Verses: Luke 13 : 18 - 21
My thoughts about the verses:
Haven't we all thought about this at one time or another. What is Heaven really like? Can we truly imagine what we will see when we join our Savior in the land of Eternal life. This is a very hard post for me to write today because I have recently lost someone that meant a lot to my life. I have told people that she is praying for those that she left behind that they might find the peace and comfort that they need.
Yet, I would love to ask her the same question what it like is up there. I know that she would have a way of saying it like none other. If you are a MCCer you know I am talking about Judy Dale. A person that was beloved by many. I can almost hear her doing it in her Rindercellar voice. Telling how the greets of sold are feutibul. I can also imagine that she has been talking Jesus's ear off asking all kinds of questions. I can almost see her finishing her lay leader work in Heaven.
So how does Jesus say the Realm of Heaven is like? The Realm of Heaven is the perfect place for each individual. Jesus first starts and says that the Realm of God is like the small mustard seed that fell to the ground and grew into a large tree. Then when it grew all the birds of the field could come and build its nest and find safety.
Isn't the knowledge of being able to find safety and important part of all of our lives? We need safety. We all need a place where we can lay our head and rest knowing that we are safe and secure.
In other parts of the scripture there is a reference to the bosom of Abraham. Doesn’t know that you can come as a child to the Holy One and find your comfort and peace. See Heaven is exactly what we need. I read a book about a man's interpretation of Heaven. That each person would find Heaven the way they needed it. I am not sure if that is the way it really is but what I do know is that it will be bigger and better than anyplace I can imagine.
Secondly, I know that a lot of people I love will be there when I get there. I can’t wait to hug my little sister for the first time. I can’t wait to laugh with and hug my family members. I am also waiting to talk to my family of choice and see what they been doing since they went home.
See Heaven is the place where we are at our best. Where we love and praise God all the time. Heaven is a place where we can find safety. Heaven is the place that we have dreamed about. Heaven is just what we need when we have fought the good fight and are ready to go home and take our well-deserved rest.
Dear God we thank you for preparing a place for us that is better than we can imagine. We thank you for loving us so much that you want us to join you when we leave our Earthly bodies. Help us understand that we need you in our life. We ask that you be with us as we deal with the loss of those that we truly love. Last we just give you all the honor and glory because you are a safe place. In the name of the Holy One we pray. Amen
My thoughts about the verses:
Haven't we all thought about this at one time or another. What is Heaven really like? Can we truly imagine what we will see when we join our Savior in the land of Eternal life. This is a very hard post for me to write today because I have recently lost someone that meant a lot to my life. I have told people that she is praying for those that she left behind that they might find the peace and comfort that they need.
Yet, I would love to ask her the same question what it like is up there. I know that she would have a way of saying it like none other. If you are a MCCer you know I am talking about Judy Dale. A person that was beloved by many. I can almost hear her doing it in her Rindercellar voice. Telling how the greets of sold are feutibul. I can also imagine that she has been talking Jesus's ear off asking all kinds of questions. I can almost see her finishing her lay leader work in Heaven.
So how does Jesus say the Realm of Heaven is like? The Realm of Heaven is the perfect place for each individual. Jesus first starts and says that the Realm of God is like the small mustard seed that fell to the ground and grew into a large tree. Then when it grew all the birds of the field could come and build its nest and find safety.
Isn't the knowledge of being able to find safety and important part of all of our lives? We need safety. We all need a place where we can lay our head and rest knowing that we are safe and secure.
In other parts of the scripture there is a reference to the bosom of Abraham. Doesn’t know that you can come as a child to the Holy One and find your comfort and peace. See Heaven is exactly what we need. I read a book about a man's interpretation of Heaven. That each person would find Heaven the way they needed it. I am not sure if that is the way it really is but what I do know is that it will be bigger and better than anyplace I can imagine.
Secondly, I know that a lot of people I love will be there when I get there. I can’t wait to hug my little sister for the first time. I can’t wait to laugh with and hug my family members. I am also waiting to talk to my family of choice and see what they been doing since they went home.
See Heaven is the place where we are at our best. Where we love and praise God all the time. Heaven is a place where we can find safety. Heaven is the place that we have dreamed about. Heaven is just what we need when we have fought the good fight and are ready to go home and take our well-deserved rest.
Dear God we thank you for preparing a place for us that is better than we can imagine. We thank you for loving us so much that you want us to join you when we leave our Earthly bodies. Help us understand that we need you in our life. We ask that you be with us as we deal with the loss of those that we truly love. Last we just give you all the honor and glory because you are a safe place. In the name of the Holy One we pray. Amen
Are you ready for the moment you leave you Earthly body? Have you accepted Christ in your life?