Romans 13 : 8 - 14
My thoughts about the verses:
Show love to others as if they were you. What a very strong statement. We are to forget about people's differences and concentrate on showing them compassion and love. We are to set aside our own thoughts of what is wrong with people and love them as Jesus teaches.
Imagine a world where the only thing that truly happened is love. Love would lead to less envy and less strife. We would be free and in peace because we would love those that hurt us as much as those that give us unending love. I think that it is important to note that even if all the children of God began living a life of love there would be those against us.
Yet, by showing others love you are expressing to them that you truly believe in the one that came to set you free. You are able to block out the tears of sadness and put on a happy face. You are to keep from hurting your neighbors and live in harmony.
If you look at the commandments there are basically two principles being taught. Number one love your God with all of your heart. If we love God first then we are able to walk in a new light that allows us to do step two. That is to love our neighbors as much as God loves them.
I want to make it very clear that even though we should strive to love our neighbors it doesn't mean our neighbors will reciprocate that love. Sometimes what we discover is even though we love our neighbors they will never return that love. Only those that are filled with Christ will return the love that we show. That is due to the fact that they are missing the big piece of the puzzle. They are missing the piece that keeps them as a part of the body of Christ. Yet, we are not to judge those that do not show us love because we are not the ones that make the final decision. Some children of God are so hurt that they do not know how to show the love that is desired by God.
If you think about it the majority of the first Ten Commandments were given to show us how to love our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? Any person that you come in contact with is your neighbor. It doesn't have to be the person next door or in the house that backs up to your yard. Your neighbor is each and every soul that you meet. We are not to steal, murder or envy what they have. Instead we are to show them love. By showing them love we are fulfilling the desires of God.
We all have that one person that gets on our last nerve. No matter how hard we try to be nice it always backfires. You could give them everything you own and they still would not be happy. Often times our human side comes into play and we think about getting even. Yet, what God wants us to see is that we are to love them even if they do not love us. Kindness is the one thing that is free to share. Being kind and loving will lead people to the one that has made you complete.
Dear precious Savior we thank you for loving us. We thank you for offering the ultimate sacrifice so that all our puzzle pieces could become one. We ask right now that you help us show love to those that we meet. Help us deal with those that reject our kindness. Help us move into a closer relationship with you. For we know that you will help us through all the hard times in life. In the name of the living Sacrifice we pray. Amen
Is there someone if your life that you find hard to love? Have you truly experienced a loving relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to bring peace in the world by showing love to all humankind? What do you need to do today to help others find the missing puzzle piece? Are you willing to follow God and allow the love that was given freely to you to be shared with others?
My thoughts about the verses:
Show love to others as if they were you. What a very strong statement. We are to forget about people's differences and concentrate on showing them compassion and love. We are to set aside our own thoughts of what is wrong with people and love them as Jesus teaches.
Imagine a world where the only thing that truly happened is love. Love would lead to less envy and less strife. We would be free and in peace because we would love those that hurt us as much as those that give us unending love. I think that it is important to note that even if all the children of God began living a life of love there would be those against us.
Yet, by showing others love you are expressing to them that you truly believe in the one that came to set you free. You are able to block out the tears of sadness and put on a happy face. You are to keep from hurting your neighbors and live in harmony.
If you look at the commandments there are basically two principles being taught. Number one love your God with all of your heart. If we love God first then we are able to walk in a new light that allows us to do step two. That is to love our neighbors as much as God loves them.
I want to make it very clear that even though we should strive to love our neighbors it doesn't mean our neighbors will reciprocate that love. Sometimes what we discover is even though we love our neighbors they will never return that love. Only those that are filled with Christ will return the love that we show. That is due to the fact that they are missing the big piece of the puzzle. They are missing the piece that keeps them as a part of the body of Christ. Yet, we are not to judge those that do not show us love because we are not the ones that make the final decision. Some children of God are so hurt that they do not know how to show the love that is desired by God.
If you think about it the majority of the first Ten Commandments were given to show us how to love our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? Any person that you come in contact with is your neighbor. It doesn't have to be the person next door or in the house that backs up to your yard. Your neighbor is each and every soul that you meet. We are not to steal, murder or envy what they have. Instead we are to show them love. By showing them love we are fulfilling the desires of God.
We all have that one person that gets on our last nerve. No matter how hard we try to be nice it always backfires. You could give them everything you own and they still would not be happy. Often times our human side comes into play and we think about getting even. Yet, what God wants us to see is that we are to love them even if they do not love us. Kindness is the one thing that is free to share. Being kind and loving will lead people to the one that has made you complete.
Dear precious Savior we thank you for loving us. We thank you for offering the ultimate sacrifice so that all our puzzle pieces could become one. We ask right now that you help us show love to those that we meet. Help us deal with those that reject our kindness. Help us move into a closer relationship with you. For we know that you will help us through all the hard times in life. In the name of the living Sacrifice we pray. Amen
Is there someone if your life that you find hard to love? Have you truly experienced a loving relationship with Jesus? Are you willing to bring peace in the world by showing love to all humankind? What do you need to do today to help others find the missing puzzle piece? Are you willing to follow God and allow the love that was given freely to you to be shared with others?
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