
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Give God what Belongs to God

Verses: Luke 20 : 20 - 26

My thoughts about the verses:

Let us start by saying that the Pharisees were very upset with Jesus.  They feared that Jesus would draw to much attention.  The people would want Jesus to rise and be the King that they wanted.  Yet, what they didn't understand that the Savior that was coming to save the people never desired to be an Earthly King.  Jesus came in humbleness to sacrifice his life to save the world from their trespasses against God.  It wasn't to conquer the rulers of the day but to conquer death. 

Yet, the Pharisees could not understand this.  The Pharisees tried over and over again to get Jesus to say something that they could use against him.  They did not understand that the time had not come for Jesus to perish.  When the time came Jesus would go willingly.  Until then the Pharisees could not find anything to go against Jesus.  He had to go to the cross innocent and pure.  So it was important that they were never able to trick him.

So here they go again with their tricks.  What better way to make the Romans go along with the death if they could get Jesus to say that they should not pay taxes to Caesar.  This would be tyranny and in front of witnesses they could lead Jesus straight to the government officials and have him killed.  

Yet, they did not get what they wanted instead Jesus made them look at their own hearts.  Think about this a moment.  They wanted to hear Jesus say that the money should all go to God.  Yet, what Jesus said was to give to Caesar what is Caesar.  Yet, give to God what is God's.  Therefor we are to honor the government and give them the money that they tax us.  Yet, at the same time we are to give God love and faith.  See it isn't worldly things that God wants from us.  Instead God wants a relationship.  

Imagine being one of the teachers and the thoughts going through your head.  If we give Caesar what is Caesars then what is left for God.  What they missed is that our heart and soul is what are Gods and what we should return.  Unconditional love is the one thing that God desires from us and gives to us.  Yet, there are so many that still today miss this.  


God we thank you for the salvation that you have given us.  We thank you for giving us love and a lasting relationship.  Dear God we pray that we return to you what you have given to us.  Help us put our love for you first so that we may have our trespasses erased.  Help us become the people that you desire.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you giving God what God has given to you?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who gives Jesus Authority

Verses: Luke 20 : 1 - 8

My thoughts about the verses:

You can see the religious leaders getting together and deciding that they can catch Jesus and trick him.  You can see them plotting it all out.  Go to the temple when he is teaching with a lot of people.  At the right moment we will ask who gives him the authority to teach.  He will have to admit that he sees his actions coming from God.  Then we will have him right where we want him.

So there they sit at the temple and they wait.  At just the right moment they spring the question who gives you authority to teach.  Now Jesus knew what they were up to.  He could have answered them but instead he through a question back at them.  Who gave John the authority to baptize.  Now here is the dilemma that the Pharisees were trapped in if we say God then we are giving him what he wants.  Yet, if we say it wasn't God all these people are going to stone us to death right here where we sit.  So they answer we don't know.  Jesus then replies well I am not telling you who gave me authority.

I love this because how many times have people tried to catch us within their web.  They sat and wait hoping that we will fight back.  Then they can say look at them how can they be a Christian. See we were right.

I was recently at the Gay Pride event in my hometown.  There were over thirteen churches that were in the parade sharing their love of God with the community I love.  Yet, there were two small groups that stood there on the sidelines with their words of hate.  They were trying to tell people that they needed to accept God yet instead of using love they were using scare tactics.  One of the greatest moments for me was when of the pastors came and stood in front of them with a sign that said God loves gays.

After the parade they were finally allowed to come across the street where thousands were gathered celebrating their pride in the gay community.  They were there and people were starting to yell back which is exactly what they wanted.  I was in my amigo and I basically told everyone to go celebrate pride and they would leave.  After a few minutes the group left and sure enough without an audience they left.  See they only had room to fight if they had people willing to fight them.  Yet, with the crowd gone they had no one to ridicule or scare into salvation.

The important lesson for Gay Christians can be learned in these few lines of scripture.  Do not get caught in fighting those that are against you.  That only encourages them.  Instead walk away. They are not use to other Christians showing them brotherly love.  It is best not to debate because they have their one or two scriptures down pat.  Yet, they miss the main story of the Bible and that is love.  Showing love will change the lives of those that don't know the story of Christ long before any scare tactic will.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for giving us the gift of salvation.  Thank you for teaching love and tolerance through the life of Christ.  We now ask that you help us show brotherly love to those that hate us.  Help us to walk away and not encourage the hate that others preach. God help us be a light so that others can find the path to everlasting life.  In your name we pray. Amen


Have you ever had to face someone that was teaching you that your life was not worthy for salvation?  Have you ever been faced with someone that is trying to get you in a debate of the biblical truths?  What can you do to help others find the love of Christ?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Temple is a Place of Worship

Verses: Luke 19 : 45 - 48

My thoughts about the verses:

I want to start by saying that I believe that there are all different kinds of churches.  There are many people in the world that are sharing the gospel of the saving grace of God.  I actually believe that there will be people from every faith "group" in Heaven.

