
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Praises in the Time of God’s Grace

Verses: Prayer of Azariah 1 : 23 - 68
My thoughts about the verses:

You have to understand that Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego were in great distress.   They had followed their call to God and had not bowed down to the statue the king has built.  They lived their faith and had accepted their destiny was in the hand of their God.  They knew if they lived or died they had been faithful.  They had no fear because they knew they had lived with God as the central point of everything that they did.

Nebuchadnezzar on the other hand was so filled with anger that he decided to turn up the heat.  He added more and more burning material in the fire.  He wanted them to pay for their outright attack on him.  He felt that they stood up to him and he could not just let this pass.  If they were to live it would affect how people would respect him.  He had to prove to those that might stand up to him that there were grave consequences for anyone that went against the King.

They have prayed to God.  Abednego has just spent time in a deep long dialogue with God.  He had accepted if his death could be the sacrifice needed for the community to be forgiven he would willingly go to his death.  He had prayed for God’s will be done.  He came with a heart full of remorse to the foot of God to pray for forgiveness and for salvation for the community, his friends and himself.

God heard the prayers.  You can almost see the relief that fills these children of God as a fourth man appears within the fire.  They didn’t have to second guess what was happening.  They knew that God had heard their cries.  They knew that God was freeing them from bondage.  God would be there to the end with them.  God was going to show the ultimate power of the true living God to Nebuchadnezzar.  These three men’s life would be the testimony of the power of the Living God.

They then begin singing praises to God.  They start by praising all the power and authority that is God.  They encourage us to exalt the power of God.  This part of their praise is to lift up all parts of God and the Heavenly Realm.  We must always remember as we pray and praise God that we need to be thankful for the very power of God.

They then call on all the things that God has created to praise God.  You have to imagine the King was very upset at this point hearing these three men stating that God created all.  They were calling on the creation to praise the Living God.  The God they served was not handmade.  Instead their God was the creator.  When we praise the things of creation we are bringing majesty to God.  In our praise of God we are bringing majesty to the world that God has created.  The living God has the power.  Nothing has the power or the authority that God has and we need to praise God for the gift of Creation that has been given to us.

They then call on all people to praise God.  The creation has praised God and now we need to lift our voice up to God.  God’s works are all around us and we need to lift our voices up in praise.  No one should feel as if their status is too low to praise God.It is pointed out that every person should thank God for the gift of love and life.  We should lift our praises and thanks up to the Most High.  We need to worship God for God is worthy to be praised and exalted.

It is not until the end of their praises that they thank God for their deliverance.  Think about this a moment they have encouraged us to praise God for God is magnificent. 
The creation that God has made needs to worship God.  We in turn need to thank God for creation.  The people that God has made need to lift their voices up to God.  They need to thank God for the gifts that have been given to them.

It is after all of these praises that they accept that God’s will is they walk out of the fiery furnace untouched.  The King has to look at them and feel the power of God.  He knew that it would take a living God to save them.  He knew that he only threw three people in the fire.  Yet, he too had seen the fourth man.  He had to acknowledge God had saved them.  Their God was more powerful than Nebuchadnezzar.  Their God was more powerful than the King’s god.  He had to accept that God was the true living God.

In our life we are faced with many situations.  We have to accept that God is the creator of the universe.  We have to acknowledge that everything that happens in our life occurs because of the power of God.  Christians have to accept that they must follow God no matter what obstacle has been put in front of them.  In those times that we are confronted with turning away from God or following God we must choose God first.  We cannot ever allow outside forces push us away from God. 

When we are helped we must praise God.  When we awake we must praise God.  When we see the beauty of the world we must praise God.  In all things praise God no matter what the world is throwing our way.


We praise you O Holy God.  We praise you for your creation.  We praise you for your ever enduring love.  We thank you for never walking away from us.  We give you praises before anything else.  In the name of the Almighty we pray.  Amen


Have you thank God for all of your life?  Have you accepted the gift of the creation that God has given to you?  Have you praised God for the creation around you?  Is there anything that you need to praise God for today that you have not?

