
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Have you Accepted Jesus

Verses: John 7 : 32 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

The Pharisees wanted to stop Jesus and his teachings.  Imagine being a leader of a group of people and someone telling them that things were different from your teachings.  How can a ruler rule with complete authority if they do not stop people from standing up to them?  Complete authority of one group means that all others must be submissive.  Jesus was coming to change things and this was affecting the rule that the Pharisees and other church leaders possessed.

Have you ever been somewhere and disagreed with teachings but had to go along with it to stay in the group?  In that situation did you follow when you were with the group but talk differently away from the group?  We often allow people to make our minds for us because it is easier than taking charge of the situation.  In reality, we do not like what the group is teaching but we are afraid not to belong.

Jesus did not hide in the shadows.  He led by example and stood up for the truth.  This example is something that we need to follow.  Just because we want to be a part of a group does not mean that we should totally buy into everything they say.  Standing up for truth is something that we must always do.

The arrest did not happen at this time because there was much more that needed to be done.  If Jesus had felt that his work was done he would have gladly given himself to the guards.  Jesus knew that there was a lot more that the disciples, those of his time and us in the current time, needed to learn.

The last part of this message is simple if you do not search within your own life for God you will not find him.  Jesus was again talking about the sacrifice that established the new covenant.  The law had no power over Christ because Jesus was here to replace the old covenant.  The covenant would be fulfilled with Jesus.

Jesus would die and rejoin God in Heaven.  The Holy Spirit then would come to live in our hearts and souls.  Those that searched but did not believe would never find the gift that was being given.  Those that heard this story were shocked.  How could someone hide within plain view?  What did he mean return to the one who sent them  The Jewish individuals thought that he was going to Greece to teach and stir them up.  Yet, what they didn't realize is that he was predicting his death and resurrection.


Dear God thank you for fulfilling the new covenant.  We thank you God for sacrificing so much for us. We ask that you help us understand all that you want from us.  Help us become the people that will search for you with ultimate faith.  In your Holy name Amen.


Have you accepted the free gift from God?  Are you willing to stand for the truth?  Are you working to help others find Jesus?  Do you walk the talk?  Is there something you are hiding from Jesus?  Is it time to ask for the Holy Spirit to come live within your soul?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Do you See the Miracles that are Right in Front of Your Eyes

Verses: John 7 : 25 - 31

My thoughts about the verses:

Just imagine seeing something that you never seen before.   Imagine being awe inspired by the beauty before your eyes.  Then that thought pops up in your mind can it be bigger and better.  You know what you saw is a miracle in itself yet, continuing to look for something more.

I love taking photos of fungi.  I believe it is one of the most beautiful things that happen naturally in the world.  The thought that a little water and decaying wood can bring such a beautiful thing.  I am so blessed to have friends that encourage me to go to my limits.  They know I have limits but they do not allow me to throw in the towel.  It was one of those moments that allowed me to take this shot.

Imagine knowing this was just a few feet away but being afraid to take those few steps to reach it. Knowing you have done all you could do for the day.  See the colors and know that if you could just reach deep down you could take two more steps and see it.  Then having someone encourage you just enough so that you could see something that was a miracle of God.  Then you wonder what else I have missed because I had gone as far as I could.  Are there more beautiful things just out of my reach?   Yet, if I had that extra hand I could reach it.  Take two more steps and be able to enjoy the beauty.

This is exactly what the Hebrew people were thinking.  We have seen the great works that this man has done.  If he is not the Messiah is there more to come.  Are the Jewish leaders accepting this man as Messiah.  What signs will the Messiah show to prove that he is the true Messiah?  See what they were expecting wasn't what they were getting.  They thought some great mighty warrior would come and conquer the land.  In reality, what was happening was that the Messiah was coming to perform the ultimate miracle the cleansing of the spirit.


