
Saturday, October 25, 2014

God will be Victorious

Verses: Psalms 76: 1 - 12

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God is awesome and will always be victorious.  There is nothing that God cannot do.  People that stand with God will receive their reward.  God is victorious in this life and the next.

Yet, how many of us think that are times when God is not helping us?  We have life’s struggles piling up around our feet and we try to solve it without God.  We think we are not worthy enough or perfect enough for God to help us.  We will accept that Jesus won the battle over death.  We proclaim that we are Christians yet we live defeated in the eyes of the world. 

Christians have a hard time accepting that God can get you through all situations.  We take it on that it is a trial of our devotion of God.  We believe that we must work this out to prove our loyalty to God.  Yet, all God wants is for us to turn it over and let the miracles happen.

You have to accept that God will be victorious in your life.  We do not have to prove anything to God.  God offers salvation freely.  Yet, we often feel like there is more that we have to do.  Many Christians believe that we will suffer our fate on Earth because our reward is in Heaven.

I am telling you today that your reward is not only in Heaven but here on Earth.  You who have chosen to accept Jesus into your life are standing in the shadow of the cross.  You are victorious on this earth as well as the next.  We have to understand that we are not to boast but be content that God will help us be victorious in life. 

We are to swear our allegiance to God.  In this action we are putting ourselves out of the equation.  We are allowing God to win the victories and not proclaiming that we have done it.  We are to always remember that God is the focal point of our life.  The one that died for us will be the one that gets us through life.  To God be the glory for all the great things God will do.


We praise you God for the things that you have done in our life.  We worship you God for you are worthy of all our praises.  We ask dear God that you help us turn over the things of this life to you.  Help us never to put our own prideful self before praising you.  In the name of the Almighty we pray.  Amen


Have you given over your life to God?  Do you accept that God can win all the battles that happen in the lives of those that accept Christ?  Are you willing today to offer God all praises?:

Friday, October 24, 2014

God’s People will Survive

Verses: Psalms 75: 1 - 10

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

There is so much we are to be thankful for.  Everyday God gives us new things that make our world more complete.  We are blessed with sunshine and with rain.  We are blessed with fresh air to breath.  We are blessed with water to quench our thirst.  We are blessed with food to nourish our body.  Yet, most of all we are blessed with a God that loves us more than anything else.

We are to praise God for all that is given to us.  Though things may seem better for our enemies this is only short lived.  God blesses the people that follow with the substance of eternal life.  We are anointed with the gift of salvation through the Messiah who died for us.  We have no true fears because we have the protector with us at all times.

There have been many times in history when all seemed lost for God’s people.  Yet, over and over again they survive.  God helps them make it to the other side.  He helps them walk in the everlasting light of love.  We will survive because God desires for the people to live freely.

People may come up against us with swords yet; we have the sword of truth in our arsenal.  The Good Book is the only weapon that we truly need.  It guides us and directs us to a brighter tomorrow.  Nothing can be done to separate us from the saving grace of God.  We are given the love of God through song and praise.  We are lifted from our despair from the one that sacrificed all for us.  We will be rewarded if we only follow God.  Many a man will try to say that we do not deserve the gifts that we have been given.  Yet, God has set us in a place of great honor.  We are free because God is our Sovereign leader.  Let no one ever come between you and God.  When struggles seem unbearable remember that God will help you get through it.  When your eyes are filled with the dark of night know that the sun will emerge.  The Son of God will be the beacon that you need to get you through the struggles of life.


Dear God we thank you for being the answer to our every question.  We praise you for walking with us through the struggles of life.  Help us stay focused on you.  Help us to remember that you are our shield and our strength.  Help us remember that you will ensure your people will survive no matter the trial.  In the name of the Great Protector we pray.  Amen


Have you ever felt alone?  Have you asked God to be your guide?  Are you willing to trust in God?  Do you realize that you will survive if you allow God to work in your heart?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Prayers for times when the Church Struggles

Verses: Psalms 74: 1 - 23

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever asked yourself why does the Church go through times of struggle?  I believe there is a simple answer but one that is hard to comprehend.  The church struggles because it loses its focus.  We as the body of Church forget the reason that we are in existence.

