
Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Commandment of Love

Verses: John 13 : 31 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

Nothing is more powerful than love.  Love can change hearts.  Love can bring healing.  Love can bring peace.  One of the last tasks that Jesus did before going to the cross was to challenge his followers to Love each other.

For a lot of people Love is hard to give to others.  To Love others you first must love yourself. Yet, so many people are incapable of this simple task.  They do not think they are pretty enough. They feel they haven't accomplished enough.  Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who God created you to be.  No matter what in God's eye you are a perfect person.

Then there is that challenge to love God.  We all have times in our life that we get mad at God. How could God love me and allow bad things to happen to me?  God protects us and gives us strength each day of our life.  The challenges are only small hurdles that we can overcome.  God never puts so much in our way that we cannot overcome.  The true obstacle is allowing you to openly love God no matter what is happening.  We need to come to the conclusion that the ultimate sacrifice was Jesus on the cross.  That no person can show us more love than the one who perished for us.  Loving God should be the easiest thing we do because it is just returning the Love that was given to us first.

Lastly, comes loving others.  Loving others is often hard.  We can easily love those that love us. We often shower them with blessings and offer them up in daily prayers.  When it comes to strangers our natural instinct is to distrust them.  We do not share our love easily because  of our fears.  We may be kind but the commandment says that we must love them as much as we love those that love us.  The hardest thing that is asked from us is to love those that hate us.  Loving the people that are our foes is very hard because we know it will not be reciprocated.  We find ourselves torn between loving them and returning the hate that they have for us.  Yet, with the Holy Spirit living within you the capacity to love others is there.  You do not have to trust them, but rather show them the spirit of love.  You have to let your emotions go and allow Jesus to take over. In simple terms allowing God to be the light of love shining through you allows others to receive blessings even when they are against you.

Each and every day you must give God the praise deserved.  You must accept who you are and not be ashamed.  You must love others as much as you love God.  For showing this love allows people to grow and that is what God requires for each of us.


Dear God thank you for showering us with endless love.  Thank you for blessing our hearts with peace and kindness.  We ask dear God that you help us love ourselves.  Help us love those around us and those that we do not know.  We ask dear God that you remove the spirit of hate from our lives so that we can show the world the Love that it is needed.  For we know dear Savior that you desire for us only to grow and to bless those around us.  In the Holy of Holiest names we pray. Amen


Do you love yourself?  Can you forgive yourself of your short comings and walk proudly with God?  Do you love God with all of your heart?  Can you accept the love that flows from the Holy Spirit into your soul?  Can you right now forgive your enemies so that you can show them love? Can you this day become an instrument of peace for the world by allowing God's love to shine through you?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Judas Accepts his Mission

Verses: John 13 : 21 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

I look at the role Judas played in the story in a very different light than many.  Most people consider Judas to be evil or full of hate.  How could someone that followed Jesus betray him?  You have to understand that Judas played a key role in our salvation.  It would take someone close to Jesus to give him up to the Jewish leaders.  It could not be someone that didn't know Jesus.  It could not be someone that had a chance meeting.  It would take someone that Jesus trusted to be in his inner circle to perform such a task.

I love the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.  I always felt that this was an honest portrayal of Judas. Judas loved God and the Jewish community so much that he would betray his friend.  He wanted to save the Jewish way of life and he felt that the only way to do it was to turn him over.  He was afraid of the notoriety Jesus was gaining.  Yet, Jesus was not standing up to the Romans.  Judas was like so many others that thought that the Messiah was coming to free them from the bonds of tyranny and reestablish the Kingdom of Israel.  What he was missing that Jesus was freeing them from the bonds of their own evil doing.

Can you imagine what strength it had to take for Judas to go and make a deal with the leaders. This is not a weak man giving into the foolishness of the day.  It wasn't the money he was seeking or status but survival.  We have to remember that the story about Judas is all written from the viewpoint of those that were left behind.  We are only to guess what was going on in the mind of the man who took a few weeks wages for the life of his friend.

If you look closely you will see that the disciples did not understand what Judas was about to do. It actually looks like some thought he was going to help the poor.  You have to remember he carried the money for the group and this would have been something that he would have been known to do.  The fact that he was chosen to betray Jesus shows something of his character.  Because in reality their thoughts were right he was going to help those in need.  In fact, his betrayal was needed for all of us.


