
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Jesus walks with the Followers and Breaks Bread with them

Verses: Luke 24 : 13 - 35

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine walking with your Savior and not even recognizing him.  This is what happened to these two followers.  They were so sad that they did not even recognize that Jesus was with them.  They walked along the road telling Jesus about his own death.

Yet, Jesus reminded them that all this had to happened because of the prophecies.  Yet, they were still n shock that Jesus was dead and now his body was missing.

Jesus went to leave them but they asked hm to stay with them.  When they got to Emmaus Jesus broke the bread.  Immediately their eyes were opened.  They knew that who they were with all the trip was the Messiah.  They questioned if they were so deep n their own concern and sadness that they did not recognize the very Savior that they were mourning.

They then rushed back to Jerusalem to tell what had happened.  They told everyone the story.  Then they said Peter was right.  That the Messiah had risen from the grave.  That he had even had walked with them and shared the bread with them.

Imagine how this must have felt to everyone.  They wanted to believe what the women and Peter had seen with their own eyes.  Yet, they had to be thinking that this is what they wanted to see.  The fact that Jesus had walked with these two followers to the village of Emmaus confirmed everything that had been seen.  It also confirmed how important the breaking of bread is for us.


Dear God thank you for your love and peace in our life.  We thank you for your endless sacrifice.  We praise you for walking with us throughout our life.   Help us stay focused on you as we walk our life journey.  Help us never forget the love and sacrifice you have done for us.  In the name of the one that Loves us all.   Amen


Are you seeing the works of God among you?  Are you listening to the words of God?

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