
Monday, October 20, 2014

Listen to those that have stood the Test of Time

Verses: Psalms 71: 1 - 24

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many of us have someone in our life that we look up to.  An older person that seems that no matter what goes on has an eye on their reward.  Hard times befall them yet they only grow stronger.  They live with the one known concept that God has gotten them through things and will do so until the end.

I read this and though about my great grandmother.  She had so many lessons to teach us.  She lived to be over a hundred years and had many things happen in her life.  She was born in the last year of the civil war.  In which, her father and uncles and brothers fought in.  She was the third youngest of thirty kids that her father had from his fifth wife. 

She saw electricity come into houses.  She saw the car hit the road.  She lived through both world wars, Vietnam War and the Korea War.  She saw 8 generations of her family and she loved them all the same.  She married the love of her life and when he passed after being married for fifty years she lived the rest of her life a widow.

The one thing that she taught all that knew her was the love of her God.  She loved God more than anything else in this world.  She shared that love with anyone that would listen.  She had seen pain her whole life from losing her parents, outliving her brothers and sisters, losing children and grandchildren.  Yet, she lived with peace.  Peace knowing that one day she would be united forever with her God.  She showed the world that if you give your life over to God you can have peace no matter the hardships that come along.

Even in her last days as was limited on what she could physically do she still held onto her bible.  The bible was the only thing that she could read.  Multiple prayer groups would come and see her.  She taught us that death wasn’t the end it was the beginning.   She had lived her whole life waiting to go home.  She died in peace knowing that God had not betrayed her.  She knew that she was going to a place far better than any place she could ever have here. 

I was there that last day and I can still see her small smile.  She knew the time was coming.  She waited for my grandmother to leave before she crossed over.  I think this was her last act of kindness to show her daughter that she was protected.  My grandmother is just like her feisty yet and the same time in love with God.  She loves people and people lover her.  She is now the matriarch of the family and you can feel the same peace that her mom had.  If I can only live to be half of the Christian woman that either of them have been their whole life I have done them proud.

There is a lot we can learn from the stories of our ancestors.  As they build churches, held prayer groups, and learned to read the greatest story told.  We can learn that our faith in God is the most important thing that we can have.  Trusting God will get us through all of life’s twist and turns.  We need to realize that the only thing that matters is putting love of God first in our life.  God is there with us when we are young and restless.  God is also there when we are old and tired.  God is helping us get through the struggles if only we allow God to.  It is our faith that we will be judged on.  Thankfully I had the best examples to follow and know that loving God is the most important part of my life above all other things.


Dear God thank you for your love.  Thank you for giving us Christians to learn from.  Help us be an example to others.  May our life be a reward for you?  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Do you have faith in God?  Do you know that no matter what happens God is there?  Have you turned your life over to the one that can make you free?  

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