Verses: Luke 16 : 19 - 31
My thoughts about the verses:
Let us look closely at the story and how this parable can apply to our lives. There are two important figures in the story. Lazarus, the poor man, had nothing and was on the very bottom of society. The second figure is The rich man who had everything that he needed here on Earth. How ironic that the poor man who had nothing is named where the man who had everything was given no name in the story.
I believe that he wasn't given a name for a sole purpose to show us how to live our lives. See you can think that you are on top of the world, yet if you do not have Jesus in your life you are missing the biggest part. People often look down on those in society that they feel are beneath them. Yet, it doesn't mean if you are rich or poor with Jesus you are important.
As I was writing this today the story of Justin Bieber's most recent escapade was all over the news. Now here is a young man that could make a difference in so many lives. If he had lived a life of example he could lead young people to do good causes. They love his music and fall over head and heel to be just like him. Yet, most of his escapades are either dangerous or (how can I put this) wrong in the eyes of society. Those that follow his lead are being led down a very deep and dangerous path.
Yet, as I was thinking about how he acted another personality flashed on the screen. One that I have a feeling more parents wished their kids would follow her footsteps. Dolly Parton didn't lose her roots. Her first love of music was at the church and with her family. No matter what people say or how large a legend she has become she hasn't forgotten her roots. She is an example of being on the top yet knowing the pedestal could be knocked under you in any moment.
See it is harder to be on the top of the world and be humble enough to accept Christ into your life. It is hard to admit that you have to have something other than yourself to be complete. The person on no matter what level they are on cannot make it across the void of Heaven without the blood covering their spots.
See we have all sinned and came short of God. Yet, when you accept Christ into your life the blemishes are cleaned. There are no more stains you are walking free in the spirit. Even if things look bleak here in this world you know that your future will be better. Yet, if you haven't asked Jesus to cover your sins your heavy burdens will follow you to the afterlife.
I chose this picture because of the simple act that it shows how easy it is to be cleansed. The blood is just waiting for us to walk up to it. As soon as we ask God into our life we have all the water and nourishment we will ever need. Yes, we may struggle and have a hard life here on Earth but the next Realms rewards will more than make up for what happens here.
Imagine if you were the rich man. Begging for one drip of water to cool you from the worse pain you can imagine. Seeing it right in sight but not being able to get to it because of the void, wall, you built between yourself and the salvation of Jesus. You know the Angels would want to give it to you but there are not able to reach out and help. You can almost imagine them standing with water basins right at the gulf hoping to send a little refreshing water. Yet, they cannot cross over.
Thank you God for the gift of love. Thank you for the sacrifice that you made so that we may have a prosperous everlasting life. Help us as we go through this world being the people that you desire us to be. Help us keep from hurting the people that you love so deeply. Let us always remember that we are to be the least to be the most important. Help us always to understand that we are not to be important here on Earth. In the name of the True Lamb we pray. Amen
My thoughts about the verses:
Let us look closely at the story and how this parable can apply to our lives. There are two important figures in the story. Lazarus, the poor man, had nothing and was on the very bottom of society. The second figure is The rich man who had everything that he needed here on Earth. How ironic that the poor man who had nothing is named where the man who had everything was given no name in the story.
I believe that he wasn't given a name for a sole purpose to show us how to live our lives. See you can think that you are on top of the world, yet if you do not have Jesus in your life you are missing the biggest part. People often look down on those in society that they feel are beneath them. Yet, it doesn't mean if you are rich or poor with Jesus you are important.
As I was writing this today the story of Justin Bieber's most recent escapade was all over the news. Now here is a young man that could make a difference in so many lives. If he had lived a life of example he could lead young people to do good causes. They love his music and fall over head and heel to be just like him. Yet, most of his escapades are either dangerous or (how can I put this) wrong in the eyes of society. Those that follow his lead are being led down a very deep and dangerous path.
Yet, as I was thinking about how he acted another personality flashed on the screen. One that I have a feeling more parents wished their kids would follow her footsteps. Dolly Parton didn't lose her roots. Her first love of music was at the church and with her family. No matter what people say or how large a legend she has become she hasn't forgotten her roots. She is an example of being on the top yet knowing the pedestal could be knocked under you in any moment.
See it is harder to be on the top of the world and be humble enough to accept Christ into your life. It is hard to admit that you have to have something other than yourself to be complete. The person on no matter what level they are on cannot make it across the void of Heaven without the blood covering their spots.
See we have all sinned and came short of God. Yet, when you accept Christ into your life the blemishes are cleaned. There are no more stains you are walking free in the spirit. Even if things look bleak here in this world you know that your future will be better. Yet, if you haven't asked Jesus to cover your sins your heavy burdens will follow you to the afterlife.
I chose this picture because of the simple act that it shows how easy it is to be cleansed. The blood is just waiting for us to walk up to it. As soon as we ask God into our life we have all the water and nourishment we will ever need. Yes, we may struggle and have a hard life here on Earth but the next Realms rewards will more than make up for what happens here.
Imagine if you were the rich man. Begging for one drip of water to cool you from the worse pain you can imagine. Seeing it right in sight but not being able to get to it because of the void, wall, you built between yourself and the salvation of Jesus. You know the Angels would want to give it to you but there are not able to reach out and help. You can almost imagine them standing with water basins right at the gulf hoping to send a little refreshing water. Yet, they cannot cross over.
Thank you God for the gift of love. Thank you for the sacrifice that you made so that we may have a prosperous everlasting life. Help us as we go through this world being the people that you desire us to be. Help us keep from hurting the people that you love so deeply. Let us always remember that we are to be the least to be the most important. Help us always to understand that we are not to be important here on Earth. In the name of the True Lamb we pray. Amen
When we look at our life we need to determine have we walked up to the basin and ask Jesus to cleanse us of our trespasses? Do we think we do not need Jesus in our lives? Are we living our life to be the perfect role model or are we are stumbling blocks for others? Are we putting the achievements that we have here on Earth before our connection with God?