
Monday, August 4, 2014

Looking for the Living among the dead

Verses: Luke 24 : 1 - 12

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus has risen from the tomb.  The stone has been rolled away.  No longer is Jesus dead, but Jesus is alive.  This is the final step that Jesus needed to go through for us to gain the full ticket to Heaven. Jesus was the victor over the grave.

The women that went to the tomb that day were trying to properly prepare Jesus's body.  You can imagine how much sadness filled their hear.  When they get to the tomb. the stone is rolled away. Where was their Messiah?  Had someone stolen their Messiah?

Yet, as they continue to look in the tomb two angels appear.  They ask why are you looking for Jesus here.  He is no longer dead.  The women were scared.  How could it be that Their Messiah was gone.

They had forgotten what Jesus said.  That he would be put to death then rise again.  Yet, the thing is Jesus was fulfilling on the prophecies that had been predicted by the prophets.  They should have known what was happening.  Yet, at that moment their fear and sadness overtook them.

Jesus rose for all of us.  Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of old to be the victor of death.  Being the victor of death allows us to have everlasting life even only we will believe.  Jesus was not stopped by those that would put him to death.  Instead he put the idea of everlasting life into the picture. Again not for a select few but for all.  Something that we must always remember.


Dear God we offer up praises to you.  Dear Jesus we thank you for all you have done in our life. We lift of our voices to you offering our songs of praise.  Help us always remember the sacrifice you made for us.  Help us share your love to all that we come intact with.  Help us show your love to all.  In your Precious Name we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the Savior in you Heart?  Do you know that Jesus has risen and walks with us daily?

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