Dear God thank you for the ultimate of miracles.  Thank you for sending Jesus to establish a new covenant.  Thank you for freely giving the gift of salvation so that all could be free.  We thank you for everything you have done.  We ask that you protect us.  We ask that you open our eyes to the little miracles that happen each day.  Help us Dear God learn how to be the help that others need.  Use us for your will.  In your name we pray  Amen


Have you helped those around you?  Have you stepped outside your comfort zone?  Are you the miracle others need to see?  How can You show God's beauty every day to those that are searching for miracles?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The True Meaning of the Law

Verses:  John 7 : 14 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

Is there times when you pick and choose what laws of God's to obey?  Haven't we all done that at one time or another?  I can only imagine the religious leader's eyes when Jesus told them all he knew about them.  These up righteous individuals had to be furious that he was questioning their actions.  How dare he say they were breaking the law by fulfilling the requirement of infant circumcision on the Sabbath.

Think about the situation that Jesus was facing.  The Leaders were searching for him because he had healed a man on the Sabbath.  This they felt was against the law and that he deserved to be killed. He had broken the law of Moses by working on the Sabbath.  Yet, they felt  that the law of circumcision overrode any rules of the Sabbath.  This is still observed today.

To truly understand what the leaders were upset about you must look back at the Hebrew Scriptures. The law established that no work was to be performed on the Sabbath.  Yet, the leaders felt it was mandated that every male must be circumcised on the 8th day no matter what.  That the actual covenant established with the circumcision was more important to be performed than following the rule of no work.

The statement that Jesus was making was simple.  The law was to be replaced by the blood of the new covenant.  The circumcision of Jewish males to show their everlasting relationship would be replaced with new blood.  Jesus was showing that through his sacrifice all of human kind could receive new life.  We receive the life of everlasting love and freedom.

Many individuals have chosen to follow certain portions of the law to this day.  Yet, they forget that the law was put in place so that the Jewish people could show their promise and trust in Christ.  Now that Jesus has died the law is that of the old.  We are to follow the new covenant.  We need to build a relationship with our Savior and to love each other.

If people had obeyed the laws and customs then there would have been no need for Jesus to come.  Yet, from the very beginning the laws were being broken.  The entire world changed because humans could not obey the simplest of rules.  The fact that the leaders were trying to kill Jesus is just one more example of them not understanding the power of God.  The fact is God did not come to save a few people but the whole world.  The law is essential because it sets a ground work we need to achieve. Yet, the new covenant establishes a new set of rules.  One in which you must love your Savior and your neighbor.


Dear God we thank you for sending the Savior into our presence.  Thank you for providing all of our needs.  Thank you for establishing a new covenant with your people.  Dear God we ask that you help us accept you.  Help us accept the Savior.  Help us love our neighbors as you love us.  In your Holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the new covenant?  Are you practicing the two laws of loving the Savior and your Neighbors?  Are you being a stumbling block to those around you?  Are you helping others understand the love that is freely given?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Being Brave Enough to Talk About Jesus

Verses: John 7 : 1 - 13
My thoughts about the verses:

Think back to a time when you were scared and alone.  Remember that gut wrenching feeling that you felt at that moment.  How you wished someone was there to share it with you.  If you are like me it didn't take much to think back to that very moment and time.  I bet you are taking that deep breath and you have the same feeling in your stomach that you had back then.

I want you to think about the happiest moment you ever had by yourself.  Remember the feeling of excitement that you wanted to share with someone.  How you wished that someone was right there so you could share with them.  I bet you have a smile on your face and calmness in your spirit.

Which one of those stories did you tell others about when you weren't alone?  Which one would you share right now if someone asked you to share a memory?  I have a feeling it would be the second one because of the way it made you feel.  In fact, I had you think of them in that order because it would help calm you down before you read on.  For one short moment you had the same feeling that Jesus had at this time in his life.

He had been on a high people were so happy and were sharing his story.  Then all of a sudden people started leaving him and the leaders wanted to kill him.  His own brethren did not believe what they were hearing.  He sent them on to the Feast of the Tabernacles because his time had not come to face the final end.

Yet, he did not stay alone he did go to Jerusalem.  He did not let others know because he needed to see how people were acting.  The Jewish leaders were searching for him and his followers were afraid. They were talking in whispers because they were afraid what would happen to them if they spoke openly.

Think about different groups that you have been with over your life.  I know that I can say that there were times I did not share that I was a Christian.  There are several reasons why, yet were they truly justified reasons?  I can remember having friends that thought you could not be a Christian and be who God made you to be.  Instead, of standing up and saying I am a Christian, I kept quiet.  I was afraid that people would look at me differently.