Pray to God with the Sacrifice of a Remorseful Heart

Verses: Prayer of Azariah 1 : 1 - 22
My thoughts about the verses:

We have all been in very tough situations.  We might not being facing ultimate death like Azariah (Abednego) was facing at this very moment.  Yet, we have had times in which the only answer that we can come up with is to ask God to save us.  We ask God to hear our prayers and bring us out of the current situation.

Abednego was in a very sad part of his life.  His people the Jewish Community had abandoned God.  They had become corrupt and for this he heart felt sadness.  His people had not stood up to Nebuchadnezzar when it came to this statue which brought his heart pain.  He was overcome with a remorseful heart that wanted to plead to God not only for himself and his friends, but also for the Jewish community that needed to be set free.

He prays that God has been right in the punishment that they have received.  The community had lost focus of God.  They lived as if they no longer needed God in their life.  Many had put the world before their obedience to God.  Therefor their punishment by exile was right and befitting. 

Can you imagine what it must have felt inside the fire?  Your heart would be overfilled with emotions.  You would be sad that you were facing death.  Yet, you would also be happy that you are dying in the name of God.  Proud of yourself for following God no matter what.  You are full of remorse over the things that have happened in the pat that has brought you to where you are at.

Yet, you go to God in prayer.  You admit the wrongs of your community.  You admit the wrongs that you have done.  You pray for forgiveness for your community.  You pray for forgiveness for your friends and yourself.

Then you beginning pleading that God will deliver you.  You pray that the God that you have served with all of your heart will not forget you in this time of you need.  The only sacrifice that you can give to God is your remorseful heart.  You do realize that the sacrifice that God may ask for is your own life.

You accept that if you are to die that you have not been abandoned.  You accept that
God is with you in this moment.  You realize that it will be God’s will f you live or die.

Have you accepted this type of prayer in your life?  Have you walked into situations in which you know that you will only make it out of it if it is God’s will?  We need to remember in all things that we need to come to God with a heart full of remorse asking for forgiveness.  We have done things in our life that we should feel ashamed about yet, God has overlooked them through the power of the blood of Jesus.  With this in mind we have to remember that we are to worship God in all things.  Know that it is through Christ that we are sanctified.  There is nothing that we can do that will cleanse us from the wrong that we have done.  Yet, through the power of the Most High we can be delivered from death.  God can and will lead us into everlasting life if only we accept Jesus as our Savior.


We praise you God.  We thank you God for you gift of life.  We worship you with our whole heart.  Help us to accept that we do not deserve your gift of salvation.  Help us to come to you in humbleness and ask for your help.  Be with us in all things so that we may go forward as your people living for you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God to forgive you for the bad things that you have done in your life?  Do you go to God in prayer when things are rough?  Are you willing to give yourself over to God’s will?  Are you willing to pray for others?  What must you do today to live a closer walk with God?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy are those that Persevere in their Faith when the World Around them is in Chaos

Verses: Daniel 12 1 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

The end of time will come.  At that moment there will be more evil than anyone has ever experienced.  The world will be turned upside down.  The wicked will try to harm those that are pure.  The pure in spirit will suffer very hard under the new ruler of the world.

Yet, we are giving a promise about those that are faithful of God.  They will rise up to Heaven and live in eternal joy.  Their life will not have been a waste instead it will be a glorious benefit to God.  We need to pray to persevere during the hard times.  We need to ask God to help us not turn away from our faith.

We are challenged to live our life for God.  We need to understand that we who are faithful in God are given wisdom that the wicked do not understand.  Many will hear the word and promises of eternal life.  Yet, there will be many that have heard that will continue in their wickedness.  No all those that practice religion are true Christians. They have not accepted Jesus.  They are not wise because they have not accepted God in their life.

The pain and suffering that we go through will be erased away if we believe in God.  Those that do not believe in the saving grace of God will face suffering and pain their whole life.  It is kind of crazy when you think about people that you know that love and obey God, but have hard times.  Yet, at the same time you see people that are full of wickedness not going through the same trials as the one that is faithful.  There is a reason for this.  Those that believe in God face temptations to try to make our faith waiver.  Yet, those that are wicked and do not believe in God need no temptation to shake up their faith in God.

