
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jonah Prays to God for Deliverance and Forgiveness

Verses: Jonah 2 : 1 - 10

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever prayed with all of your heart and soul?  Go back to that one moment in time when you were in the worse place you had ever been.  You know that you cannot get yourself out of the situation. There is no way that you can solve the problem yourself.  If you do not have an ally you will definitely fail.  Who did you call on to help you in that moment?

Jonah knew that he was in a place he could not get out of.  He had betrayed God to the point that he had to turn and beg for forgiveness.  He had to humble himself and ask God to deliver him from where he was at.  Imagine being in the stomach of a large whale.  Would you not have time to think about what you have done?  Three days and nights must have felt like an entire eternity.  Imagine the smell and the darkness.

Jonah had two options.  He could have gotten angry with God.  He could have accepted that he was going to die and just give up.  Yet, he chose the second option.  He began praying.  He knew that he had gotten to where he was because he had hid from his calling.  Like so many of us he began telling God all the things that he would do because he felt as if God have saved him from his own mistake.

Imagine being 23 years old.  Then as you are a passenger in a car.  You are taking kids back home after a night of bible study.  Then all of sudden without warning your car is hit.  You immediately start praying that the kids are okay.  Your pastor sees the accident and the kids are perfectly fine.  Yet, there you sat knowing that you are really injured.  You go into a deep shock the kids are okay and so you let your own pain take over your body.  The ambulance and police arrive rather quickly.  You know that you are in trouble.  You try your best to focus, but the pain is excruciating.

The medics get you out of the car then they do something that changes your life forever.  They place a sheet over your face.  You cannot speak because or the pain and shock and you immediately think that they think you are dead.  You start praying to God like you have never prayed before.  You want them to know that you are alive yet, you truly believe that they think you have died.  You have a neck brace and back board on you because of how bad the wreck is.  It isn't until you get in the ambulance that they remove the sheet from your face that you realize they do not think your dead.

I will tell you right now when this happened to me 19 years ago it changed my life forever.  I started praying like I have never prayed before.  I begged God at first that the kids would be okay.  I had not gone into shock at that point and I prayed that they would be fine.  Amazingly they were not hurt at all. Then the shock hit me and as the sheet went over my face I immediately started praying that God would let them know I was alive.  I learned latter that it had started raining and they did not want to get me wet so that is why they had placed the sheet over my face.  Once it was removed then the real agony started I could not talk and I was in so much pain.  I laid there and the only thing that I could do was pray to myself.  I couldn't speak but my mind was racing and I started begging God to save me.

Amazingly the only thing that was injured was my shoulder.  I had to go through a surgery and a lot of rehab to get where I am now.  I still have problems  with the shoulder.  Yet, I can tell you right now fifteen minutes with a sheet over my head effected me even today.  I can connect with Jonah and understand begging for forgiveness.  It wasn't to long after that my life changed.  Yet, I believe it changed because of the prayers and promises that happened on the way to the hospital.  The prayers that occurred during the surgery and lastly through the hard work of rehab.  If it hadn't been for that wreck and my true desperate prayers for deliverance I do not think I would be here today.

I can tell you God is Love.  God can deliver you from things that you could not get out of by yourself. God offers forgiveness for all you have done if only you ask for it.  The thing you must do is put God in the middle of your life so that you can fulfill the deeds that God has for you to achieve.


Dear God we thank you for being with us during our hard times.  We thank you for never running and hiding from us.  We thank you for offering us love and forgiveness.  We thank you for talking to us during our roughest times.  Right now God we ask you to hear our prayers.  God we know that if we lean on you will receive the blessing that we need.  Help us accept the fate that falls upon us.  In the name of our Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been scared before?  Have you worried that you are in a place you cannot get out of? Have you ever prayed to God to save you from the situation that you are in?  Did you believe that God would save you because of your faith?  What do you need to do to grow your own faith?  What do you need to do today to help others build their faith in God?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Jonah Runs from God

Verses: Jonah 1 : 1- 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine for one second God calling you to go and deliver a message to a far away community.  A community much different than your own.  You have to be a little scared.  I know I would be scared yet, at the same time my mind would be wondering why me Lord.

