
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Show love to Others

Verses: Romans 13 : 8 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

Show love to others as if they were you.  What a very strong statement.   We are to forget about people's differences and concentrate on showing them compassion and love.  We are to set aside our own thoughts of what is wrong with people and love them as Jesus teaches.

Imagine a world where the only thing that truly happened is love.  Love would lead to less envy and less strife.  We would be free and in peace because we would love those that hurt us as much as those that give us unending love.  I think that it is important to note that even if all the children of God began living a life of love there would be those against us.

Yet, by showing others love you are expressing to them that you truly believe in the one that came to set you free.  You are able to block out the tears of sadness and put on a happy face.  You are to keep from hurting your neighbors and live in harmony.

If you look at the commandments there are basically two principles being taught.  Number one love your God with all of your heart.  If we love God first then we are able to walk in a new light that allows us to do step two.  That is to love our neighbors as much as God loves them.

I want to make it very clear that even though we should strive to love our neighbors it doesn't mean our neighbors will reciprocate that love.  Sometimes what we discover is even though we love our neighbors they will never return that love.  Only those that are filled with Christ will return the love that we show.  That is due to the fact that they are missing the big piece of the puzzle.  They are missing the piece that keeps them as a part of the body of Christ.  Yet, we are not to judge those that do not show us love because we are not the ones that make the final decision.  Some children of God are so hurt that they do not know how to show the love that is desired by God.

If you think about it the majority of the first Ten Commandments were given to show us how to love our neighbor.  Who is our neighbor?  Any person that you come in contact with is your neighbor.  It doesn't have to be the person next door or in the house that backs up to your yard.  Your neighbor is each and every soul that you meet.  We are not to steal, murder or envy what they have.  Instead we are to show them love.  By showing them love we are fulfilling the desires of God.

We all have that one person that gets on our last nerve.  No matter how hard we try to be nice it always backfires.  You could give them everything you own and they still would not be happy.  Often times our human side comes into play and we think about getting even.  Yet, what God wants us to see is that we are to love them even if they do not love us.  Kindness is the one thing that is free to share.  Being kind and loving will lead people to the one that has made you complete.


Dear precious Savior we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for offering the ultimate sacrifice so that all our puzzle pieces could become one.  We ask right now that you help us show love to those that we meet.  Help us deal with those that reject our kindness.  Help us move into a closer relationship with you.  For we know that you will help us through all the hard times in life.  In the name of the living Sacrifice we pray.  Amen


Is there someone if your life that you find hard to love?  Have you truly experienced a loving relationship with Jesus?  Are you willing to bring peace in the world by showing love to all humankind? What do you need to do today to help others find the missing puzzle piece?  Are you willing to follow God and allow the love that was given freely to you to be shared with others?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Obeying the laws of the land

Verses: Romans 13 : 1 - 7

My thoughts about the verses:

Obeying laws can be a touchy subject for many people.  Obeying laws that they feel are unjust.  We ask ourselves why we need to obey the laws that go against the very fiber of the teachings of Christ.

I have two thoughts on this.  I want to start with the obeying of the laws of the land.  There are certain laws that are placed by government officials that completely coincide with the Bible.  No matter what country you are in no one should kill others or steal others property.  Simply put these laws were carried straight down from the original ten commandments.  God felt that they were so important that he placed them on the tablets for his children to obey.

Now saying that there are people that disagree with how the laws are interpreted and the punishment passed by the rulers.  We know that a lot of cultures use the eye for an eye principle when they pass punishment.  You steal then we remove your hand.  I know I would have to think twice before I did that. Many countries have laws in which if you kill someone then your punishment is death.

Now I am not saying that these are the punishments that I approve of.  What I am saying is that the cultures in societies help determine the severity of the punishment.  Yet, what we need to remember is that these actions are against God.  We should desire not to do the crime or act because it does not bring glory to the one who has died for us.  Yet, look back to what happened to Jesus he was even put to death for being a threat to a group of people that feared the government.  Sometimes we go to the extreme in our punishments because we want to put the "Fear of God" into people so they will be afraid to do the crime in the first place.