Those that are wicked will find a life of eternal pain and suffering.  Those that are going through life not believing in God may seem like they are not struggling.  Yet, I want us to go back to those moments before we asked Jesus into our life.  Didn’t we have emotions that were full of worry and doubt?  We looked to the outside world like we have no problems in our life.  Yet, our soul was struggling with the future.  We feared the outcome of our life.  Yet, the moment we asked Christ into our life it changed forever.  Our spirit was filled with peace.  As hard times come we know that God will be thee helping us.  We are no longer worried about the future instead we are anticipating the moment of freedom in our life.

We have to remember we who believe in God will ascend to Heaven to live eternal life singing praises to God.  We will be like the bright stars of night.   There will be so man lifted into paradise.  Those that remain on Earth will be given one more chance to accept Christ.  If they accept Christ during this time they too will ascend to Heaven and be just like those that accepted before the end of the time.  We have to pray for those who have not accepted Jesus that they will find the peace that we have.  We also need to continue living in faith even when our world is turned upside.  We need to anticipate the day that God will call us home and our promise of Everlasting life will be fulfilled.


Dear Savior we praise you.  We worship you with all of our heart, mind and soul.  We thank you for our gift of everlasting life.  Help us to always stay focused on your love and gift of salvation.  Help us be a witness to the world.  Help us be prepared for the moment that you will come to take your people home.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God in your life?  Do you realize that without God you will not join God in the afterlife?  Are you willing to walk in faith?  Are you living your life so that people will see Jesus in your life?  Are you truly ready for the day Jesus returns to take his people home?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Do not Worry about the Antichrist instead serve God Faithfully

Verses: Daniel 11 : 1 - 45

My thoughts about the verses:

When we first look at this chapter we can see that this is an account of what would befall the Jewish Community.  They would face leadership changes.  They would face rulers that would do things to destroy their way of life.  They would be forced into fights and battles to protect what was theirs.  Yet, in the end they would be defeated by the greatest of these new rulers.  Yet, this rule would come to an end also through the power of God.

I want us to look at this in a much broader sense.  Many of us face struggles day to day that push us to put God second.  It isn’t that we necessarily want that, but because of the pressures of society leads us to step away from God.  Yet, when we turn our lives back over to God our life changes for the good.  Our faith is renewed and we are led into a new light.

I also want us to think about the ultimate obstacle that will come to us in our life.  One day the antichrist will come to claim the Earth.   The fact is that this chapter gives us advice of the way to live in a society overrun by people that are not living God’s will.  It is about facing that moment when the antichrist interacts with us.  It teaches us what we need to do to go forward.

See people have this feeling that the antichrist will, or has, taken over the world.  The signs are in the air.  The end of time draws near and we have to accept the end of the world.  Yet, this chapter teaches us that we must live each day in the light of the God.  We need to not worry about the battle that will occur between God and the antichrist.  The antichrist is not strong enough to overtake the world.  God will and the antichrist will finally meet the doom that has been predicted since the beginning of time.

We need to live every day following God.  We need to share the love of God daily.  Instead, of worrying about what might happen in the end of time we need to worry about what is happening today.  We need to praise God with all of our heart.  We need not worry if the antichrist will tempt us.  As long, as we live we need to faithfully serve God.

People are so afraid of the end of life that they spend much of their life trying to find a way for life to continue.  Yet, if you have God in your life you should not worry about the future.  Have you ever witnessed someone dying that believed in God?  They not only believed in God, but were faithful servants to God.

I can tell you that I have witnessed several people in my life that died who were ready to meet their Savior.  The one person that stands out in my mind is my Great Grandmother.  She could only read the Bible and sign her name.  I always say that it wasn’t that you could read the Bible that she had memorized the Bible from front to back and was able to share at any time.  She lived a life where she gave herself to God to use her to help other people.

She spent most of her life taking care of women that were delivering babies.  She was a midwife that delivered hundreds of children in her community.  God used her faithfulness to show others love as she helped them through this difficult time in their life.  She was able to experience the joy of new life take that first breath.  She told me that it was in those moments that she felt the miracle that was God.

