Verses: Psalms 76: 1 - 12
Song inspired by the
chapter: Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.
My thoughts about the
God is awesome and will
always be victorious. There is nothing
that God cannot do. People that stand
with God will receive their reward. God
is victorious in this life and the next.
Yet, how many of us
think that are times when God is not helping us? We have life’s struggles piling up around our
feet and we try to solve it without God.
We think we are not worthy enough or perfect enough for God to help
us. We will accept that Jesus won the
battle over death. We proclaim that we
are Christians yet we live defeated in the eyes of the world.
Christians have a hard
time accepting that God can get you through all situations. We take it on that it is a trial of our
devotion of God. We believe that we must
work this out to prove our loyalty to God.
Yet, all God wants is for us to turn it over and let the miracles
You have to accept that
God will be victorious in your life. We
do not have to prove anything to God.
God offers salvation freely. Yet,
we often feel like there is more that we have to do. Many Christians believe that we will suffer
our fate on Earth because our reward is in Heaven.
I am telling you today
that your reward is not only in Heaven but here on Earth. You who have chosen to accept Jesus into your
life are standing in the shadow of the cross.
You are victorious on this earth as well as the next. We have to understand that we are not to
boast but be content that God will help us be victorious in life.
We are to swear our
allegiance to God. In this action we are
putting ourselves out of the equation.
We are allowing God to win the victories and not proclaiming that we
have done it. We are to always remember
that God is the focal point of our life.
The one that died for us will be the one that gets us through life. To God be the glory for all the great things
God will do.
We praise you God for
the things that you have done in our life.
We worship you God for you are worthy of all our praises. We ask dear God that you help us turn over
the things of this life to you. Help us
never to put our own prideful self before praising you. In the name of the Almighty we pray. Amen