Sometimes the bravest thing that we can do is to proclaim our love for Christ.  It should not be that way.  We should be able to shout it from the mountain tops.  Yet, I know for me I didn't want people to think that I thought I was better than them.  I didn't want people to exclude me, because of actions of some people who call themselves Christian.

Here is what I have learned since coming out of the closet as a Christian.  When you are able to close that door and stay out of the closet you need to act the way you believe.  If you act like a true Christian you will not be judged.  In fact, people will seek you out because they know that you are real.  When you tell someone you are praying for them, then pray for them.   You must walk the talk that comes out of your mouth.

Does that mean you have to accept everything people do?  No, we are still human not perfect like Christ.  The fact is that we have to show everyone love even if we do not agree with what they are doing.  We do not have to condone what they are doing.  The fact is telling someone that they need to change a behavior is sometimes the only way to help them.

Does that mean that we never do wrong?  No, we are only forgiven sinners.  Simply put being a forgiven sinner means that you will strive not to do wrong.  Yet, because of human nature you will do things that do not live up to the standards that Christ has set.  But, when you do your heart strings will pull and you will know that you will need to ask God to forgive it and take it away from you.

Being brave enough to talk about Jesus can cause some barriers among people you love and care about. Yet, the most important thing is that your relationship with Christ will grow stronger.  As it grows stronger the barriers that have come up will be torn down.  If the barrier never tears apart know it is something that you need to pray about.  But, do not run in fear and not talk about Jesus.  The relationship that you make with your best friend, the Savior, is the most important relationship you will ever have.


Dear God thank you for being with us in all things.  Thank you for surrounding us with love and peace. Thank you for wanting a relationship with us.  Dear God we ask that we become brave enough to talk about you among all we come in contact with.  Help us walk the talk.  Jesus we thank you for the greatest example of humility.  For it is through your example that we can find how to truly live our life. Help us understand that we are not perfect but only forgiven.  Help tear down barriers that have come in our relationships with others.  For we know that you desire peace.  In the Holiest of Holy Names we pray.  Amen.


Do you have a relationship with Jesus?

If you answered no, would you like that relationship?  Do you need help building that relationship?  Do you need to talk to someone about that relationship?

If you answer yes, are you brave enough to talk about Jesus?  Are you walking the talk?  Are you ready to be a true witness for God?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Learning to Trust Jesus to Provide ALL you Needs

Verses: John 6 : 60 - 70

My thoughts about the verses:

Trust is one of the hardest things that we must do when it comes to our relationship with God.  Trust is simply placing everything in the hands of the creator.  Not holding back things and trying to fix them on your own.  Not hiding from the one that created you, but instead freely following no matter what happens.

We all go through times in our lives where we trust God more than we do at other times.  Then there are those times that we give in to trust because we feel like there is no other option.  What God expects from us is to trust all the time.  As we start building our relationship with God our bond of trust strengthens.

Think about the video of these small birds.  Is this not ultimate trust?  They must know that the parent will come back.  That the feeding will continue over and over again as they grow stronger.  They have no other option at this age because the food is too far away for them to get.  Then as they grow older they have to take the next step and that is to trust the parent that they will help them spread their wings and teach them to fly.  The parent is showing them by example what they will need to do for their own children.

Our relationship with God is much like this.  When we first accept the Holy Spirit in our hearts we are spoon fed the word by God.  We watch other Christians that have grown in their relationship with God. Then One day we spread our wings and leap out of the nest to start spreading the good news to others.
Jesus helps us by picking us up when we fall.  The wind that we fill under our wings as we fly spreading the word is the actual breath of God.

That is what trust is about.  Learning that no matter what happens God is there.  Understanding that you are never alone is a total aspect of God.  Lastly, knowing even when we turn our back God is there. God never leaves us alone rather allows us to grow and become the Christian we need to be.  It is up to us to trust God.  The choice is ours and we must decide if we will rely on God for all things.


