Verses: Daniel 12 1 - 13
My thoughts about the
The end of time will
come. At that moment there will be more
evil than anyone has ever experienced.
The world will be turned upside down.
The wicked will try to harm those that are pure. The pure in spirit will suffer very hard
under the new ruler of the world.
Yet, we are giving a
promise about those that are faithful of God.
They will rise up to Heaven and live in eternal joy. Their life will not have been a waste instead
it will be a glorious benefit to God. We
need to pray to persevere during the hard times. We need to ask God to help us not turn away
from our faith.
We are challenged to
live our life for God. We need to
understand that we who are faithful in God are given wisdom that the wicked do
not understand. Many will hear the word
and promises of eternal life. Yet, there
will be many that have heard that will continue in their wickedness. No all those that practice religion are true Christians.
They have not accepted Jesus. They are
not wise because they have not accepted God in their life.
The pain and suffering
that we go through will be erased away if we believe in God. Those that do not believe in the saving grace
of God will face suffering and pain their whole life. It is kind of crazy when you think about
people that you know that love and obey God, but have hard times. Yet, at the same time you see people that are
full of wickedness not going through the same trials as the one that is
faithful. There is a reason for
this. Those that believe in God face
temptations to try to make our faith waiver.
Yet, those that are wicked and do not believe in God need no temptation to
shake up their faith in God.
Those that are wicked
will find a life of eternal pain and suffering.
Those that are going through life not believing in God may seem like
they are not struggling. Yet, I want us
to go back to those moments before we asked Jesus into our life. Didn’t we have emotions that were full of
worry and doubt? We looked to the
outside world like we have no problems in our life. Yet, our soul was struggling with the
future. We feared the outcome of our
life. Yet, the moment we asked Christ
into our life it changed forever. Our
spirit was filled with peace. As hard
times come we know that God will be thee helping us. We are no longer worried about the future
instead we are anticipating the moment of freedom in our life.
We have to remember we
who believe in God will ascend to Heaven to live eternal life singing praises
to God. We will be like the bright stars
of night. There will be so man lifted
into paradise. Those that remain on
Earth will be given one more chance to accept Christ. If they accept Christ during this time they
too will ascend to Heaven and be just like those that accepted before the end
of the time. We have to pray for those
who have not accepted Jesus that they will find the peace that we have. We also need to continue living in faith even
when our world is turned upside. We need
to anticipate the day that God will call us home and our promise of Everlasting
life will be fulfilled.
Dear Savior we praise
you. We worship you with all of our
heart, mind and soul. We thank you for
our gift of everlasting life. Help us to
always stay focused on your love and gift of salvation. Help us be a witness to the world. Help us be prepared for the moment that you
will come to take your people home. In
the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen
Have you accepted God in your life? Do you realize that without God you will not
join God in the afterlife? Are you
willing to walk in faith? Are you living
your life so that people will see Jesus in your life? Are you truly ready for the day Jesus returns
to take his people home?
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