
Friday, May 30, 2014

Those that accept Christ in their life are Welcomed with open arms

Verses: Luke 15 : 11 - 32

My thoughts about the verses:

Haven't we all done something that we feel ashamed or guilty about?  Kids are notorious for doing things behind their parents’ backs.  Saying that they are going one place and doing the complete opposite.  Thinking their parents will never know that they didn't go where they were supposed to go.  Then they cover up the truth with yet one more story.  In all reality parents had also done the same things as they were growing up.

Some people keep this up as they become adults.  Sometimes as they do this because of fear of retribution or the loss of relationship to someone.  For many the things of past soon catch up with them and they realize they cannot outrun their past.  That their past will take them down and they will lose things that they thought would never be lost.  Families and friends quit believing in them.  Sometimes it even involves the law catching up to them for things that they have done to keep their bad habits going.  Yet, when it does catch up many feel that sense of regret.  They are sorry for what they have done and wish they could take it all back.  For some it is possible to recover from the past.  Yet, for others it is impossible.

You can imagine how it must have felt for this young man to feel the guilt that had overwhelmed his very soul.  He had realized that he had done his father and God wrong.  He comes to his father asking that he be treated as a hired hand and allowed to come back.  His father instead of pushing him away welcomes him with open arms.  We can see the relief in the young man's face as he is accepted back.

We can understand the older brother's response also.  His feeling of betray from his father.  He had never left been there and done what was needed.  His worked while his brother has been out gallivanting around the countryside wasting money and being a fool.  Haven't we all had someone that we felt got treated better than us even though they have been doing wrong for so long, at least wrong in our eyes.

It is the Father's words that we must listen to closely.  He acknowledges that his older son has never left and has earned all that will one day be his.  Yet, he tells him to be happy for the one that has been thought dead is alive.  That he should celebrate for his brother because he has learned from his mistakes.  No he will never have what he would have had if he had stayed with the family.  Yet, he was free from his own punishment and guilt and that the older brother should celebrate because his younger brother was now free and home.

I believe what God is saying to us is that even if we have strayed away because of things that we have done in our life the open arms are awaiting us.  God is waiting to take us and celebrate our return to the fold.  God never leaves us yet is constantly waiting for those that have strayed to come back to the fold. That doesn't mean those that have stayed close to the flock are not important.  God has had them cradled throughout the whole time.  Yet, the celebration begins when those that stray make their way back.  They walk through the saving grace of Jesus's blood and are cleansed.  Their past s forgotten and they are now and forever part of the fold.  Being forever caressed in the loving arms of God.


Dear God thank you for your waiting arms.  Thank you for the caressing embrace that clears away all our fears and regrets.  Thank you for loving us so much that the ultimate sacrifice was made so that we could live with you throughout all eternity.  In the name of Saving Power of Christ we pray.  Amen


Is there something that you feel is blocking you from the embrace of God?  Are you willing to have that part of your life be lifted so that you can walk free?  Have you run from God because of your fear of rejection?  Is today the day you ask God to enter your life and make you whole and free?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

God and the Angels celebrate when we accept Jesus as our Savior

Verses: Luke 15 : 1 - 10

My thoughts about the verses:

There is an easy way to think about these verses.  Have you ever lost anything important to you?  Do you look for a second or two and then give up the hunt?  I would guess that many of you are like me.  If something is important to me I will hunt until I find it.  I don't want to give up until I know it is in my hand.  Then I can take a deep breath and be content with my new hiding spot.

I know we have all lost someone that we love dearly.  They may have not passed away but passed from our presence.  Our heart starts to skip beats and we start thinking about how to get them back.  I know that I would do almost anything to have had one day as a teenager with my sister.  I know that I could have lived a million times over in that one day.  It is amazing when you are just a little kid and you lose a piece that could make you whole.  You understand from the start of life that certain things mean more than money.  One of my most prized possessions is the picture of my little sis laying there in the hospital.  I don't know what I would do without that picture our only link until I join her in Heaven.