Think on this a moment hasn’t the church lost sight of its calling over and over again.  How many wars have happened in the name of the Church?  We think that we are doing the right thing yet are we really listening to what God has called us to do.  We attack our own members because we disagree with what they are teaching.   We miss the fact that the Church should stay united.

Even the very denominations that we defend have come from our struggles.  We often fight over petty issues.   One of the biggest splits came over how does someone get baptized?  The church today fights over issues of whether or not members of the Queer community can be part of the church. Then it is not surprising that others fight against us. 

I believe that the Church as a whole forgets that spreading the Good News is our purpose.  We have taken it on ourselves to be the judge and jury of the world.  If you don’t agree with us you must not be a part of us.  Yet, we then complicate things by teaching different things to those that need to hear about Jesus.

The Church needs to become united.  We need to put our differences behind us and set out on the same mission front.  God did not want us to fight amongst ourselves yet we as humans have determined this is the best option.  No wonder so many people hear the term Christian and dodge talking with us.  How does it look to outsiders when we are fighting amongst ourselves?

The hot topic that we are fighting about today will be different in a hundred years.  How many of us really believe that the crusades were the right thing to do?  Wouldn’t it been easier to share the love of God with the world instead of brandishing swords?  The fact is that there are still communities that shy away from accepting Christ because of this action that took place long before anyone of us was even a thought. 

It is shocking to me some of the things that we have done in the name of Christ.  Our ancestors justified slavery because it was in the Good Book.  Our ancestors treated women as property using the Bible for justification.  People were not allowed to marry other races because it was said to be in the Bible.   

I have a feeling that one day people will look back at the marriage of consenting adults either heterosexual or homosexual and say why they fought.  I believe that one day people will not understand the limitations placed on taking communion.  Women as pastors will be a daily occurrence and people will not comprehend how it was different in our days.

I am calling on all Christians to do the right thing.  To put aside our petty differences and work for the one because set out by Jesus.  We need to teach the Good News to all people.  We need to help people grow spiritually with God.  We need to stay united and help others find the Messiah.

If we are not willing to do this then we will continue to see the church struggling.  People will keep their distance between themselves and Jesus because of our pettiness.  The church will be an excuse instead of an answer to the problems of the world. 

The Church needs to put God first and we will see its struggling end.  When the church is concentrated on telling the story of Jesus then we will have peace.  Yet, as long as we fight amongst ourselves we will continue to force people away.  This can happen in the local church as well as the universal church body.


We praise you God for loving us.  We ask you God to help us put aside our petty ways.  Help us become a united church spreading the words of love.  Help us be a light and beacon for others.  In the name of the Almighty we pray.  Amen


Is your ideology running people away from the Church?  Are you willing to accept people for who they are?  Are you willing to preach the Good News to the entire world?  What change must you make to ensure the Church doesn’t struggle?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Finding Refuge in God

Verses: Psalms 73: 1 - 28

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

I know I have been where the psalmist was.  He was looking around and seeing how all the people that were doing wicked things seem to have a better life.  A little bit of envy came into his heart because he was doing what was right but they were prospering. 

Haven’t we all been there at one moment or another?  We are doing the things that are right yet are getting nowhere fast.  Then we look at people that are blatantly sinning against God and they seem to have it all.  They have the cars, the money, and the houses they seem like they do not have a care in the world.  On the other hand, we are just struggling to get by one day at a time.

Then you take a step back and you realize they do not have peace.  Money can only do so much in your life.  You will not be able to take it with you when you pass from this world to the next.  Yet, when you have inner peace you are free from the ailments of the world.

The Messiah is able to give anyone that desires inner peace the reward.  Yet, we often are so caught up in the things of the world that we forget to go to Jesus.  We try to fix it ourselves and every time it seems harder and harder.  When we take our eyes off of Jesus the world becomes a hard place to live.

Yet, when we realize that we need to give it over to God things change.  We might not have the money that we need.  We might still be driving that old beat up car.  We might have a job that is a dead-end.  Yet, what we do have is a peace of mind.  We have the knowledge that Jesus will help us get by.  That there is nothing that can happen to us on Earth that will destroy our relationship with the one that has set us free.

Temptation is very hard to ignore.  Everywhere we turn there is something tempting us.  People want us to do things that we know are not right.  We allow our minds to be clouded by the things that we want instead of what we need.  It is easy to be envious of the richest and fame of others.