She lived to be hundred and eight years old.  She had seen many wars that had led to some of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren take on uniforms and go into battle for their country.  She did not get mad at God because her children were facing harm.  Instead she opened her life up to prayers and asked God to protect them as they were serving the country.

As she got older and older she started talking about that moment that she would go home.  She was living with my grandmother and I got to spend a lot of time with her.  I was able to see a humble woman that was ready to go to her maker.  She had no fear of death. 

In fact, the day she died there was a since of peace.  Peace because we knew that her soul had gone to Heaven and she was finally able to sing praises continually to God. Her faithfulness showed to us all that it didn’t matter what struggles she experienced her faith was enduring. 

It was a much different funeral than I had ever been to.  She had lived so long that she had eight generations of relatives in her life.  The funeral home was filled by so many of our kin.  Instead of sadness felling the place there was a sense of peace and happiness.  People were sharing their stories.  Many of those stories involved her faith and kindness. 

People from the whole community came and showed respect to this wonderful woman.  In fact, many of those that came were once children that she had helped bring into this world.  Her presence throughout their life had helped them come to accept Jesus in their life.  There were no bad words spoken about her for all knew that she could only remember of her kindness, her selfless giving and her faith.

I would challenge anyone to live a life like this.  It is amazing how you can change the way people think when your life in your faith.  When you show people kindness and selfless giving you are showing the world the love of God.  We all know the end of the world will come.  We all know that we will die and join our maker.  Instead of worrying about this I encourage all people to life their faith to the fullest.  We need to offer up praises to God.  We need ask God to use you to be an instrument of love.

Imagine your family at your funeral.  Everyone that comes is talking about your faithfulness.  How one day you gave those clothes and food and changed their life.  The day you prayed for their health and it led to a miracle.  We should want this peace for our family.  We should be striving every day to live in God’s peace and love so that when the end of your time comes you are ready.  In fact you are so ready that you do not fight that last moment.  You are ready to serve God because you have no doubt that you will join the maker.  Is this not what all of us want in the end of time?


God we praise you for your blessings in our life.  We worship you because you are worthy of our praise we thank you for never abandon us.  Help us to stay focused on you.  Help us forget about the way to stall the end.  Instead ready our heats by faithfulness and love so that we will desire to go home and worship you.  In the name of the Great Comforter we pray.  Amen


Have you turned your life over to the Comforter?  Have you accepted the love that is God?  Are you living your faithfulness?  In the end of time, will people remember you for your service to God?  What do you need to do today to change the way your life it so that it will be more like what God wants for you?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Battleground between Heaven and Humankind

Verses: Daniel 10 : 1 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

Let us take a look at this chapter from a much broader sense.  True it was written about the conflict between the Persian king and his attitude toward God.  The conflict is far more reaching than the conflict between this man and God.  Any leader that is spreading things against God is in conflict with the Holy One.

We have seen this throughout history.  A leader gains power and then lets it go to their head.  They think that they do not need God in their life.  Even though they are struggling in life it doesn’t matter.  They assume that their problems actually stem from other outside issues instead of recognizing it comes from their own behavior.

This doesn’t just apply to governmental leaders.  It also applies to business, clubs, schools and churches.  Any organization that has a leader that goes against the will of God will have struggles.  They will find that for every step they take forward they will take two steps backward.  Their leadership will not be blessed.  You can look around and see all kind of organizations that start to fail because the leadership does not walk within the boundaries of God’s will.  They wage war against what they could do to help humankind through God.  Instead they put their interest first and fight an uphill battle.

I recently watched a documentary about genocide.  It examined the destruction of societies by other societies.  It amazed me how people have used religion to justify the annihilation of people.  Genocide is isn’t a thing of the past.  It exists today.  The thing that I thought was amazing is that the leaders wanted more land and power.  They wanted the land and it didn’t matter who was there.  They had to be destroyed so the leader could have more power and land.  The problem was that people saw others as less than them.