So if we can love people and possessions isn't it obvious the God of love will celebrate when we return back home.  That God would do anything even send the precious son so that we might find our way back into the open arms of love and life.  The celebration isn't for those that could save themselves but for those that have been found through the cleansing power of the blood.  See the celebration is because the one that went looking found the one that was lost.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sending the Son so that we could find our way back home.  We praise you for not forgetting the least of us so that we would not be left behind.  Help us to always remember the sacrifice that was made so that we may have everlasting life.  Help us show others the unconditional love that you have shown us.  In the Name of the One that came to Save us. Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Has God found a way into your heart?  How can you show others the love God has shown to you?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We must decide if we will follow God

Verses: Luke 14 : 25 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

God wants us all to choose to follow him.  Yet, so many of us decide to follow Jesus yet we have reservations.  We look around at the situations that we are in and try to make sure that everything is ready for us to follow the one that died freely on the cross for us.  We contemplate are there things that we need to accomplish in our own lives before we can follow God.

Many of us are like the builders who are ready to build then pause and determine do I have enough to finish.  Instead of trusting God will provide our needs we worry about what we have on hand.  Can we afford the risk of going forward with what God wants with our lives or do we hesitate and determine that we cannot risk it.   We all have to come to a point where we either jump on the bandwagon to follow God or we choose to stand on the sideline.

There are also those moments when we weigh our options and determine that we will be destroyed if we follow God.  We forget to trust that God will provide our needs.  We think it is best just to throw in the towel and run.  Yet, what we have to understand that God does not leave our side.  Our trust in Jesus starts to waver because we feel that we will not have what we need to get through the situation. We lose our will to follow God because we fear failure.  We are worried that we will not be able to live up to the expectations that God and others have for us so we begin  to bargain.  We do our best to talk ourselves out of the situation and to not follow God.

What we need to understand is that there are many obstacles that are put in between us and following the will of God.  Yet, it is our choice to put our faith in God and follow.  To leave the ways of our past and move forward into a new life.  Often times we miss the subtle hints to follow God in a new direction.  We must be willing to look for these signs and realize that God sees things in us that we do not see in ourselves.  God will help us through situations both big and small if we rely on God our needs will be met.  Following God is allowing the things that we desire of this world to be less important than our desire of the rewards we will receive in Heaven.

I look at my own life and realize I had several of those moments.  I believe one of those moments is when God led me to Louisville.  I had to leave all that was comfortable for me.  Those hours of driving back and forward the 80 miles that separated me from my home and my church were at many times quite challenging.  Yet, I knew that God was leading me to something that I needed.  I often tell people that I moved to Louisville to be closer to my Church.  This is the actual truth.  God opened a door and led me to the one that would be a part of my life forever.  Yet, it was the hardest thing I had or probably will ever do.  Yet, what God did was show me that by following my calling I would never be alone.

In the last few years I have had many challenges.  Yet, what I came to realize is that God was leading me to a new place.  I might not be able to do things that I could physically do.  There would be many times that I would not be able to concentrate the way I used to do.  Yet, I find that there was something God wanted me to do that was simple.  I needed to show others that you can still trust in God when things seem impossible.  You can trust that if you follow God even when things seem impossible you can climb the highest mountains.  I might not ever be what I thought I would become.  Yet, in God's eyes I am a follower that left everything behind to keep focused on serving the only one that matters.  So if I can share anything it is don't give up and follow God no matter what you think you are leaving behind. The future is much better than you can ever imagine.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for never leaving us.  Thank you for being the Good Shepherd that will never leave us astray.  Help us follow you without worrying about where we might go.  Help us understand that you will lead us where we need to be.  In the Name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you willing to follow God no matter what the risk?  Do you trust God will bring you through all situations?  Is there anything that is keeping you from following God?  What must you let go of so God can lead you where you need to go?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

God gives to all that come to the table when they are called

Verses: Luke 14 : 15 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

People often believe it is the highest and most esteem that are welcome to the table of God.  Yet, what they often miss is that Jesus went to the outcasts.  Those that society had left abandoned on the highways and byways.  These were the people that needed to know that there was a place that they could be free and accepted.

He had already come to those that were part of the religious order.  Yet, they had turned the love of God into a book of law that no one could ever accomplish.  They drove those away that needed help.  They turned up their noses to those that needed to be fed and sheltered.  They missed the point that God loved everyone not just those that thought themselves righteous.

How many times do we as Christians judge others?  It is fair to say that there are groups that each Christian believes will not inherit the glory that we know we have received.  See we are all limited with our ability to understand the never ending love of Jesus.  Many try to believe that their church and home are open to everyone.  Yet, look around are you missing a group at the table that God prepared.