Dear God we thank you for your willingness to die for our salvation.  We ask that you allow us to learn from this lesson.  That we learn that we must put others first when it comes to serving you. Help us understand that there are things that we are called to do that are not in our comfort zone. Help us overcome our own short failings so that we can be of service to you.  Help us not judge others that are in service to the risen Savior.  In the name of the holy one we pray.  Amen


Are you willing to do what God has laid out for you to do?  Are you willing to take chances that may help you grow stronger in Christ?  What are you willing to give up helping those around you?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

To be a Follower of Christ you Must be a Servant to the World

  Verses: John 13 : 1 - 20

My thoughts about the verses:

You have to understand that during this time people wore sandals.  The sand would cake on their feet as they traveled.  The custom was for the host to clean the feet of those in attendance.   Jesus becomes the servant to exhibit what we must do for the world.

He then challenges those in attendance to wash the feet of each other.  This is a way of humbling yourself and to take on a different role.  To be a good leader you must be willing to help those that you are leading.  A good leader does what they expect their team to do.  Jesus teaches us that a true follower of Christ will desire to help the people around us.  No matter if they are friend or foe. Being a servant to Jesus is putting your own needs aside and focusing on the needs of those around you.

Most people in this day and time have never had the opportunity to perform this task.  I feel blessed at being in at a Church which this occurs each year.   During our Maundy Thursday service the Pastor and Deacons wash the feet or hands of the congregation members as a way of showing a true servant heart.  The congregation can then take turns cleaning each other’s feet or hands if they so desire.  This allows the congregation a chance to exhibit trust and service to each other.

A servant heart is what led me to the role of being a Deacon.  In fact, the entire role of a deacon is to be a servant to Jesus.  To be that servant you have to be a servant to the community.  For me I have learned that obstacles happen, that change the way you do things.  I have lost a lot in the last few years.  Yet, the one thing I haven't lost is my servant heart.

A servant heart is something that you just don't wake up one day and have.  It is a feeling that blossoms as you grow closer to God.  It is a desire to help others in a way that goes beyond the physical. It goes to the spiritual side of life.  A desire so intense that you must serve others to truly feel you are being true to yourself.  The only way to feel successful is to be there for others.  This is my interpretation of a servant heart.

So what is the lesson we can learn.  First do not consider your role more important than the task that you can perform.  It isn't a title that you should desire when you take on leadership roles in the name of God.  Instead you should desire to help others with what you have.  God will only call you to do the things that you can do.  God will provide a way for you to do what you are called to do.  It may different from the way others could do the same task, but through God and faith you will be able to perform many tasks that benefit the risen Savior.

Secondly, it is important to allow others the opportunity to provide service.  It isn't a one man show when it comes to serving God.  There will be others that are called and you should encourage them to participate.  In actuality if you feel the servant heart you will be led to help others find their servant heart.  Through your leadership others will take on tasks that help others.  The things that they do may be completely different from what you do.  Yet, when people see someone living with a heart of servant hood they will be inspired to help others.

The third lesson is often the hardest for people.  This is due to our own human nature.  That is to be a servant to your foes as well as your friends.  It is not enough to provide help to those that you love and care for.  You must follow God's lead and help those that may be against you.  You also need to be a servant to those that are strangers to you.  Now you might not do the same thing that you would do for a friend for your own safety.  Yet, someone that has a true servant heart will feel led to help all in need.  Prayer is a mighty thing.  Sometimes that is what is needed for those that stand against you or for those that you do not even know.  Showing a heart of compassion is the greatest way of changing the world.


Dear God we want to thank you for showing us your servant heart.  Thank you for being the greatest servant by putting our needs before your own.  Dear God we ask that you help us not to be afraid to be the servant you have called us to be.  We ask that you guide us and help us be good servants for our community.  Fill us with the desire to help others.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Do you have the heart of a servant?  Can you put aside your own desires for those in need?  Are you willing to lead by example?  What do you need to do today to help those around you?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jesus is the light not the Judge

Verses: John 12 : 44 - 50

My thoughts about the verses:

This may be hard for many to understand but we actually decide our own fate.  Jesus did not come into the world to judge or condemn us.  It is our own actions that lead us to our final destiny.  If you choose to accept Jesus then you have picked one road.  If you choose not to accept Jesus then you have picked a different destiny.

Jesus came into the world as a great beacon of light.  Jesus is a safe haven for everyone.  He is the way for us to leave behind the darkness and dread of our sins.   Jesus is a ray of sunshine that leads us to the open arms of God.  Yet, it is up to us to choose if we go toward the light or if we stay trapped in the darkness.

