
Thursday, January 23, 2014

We are the Family of God

Verses: Luke 8 : 19 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

You can imagine for a moment being Jesus's biological family.  You are trying your best to reach your Son and brother.  The crowd knows that this is family and they tell Jesus that they want to see him.  Yet, Jesus responds in a much different way than they expect.

Jesus tells them that his Family is those around them now.  He was sharing with them that his family were those that had accepted him into their life.  We who still today accept Jesus into our hearts are part of that family.  We are blessed to have a brother that knew the pains that we would go through. We have a brother who is with us during our times of celebration and joy.  We have a Messiah that didn't just come as a King to destroy the rulers of the day.  We are blessed with a Messiah that came for the sole purpose of bringing everlasting life to all that would love and choose to accept him.  I cannot think of a better family member to have in our life

When I read this story I was reminded of the last few months of my grandfather's life here on Earth.  As he was embarking on his journey to the next realm there were many people that came to see him.  Not only his biological family but, also his friends and church family came to see him.  They came to share a moment with someone that they loved and respected.  He was slipping fast from our grips and I am not sure if he knew much those last few weeks.  So I can almost hear him saying that all these people are my family. He touched them in so many different ways.

What Jesus wants for us is to accept him so that we can be part of the family.  I am sure that his own biological family was surprised by his answer in the beginning.  Yet, you can see the smile on their faces as he was proclaiming his love for the world.  They too knew that they would have the same reward as long as they turned to Jesus and accepted his teachings.


Thank you for accepting us into your family.  We thank you for your sacrifice and your love.  We ask that you help us open our hearts to the world around us.  Help us claim our brothers and sisters that have chosen you for the Savior.  Walk with us daily so that we may always keep our minds and spirit focused on the one that arose to set us free.  In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


Are you a part of God's family?  Have you accepted Jesus into your life?  Are you opening your hearts to accept all the children that are part of the family of God?  What must you do today to walk a closer walk with the Risen Savior?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Do not hide your light

Verses: Luke 8 : 16 - 18

My thoughts about the verses:

As soon as I read these verses my mind drifts to a song that I will never forget.  Do not hide your light under a bushel.  Let is shine let it shine.  I also remember all of the hand gestures and how excited I was every time we would sing this song.  It was a way of showing love and commitment to Jesus. Even as a kid I knew that I wanted to always be in touch with God.  I had some rough patches growing up like many of us have.  Yet, even when I tried to hide my light God would take away the bushel so that my light could shine to those around me.

The light is our connection to God.  We are surrounded with Jesus love.  If we listen to Jesus our fire will burn.  We will be encouraged to share God to the whole entire world.  We are to keep our lamps glowing so we can help others find their way.

Those that hide or put out their fire are hiding from the true spirit of God. There are people that think that they are to keep their understanding of God to their selves.  They fear exposing themselves to people.  They hide and never share what God has done for them.  Though they may seem to people to have a lot it will be taken away.


We thank you for your love.  We thank you for shedding your blood for us when we did not deserve it. We thank you for lighting a fire in our hearts.  Help us to keep the lamp lit.  Help us to never turn from you.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Is your light shining?  Have you allowed Jesus to use you?  Are you hiding your light from the world? What do you need to do so others can see in the darkness and find the love of the life, Jesus?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The sower and the seeds

Verses: Luke 8 : 1 - 15

My thoughts about the verses:

This happens to be one of my favorite parables.  I believe it truly explains where people are in their life.  It challenges us to evaluate our self and determine if we need to change.  It encourages us to grow. We are inspired to examine our walk of faith.

The first thing to realize is that the seed is the Good News of the Messiah.  The story is broken down according to the response of where the four groups of seeds land. The group of seeds symbolizes people and their reaction to the good news.  They were all capable of producing fruit. Yet, because of where they fell determined what they would end up doing.  The seeds cannot choose where they fall.  Yet, we are able to choose where we are and to change to produce life.

The first seeds fell on the path and were trampled to the ground and eaten by the birds.  This first group symbolizes those that hear the word yet do not hold it in their heart.  Soon after they are given the good news they turn away.  They never serve God and they do not accept the free gift of eternal life.