I have talked a lot about ISIS lately but I really feel that they fit into this situation.  Their leaders want power.  They think that other groups are less than them. They feel that they are truly living the will of God.  They believe that God is leading into the battle to rid the world of people that are different than they are.  Is this what God really wants?  Have they not gone outside the line when it comes to God?

They are not the only religious group that has stepped out of the will of God.  Think on this a moment.  The crusades were a series of campaigns to reconquer the Holy Lands.  Many Jews and Muslims were killed in the name of Religion.  The powers believed that it was okay to go in and destroy people who did not believe their way.

It is no wonder that religious wars continue throughout the world.  People say that they are living the will of God.  Yet, what they are missing is that God is love.  God does not want believers fighting each other.  Instead, they want the leaders of religion to show love to others.  Through showing love we are able to reach a much bigger congregation and people will be set free. 

Yet, leaders of all types fall into the greed of the day instead of working for the power that their hearts desire.  Their goal may start with pure thought.  Yet, there comes a day that they step out of bounds.  This applies to any organization that moves away from the power and love of God.  Once you step outside that boundary there is only one way to fix it and that is through God.  God will fix things in God’s own time.  An organization may have to fail before people see that they drove it to the ground instead of turning over to God.

Yet, if the organization, country, school, club or church has faithful members it will arise out of the ashes like the Phoenix.  God will restore it to a magnificent organization.  The fact is that As long as there are faithful people in this world God will ensure them a safe place to live.

We have to understand in the time of Daniel the Jewish community was in exile.  They had been taking from their land and forced into assimilation.  Daniel had faced times of great struggle when he stood up against rulers that wanted him to give up his religious beliefs.  In this moment, Daniel was promised that things would change.  He was being promised that God would handle the way that the Persian King was acting.  Daniel just needed to live the way he was.  He needed to continue to worship and praise God knowing that his faithfulness was pleasing in the eyes of God.

What does this mean to us today?  We have to worship God no matter what obstacles come in our way.  We must not follow any other leader than God.  We must follow God and accept all that God wants for our lives.  We need to understand that we may go through very hard times.  Yet, it doesn’t matter what we go through as long as we are faithful to God our life will be blessed.   We must also remember that God will deal with those that fall outside the will of God. 

We as a people must continue to pray for these leaders and praise God when the organization returns back to its purpose and allows God to rule freely.  It is then and only then that we who are faithful can come out of the shadows and emerge victorious in God’s name.  W muse always remember that God will deal with the leaders and ourselves if we stray.  So be faithful God no matter the circumstance and feel the anointing blessings that will fill your life.

O Holy God we praise you for your love.  We thank you for never leaving us.  We worship you for your are worthy of our praise.  Help us to always stay focused on us.  Help us when we are faced with leaders who are leading us away from you.  We ask for your inner peace to fill our life.  Help us to always remember that our faithfulness to you will lead us to your blessings.  In the name of the Victor of Life we pray.  Amen


Have you turned your life over to God?  Are you following God instead of others?  Are you being faithful to God no matter the obstacles that come in your life?

The Foretelling Of Jesus Coming to Erase the Iniquities of the World

Verses: Daniel 9 : 1 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

God wanted those that were in desolation know that their salvation was coming.  They were going to endure their hardships because they had brought it upon their selves.  They had turned away from God.  They had boasted about their power.  They have lived their life without God as the focal point.

Daniel goes to God in great prayer.  He was praying to God because of the iniquities that the community had done.  He admitted that he too had sinned and walked away from the very things that God was willing to give them.  They had stopped worshiping and obeying God.

Daniel was very brave when he stated that they deserved the punishment that was bestowed on them.  Think on this a minute how many times do we try to say that what we are getting is not what we deserve?  We especially feel this way when what we are getting is not favorable to us.  Yet, Daniel knew that through their transgressions the only way that they could return to God was to be put through hard times.  They needed to come to the understanding that they had to have God in their life.  They had to be knocked to their knees to come to the point that they recognized they could not live without God.

Daniel then gets worried because of the amount of time that has passed.  There are so many questions in his mind of why it is taking this much time to be forgiven.  He also was concerned that it would even take more time for them all to accept that they needed God in their lives.  You can feel his worries that it will never end.  There their days of captivity will never cease.  He fears that they will never find forgiveness for what they had become.