Dear God thank you so much for being with us all the time.  Thank you for helping us grows in our faith and trust in you.  Help us dear Savior accepts the gifts you give us.  Help us become an instrument of Life and Love to others.  We pray in your Holy Name.  Amen


Do you trust God for all of your needs?  Have you left the nest to help others or are you still learning to fly?  If you have not left the nest what do you need to learn so that you can fly?  If you have left the nest are you helping others? 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Enjoying The Food of Everlasting Life

The Food of Everlasting Life is Better than any Meal you could ever Eat on Earth

Verses: John 6 : 25 - 59

My thoughts about the verses:

I know this is early for a Thanksgiving thought but this scripture reminded me of just this Holiday.  I am thinking of a Holiday that has now become centered on food.  The issue at hand is that this Holiday started out being a time for worshiping God and sharing with each other.  Yet, with many things overtime the celebration has changed.

I compare the feast of today with the miracle that this group of individuals had just witnessed.  Imagine being at a gathering and only two fishes and five loaves of bread were around.  Then all of a sudden out of nowhere there is enough food to feed an entire army.  You could eat and eat until you were stuffed and there was still more food leftover.  Remind you of most people's Thanksgiving dinner right?

Yet, Jesus did not want the people to come because they had been fed by this miracle.  Instead, he wanted followers that understood what they truly needed were a cleansing of the soul.  That the food truly needed was that which was sent from Heaven.  People so many times consider nourishment to only come from food they eat.  Yet, Jesus is the bread of everlasting life.  Once you receive that nourishment nothing else matters.  Your needs are met because of that connection with God.

Eternal life is a gift that is giving freely.  Think of the times that you had gatherings with friends and/or family.  Often times there are something that the guest brings as a side dish but the main course comes from the host or hostess.   We might have a chance to get a small bite of each side dish.  But we have plenty of the main courses.  In this situation our side dish would be the generosity, prayers, and love we give others.  Yet, the main course the thing that everyone wants is  the salvation and cleansing of the spirit from God.


Dear God we thank you for the gift of everlasting life.  Thank you for loving us so much that you sent Jesus as a sacrifice for us.  Help us accept the gift you so freely gave.  Help us enjoy being a follower and lead others to you.  In your Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


So the next time you have a gathering look around at all of that food.  Is it enough to satisfy all your hunger or is there something missing?  Are you missing the gift of everlasting bread?  Have you taken in the God of love and life?  If you have taken in that spirit have you shared it with others?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jesus Never Distances Himself From His Followers

Jesus is Always by Our Side

Verses: John 6 : 22 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

I love this story because it shows to what extent people will go to follow God.  Imagine just witnessing the miracle of thousands of individuals being fed with just enough food for a few.  Then waking up the next morning and discovering that Jesus is no longer in your presence.  Would you not want to find him?

In our lives we all have those moments that we feel like God is not near us.  We believe that
God is far, far away.  We forget that Jesus is always with us.  In our darkest moments God is carrying us and keeping us safe.  In our times of joy Jesus is there celebrating with us.

Jesus was teaching us that we must have the desire in our heart to follow him.  The Holy Spirit is alive and ready to enter the hearts of every person that accepts Christ as their savior.  Once you accept Christ as your savior you no longer have to search for peace.

Instead of searching for salvation and peace the new quest begins in your life.  That quest is to serve God.  Each one of us may travel the road of service that God has set before us.  There are times that we must travel far outside our comfort zone to reach out to those that need God.  We must always strive to reach the mark and to do what God desires.

The boat that the people entered was a true form of service.  Their desire was to be closer to the one that they had personally seen perform miracles.  Yet, at that moment and time they did not have a full comprehension of what was expected of them.  They were going to learn more because they felt the tug in their hearts to draw closer to God.

For those of us that have experienced that life changing miracle we need to follow the example of this group of people.  Their desire was to draw closer to God.  Only by drawing closer to God through studying and faith will we ever fully understand the desires of God.


Dear God thank you for filling us with your love.  We know that you only desire the best for us.  Help us God be the servants that you want us to be.  Help us follow you with faith.  We offer you all the praise.  In your Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Have you chosen to follow God with all of your heart?  What have you done to serve God?  Do you trust God can carry you in the bad times?  Do you feel God in the good times?  Will you follow God and be of service to the risen savior?