The second seeds fall on the stone path and start to grow yet wither because they do not receive moisture.  These are the individuals that hear the good news with great faith.  They are excited and want to share with others that start to grow.  Yet, because they do not have a way to grow strong roots fall away at the very first trial that comes in their way.  Their belief is shattered because they have no one to learn from.

The third seeds fall amongst the weeds.  They land in enriched soul and start to grow.  Right at the moment that they are about to start producing fruit they are choked out.  This happens because they forget to stay focused on their goal of serving God.  They start taking care of their own needs.  The things that they find pleasure in.  The fact is these people were around those that they could have learned from. Yet, the desires of the world overcome them and they move away from the life that they should be living.

The fourth seeds fall on rich fertile soil.  They are able to grow and produce fruit.  They have the right amount of teaching and grow spiritually.  They are able to produce more fruit because of the fact they do no turn away from God.

Now that we have talked about the seed and the soil they landed in there is a big piece that we haven't talked about.  Who is the sower?  The sower is Jesus.  Jesus as he walked on this Earth in physical form was spreading the seeds that would grow and produce a wonderful harvest.  Now those that are Christians and have Jesus in our soul are called to be the sower.  We are called to spread the good news and to be Jesus for someone today.


Dear God thank you for giving us new life.  Thank you for loving us so much that you sent Jesus to spread the Good News.  Help us accept the good news.  Help us spread the good news to those that need to hear it.  Help us grow and become the fertile plant that produces hundred fold of fruit. In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


What kind of seed are you?  Have you landed in healthy fertile soil or are you in a different place in your walk?  Are you happy with where you are at?  Are you willing to be the sower of seeds?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Creditor and Debtors

Verses: Luke 7 : 36 - 50

My thoughts about the verses:

For starters we must look at what is happening in this house.  Jesus is invited to a dinner by a Pharisee. As he is sitting at the table this woman who is well known as a sinner comes into the house.  She comes to the house with one purpose to worship Jesus.  She walks into the house with a jar of ointment and immediately begins crying at Jesus's feet.

She knows that this is the Messiah that she has longed for.  She was weeping because she knew she was a sinner.  She felt that the only thing that she was worthy enough to do for Jesus was to cleanse and anoint his feet.

The Pharisee in his arrogance saw what was happening and judged Jesus.  The first thought was that Jesus must not be who he claimed to be.  If Jesus was a prophet or the Messiah he must know that this woman was a sinner.  He was questioning how Jesus could let a woman like that touch him.

Jesus then proposed the question that we all need to think about.  There is a creditor and two debtors who owe him money.  One owes a large amount the other a much smaller amount.  the Creditor after finding out that both could not pay forgave both of their debts.  Who would love the creditor more the one who owed a lot or the one that owed less?

The Pharisee answered the question the debtor who owed more.  Jesus confirms that he was correct. The debtor that owed a lot had more reasons to be thankful for.  The one that owed last had lest reason to be thankful.

Yet, here is where things get is sticky for the Pharisee.  You have to understand the custom at the time. The people were walking in a land of sand with only sandals.  Their feet were very dirty because of this.  It was customary for a guest to have their feet cleansed by the host.

Jesus pointed out that when he walked into the house he did not have his feet washed.  He told the Pharisee that he was not even given a kiss. Furthermore the Pharisee did not anoint him with oil.
Yet, think about what the entire woman had done.  She cried and humbles herself.  Her tears had washed the feet of Jesus.  She had dried his feet with her hair.  She had bought special ointment to put on his feet.

The woman who was recognized by the community as the sinner through faith had worshiped God. Jesus tells the woman that her faith has saved her from her sins.  You can see the Pharisee's face start to redden.  The woman who was thought to be a sinner by everyone was doing the right thing.  Yet, the one seen as a leader had forgotten the customs.  The legalism that was pronounced by the Pharisee was greatly challenged by Jesus.


Dear God thank you for saving us when we didn't deserve it.  Thank you for sending Jesus to show us how to truly love.  Help us put aside our judgment of others.  Help us serve you fully with our heart. In the name of the Risen Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have you allowed legalism to enter your life of service?  Are you judging others based on what they have or not have done in your eyes?  Are you giving yourself over to God?  What do you need to ask God to forgive in your life?  Are you willing to worship God with humbleness?