Yet, with riches and fame there comes agony and worry.  You heard me right riches and fame are not what they are cut out to be.  You have to keep that face that the world wants.  You have to do the things that the world wants you to do.  It is about living not for you but for others.  Imagine how lonely it must be to have to do what others expect. 

Slip and fall and you might lose it all.  People may be on your bandwagon today.  Yet, if you do the slightest thing that is different they will leave you.  Then what do you have?  You have money that can only buy you so much.  Your have fame which is gone.  Your life slips back into anonymity. 

Yet, if you live to please God you have the helper on your side.  You might not ever have everything that you want in life.  The most important thing is that you will have the only thing you need for your life.  The gift of salvation comes to those that ask Jesus into their life.  It doesn’t matter the fame or fortune. All that matters is that you are forgiven.  Now for me that is worth struggling for.


We thank you God for you love.  We thank you for walking with us in all of our daily struggles.  Help us to remember to put our trust in you.  Help us overcome temptation.  Help us show others the love of God.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you tempted by the things of this world?  Have you asked Jesus to come into your life?  Do you understand that it isn’t material things that you need to be content?  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Passing of the Throne

Verses: Psalms 72: 1 - 20

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

David knows his days are at an end.  He has dreamed of the moment when his heirs would lead to the salvation of the people.  He had been promised that through his children the Messiah would come. He was ending his days knowing that the will of God would come true despite all the obstacles that people had set before him in his life.

He prays for his beloved son Solomon.  He prays that he is in essence a reflection of the Messiah that would come.  That he would feed those that hungered.  He prayed that he would take care of the needy.  He desired that the people of the land would pay tribute to him.  He was set on the fact that his son would bring the world one step closer to the one that had come to set them all free.

Imagine for a second being in David’s sandals.  Here was a man that was a great king.  He had led the Israelites and they were now prosperous.  They were better off than they had been in a very long time.  Yet, David wanted more for the people.  He was not content with what had happened in his lifetime.  He had seen wars, uprising and betrayals by his own family members.  He had witnessed death of those that he had held dear.  He knew that Peace was the solution and he knew that the only one who could bring that was the Messiah.

I am certain that he did not think that Solomon was the chosen one.  Yet, he knew that his son would have to produce heirs for the promised one to come.  His job in this moment is to attempt to bless Solomon with the things that he did not have.  He wished him the peace and the tranquility that he longed for.  He worshipped God and gave his son over to the Creator to make him suitable as the heir of the throne.

Solomon would do things that David only dreamed of.  The temple would be built and the peace would come.  It would not last forever because his heirs would desert their ways.  Yet, Solomon truly loved God with all of his heart.  He asked and received wisdom.  He could have had anything yet he wanted to be able to rule with the Wisdom of God’s protection.  In all reality Solomon’s reign would be more prosperous than David’s.  He did not stray from his mission of being the King and Peacemaker that the community needed.  He judged fairly and was well respected.

Yet, Solomon was not like the Messiah that people waited for.  The Messiah would come and break the shackles of sin.  The Messiah would be praised forever and ever.  It is amazing if yon think about it this way.  The Messiah was praised before the birth and is still praised today.  The entire world needed was fulfilled through the Messiah. 

Yet, there were many milestones along the way that led to the moment that Jesus would take the crown upon a cross.  The reign of David is influential because through this the people were united.  The reign of Solomon led to the building of the temple.  Yet, it is the fact that they had children and those children led to Joseph the father of Jesus.  That is their greatest accomplishment.   Jesus birth through the line of David had been predicted and would come true no matter what.


Dear God thank you for sending the Messiah to save us from our own transgressions.  Dear Precious Savior we thank you for willingly going to the cross to die for us.  We offer up our gratitude to the one that broke the shackles of sin.  We ask that you help us worship you now and forever.  In the Name of the Messiah we pray. Amen


Imagine for a second what it would be like if the Messiah had not come to the Earth?  Have you accepted Jesus into your heart?  Have you heard the God of wisdom of peace talking to you in your times of despair?  Do you know that you are worthy for the love of God?  God only wants you to ask to receive the gift of everlasting life.  Is today the day you make that choice?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Listen to those that have stood the Test of Time

Verses: Psalms 71: 1 - 24

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many of us have someone in our life that we look up to.  An older person that seems that no matter what goes on has an eye on their reward.  Hard times befall them yet they only grow stronger.  They live with the one known concept that God has gotten them through things and will do so until the end.