What I want to look at now is those things that the government establishes that will feel are unjust.  I think back to the time of slavery in the United States.  The government struggled with this because it was in their eyes justified in the bible.  There were slaves then why not now.  Yet, what I want you to see are that as we evolve as a society we start to see that something are morally wrong.  We do not condone slavery now because we believe that it is against the principles that Jesus taught.  We look back at the people at that time and say how you could ever think this was right.

We do the same thing now with many other moral issues.  First came Slavery and our justification for it.  Next came segregation and Jim Crow laws which separated the races.  At the time it was believed that this was also biblical based.  Yet, now that we are desegregated in all areas in the United States we see how this is morally wrong. We still face issues where people are mistreated because of their skin color, but now when it happens we take a stand against it.  Our moral compass has changed and we see these actions as against the very will of God.  They were never placed on the tablets yet they became laws because at that moment people were interpreting issues in a certain view.

The newest horizon is that of Same Sex Marriage.  Our moral compass is starting to recognize that people that love each other should have the same rights as others.  Yet, we still impose sanctions because we fear the world we go down the drain if we allow people to express love.  Yet, if you look at the bible Jesus actually said nothing against homosexuality in which true consented love is involved. The references that exist are about the moral code of having sex in temples with prostitutes to honor gods other than the one true God.

What we need to realize is there is a place and time to stand up against injustice in the way our government handles situations.  Yet, we also must realize that some of the laws that exist are for our own protection and are put in place to keep us safe.  Imagine if we took the punishment for murder off the books how many of us would be tempted to kill those that hurt us.  If there was no punishment for stealing then I say why even lock a door because people will be free roaming taking anything they want from anyone.

What I feel God is saying is that those that are put in governmental positions should maintain laws that protect us from being hurt.  We should not challenge the laws that keep us safe from our own selves.  We might disagree with the form of punishment and think things go way too far when it comes to how we punish people that commit crimes.  We can let our voice be heard because our moral compass should come into play during those times.  There are also those laws put in place that are truly unjust that we must try to abolish.  Not all laws that come out of government are for protection some are made out of fear of eventual consequences.  Yet, the most important thing is to remember when the moral compass says something is unjust we must work within the system that exist to change that law.  God loves us all and desires us to be happy.  Therefor if a law alienates part of God's children from enjoying life we must try to convince the rulers that things need to change.

My dream is a day when people are free to love who they love.  To be free from barbaric actions that hurt others because of fear.  I guess what I dream of is a day of peace.  Luckily I know that when I die that peace will truly be mine.


Dear God thank you for loving us.   We thank you for showing us the right way to live.  We thank you for protecting us in our times of worry and doubt.  help us become a people that want true justice to abide throughout all the land.  Help us to see things that are against your will.  Give us the strength to fight back when we know things are not based on your teachings.  Help us live within your law because when we do we are truly being the people you desire us to be.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Are you living within the laws of the land?  Do you understand the laws that are biblical based and those that are created out of fear?  Are you willing to work within the laws of the land to end injustice? What must you do to help ensure others are able to live, work, pray and love in peace?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Defeating evil by doing Good

Verses: Romans 12 : 14 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

We have all heard an eye for an eye.  Hurting people that hurt you has been something that has happened since the beginning of time.  Think back to Cain and Abel.  It was out of anger that Cain killed Abel.  He had felt that his brother had showed off by bringing the best of the sheep to the altar. He was mad at God for accepting his brother's offering and not his own.  That anger spilled over and he killed Abel.

What we are to learn is that we are not to hold grudges against others.  Those that hurt us are only rewarded for their hurt if we lash out at them.  Instead we should help our enemy by doing this they will feel ashamed for what they have done.  When someone hurts you and you help them it shows that you are a true child of God.