I want to talk about a specific temple.  The temple is you.  I believe what God wants us to learn is that we need to look at ourselves as a place where God lives day in and day out.  Jesus is teaching us lessons every day.  The question is we listening and changing?

I honestly believe that there are temples that are being ruled by the world.  Jesus made each one of us sacred.  Yet, some of us are so focused on other things that keep us from receiving that glory.  Some of us are worried about making money so we can have the best of everything.  Others are trapped in the world of addictions that keep their bodies from accepting Jesus.  No matter what keeps you’re from serving God you need to throw it out of your life.

Imagine if every Christian right now this moment would center them on the teaching of God.  I can see things changing in our entire world.  Our life would be different and the way we treat others would be different.  We would not do the same things that we do today.  Instead we would be honoring and praising God for all that has and will happen in our lives.

We will see the illnesses of our lives as minor obstacles that can be defeated with God’s help.  We can survive financially because we no longer have the burdens of the world holding us down.  The poor and rich would be equal.  We wouldn't worry about having things instead we would be concentrating on praising God.

Is this a dream that could come true.  I know for sure it will.  It might not happen here on Earth yet, when we arrive in Heaven the gifts will be greater than we will ever imagine.  I have so many friends and family members that already have gone to that promise land.  I know that they are saying Amen right now.  Their pain is gone and all they do is rejoicing.  Their temple is centered on serving God.


Dear God thank you for everlasting life.  Thank you for creating us in your image.  God help us to use your temple as an instrument of praise.  Help us listen to your teachings.  Help us put you first. In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Something to think about why wait until we get to Heaven to start enjoying this?  Wouldn't it be awesome if we could give everything over to God?  Imagine how a world with Jesus living in the temples he created would truly be.  Why wouldn't we want that?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Humble Entrance into Jerusalem

Verses: Luke 19 : 28 - 44

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine the Savior being carried by a donkey into the town.  I often find it ironic that there were two times in Jesus life where a donkey played an important role in Jesus life.  the first happened as his mother rode on it as her and Joseph approached Bethlehem.  The Savior would soon be born but did not come in with a great fanfare instead Jesus came into the world with just a few shepherds knowing the truth.

Here this time the donkey is carrying Jesus to his death.  How ironic is it that one donkey would lead to the life of our Savior and the other would lead to the death.  Yet, both were leading us closer to our Savior.  For they showed the triumphant glory of a Savior that was fully God and fully human.

As I wrote this I thought to the story of the Lion King.  Can’t you all see the animals bowing down as the new cub that would soon be the leader of the pack being raised.  As his name is pronounced a cheer rises and the animals understand the importance of this birth.

Would it not be awesome if we could respond the same way with Jesus.  Can’t you just see the Pharisees and Sadducee's saying keep it quiet.  We do not want to draw any attention.  Don't make Caesar mad.  I mean that is the last thing we need is someone acting as if they are the new King of the Jews.  You can almost hearing them say look at yourself you are not nobility you are riding on a donkey.  Not being carried with respect.  Yet, what Jesus says is what changes the whole culture and understanding of the new Savior.  If these worshiping and celebrating were quieted the very rocks would start shouting.

Think back to the story of Lion King you can see what happens when we run around without a Savior among our midst.  We fall in decay the world turns bleak and there are no victories.  Yet, when the Savior comes back to reclaim the Kingdom the world turns in the right direction.  The animals prosper and there is calm and peace restored.

Isn't that what happened as Jesus entered that day into Jerusalem.  Jesus was claiming his people so there would be calm and peace.  He had to sacrifice himself on the cross to cleanse us from our trespasses.  Yet, Jesus also rose from that grave to show that he had the power over death and could set his people free.  Jesus will come again and this time it will be different that when he came on the humble donkey.  He will come in a victorious manner to take his children home.  What an awesome Savior.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  thank you Jesus for saving our lives.  Thank you for dying on the cross.  We also celebrate the day that you will return to claim your children.  May the world be ready for that day when you come in victory to take all your children home.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus?  Are you ready for when the Savior returns?  What do you need to do to share the story of the Savior with others?

Jesus came to Gather His Children

Verses: Luke 20 : 9 - 19

My thoughts about the verses:

The first thing we need to do is break down the different parts of this story.  Each part explains why Jesus had to come to Earth so that we may find salvation.  The problem is that Jesus had to die for us to finally accept that God loves us and wants a relationship with us.  Isn't it amazing that no matter how many times we were told that God wanted us to have abundant life it took death for us to understand it.

