Anna started spreading the news that the Messiah had been born.  It is ironic in some ways when you look at who first started preaching about the Messiah's birth.  In today's world many churches do not allow women to serve in leadership roles. Yet, it was Anna who started telling everyone that the Messiah had been born.  She witnessed through her faith that the promise of God had been fulfilled.  She had no doubt in her mind that what she saw was what she had longed waited to see.

After Joseph and Mary had done everything by the customs they returned to Nazareth.  This protected Jesus and at the same time he was able to grow in faith and wisdom.  He did not have to deal with the issues that were occurring in Jerusalem.  The children who were lost because of Herod's action have a place in the Realm of God.  They are free because of the child who had come to set us all free.  Jesus was able to fulfill his promises because he was no longer in Jerusalem or Bethlehem.

Now I want you to think about today and where you are in your faith. We need to discover how strong a bond we have Jesus.  The fact is that God wants us all to be free and to accept the one that came to make us whole.  Yet, there are many that still do not accept the Risen Savior.  We as Christians are encouraged by Simeon to recognize that the Messiah has come to set us free.  We are also to be like Anna and share the good news to as many people that will listen to us.  This doesn't mean we have to hit them over the head with the Bible.  People want to hear our stories because it is through our own personal experiences that people find Christ.  We are also to be like Mary and Joseph fulfilling the task that God desires from us.  This doesn't mean that we have rituals to be performed rather it means we must accept the calling that is set out for each of us.


Dear Holy God thank you for giving us Jesus.  Thank you for showing us how to live and to grow in faith.  Let us never be ashamed to tell people our story.  Help us accept the calling that you have for our life.  Help us become the people that you want and need us to be.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you experienced the freedom that comes from accepting Christ?  Have you accepted the calling that God has for your life?  Are you willing to share your story with someone today?  What more do you need to see to accept that Jesus was born and died for you?

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Angels announce the Birth of Christ

Verses: Luke 2 : 8 - 20

My thoughts about the verses:

There are some things you never expect.  I can tell you that the shepherds had to be in total shock when the Angels appeared to them.  Here they were out doing their own thing.  Protecting their flocks making sure that nothing bothered their livelihood.  Then out of the blue here comes Angels proclaiming that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem.

They told them that they would find the babe wrapped in cloth and laying in a trough.  The shepherds had to be amazed and frightened at the same time.  Yet, they wanted to see it for themselves.  So they rush to Bethlehem to find the babe that had come to save the world.  When they reached the location it was just like they were told.  They began praising Jesus.  Even as they went back to their flocks they continued praising Jesus.  They knew that their Messiah had arrived.

I think I would be like Mary.  She is shocked. She is still coming to the realization that her son would be the one who saved the world.  I can only imagine all the thoughts going through her head.  She had to be worried about the destiny of her son.  She also must have felt like she must do anything to make sure her son was safe.  She also had to be concerned that she would teach him the right thing so that he could fulfill the prophecy.

We also have different times in our life that we are called to do things that seem impossible   God asks us to go outside our comfort zone.  We should not be surprised by the miracles God can do.  I know that over the last year as I experienced my body declining I thought I was getting to the end of me being an asset to God.  Then God showed me different ways that I can be an asset.  I can't do a lot of things I used to do but I have seen  any small miracles.  Even being able to type this today is a small miracle.  I fell and broke my wrist but with the cast and a lot of pecking on the keyboard I still am able to reach those that need to hear God loves them.  So never think that anything is impossible.  If God wants you to do something you will be able to conqueror that goal.


Thank you God for showing us how to praise you.  Thank you for making all things possible in your name.  Help us bring joy and peace to the world.  Help us worship you so that others will find the love we need through you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you ready to worship God with all of your heart?  Are you willing to believe in miracles?  Are you praising God with the things you are doing?  Is today the day that you accept Christ and the forgiveness that is given freely?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Halleujah Jesus is born

Verses: Luke 2 : 1 - 7

My thoughts about the verses:

Hallelujah Jesus has been born.  This is the most glorious events of all times.  Jesus enters the world as fully God and Fully human.  Jesus's birth signifies the change of all our lives.  Jesus came so that we are made free from our own sins.  His birth was the beginning of our life.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem just like the prophets had said. He came from the House of David and was born in the city of David.  This all came about because the Romans were taking a census.  Since Joseph was from the House of David he took his fiancĂ© with him to get registered.  There were so many that had traveled to Bethlehem that there was no place for them  to stay.

Jesus was born and placed in a feeding trough.  Now think about this a second our Savior was born without even a crib to lay his head.  Yet, this was done so that we could see that Jesus was just like us. He did not have special things given to him like a King.  Instead in his own birth he had to show humbleness.  He was never meant to overthrow the Kings of the world.  Instead, he was born so that we may become free of our own sins.  What a glorious example for us all to follow.


Dear God thank you for sending your son to free us from our sins.  Thank you for showing us that we are all equal with every other child of God.  We praise you for sending Jesus to die on the Cross if it had been for us.  Help us learn to worship you.  Help us share the good news to those around us. In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Are you willing to follow God's lead and help those around you find Jesus for their freedom of the sins?