We know how it is to have friends that are going through hard times and our heart feels sad for them.  We rejoice when things go good for our friends.  We feel both their pan and their joy.  Yet, what happens to us emotionally when we see our enemies having trouble.  Do we celebrate or do we feel sad for them?  We are challenged by the scripture to feel the same for our enemies as we do our friends.  Even though it may be hard we should not rejoice at our enemies failures.  We need to understand that God rewards us when we take care of people in need whether they are our friend or our enemy.

I have found that for me the emotional pain that is inflicted on me is much worse than the physical pain. When people have hurt me in the past I have tried my best to forgive them.  Yet, it is very hard to do especially if it happens over and over again.  I have learned that people hurt others because of their own pain.  So when you feel hurt by someone feels sad for them because you do not know what led them to the action that they have committed.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for surrounding us with your comforting arms.  We thank you for standing with us as we undergo different struggles.  Please help us love our enemy.  Help us look past what they have done to us.  Help us feel their needs so that we can overcome the pain that we feel.  Help us rejoice at the victories that occur around us.  Help us feel the sadness that comes with connecting with people who are in need.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you there for others as they are going through hard times?  Are you there when they are having good times?  Are you willing to help your enemy?  Do you understand that as people feel pain they will often lash out?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We are many parts of one body

Verses: Romans 12 : 3 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

The most important thing to remember is that God has given each one of us different gifts.  We are not to be jealous of others that have different gifts from ours.  We are to use what God has given to us with a cheerful heart.  Not holding back any part of the special gift that has been given to us.  It is the sharing of our gifts that make the entire body of the church stronger.

People overtime have separated themselves from each other and have become different denominations. It is important to understand that all Christians are part of the same body.  We are not individuals that are striving to compete with each other.  Instead we have one unified goal and that is to bring the nonbeliever into relationship with God.  When the body fights itself it causes people who are nonbelievers to distrust the church.

We need to break down the barriers between different churches and denominations.   God desires us to put aside all the things that have kept us separate so that we can work for the same goal.  We should not bar people from coming to know Jesus's love.  We should not judge what groups of people can truly find their salvation through the risen savior.  When we limit those that we let into our church we are becoming judges of sin.  Only God is the judge so we need to open the doors wide so those that have felt cast aside can walk in the door.

I know growing up I was taught that the group of churches that believed like ours were true churches.  I was taught that people from denominations could get to Heaven as long as they came to know Jesus the way we believed.   What I have come to learn as an adult is that God reaches people right where they are.  You do not have to believe just like me or anyone else to come to know the saving power of Jesus.

I have also come to know that we all bring our past into the interpretation of the bible.  I know for me I bring the principle that everyone can get to Heaven by accepting Christ.  There is nothing that they can do on their own.  There is nothing that they need to do beyond accepting Jesus. This is my interpretation of the scripture.  I also believe there are many parts that make up the single body of Christ.  Therefor if you have faith in what you believe and live it you will be blessed the same as I am.  It is important that the individual parts do not fight each other.

We are stronger as a united body using the gifts that God has given each one of us.  Make sure that you analyze yourself and determine what gifts God has given to you.  Thinking that you have one gift yet not another may limit your ability to serve God.  It is important that we use each and every gift God has given us.  This opens the door to people that need to find their way to the risen savior.  If God has given you gifts use it.  If you do not have certain gifts do not be upset because God has chosen to use someone else to fulfill that need.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for giving us the gifts we need to help people learn about God.  We ask dear God that you use us to fulfill your needs.  Help us put aside anything that separates us from others.  Help us overcome the obstacles that come in our way.  Dear God help us reach out to those that are unchurched or have been hurt by churches that have not accepted them.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you analyzed the gifts that God has given to you?  Are you using the gifts that you have been given?  Are you jealous of the gifts others have?  Are you willing to accept that we are all parts of the same body?  Are you willing to tear down the walls that separate us from other groups so that all can find their strength in God?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Become a living Sacrifice

Verses: Romans 12 : 1 - 2

My thoughts about the verses:

These two verses have a lot of importance in our life as we go out in the world as Christians.  It teaches us what we must do to worship the God that loves us.  There is nothing that we have done that gives us the right to have God in our life.  Jesus died for us when we were outsiders going against the will of God.  God loved us before we truly loved God and understood our need for having God in our life.

Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.  The Hebrew Scriptures talk about the many times that sacrifices were given to worship God.  Yet, all those sacrifices were replaced by Jesus going to the cross and dying. This sacrifice cleanses our very soul we are free to live in the grace of God through the blood that flowed.

Now we are to become a living sacrifice.  Let me explain what God desires from us is not a sign of weakness.  What God desires is for us to put God first.  He desires God to live with a heart of compassion and gentleness.  To walk with the love of God expressed with our life.  To be someone that people can see the life of Christ through.

We should attempt at all times to give God all the praise.  To live the best life that we can live and to be different than those that does not love God.  We are to show the world through our actions the love of Christ.  We have been granted the gift and we need to show that to all those around us.

When you live as a living sacrifice you are able to build a closer relationship with God.  God is able to take what gifts we have and turn them into just what the world needs.  Jesus is able to make us perfect in the eyes of God because of his sacrifice.  Therefor we should walk daily with our hearts and minds centered on God.  This is what helps us grow closer to the God that loves us and desires to be our living sacrifice.

Think of it this way.  We are to be a people that live like God is with us every moment.  My mom use to tell me when I was young and just accepted Christ in my heart something that I try to live under.  She told me that now that Jesus was living within me whatever I did I was putting Jesus through. Okay now for a kid this is a strong conviction.  Imagine loving Jesus so much that you live your life so that he is glorified in everything you do.  My mom's statement is so true if you have Jesus in your life you take him wherever you go.  If you feel that where you’re going is not where you would want to take God do no go.  If you believe that something that you are doing is something that you do not want to do in front of Jesus then don't do it.  This is what becoming a living sacrifice all is about.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for being the perfect sacrifice.  We thank you for showing us by example the life we should live.  We ask that you help us become a living sacrifice.  Help us put your desires before our own.  Help us live within your will.  In the name of the Most High we pray. Amen


Have you accepted the perfect sacrifice in your life?  Are you living a life that gives glory to God? Are you living a life that shows others that Christ lives within you?  Are you doing things that bring honor to God?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Jesus died for all of us

Verses: Romans 11 : 25 - 36

My thoughts about the verses:

God blesses each group of people that choose the gift of everlasting life.  God is there at all times to bring us into an everlasting relationship.  Yet, what happens is that we get jealous of one group or another.  Because of our jealousy and thinking that they are getting better things we are separated from God.  Yet, because God is the center of our life we are actually strengthened.

It is like this flower.  It is beautiful because of all the colors are united together.  Yes, it would be beautiful if it was just one color.  Yet, its uniqueness makes it even prettier.  The body of Christ is special because of the many different aspects that make up the body.

It is true Jesus would have died if it would mean that only person would have been saved.  Jesus would have died so that all people of one group could have accepted the relationship being offered. Yet, what happened is Jesus died for all people.  This is what makes Jesus's death on the cross so unique.  He perished so that all that wanted a relationship could have one.

The body of Christ is made up of many different denominations and beliefs and traditions.  Yet, they all share the same stem and that is the love of Jesus.  Therefor what we must do is accept the love that God has given us freely.  That love unites us into one beautiful creation.  God doesn't turn away anyone that chooses to accept the free gift of salvation.  It is our own choice to become part of the body of Christ.