There is an important thing to consider the table was not prepared by us.  The table was prepared by the Host, Jesus, so that we could commune in the everlasting gift of life.  Yet, we often think that only this group or that group deserves a seat.  When people that we consider are outside the intended group attempt to take of the meal of life we push them away.

Yet, look what the Master did he sent his servant first to those that he invited to come and partake of the meal.  All had excuses for they were not willing to leave things behind and go blindly into the night with the servant.

The Master gets angry yet, he does the right thing.  He tells his servant to go out into the street and bring those that were less fortunate.  You can imagine the surprise that overcame those that would have been left out of a feast like this.  The shock and amazement led them to the table.  They were willing to go because they had been extended the invitation that they normally would have never received.

There was still more room at the table so the Master once again sends the servant to get those that were strangers.  He sent him to invite those who were just passing by and offer the meal to them.  This open hospitality had to be very welcomed by the strangers.  They came because they needed the food.  They also wanted to meet a man that would open his house to people he did not know.

Yet, look at the last part of this story.  The Master makes it clear that those that he first invited would not partake of any of the feast.  Simply they had refused to give up their own needs and did not come to a banquet which was a free gift to them.  They were called yet did not follow.


Dear God thank you for inviting us to the table of life.  Help us never turn away a stranger or someone who is different from us.  Help us keep focused on your love so that we may share it with others.  Dear God let our actions honor you in all that we do.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Look at your own life for a second.  Is there a group of people that you do not socialize with?  Is there a group that you feel do not belong at the table of God?  What must you do today to open the doors so all can find the love of Christ?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Being Humble or Being Humiliated

Verses: Luke 14 : 7 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

As a manager of a rather large company I attended an all-day event on etiquette.  Learning the finer details of what each of those little forks and spoons meant.  What to do with your napkin and purse.  What different clothes were required for occasions.  Needless to say the etiquette of being just right in an event is tortuous.  At the end of the session I can still remember leaving and saying to myself I am not holding a big banquet that makes me wash that many dishes for nobody.

Yet, there is a lot of reason and rhyme to the game of etiquette that even goes back to the day of Jesus.  Jesus is referring to etiquette that still applies today.  The person with the highest honors or most prestige sits at the head of the table.  Others do not sit at the table until that person sits in their seat.

Jesus was teaching the difference between being humble and being humiliated.  See if you come to the dinner and assume you are the most important and sit at the head.  You may learn the hard way that someone else that will be joining the group actually holds that spot in the eyes of the host. They may then ask you to move to a lower position in the table which would make you very humiliated.  Because you assumed that you were more important than others that were coming to the gathering.

What Jesus teaches us is to come to the table and show humbleness.  Instead of going to the head of the table we should choose a seat at the end.  We need to assume that there will be more honored guest coming to the event.  There will be times that we find that we are the honored guest and need to move.  Yet, there are many times we find we are just where we are supposed to be.  Being humble is the biggest thing we can be in this world.

Christians need to understand that God considers us all equal.  We should not think we are better than anyone else.  We are to humble ourselves and remember that we did not deserve the forgiveness that comes from the blood of Jesus.  That Jesus died for us all because we all have sinned.  When we understand this we are able to reach out to all individuals and help them understand the gift that we have received.  Because when we do this we show humbleness that helps individuals that haven't asked God in their hearts see what happens when God forgives us from our sins.  Those that are humble in the eyes of others will be role models that lead others to God.

Yet, what happens when we think that we are better than others.  Those certain groups cannot become Christians.  We forget that we are not to judge others.  When Christians believe that they are more deserving of the forgiveness of God they are actually humiliating themselves.  They are putting their needs before the needs of others.  We need to remember at all times that we are sinners that have been forgiven of our sins.  Christians that think that others are not deserving of the love of God are pushing away those that need to find the love of God.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Jesus we thank you for dying to take away our sins when we did not deserve us.  Help us be humble.  Help us show love to all people.  Dear Jesus helps us be the people that help others find the love that you have for them.  Help us put the needs of others first so that we can be the witness that leads others to understand the gift that you have given to us freely.  In the name of the one that loves us all equally we pray.  Amen

Do you judge others?  Are you putting the needs of others first?  Are you being humble?  What do you need to do today so that others can see the love of God?