Daniel’s fears are relieved when God sends Gabriel to give him relief.  He was told that there would be an appointed time that they would find their forgiveness.  That God will look over the iniquities and trespasses that they had committed.  The day would come that the Realm of God would be restored.  In that moment, the Realm of God would last forever.

Daniel knew the prophecies of old.  He knew in that moment that Gabriel was talking about the Messiah.  That the Messiah would come and free them of all that they had ever done against God.  Their lives would be changed forever.  The Messiah would show them their way out of their darkness into new light.

The promise Messiah was not just for the Jewish community that was facing hardships.  Jesus, the promised Messiah, is for all of us.  We are able to have our slate wiped clean if only we trust and believe.  God sent Jesus not for one but for all.  No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you have done in your life, Jesus will make it right if only you believe. 

What we have to come to understand is that we have a choice.  Just like Daniel who prayed for the iniquities of the entire community we have the opportunity to pray for our trespasses.  We need to ask God to forgive us of all the things that we have done wrong in our life.  The promised Messiah has come and has died for us.  The blood of the Only Pure Lamb has been shed so that we may find our way back to God.  It is up to us today to ask Jesus into our heart.  We need to ask that our sinful ways are removed.  Jesus is standing with open arms for all of us to come into the presence of the true living God. 


Dear Holy Savor we praise your Holy name.  We thank you for your sacrifice for us.  We worship you with open hearts and minds.  Help us walk closer to you.  We ask that you forgive us for all the times we have trespassed against you.  Help us understand the love that you have for us.  In the name of the Promised Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God into your heart?  Have you asked Jesus to take away your trespasses?  Are you ready to live your life in peace?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spiritual Destruction Comes in Many Forms

Verses: Daniel 8 : 1 - 27

My thoughts about the verses:

This vision was very disturbing to Daniel.  As Gabriel told him the dream he was filled with fear to the point that he became ill.  He knew that eventually the kingdom would fall.  The King that would come would bring great destruction not only to the Persians but it would also affect the Jewish community.

The destruction would affect how they could serve.  The ruler would affect their lives in a way that the Persians never had.  The Jews would go through very hard times.  Yet, Daniel could not truly imagine what would happen.  He knew that it was not happening soon.  He was so overcome by the message that he kept it to himself at that point and time.  He did not want to cause panic among those that were living in Persia and believed in the One True God.

Now we have to look at our own lives.  How many times have we been in places where our worship has been affected?  Times in which we cannot serve the way that we feel led.  Obstacles come from people that we never expected.  We are forced to make drastic decisions just like Daniel did at this moment and time.  We have to decide to fight the leader and possibly be spiritually destroyed or do we move on and avoid the situation.

I can tell you that there have been several times in my life that this happened.  One of the hardest happened when I was in my early twenties.  I had a calling on my heart that meant more than anything else.  I knew that I was a Lesbian.  Yet, I kept it a secret.  I was so afraid if anyone found out I would be abandoned and my spiritual life would be destroyed.

I worked with kids and felt the power of God with me.  Every Sunday the kids came by the van load ready and eager to learn about God.  They had a safe place for a few hours that they didn’t have to worry about the troubles at home or in their community.  They were coming to know God as the true savior of the world.  Several had said that prayer asking God to come in their life and change them forever.

I was respected highly.  I had only two problems I was a female and a Lesbian.  I tried my best to keep in the peg hold that was where I was expected to be.  I struggled daily to keep my identity in hiding I was miserable.  I hadn’t done anything to act on it.  Yet, I knew that I didn’t fit neatly on the shelf the way they wanted me to.

I decided one night I couldn’t handle it anymore and when to a gay bar.  It was brought to the pastor’s attention and sure enough that was the end of my calling.  I was thrust out on the street because I was living in what was called the ultimate sin.  I was no longer welcomed and I felt like my whole life was destroyed.

Don’t you think Daniel feared this?  He knew what he had under the present King.  He was free to be himself.  He didn’t have to be pigeonholed into one thing.  He could love God and worship God.  At the same time he could do work for the King.  How were his life and the life of the Church going to change when this new ruler took over.  It had to feel as if his whole world was being destroyed.