Those that choose to follow the light will be purified and the Holy Spirit will fill all the voids of their life.  No longer will they have to worry about the sins that separated them from the presence of God. Instead they can live a life full of happiness and content.  That doesn't mean that their life will be perfect here on Earth.  Yet, when they perish they will live forever as a child of light in Heaven.

Those that see the light but choose to stay in the darkness will be judged by God.  For if you do not accept the love and salvation offered by Jesus you are actually refusing God.  By refusing God you have chosen your own outcome.  Your heart will not be filled with the Holy Spirit.  You will not spend eternity with the eternal light, Jesus, for you have chosen a much different route.

We can wonder why God allows this to happen.  If you look at scripture God over and over again has given humankind a way to live with the Creator in peace and harmony.  Yet, there are those that have chosen not to live with this peace.  They prefer the things of this Earth instead of the riches of Heaven.

When their judgment comes God will step forward and say you were given many chances.  You have chosen your own destiny and it is not here with me. You denied the offer of salvation while it was a free gift and for that you will not receive your reward.

I know for many of us this seems harsh.  I would make you think upon the story in this way.  A friend comes to your house and you welcome them in.  They bring a large basked of treats with them to give to you just because of your friendship.  No strings attached there is no need to give back something to receive the gift.  You now have two choices take the gift graciously or refuse the gift that was given to you freely.    In this situation if you take the gift both you and your friend are receiving a blessing.  Yet, if you refuse the gift for starters you are missing out on a nice gesture.  Secondly , you are denying your friends blessing also.

Which one of these scenarios have you taken when it comes to Christ?  The gift of salvation is a gift that is given without any strings attached.  Once received your life is changed forever.   If you refuse the gift of salvation you are saying no to God.  Makes more sense now why Jesus makes the statement he does.  He is not the judge but the purification the "innocent lamb" given so that we may have an abundant everlasting life.


Dear God thank you for the gift of light.  Thank you for sending the beacon for us to follow so that we can leave our darkness.  Open our hearts so that we can truly see the gifts you have in store for us. Help us receive the gift of salvation.  We ask that you use us to show others what being a follower of Christ is all about.  We thank you for all that you have done and will do in our lives. In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you chosen to follow the beacon of light?  Are you still in the darkness and chosen not to follow? Have you helped others understand the healing grace that comes through loving and trusting in Jesus? What must you do today to show Jesus's love?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Open our Minds Eye so we can See

Verses: John 12 : 37 - 43

My thoughts about the verses:

This section of scripture reminds me of a grapevine.  If you look closely it laps over itself.  It is intertwined within itself and other parts of the vine.  There are hard knots and then there are soft curves.  Yet, it takes a lot of study to figure out where it really starts and where it ends.

Imagine Jesus being paraded down the streets as the new King.  Imagine for a moment that Jesus was the conqueror that had come to set his people free.  Yet, the people are so blinded by their own thoughts of who Jesus was to be that they are missing what is in front of them.  They have seen and heard of the miracles that are happening.  Yet, they cannot believe that this man is the true Messiah.

Making it even more mind boggling is that there are those that believe this is the Messiah.  This does include some of the Jewish leaders.  Yet, they were afraid to be connected to Jesus so they hid themselves from the Pharisees.  They wanted to be able to receive praise from the Pharisees.  They did not concentrate on giving or receiving praise from Jesus.  In a sense they were blinded by their own understanding.

Isaiah knew this would happen.  That people would see the miracles and not believe.  God wanted all to see but if the mind could not be open to what was in front of them they would never receive the gift offered.  it is not nearly an act of healing or raising from the dead that God wanted them to witness. God's true desire was for them to have a healing of their spirit.  Their spirits were in dark shadows and they truly did not understand what they needed.

Haven't we all been there at one time or another.  We have this great obstacle in front of us and we want what we think we need.  When it does not happen we are let down or left in the dark about what really has occurred.  We call these unanswered prayers because we feel as if God did not hear or give us what we wanted.  When actuality these are answered prayers because God is giving us what we truly need.  Once your mind is open you can see the gifts right in front of you.

God did not allow them to fully understand physical healing.  If all Jesus did was healing physical ailments people would not put their trust in God.  What Jesus wanted us to see is that we are to have Spiritual healing.  He wanted to understand that we needed a spiritual healing like Isaiah had then we could truly understand.