I read this and though about my great grandmother.  She had so many lessons to teach us.  She lived to be over a hundred years and had many things happen in her life.  She was born in the last year of the civil war.  In which, her father and uncles and brothers fought in.  She was the third youngest of thirty kids that her father had from his fifth wife. 

She saw electricity come into houses.  She saw the car hit the road.  She lived through both world wars, Vietnam War and the Korea War.  She saw 8 generations of her family and she loved them all the same.  She married the love of her life and when he passed after being married for fifty years she lived the rest of her life a widow.

The one thing that she taught all that knew her was the love of her God.  She loved God more than anything else in this world.  She shared that love with anyone that would listen.  She had seen pain her whole life from losing her parents, outliving her brothers and sisters, losing children and grandchildren.  Yet, she lived with peace.  Peace knowing that one day she would be united forever with her God.  She showed the world that if you give your life over to God you can have peace no matter the hardships that come along.

Even in her last days as was limited on what she could physically do she still held onto her bible.  The bible was the only thing that she could read.  Multiple prayer groups would come and see her.  She taught us that death wasn’t the end it was the beginning.   She had lived her whole life waiting to go home.  She died in peace knowing that God had not betrayed her.  She knew that she was going to a place far better than any place she could ever have here. 

I was there that last day and I can still see her small smile.  She knew the time was coming.  She waited for my grandmother to leave before she crossed over.  I think this was her last act of kindness to show her daughter that she was protected.  My grandmother is just like her feisty yet and the same time in love with God.  She loves people and people lover her.  She is now the matriarch of the family and you can feel the same peace that her mom had.  If I can only live to be half of the Christian woman that either of them have been their whole life I have done them proud.

There is a lot we can learn from the stories of our ancestors.  As they build churches, held prayer groups, and learned to read the greatest story told.  We can learn that our faith in God is the most important thing that we can have.  Trusting God will get us through all of life’s twist and turns.  We need to realize that the only thing that matters is putting love of God first in our life.  God is there with us when we are young and restless.  God is also there when we are old and tired.  God is helping us get through the struggles if only we allow God to.  It is our faith that we will be judged on.  Thankfully I had the best examples to follow and know that loving God is the most important part of my life above all other things.


Dear God thank you for your love.  Thank you for giving us Christians to learn from.  Help us be an example to others.  May our life be a reward for you?  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Do you have faith in God?  Do you know that no matter what happens God is there?  Have you turned your life over to the one that can make you free?  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

God is our Great Deliverer

Verses: Psalms 70: 1 - 5

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been at a place where you feel like you are all alone?  You are worried about the people that are standing against you.  You are facing illnesses that you think you cannot overcome.  You are stressed about financial situations.  You seem like you are at the day of doom in your life.

Yet, all of a sudden you realize that you need God to come and help you.  You turn your life over to God so that you can have the strength and healing that comes from God.  You are protected by the one that has given all for you.  Your strength comes from outside your own power.

God helps take away your fears.  Your body, mind and soul are healed.  Your financial stressors seem to ease.  You are no longer feeling alone.  You have a sense of joy that you thought would never happen again.

All of this happens because you turn it over to God.  You allow God to be your helpmate.  The cross that you felt was too hard to carry becomes bearable.  Your pain seems bearable.  You realize that your salvation doesn’t come from you but from the power of God.

Your spirit rejoices in the salvation that comes from Jesus.  You are never the same again.  When things start going bad you turn to God.  You realize that you must give things over to God for you to get to the other side.  You are delivered through your faith.  No matter what comes against you the strength of God will give you all the help you need.  It is a realization that your life is better because you have a Good God.  God is not only our salvation from our sins but, also our deliverer against the arrows of the enemy that surround us on all fronts.


Dear God we praise you for your salvation.  We praise you God for being with us no matter what is happening in our life.  Help us Dear deliverer turn our troubles over to you.  Help us to have faith in your saving grace.  In the name of Great and Powerful God we pray.  Amen


Have you felt that moment of being alone?  Have you asked God in your life?  Have you asked God to take away the pain in your life?  Are you willing to turn over your issues to God?