
Saturday, March 8, 2014

House Divided

Verses: Luke 12 : 49 - 53

My thoughts about the verses:

We often assume that Jesus came to bring ultimate peace in all situations.  When in reality even though that was the ultimate goal God was dealing with Human Beings.  Human Beings as we know often add our own items to the agenda.  We listen to God but take action on the words based on our own set of rules.

God tells us to love one another.  Simple rule love all people.  Treat each person with respect and dignity.  Yet, what do we do we pick and choose who we love.  We look at our neighbors and their life and decide if they are worthy enough to love.  We make decisions on love based off what we call our moral compass.  God is our moral compass and simply states to love all people.

God meant for peace to come into the world.  Again we as people have changed those simple plans. We decide who we are going to leave peacefully with.  Any person that is different than us must be in odds against us.  It is easy to pick and choose who we will get along with.  Someone doesn't treat you with the dignity and respect you think you deserve then cut them out of the picture.  We see peace as a solution to war.  Peace should be happening all the time so that there are no wars.

God knew that the plans would be flawed because human beings were involved.  In this part of the scripture Jesus sums it up.  We will find fault with individuals.  Houses will be divided between those that accept Jesus as the Savior and those that do not believe.  Families will fight amongst themselves.  War will occur because of our believing that one group is closer to God than another.  Jesus was teaching the plan of peace and salvation.  His free giving of love would be sacrificed because of the way humans act.

Isn't it shame that Jesus came into the world to bring peace and love and everlasting salvation, yet we as humans turn our backs.  We would rather live within a divided community than coexists. We pick and choose the rules we will follow.  We determine who is worthy enough to have God in their life.  We instead of loving our brothers and sisters we judge them.


Dear God thank you for bringing peace into this world.  Thank you for showing us unconditional love.  We praise you for the sacrifice made on the cross.  Help us live up to the expectations that have been placed before us.  Help us never to turn away from you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you living a life filled with love?  Are you sharing love and peace with those around you? What do you need to do today to allow God to use you as an instrument of peace?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

To whom much is given, much is expected

Verses: Luke 12 : 41 - 48

My thoughts about the verses:

I will admit this is hard topic to address.  There are several things that Jesus wanted his disciples to learn.  It applies today to all Christians.  We are to understand that we are held responsible with what we do with the gifts that God has given to us.  We are not to hide from the truth or not do what God has called us to do.

So let us break down the lessons that Jesus teaches us.  The first lesson is if Jesus calls us to do something we need to do it.  It is our responsibility to follow the call that is placed on our life. Sometimes we do our best to hide from God.  We say to ourselves this is not what God called me to do.  We think about the responsibilities tied to a certain ministry and we start denying that we can live up to it.  We start to think that we are misinterpreting what God has expected from us.  We think that what God really wants from us is something much different.  We doubt that God is laying this on our heart.

The lesson that we need to learn is that God will only ask us to do what we can do.  We are never given a task that is too big for us to handle. It is important that God will use your gifts to fulfill the call that has been placed in your heart.  Sometimes we do not even know we have the gift until God calls us.

Secondly, we are to be prepared for the moment that the Savior will call us home.  We should be living our call at all times.  We never know when Jesus will come back to Earth.  We also do not know the second that God may call us home. Therefor we should do what has been placed on our heart.  God has given us the most important gift that we can receive.  That gift is the gift of eternal life.  God does not require us to do work to receive the free gift of salvation.  Yet, once you receive the gift God expects us to go out in the world and leads others to the freedom.  If you are afraid to take that step you need to ask yourself what Jesus would do.  God will protect us and call us into the ministry that we need to go into.

Lastly those that have been entrusted to be leaders are expected to do more to help in the furthering of God's realm.  If you have been called to a ministry that puts you in a leadership position then God has entrusted you to spread the good news.,  Those in leadership should make sure that they listen to God.  They are to lead their flock without hesitation.  There are many different people placed in leadership positions.  The following is a small list of leaders:  Sunday School Teachers, Pastors, Deacons, Board of Directors, and Ministry Chairs.  there are many other leaders some lead very small groups while others lead large groups.  What is important is that each one of these leaders put God first.  They are expected to lead their group as if God is leading them.  They are not to put themselves above the act of serving their God.  God puts a lot of responsibility on the leaders of the flock.  If anyone tries to misuse their power and influence God will bring wrath down on them.


Thank you for loving us.  We thank you God for showing us how to be the proper leader.  Help us to focus on serving you and only you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you serving God with an open heart?  Are you being the leader God wants you to be?  Have you accepted God in your life?  Have you accepted the calling placed on your heart?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

We do not know the day or hour Jesus will Return

Verses: Luke 12 : 35 - 40

My thoughts about the verses:

Humankind has been trying to figure out the date and time Jesus will return.  The prediction of the end of times has occurred since the death of Jesus.  So many people interpret the signs and correlate with what is happening in modern times.

During World War II it was believed that Hitler was the devil trying to take over different countries  of the world to make them one.  His rise of power was thought to lead to the end of times.  Yet, it didn't happen so people have looked at other people signifying that the end of time is near.

Jesus compares himself to a thief.  Is it not true if you knew the exact moment you would be robbed you would be prepared.  You would be waiting with all of your trusted defense mechanisms to stop the thief from taking all of your property,   Just remember the movie Home Alone.

Yet, what do we do to prepare for Jesus.  We do not know the date or hour Jesus will be coming back. Are we preparing our heart for when Jesus comes.  Just think that if today was the day Jesus came back would you be ready.   Are there things that you would need to do in that moment to accept Jesus.  There is no better time than right now to accept God in your life.

We should be waiting for the return of our Savior.  Waiting for that moment when we will go home to Heaven.  It could happen while you are reading this.  For now one knows when the Savior will come. I am just glad that I am prepared for that moment.  I pray that you too are ready for that moment when Jesus calls you home.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for the willingness to set us free. Thank you for preparing each one of us a place in Heaven.  Dear God we ask you to help us prepare for Jesus's return.  Help us find the freedom that you are so willing to give us. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you ready for the Savior to return?  Is your mind focused on doing the will of God?  Have you accepted God in your life?  What do you need to do to be prepared for Jesus if he came back today?