
Saturday, February 13, 2016

True Ruler of Nature

Verses:  Matthew 8:23-27

My thoughts about the verses:

Many of us talk about Mother Nature.  Our mind has grasped that there is a power that controls the environment around us.  We believe because we want to think that there is a calming power in the world.  Many believe that Mother Nature will be there directing the world as we walk among the nature around us.

We need to remember that God is the ruler of the world.  There are many aspects of God’s presence in the world around us.  All we have to do is look around.  When you look at the flowers, animals, other people you will see the power of God.

There are several times in the Bible in which nature was controlled by God to prove that the power of nature lies within God.  Think about the flood that came and reshaped the world and environment around us.  Think of the story of Jonah.  He ran and God called on the storm to bring him where he needed to go.  Imagine the power of God to send a big fish to carry Jonah. 

This story is very important to us.  Jesus shows us all that he is not only human but God.  Imagine being on a boat and storm comes upon the boat.  Imagine the panic of everyone in the situation.  Jesus used this moment to show them that he had the power to calm the sea.

When we read this story we need to remember the things that Jesus wanted us to learn about the power he possesses.  First is that Jesus has the power to control the world around us.  Second and probably the most important part is the fact that Jesus is both human and God.  Jesus has been with God since the beginning of creation.  We have to remember that we need to look at this story as a miracle in which Jesus wanted us all to know.  We needed to see that Jesus is the ruler of the world.  Jesus has the power to save us.  He not only saves us from things that happen in the environment.  Jesus can save us from our sins.  The cross is the element used to lead to the death of Jesus.  Just think about this the cross was made of wood.  This wood was under the power of Jesus.  Yet, he allowed it to lead to his death.


We praise you God for your love.  We worship you Jesus because of your love.  We thank you for giving us the gift of life.  We praise you for the beauty of the world around us.  Help us to always remember that you are the ruler of the world.  Help us let go of our fear and live a life that is based on your love.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted that Jesus has the power to control the world?  Have you turned your life over to God?  Are you willing to accept that Jesus can save you from the power of the world and life if we only trust him?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Why do We Put Conditions on Our Service to Jesus?

Verses:  Matthew 8:18-22

My thoughts about the verses:

We are all guilty of putting things before serving God.  We know we need to follow Jesus and fulfill the calling on our life. Yet, we put conditions on serving Jesus.  We might say I have to do this or that before I can follow God with all my heart and soul.

Think about this a moment what if Jesus had said not now.  Let me do these things before I go to the cross.  What if the cross never happened because of this selfish act?  None of us would have ever been saved from the sins that we have done in our life.

We have to remember to put God first.  It is not what we collect on Earth that makes a difference in the end.  What is important is what we do to spread the word of God to the world. 

We need to remember that we need to follow Jesus’s example.  We need to refrain from putting conditions before the service of God.  We have to remember that God will get us through things that are happening.  Therefor we do not have to worry about the future.  Instead we need to concentrate on serving God without placing the needs of the world first.

Let us look at it this way.  When we put conditions on our service we are putting our fears before serving God.  We need to understand and accept that God wants the best for us.  God doesn’t want us to suffer yet we have to let go of things and let God take charge.

While we are letting God take over our need of fears we must turn our life completely over to God.  You must remember inside that we must put our service to God first.  We need to stop worrying about the future hear on Earth.  Instead we need to worry about our life in the next world.  When you share the Good News with others you are changing lives forever.

There are many ways to spread the word of God.  Some people become preacher, teachers and other religious leaders.  These people are motivated and inspired by God to reach out to a large group of people all at one time.  There are also those that work in homeless shelters, work with victims of domestic abuse and other jobs that reach out to a group of individuals all at once.  Others reach out to family and friends and through their love and acts of kindness lead them to Christ.

It doesn’t matter how you serve God.  The most important thing is to serve God with all your heart.  Make sure that you put the service of God before anything else.  Know that God will be there to get you through the struggles of life.  Therefore out God first and your life will change forever.


Dear God we love you.  We praise you Dear Jesus for all you have done in our life.  Help us to always put your first.  Help us walk away from the stress of this life.  Help us live with serving you first.  In the name of the Risen savior we pray.  Amen


Do you put other things before God?  Are you ready to step away from your fears?  Are you ready to put God first?