Let us start with the land owner.  It is easy to understand that the land owner is God the Creator.  God gave us the one thing that we needed was love.  Love and relationship with God is given to us freely.  The only thing God wants in return is our love and a relationship with us.  

The servants can be many different people that are spread throughout the Bible.  For me the first servants were Adam and Eve.  They were given everything that they could ever need.  God had made them and loved them.  They were in a perfect relationship with God.  Yet, they did the unthinkable they built a wall between them self and God by disobeying the one that loved them.  They broke their connection of pure love and relationship by their transgressions.  Yet this did not stop God from loving them.  Instead God started the plan to save them at that moment and time.

I also see the second servants as all of the leaders and prophets that came after the fall.  Just think what happened to the prophets.  They came to teach about God's love.  Yet, the people didn't listen.  In the end the community was sent to exile because they would not even listen to the people that God had sent them.  The prophets endured rejection during their time on Earth because they were just spreading what God told them to say.  Yet, now we think of them as heroes and martyrs.

I also believe that John the Baptist was one of the Servants that were rejected.  He was coming to tell people that they needed to ask God to forgive them of their trespasses.  Yet, what happened to John he was tortured and even killed because of his teachings.  John was teaching love yet, that wasn't what people wanted to accept.  

Servants who continue to spread the love of God are often persecuted for their teachings.  They are belittled and abused.  Teaching unconditional love is something that people have a hard time accepting.  They base their past experience with human love and cannot understand how much God loves them.  They are not willing to give the little piece of their life back to God.  

The people that were working the field are the masses.  The ones that is willing to take from God's harvest.  Yet,  we are not willing to love God back with their heart.  They hold back the one part that God wants and that is a loving relationship.  

It even gets more intense when you realize that some of those that are denying God total love are the very religious leaders that teach God's word.  This has affected many people over time.  The fact that they often teach hate and judge others causes problems.  I just think about all those that have left the church and run from God because certain religious leaders judge them as unworthy.  A true religious leader will concentrate on spreading the love of God instead of passing judgment on others.  Yet, this is something that has happened even since the time of Jesus.  In fact, the religious leaders knew that Jesus was talking about them as he told the parable.  So what is important is that Christians do their best to share love instead of teaching hate.

The last person in the story is the easiest to pick out.  Jesus is the son that was sent to collect and show love to the masses.  He was sent to fulfill the promise of a relationship and love.  Yet, even though he did no wrong he was killed.  That death led to our everlasting life.  Jesus was letting the Pharisees know that he knew that his death was the inevitable and that he had accepted it.  As expected it made them mad yet they couldn't do anything at that moment.  Yet, the time was soon coming when Jesus would go to the tree to lead his people home.  The relationship would be rebuilt by the sacrifice of love that came through unconditional love. 


Dear God we just give you all the honor and glory.  We thank you for loving us when we did not trust you.  Thank you for sending Jesus so that we could have our relationship with you restored.  We only ask that you keep us from being a farrier to others.  Help us show others the unconditional love that you give to us freely.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


What person are you most like in this story?  Are you satisfied in being that person?  Have you accepted the unconditional love of God?  Are you being a stumbling block to anyone?  How can you spread the love so others can find peace and a relationship with God?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Use the Gifts and Talents God has Given to You

Verses: Luke 19 : 11 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

I can remember as a young child being told to use the talents God had given me or they would be taken away.  I grew up believing that the greatest gift that you could give God was your service.  There may be times when you didn't have money yet, you always had something that God gave you to use and you should share that with the world.

I was just a kid myself when I started in the bus ministry at church.  Every Saturday we would go out for several hours and invite kids to come to Church.  We would knock door to door.  We would visit those that were already using the bust to see how they were doing.  It was very rewarding and filled my heart with great joy to see kids that were coming to know the Jesus I knew.

I felt even as a young child that God had placed a calling on my life.  I have watched it evolve over time.  I even at one time considered going into full time ministry yet, that didn't pan out the way I thought it would.  Yet, now if you look at my life the most fulfilling thing that I have is my ministry.   know that there are lives around the world that God has touched because I have used the gifts that God provided me.

My favorite song is Thank You by Ray Boltz.  I was listening to this morning and I looked at my roommate and said I hope that is the reception that I get when I enter the Realm of God.  Knowing that the simple acts that I have done overtime have led people to find the grace that God provided me.  I desire more than anything to spread the loving story of grace.

You do not have to be a theologian to help people understand God.  Yet, I do think there are things that God will give you to help you grow whatever ministry you are to do.  If you are to minister with music you will be provided a singing voice or the ability to play an instrument.  If you are to work with kids you will have a heart that loves and adores kids.  If you are to witness to homeless you will be given a heart of compassion.  For me God gave me an education in a few semesters at a Bible college.