Dear God we thank you for all you have done for us.  We thank you for giving us what we need. We thank you for those prayers that you did not answer our way.  We ask Dear Savior to open our eyes so that we can see the gifts that you have given us.  Open our minds so that we can understand the truth that you have for our life.  We ask that you give us the healing we need may it is spiritual, physical or emotional.  Dear God we are blessed to know and worship you.  In the Holy of Holiest Names we Pray. Amen


Are your eyes open to what God has done for you and those that you love?  Have you been blinded because you have not opened your heart to Jesus?  Are you willing to accept the healing that God has for you?  Are you willing to put aside your own desires and concentrate on the Love that God has for you to share?  Are you blind when it comes to your faith or do you fully see?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Children of the Light

Verses: John 12 : 27 - 36

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus is announcing his free will choice of dying.  Jesus knew why he had come to Earth.  He was teaching us that he was not forced to die but did it willingly.  That he was not doing this for any other reason to save us.

Imagine standing there hearing Jesus announce that he was there to perish.  Then all of a sudden you hear this voice acknowledging the Glory that would come from Jesus's death.  Would you not be in shock.  Would you be like those that said that must be thunder I thought I heard a voice?  Would you be like those that said wait that is an Angel?  How many of us would immediately understand that it was God proclaiming that Jesus was living up to his goal?

We have all experienced this in our life.  That gentle voice that tells us when something is right or when we are going down the wrong path.  A lot of people say that is our subconscious guiding us down the right path.  Yet, I truly believe if you have accepted the Holy Spirit into your heart that voice is God.

The light of the world would soon pass.  Yet, the world would not remain in darkness.  Jesus would rise out of the grave and bring the bright shining light.  Those that truly believe in this will be children of the light.  Those that do not accept the death of Christ will live in darkness.

John referred to Jesus several times as the light of the world.  If you think about it during this time light was not easy to have.  Many people could not afford the oil to light the darkness.  So there were many nights that they would live with only the light of the moon and starts.  It is hard for many of us to understand how lucky we are to have electricity.  The people would fully understand having access to light.  If you have ever had times where your power was shutoff you will remember how excited you were when the lights came back on.  We only then remember how precious light is to our very existence.

I worked ten years in a basement without any windows.   I spent all day on the computer working and I can testify that when electricity goes out it affects you more than you would ever imagine.  We had emergency lighting and flashlights at out desk.  Yet, there were areas that lights would not come back on.  The only way to see was with a flashlight.  When power goes so does the elevator and I can remember having to climb three flights of stairs to deliver records in emergencies.  If you live through that you will always appreciate power and how much you depend on it.


Dear God thank you for providing the ultimate light needed in the world.  Thank you for choosing us to be your child.  We ask that you flood us with your love and grace.  Help us share that light with the rest of the world


Have you accepted Jesus into your life?  Are you spreading the good news to those that you meet?  Are you living and allowing your light to shine through?  What do you need to do today to show others God's love for them?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jesus example of being a Servant to the World

Verses: John 12 : 20 - 26

My thoughts about the verses:

Simply put Jesus must die so that the world could live.  It is through the sacrifice of the body that the world would gain their freedom.  It was not meant for one group or another.  It was meant for all those that would accept.

To be a follower of Christ means that you put away the old and carry on with a new life.  Jesus teaches us that we must serve.  The word needs to go beyond our walls.  The story of redemption must go beyond our friends and family.  To truly serve God we must share the Love with each person we meet.

We are to be like the grain of wheat.  The word of God needs to be spread to anyone who will listen.  We must also share the life of God by living with a true Christian Spirit.  To be a true follower you must first be a servant to the world.  This does not mean that you should allow people to use you as a doormat. What it means is that you need to help those in need.  We need To allow the spirit of God to flow through you.  The more you help others the more reward you will receive in Heaven.  Yet, you should not serve to receive the reward, but rather because it is the right thing to do.

There is also something that you must remember and that is to allow others to serve God.  Two of my closest friends taught me this lesson.  You have to remember that when you accept Jesus your heart desires to serve others.  Therefor if you have other Christian friends they have that same desire.  So there are times that you must allow others to do things for you.  Because by doing this you are allowing them the opportunity to serve God.  One of the most humbling things a Christian can do is allow someone else to get their blessings by doing something for you.  At the same time do not use people. Simply allow people to receive their blessing by serving God, but do not push them to do things that are outside their capacity.  God wants you to be a good servant when you are allowing others to receive their blessings.


Dear God thank you for teaching us how to be a servant.  Help us be a servant to others.  Allow us to let others have their blessings.  Help us not to use others.  Dear God we know that we should go out into the world help us fulfill this goal.  Dear God we love you and we thank you for all that you have done in our life.  In God's Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Have you gone outside your comfort zone?  Are you being a servant for God?  Are you allowing others to fulfill their desire to be a servant to Christ?