He felt the need to keep it inside.  He didn’t want things to change until they had to.  He was stuck within a lie trying his best to run from what was just around the corner.  Can’t you totally understand why he became ill thinking about this.

I can tell you when I faced my change I was very ill spiritually.  I will share this anyone that pushes people away from their spiritual foundation will one day meet the same destruction that the King did that overtook Persia.  You cannot keep God’s ministry down forever.  One day God will take back that which was lost so that the work of the Holy One can continue.


Holy God we thank you for all of your love.  We praise you for all that you have done in our life.  We worship you for your strength in all situations.  Help us as we go through times when our ministry is in question.  Help us understand that we always have you on our side.  Help us find a place we can minister when we feel things are falling apart spiritually.  We ask that you anoint us with wisdom.  Help us know when we should let go and follow you.  Help us know when to stay and try to make things work out.  In the name of the Comforter we pray.  Amen


Have you ever been in a place that you feel that you are on the verge of spiritual destruction?   Have you held onto your commitment to God?  Are you willing to follow God no matter what outside forces place on you spiritually?

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Four Kingdoms will Pass away, but Jesus Realm will Remain

Verses: Daniel 7 : 1 - 28

My thoughts about the verses:

There are many different views on who made up the four kingdoms.  Are these kingdoms that will come right before Jesus comes back to the Earth?  Is this a historical text of the four kingdoms that have already fallen starting with Persia?  Does it really matter which kingdoms this represents?

There are three take a ways that we can learn from Daniel’s vision.  First the kingdoms of man will fall.  No man can ever have enough power to outshine God.  No matter what we thank no country or person is truly infallible.  We have to understand that God will make each “kingdom” pay for the inequalities and mistakes that they have made.  They will all be destroyed and face the ruler.

Secondly, the Antichrist will arise.   The Antichrist will try to prove to the world that they are the true living God.  They will trick people with their promises.  Yet, the antichrist will actually be teaching us lies.  There will be many who are persuaded by these actions yet true believers will know that they are lives.  There will come a time that even the rule of the antichrist will come.

The last thing that we can take away is that the only realm that will survive is Gods.  Jesus will come in and take the throne back from the antichrist.  The rule will end with great victory.  Those that are here at that moment will see the final Realm of God come to power.

Now here is something else that I want us to think about isn’t all of this true in this time.  Have we not seen governments topple?  How many times have powers that ruled the Earth come tumbling to the ground.  How many different people have we thought were the antichrist?  How many of us think that the Judgment seat will happen in the near future.  This has been the thoughts of humankind for centuries.

It is ironic if you think that according to one theory the Roman Rule was the last Kingdom.  Think upon this could this not also be a foreshadowing of the future to come.  There were many Kings that failed between the time of Belshazzar and the time Jesus walked on the Earth.  Could it not be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus taking the seat of judgment as he hung from the cross?  His blood flowed so that we could be free.  His blood covered the sins that filled the judgment book.

We have to remember no matter when we think this will or have happened that we must keep our eyes focused on God.  God should be the leader of your life.  We have to accept that we must love God with all of our heart.  We need to ask Jesus come in and take control of our life.  We need to let Jesus lead us on the right path.  We need to allow God to guide us to a destiny where we serve each other. 

We need to do just what Daniel did.  He heard the interpretation of the vision and he pondered for a while.  Then he continued living the Godly life that he was supposed to life.  He did not worry about tomorrow he focused on today.  He didn’t contemplate the end instead he contemplated his now.  He wrote this to teach us that we have to be prepared for we do not know the day or the hour.  Yet, there will be a day when Jesus comes and we need to be on the right side of judgment on that day. 