Yet, here is where I want to make it well known.  We are not to alienate people that are different than we are.  We are to understand that God allows people to see our faith and to grow.  Therefor by sharing the testimony that God has given we are giving the world a chance to find the peace that we have found.  We are not to pick and choose who we tell our story to.  We are not to judge others because when we judge others we are putting ourselves before God.  we are to openly share the love Jesus has given us.

Today is your day to be Jesus to someone.  That is something always to remember as you go through life.  That everyone that you come in contact needs to see the love of Jesus that is within you.  You might be the only person that they come in contact with that gives them the love that they need.  As the petals get stronger and more colors are added the flower becomes more unique.  Be willing to go outside your comfort zone and share the love to those that can make the body of Christ unique today.


Thank you God for loving us more than anyone else can.  Thank you dear Jesus for gong to the cross so that we could receive the free gift of salvation.  Be with us as we go through each day.  Help us be the witness that someone needs today.  Help us Dear God not turn our backs on people that are different than we are.  Help us be some one's Jesus today.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ in your life?  Have you shared Jesus's love with others?  Are you willing to go out of your comfort zone so that people can find the salvation the world needs?  What do you need to do today to be Jesus for someone?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Come become a part of the Tree of Life

Verses: Romans 11 : 11 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever seen two trees intertwine with each other.  One usually is much stronger and the other seems to come in and invade the second one.  As time passes they become one unified tree.  That is stronger as one tree than it was as two.  I found this tree several years ago. You can see where a small branch off one tree had wrapped itself into another tree.  Then it became part of one unified tree.

What we are to learn from this story is that we are stronger as a unified body instead of individuals doing our own thing.   I think of the branches that have been removed are those who started out in church when they were younger.  Yet, never accepted God in their life and left the church as they got older.  The branches that have intertwined the larger tree are those that never went to church when younger but as adults found God and united with the body of Christ.

I love that the branches that are removed from the tree can be reunited with the tree.  See God wants us to be in a relationship with our Creator that we can be united by only trusting in Jesus. Think about this a second.  When you are intertwined with God in a relationship that comes with trust and love no one can remove you from that relationship.  Look closely at this branch and you will see that this branch is now part of the tree they are not two separate entities but one.

Now there were two warning that were issued to the group that still applies to us.  First do not think that you are better than the roots that started the tree.  Simply do not consider yourself stronger than Jesus.  Jesus is the very base of the root of that tree of life.  You are blessed because you either started out as part of the original tree or were intertwined later in life.  Yet, we are only blessed because God's choice to allow the strong roots to grow so that we may have Jesus to root our life in.

The second warning is one that can seem confusing we say that there is nothing that can separate us from the grace of God.  This is very true yet, here is where I believe we need to understand that there are people that seem to have strong faith.  Yet, it is a false witness.  What they show is not what they truly live.  They show people that they love God when in reality they are only doing this for others.  God knows those that do not have God in their heart.  From the outside others may think you are part of the tree when in reality they are really branches that are from a tree that are not connected to the branches of God.

I go to a Church were many members are from different faith traditions and belief systems.  The root is the love of Jesus.  The tree is a denomination that promises everlasting love and life to anyone that believes in Jesus no matter who God created them to be.  Yet the tree has many different trees that have intertwined with it.  It has grown stronger because people from different backgrounds have come together to create a denomination that is stronger than the sum of the individual branches.  I feel blessed to go to a church were everyone is accepted and none are turned away.  No matter what gift you have you are encouraged to share that with others.  That you are free to be the person that God desires you to be.


Dear God we thank you for giving us the strength of Jesus to begin our foundation.  We thank you for being with us as we struggle through life.  We praise you for your love that you give to us freely.  Help us as we desire a relationship with you.  Help us never to turn away those that desire to be with you.  In the name of God we Pray.  Amen


Have you accepted God into your life?  Have you trusted the one that gives you everlasting life? Are you willing to accept those that are different from you?  Are you willing to allow God to work freely through you?  What do you need to do to help others find the love that you have found in Jesus?