You know that was probably the biggest thought in Jonah's mind, Why me Lord.  Isn't there someone else that can go and do this task?  With all the people in the world you have chosen me and I feel insignificant.  There has to be someone else that has more faith and can go do this for you.

I am not sure I would take the next step.  Yet, haven't we all at one time or another ran from the calling that God has placed on our hearts.  We feel inadequate.  We doubt that the calling has actually come from the Most High.  Yet, Jonah goes and attempts to hide from God.  If you have ever tried to run from God you learn quickly that you can never fully hide.  Eventually your heart strings will pull you to do exactly what God wants you to do.

Yet, for some of us God has to do something major to make us do what we needed to do in the beginning.  Jonah is on a ship running away and God brings this tremendous storm.  The sailors are doing all they can do to save the ship and themselves.  While Jonah lays asleep in the bottom of the boat.  He is awaken and asked why he isn't praying.  You know the first thought that went through Jonah's mind is that this is for what I have done.

The sailors decide there must be a reason this has occurred.  That the God of the seas must be angry with someone on the boat.  They draw lots to see who is at fault.  As can be expected Jonah draws the short stick.  He is the one that has caused the storm.  It isn't until then that he actually takes responsibility for what he has done.

He tells the sailors to throw him overboard and the storm will stop.  Now the sailors at first resisted because they did  not want to throw him off the boat.  They try to save themselves but it doesn't work.  So they throw him in the water.  Immediately the storm stops and the sailors offer a sacrifice to God to beg them to forgive them for what they have done.

Now God doesn't let Jonah perish.  This is the part of the story most of us know.  A large fish comes and swallows Jonah up.  Now if the book ended there we would be under the impression that he God was an vengeful God.  That Jonah had betrayed God and he got the fruit of his deed by being eaten by a fish.  Yet, many of us know that this is just the start of the transformation.

At one time or another we have all hidden from the call of God.  We can't imagine that God expects us to do what we are asked to do.  We run because we fear that we are not worthy enough. We question if it is something God really wants us to do or is it something that we are desiring.  I will let you know right now if it something God wants you to do you can't hide far enough. Eventually you will be led to do what God desires.

Back in my twenties I went on the road for my job.  I spent the majority of time going from one place to the next.  The crazy thing was that I was taking pictures at churches.  I was there seeing people celebrating with their families enjoying worshiping God.  Yet, all I was in it for was money. I didn't care about worshiping I was in it for the mighty dollar.  I was so busy travelling that I got further and further away from God.  I didn't have time to worship, or spend time with my family.

Then things changed my grandfather got diagnosed with brain cancer.  We found out that he had a very limited time and I came home.  I can still remember the drive back and how hard it was.  I was coming home because I needed to be with my family.  I needed to be recommitted to the life that I was meant to be doing.  Money wasn't important anymore it was having a life and being with those you loved.

I can still remember the day that I decided  I needed to go back to church.  I went to church that morning to Lexington MCC.  My heart was filled with the joy that I had been missing for so long.
Then I went to the store bought my grandmother some flowers and my grandfather balloons.  Went to their house and told my Pa that I was back in Church.  He smiled and was really happy.

That was 14 years ago.  I have been through tons of crisis during that time.  Yet, when I finally stopped running and listened to God.  I immediately found where I was suppose to be.  Things changed and I was back to worshiping God.  God gave me my voice and showed me what I was suppose to do.  Now I am a deacon even though I still face hard times I know not to run.  Anytime that I put things before God he wakes me up and makes me face the reality that you cannot hide from doing what God wants and needs you to do.

The only thing that you should put first is your work for the Realm of Heaven.  Whenever you put other things first you will have an event that God uses to refocus you.  Sometimes it will be big and sometimes small.  You have to remember that you have to work for God before you work for humankind.  When you focus on the will of God things will go right even if there are hard times.


Dear God we thank you for being with us even when we run and hid.  We praise you for never abandoning us.  We thank you for being with us during our hard times.  We ask that you guide us to do your will.  Help us remember to keep focused on you.  Help us put aside our own wills so that we may focus on the task that you need us to do.  In your Holy Name we Pray. Amen


Have you ever hidden from the tasks that God wants you to do?  Have you thought that you were not capable of doing what God wants from you?  Have you lost your focus on God?  What do you need to do to follow the will of God?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jesus Ascends into Heaven

Verses: Luke 24 : 50 - 53

My thoughts about the verses:

After convincing the followers that he had fulfilled all the promises that the prophesies had promised. Jesus rose into the Heavens.