Now I know that I going to a Bible college will shock many.  Yet, I didn't become the biggest scholar yet, I learned the basic principles of the Bible.  Those very principles come out every time I study and reflect on the Bible.  See I actually believe that if I had finished my degree things would have led down a path that would have been different than what God wanted.

I honestly believe that God has brought me to my knees more than once to get me to do what I need to do.  I first lost the kids group because I came out of the closet.  I lost to get my Master of Divinity due to finances.  I then was forced to see that where God wanted me was in lay ministry.  I was to influence others with my testimony.  I was to live my life with God in the center.

I am in no way perfect.  Yet, there are people that need to see that a Lesbian from Kentucky can share the healing words of God throughout the world.  No matter where you are reading this at today understands that God has a gift for you.  You might not know what that gift is right at this moment.  Yet, eventually God will get you right where you need to be so you can share your life with those that need it.  Who knows you might be a lay minister that teaches others that are marginalized in society that God loves them.

Take away is simple if God places a fight on your life use it to the glory of God.  You will see how it grows and flourishes.  You will see how your life is just a little better because you use the gift that God wants you to use.  I actually believe that God will get to use the gift that is placed on your heart even if you have to be humbled.  Yet, I will share this with you it is a reward to serve God willing blesses will flow and your life will be changed forever.


We thank you God for the gifts that you give us.  Thank you for trusting us to share our stories and to spread the love that comes from you.  We thank you for the ultimate gift of Jesus.  Thank you for being there with us all the time.  We just ask that you help guide us to understand the gifts that you have given us.  Help us to use the gifts to bring glory to your name.  In the Name of the Great Provider we pray.  Amen


Do you know what gifts God has given to you?  Do you need to ask God to show you the gifts that you have?  If you know your gifts are you using them in the service of God?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Jesus Came to Find and Save the Lost

Verses: Luke 19 : 1 - 10

My thoughts about the verses:

It is amazing that people are still shocked at the people that come to find their salvation in Jesus. People expect Jesus is looking for the righteous to bring home.  People judge others and are shocked that Jesus will forgive people that have done in their eyes big sins.  Through their judgment they too are committing a sin yet, they seem to overlook that.  Instead their focus is on the fact that God would let, in their eyes, the lowest of the low to save.

See what people miss is that we have all done things that have separated us from the grace of God.  No one is perfect instead all have sinned.  Yet, we try to justify ourselves and say well  I haven't murdered anyone or stole from them.  Therefor I must not be as bad as others.  Yet, what God wants us to know that all need to trust the healing power of  Jesus to be saved.

You have to understand the history of tax collectors at the time of Jesus.  See tax collectors were those that were chosen by the Romans to collect the taxes from the people that they owed Caesar.  Yet, many of the tax collectors became common criminals.  For every time they collected from the emperor they collected a little more for themselves.  Many of the tax collectors were Jews themselves and they lived better than the average citizen.

Understanding that concept you can understand why the people were amazed and a little angry that Jesus would save this man.  They were despised and hated because they had hurt so many people by over taxing them so that they could prosper.  Yet, Zacchaeus came to Jesus because he wanted to see the Savior with his own eyes.  He was so short that he climbed a tree because he knew that he had to see him.  That Jesus would soon pass by and he had to behold him with his own eyes.

Jesus looks up in the tree and says come down Zacchaeus I am going to your house today.  At that moment Zacchaeus was convicted for all he had done.  He immediately said that he would give half of his money to the poor and then would right the wrongs that he had done to his fellow man.  It was this faith that led Jesus to say that he was saved.  He had searched for his answer and he had received it by seeing Jesus, confessing us his sins and asking for the forgiveness that could only come from the Savior.

People immediately judged him because he was this sinner.  Jesus then goes forward with the message that we need to learn.  Jesus came to Earth searching for the ones that were lost.  Jesus didn't come for those that did not need him to find salvation.  Once we are find we have the opportunity to turn our lives over to Jesus and be saved. We are no longer lost souls but free souls.

Here is what I want you to take away from this is that we all are lost before Jesus finds us.  We are souls that sin every day in one way or another.  It doesn't have to be a giant sin yet, we all do things that separate us from God.  Jesus therefor came for us.  He came so that we could go from being a lost soul to a living forgiven soul.  We are free because we have accepted the grace that comes from loving God.


Thank you God for loving us more than words can ever describe.  We thank you Jesus for coming to find us that were lost and needing forgiveness.  thank you Savior for going to the cross to spill your blood so that through that cleansing we could have eternal life of blessings.  We thank you Holy spirit for coming into our life and helping us be the children that serve God.


Have you accepted Jesus into your life?  Are you willing to admit that you need Jesus to be free?  Have you ever judged others thinking that they did not deserve the grace of God.  What must you do today to spread the word of the living resurrection?