
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jesus is the light not the Judge

Verses: John 12 : 44 - 50

My thoughts about the verses:

This may be hard for many to understand but we actually decide our own fate.  Jesus did not come into the world to judge or condemn us.  It is our own actions that lead us to our final destiny.  If you choose to accept Jesus then you have picked one road.  If you choose not to accept Jesus then you have picked a different destiny.

Jesus came into the world as a great beacon of light.  Jesus is a safe haven for everyone.  He is the way for us to leave behind the darkness and dread of our sins.   Jesus is a ray of sunshine that leads us to the open arms of God.  Yet, it is up to us to choose if we go toward the light or if we stay trapped in the darkness.

Those that choose to follow the light will be purified and the Holy Spirit will fill all the voids of their life.  No longer will they have to worry about the sins that separated them from the presence of God. Instead they can live a life full of happiness and content.  That doesn't mean that their life will be perfect here on Earth.  Yet, when they perish they will live forever as a child of light in Heaven.

Those that see the light but choose to stay in the darkness will be judged by God.  For if you do not accept the love and salvation offered by Jesus you are actually refusing God.  By refusing God you have chosen your own outcome.  Your heart will not be filled with the Holy Spirit.  You will not spend eternity with the eternal light, Jesus, for you have chosen a much different route.

We can wonder why God allows this to happen.  If you look at scripture God over and over again has given humankind a way to live with the Creator in peace and harmony.  Yet, there are those that have chosen not to live with this peace.  They prefer the things of this Earth instead of the riches of Heaven.

When their judgment comes God will step forward and say you were given many chances.  You have chosen your own destiny and it is not here with me. You denied the offer of salvation while it was a free gift and for that you will not receive your reward.

I know for many of us this seems harsh.  I would make you think upon the story in this way.  A friend comes to your house and you welcome them in.  They bring a large basked of treats with them to give to you just because of your friendship.  No strings attached there is no need to give back something to receive the gift.  You now have two choices take the gift graciously or refuse the gift that was given to you freely.    In this situation if you take the gift both you and your friend are receiving a blessing.  Yet, if you refuse the gift for starters you are missing out on a nice gesture.  Secondly , you are denying your friends blessing also.

Which one of these scenarios have you taken when it comes to Christ?  The gift of salvation is a gift that is given without any strings attached.  Once received your life is changed forever.   If you refuse the gift of salvation you are saying no to God.  Makes more sense now why Jesus makes the statement he does.  He is not the judge but the purification the "innocent lamb" given so that we may have an abundant everlasting life.


Dear God thank you for the gift of light.  Thank you for sending the beacon for us to follow so that we can leave our darkness.  Open our hearts so that we can truly see the gifts you have in store for us. Help us receive the gift of salvation.  We ask that you use us to show others what being a follower of Christ is all about.  We thank you for all that you have done and will do in our lives. In your holy name we pray.  Amen


Have you chosen to follow the beacon of light?  Are you still in the darkness and chosen not to follow? Have you helped others understand the healing grace that comes through loving and trusting in Jesus? What must you do today to show Jesus's love?

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