Jesus was born an ancestor of the son of David.  Jesus did miracles that no one could ever explain. Jesus lived a perfect life and never transgressed against God. Jesus died and innocent man.  Laid in the grave and rose on the third day.

I want you to think about this last miracle.  On the cross Jesus commended his spirit into Heaven. Now think about this Jesus was now physically ascending into Heaven.  I think this is important when you look at the book of Revelations and the rapture occurs.  Just like Jesus ascended in this moment so will those that are here during Armageddon.

It is important to note that Jesus body returned to God.  This wasn't the first time Jesus was with God.  Jesus with God since the beginning.  Jesus is part of the trinity of God that spent time on Earth so that we could be made free from our own sins.


Dear God we praise you for your love.  We praise you for the sacrifices that you have made for us. We celebrate today the gift of everlasting life.  We praise you for your guidance and your example. In the name of the one who made Everlasting Life possible.  Amen


Have you accepted God into your life?  Are you ready for the day when Jesus will call his people home?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Being a true witness of God's love

Verses: Luke 24 : 36 - 49

My thoughts about the verses:

The first thing that the disciples think when they see Jesus is that they are seeing a Ghost.  This is the second time that the disciples saw Jesus perform a miracle and believe that he was a Ghost. Think back to the moment that he appeared on walking on the water.  the first comment that they said was there is a Ghost.

They had doubt that Jesus was who he was.  They knew the power of Jesus.  They had seen miracles that were unexplainable.  Yet, they doubted that what they were seeing at this moment was Jesus.

He then tells them to look at the scars.  To come to the understanding that He was right there with them.  To further confirm that he was alive he asked for food and ate it right there before them.  that was not they needed to confirm that Jesus was alive and victorious over the grave.

After proving he was alive he proceeded to tell them the prophesies that were written about the Messiah.  The fact that the Messiah had to suffer and die.  That the Messiah would rise again on the third day.  Upon completing of this the world would be saved from their transgressions.

This part of the story is important to us today.  think about this a moment it was important that these followers came to the understanding of what had truly happened.  they were to be the first voice.  The witness that would spread the good news that would change the world.  The message that would deliver saving power to all those that would accept.

Just like it was important that they heard it to spread the news that continues today.  We have to be able to share our experience with God.  Each person that has come to the acceptance of Christ in their life has been changed.  It might not be as drastic as it was for these group of followers.  But, it is no less important.  Each of us have a message that we need to share.

Look back in your life to what was happening before you accepted Christ in your life.  Then think about the moment that you accepted Christ.  Then think about the changes that happened after that moment.  You need to share that with people.  To share that God has changed your life.  Through those changes you have become the person you are now.

Remember that you live by example.  Just make sure that when share the news people can see it in the actions you do.  Just like Jesus ate food and showed his scars we must live a life of a Christian. People are watching us and if we are not living up to that standard that Christ set we are actually being a bad example.  Remember you might be the image of God someone needs to see in their life.


Dear God we thank you for the gift of everlasting life.  Jesus we thank you for being the example of how to be a true Christian.  Help us everyday be a witness of your never ending love.  Help us remember that you are the Messiah.  Help us share your love to the world that needs it so much. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted that Jesus is the Messiah?  Do you understand everything that happened to Jesus was needed for our salvation?  Are you being a witness and example for everyone you come in contact with?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Jesus walks with the Followers and Breaks Bread with them

Verses: Luke 24 : 13 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine walking with your Savior and not even recognizing him.  This is what happened to these two followers.  They were so sad that they did not even recognize that Jesus was with them.  They walked along the road telling Jesus about his own death.

Yet, Jesus reminded them that all this had to happened because of the prophecies.  Yet, they were still n shock that Jesus was dead and now his body was missing.