O, Holy God we praise you.  We lift our voices up to you in songs of thanksgiving.  We worship you for you are worthy to be praised.  We thank you for all that you have and will do.  We ask God that you help us move forward with the knowledge that we need you in our life.  Help us to not go astray to things that are against your will.  In the name of the Almighty God we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the gift of salvation?  Do you realize that there will come a time when you will face the judgment seat?  Are you letting Jesus lead your life?  What do you need to do to live a closer walk with God?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

God Rescues Those Who Worship God in Their Time of Need

Verses: Daniel 6 : 19 - 28

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been in a situation when you thought all was a loss?  You are facing a situation that you cannot see a way out of.  You are afraid that you are going to lose your life.  You may fear losing all that you have worked for.  You may be afraid you are going to lose your friends and family.

I know I have gone this situation many times.  I want to share with how God rescued me when I thought all was loss.  When I was twenty years old I was a passenger of car that was hit from the back.  I felt the pain immediately in my neck and shoulder.  The emergency crews were there within a few minutes.  My mom was hurt but she was out of the car.  The two kids that we were taking home from Church were completely fine.  Yet, I was stuck I couldn’t get out of the car and knew that things were bad.

I saw my future flashing in front of me would my life be changed forever.  Was I hurt to the point that I would never be able to live out my dreams.  My arms legs were numb.  In fact, all I felt was the intense pain in my neck and shoulder.  After 30 minutes I was helped out of the car.  At that point the shock had overcome my body.  I couldn’t talk or respond to the emergency crew.  Then as I was moved to the gurney the rescuers threw a sheet over my face.

I went hysterical in my mind I knew I was alive.  Since I couldn’t talk did they think I had died?  As they were lifting me up I couldn’t see what was happening and all I wanted to do was scream was that I was alive.  Once I was in the ambulance the

EMTs finally took the cover off my face.  I still couldn’t verbalize but I could hear them.  I always think that the way my eyes looked they knew that I was alive.

God provided the right people and therapy in my life at that moment and time.  After a surgery and several years of therapy my arm was able to work.  Now as far as my dreams they had been put on hold yet they did happen.  I was able to finish college and have a family of my own.  I was able to find a church where I could serve as I was called.  It isn't my doing but God’s healing that recurred not only that night but many other times in my life.

Daniel was right there in this point of the story.  Daniel is in a den of very hungry lions.  The natural thing is for the lions to attack this person that has entered their den.  Daniel goes in with his head held up.  He knew that God would do what needed to be done.  If he was to die he would accept it.  If he was to live he would rejoice in it.

Darius comes back to the den after a night of fasting and prayer.  He is hoping that he will hear the voice of Daniel.  Yet, he too was well aware that only a miracle would save Daniel.  When he hears Daniel he realizes God has worked a miracle.

Daniel then witnesses to Darius that God has sent an Angel to save him.  He had witness the angel close the mouths of the lions so that they would bring him no harm.  Darius was so overjoyed that he declares that Daniel’s God is the one true God.  That through the power of God Daniel was alive and unscathed.

Then his anger arises against those that had put him in this situation.  Darius wanted to punish those that had convinced him to write this law so they could have Daniel killed.  He calls for them and their families to be thrown into the den.  Even before they reached the bottom the lions had broken their bones.  This again showed to Darius that God would protect those that are faithful in serving. 

This is a lesson that we need to learn.  We may go through times that could change our future yet, if we depend on God we will be lifted to where we need to be.  In my own personal story I was rescued through God because of my faithfulness.  I still have scars from that time in my life.  I may not be able to use my arm like I could before.  Yet, this is a reminder to me that God will be there for me if I worship God with all my heart.

The next time you are faced with hard times turn your life over to God.  Accept that God will rescue us.  It might not be the way that we hope.  Yet, God’s way will happen as long as we keep our eyes on God.  Faithfully accept that God wills may be that you lose what you most want to keep.  Yet, we must accept this with a grateful heart.  If God rescues you from the time of devastation lift up your voice in praise.


We praise you God for you are worthy to be praised.  We love you with all of our heart.  We thank you for all you have done and will do.  We ask that you walk with us throughout our life.  Help us accept the rescues that you do for us and lift prayers up to you.  Help us accept when things do not turn out the way we desire.  In the name of The Almighty God we pray.  Amen 


Do you have that moment in which you felt devastated in life?  Have you been rescued by God?  Have you turned your life over to God?  Have you praised God for all that happens to you in your life?