
Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Commandment of Love

Verses: John 13 : 31 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

Nothing is more powerful than love.  Love can change hearts.  Love can bring healing.  Love can bring peace.  One of the last tasks that Jesus did before going to the cross was to challenge his followers to Love each other.

For a lot of people Love is hard to give to others.  To Love others you first must love yourself. Yet, so many people are incapable of this simple task.  They do not think they are pretty enough. They feel they haven't accomplished enough.  Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who God created you to be.  No matter what in God's eye you are a perfect person.

Then there is that challenge to love God.  We all have times in our life that we get mad at God. How could God love me and allow bad things to happen to me?  God protects us and gives us strength each day of our life.  The challenges are only small hurdles that we can overcome.  God never puts so much in our way that we cannot overcome.  The true obstacle is allowing you to openly love God no matter what is happening.  We need to come to the conclusion that the ultimate sacrifice was Jesus on the cross.  That no person can show us more love than the one who perished for us.  Loving God should be the easiest thing we do because it is just returning the Love that was given to us first.

Lastly, comes loving others.  Loving others is often hard.  We can easily love those that love us. We often shower them with blessings and offer them up in daily prayers.  When it comes to strangers our natural instinct is to distrust them.  We do not share our love easily because  of our fears.  We may be kind but the commandment says that we must love them as much as we love those that love us.  The hardest thing that is asked from us is to love those that hate us.  Loving the people that are our foes is very hard because we know it will not be reciprocated.  We find ourselves torn between loving them and returning the hate that they have for us.  Yet, with the Holy Spirit living within you the capacity to love others is there.  You do not have to trust them, but rather show them the spirit of love.  You have to let your emotions go and allow Jesus to take over. In simple terms allowing God to be the light of love shining through you allows others to receive blessings even when they are against you.

Each and every day you must give God the praise deserved.  You must accept who you are and not be ashamed.  You must love others as much as you love God.  For showing this love allows people to grow and that is what God requires for each of us.


Dear God thank you for showering us with endless love.  Thank you for blessing our hearts with peace and kindness.  We ask dear God that you help us love ourselves.  Help us love those around us and those that we do not know.  We ask dear God that you remove the spirit of hate from our lives so that we can show the world the Love that it is needed.  For we know dear Savior that you desire for us only to grow and to bless those around us.  In the Holy of Holiest names we pray. Amen


Do you love yourself?  Can you forgive yourself of your short comings and walk proudly with God?  Do you love God with all of your heart?  Can you accept the love that flows from the Holy Spirit into your soul?  Can you right now forgive your enemies so that you can show them love? Can you this day become an instrument of peace for the world by allowing God's love to shine through you?

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