Jesus went to leave them but they asked hm to stay with them.  When they got to Emmaus Jesus broke the bread.  Immediately their eyes were opened.  They knew that who they were with all the trip was the Messiah.  They questioned if they were so deep n their own concern and sadness that they did not recognize the very Savior that they were mourning.

They then rushed back to Jerusalem to tell what had happened.  They told everyone the story.  Then they said Peter was right.  That the Messiah had risen from the grave.  That he had even had walked with them and shared the bread with them.

Imagine how this must have felt to everyone.  They wanted to believe what the women and Peter had seen with their own eyes.  Yet, they had to be thinking that this is what they wanted to see.  The fact that Jesus had walked with these two followers to the village of Emmaus confirmed everything that had been seen.  It also confirmed how important the breaking of bread is for us.


Dear God thank you for your love and peace in our life.  We thank you for your endless sacrifice.  We praise you for walking with us throughout our life.   Help us stay focused on you as we walk our life journey.  Help us never forget the love and sacrifice you have done for us.  In the name of the one that Loves us all.   Amen


Are you seeing the works of God among you?  Are you listening to the words of God?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Looking for the Living among the dead

Verses: Luke 24 : 1 - 12

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus has risen from the tomb.  The stone has been rolled away.  No longer is Jesus dead, but Jesus is alive.  This is the final step that Jesus needed to go through for us to gain the full ticket to Heaven. Jesus was the victor over the grave.

The women that went to the tomb that day were trying to properly prepare Jesus's body.  You can imagine how much sadness filled their hear.  When they get to the tomb. the stone is rolled away. Where was their Messiah?  Had someone stolen their Messiah?

Yet, as they continue to look in the tomb two angels appear.  They ask why are you looking for Jesus here.  He is no longer dead.  The women were scared.  How could it be that Their Messiah was gone.

They had forgotten what Jesus said.  That he would be put to death then rise again.  Yet, the thing is Jesus was fulfilling on the prophecies that had been predicted by the prophets.  They should have known what was happening.  Yet, at that moment their fear and sadness overtook them.

Jesus rose for all of us.  Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of old to be the victor of death.  Being the victor of death allows us to have everlasting life even only we will believe.  Jesus was not stopped by those that would put him to death.  Instead he put the idea of everlasting life into the picture. Again not for a select few but for all.  Something that we must always remember.


Dear God we offer up praises to you.  Dear Jesus we thank you for all you have done in our life. We lift of our voices to you offering our songs of praise.  Help us always remember the sacrifice you made for us.  Help us share your love to all that we come intact with.  Help us show your love to all.  In your Precious Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the Savior in you Heart?  Do you know that Jesus has risen and walks with us daily?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The body of Jesus is put to Rest

Verses: Luke 23 : 50 - 56
My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus body is taken down from the cross.  It is important to know that the man that gave the tomb and took down the body was a member of the Jewish council.  Joseph goes to Pilate and asks if he can bury Jesus's body.  He removes the body and wraps it in cloth.  He then places the body in a grave that had not been used.

Isn't it amazing that the man that took care of the body was a Jewish leader.  You would think that it would have been one of the disciples but it wasn't.  The women also were the ones that were there weeping and preparing the body quickly.

Yet, the sabbath had come.  This is a day of rest.  Not only for the other disciples and followers, but for Jesus.  Though his body laid in a tomb.  His spirit was resting with God.  think about knowing that you would be returning soon to Earth to fulfill your destiny.  In all the years of Jesus's life this had to be the most realizing day he had ever had.

It is important that we take a day to rest.  Rest is a day when we stop the stress for just a moment.  We do not necessarily have to follow the rules that were happening at this time.  Yet we need to take a day to rest and reconnect with God.  Throughout the week we are so stressed out about our life and paying bills.

I know people who sometimes rest by spending in nature.  Some rest by taking and staying home.  Others spend the day in worship.  Yet, all of them are reconnecting to the basic need of being with God.  So the next time you have had a stressful week stop and take time to rest.  Take time to spend time with God.  Do something that relaxes your body, mind and spirit.


Dear God we thank you for days of rest.  We thank you for being with us throughout our life.  Help us take the time to rest in the Spirit of our Savior.  Help us be the people that serve you above everything else.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you taking time to rest in the Spirit of God?