Romans 11 : 11 - 24
My thoughts about the verses:
Have you ever seen two trees intertwine with each other. One usually is much stronger and the other seems to come in and invade the second one. As time passes they become one unified tree. That is stronger as one tree than it was as two. I found this tree several years ago. You can see where a small branch off one tree had wrapped itself into another tree. Then it became part of one unified tree.
What we are to learn from this story is that we are stronger as a unified body instead of individuals doing our own thing. I think of the branches that have been removed are those who started out in church when they were younger. Yet, never accepted God in their life and left the church as they got older. The branches that have intertwined the larger tree are those that never went to church when younger but as adults found God and united with the body of Christ.
I love that the branches that are removed from the tree can be reunited with the tree. See God wants us to be in a relationship with our Creator that we can be united by only trusting in Jesus. Think about this a second. When you are intertwined with God in a relationship that comes with trust and love no one can remove you from that relationship. Look closely at this branch and you will see that this branch is now part of the tree they are not two separate entities but one.
Now there were two warning that were issued to the group that still applies to us. First do not think that you are better than the roots that started the tree. Simply do not consider yourself stronger than Jesus. Jesus is the very base of the root of that tree of life. You are blessed because you either started out as part of the original tree or were intertwined later in life. Yet, we are only blessed because God's choice to allow the strong roots to grow so that we may have Jesus to root our life in.
The second warning is one that can seem confusing we say that there is nothing that can separate us from the grace of God. This is very true yet, here is where I believe we need to understand that there are people that seem to have strong faith. Yet, it is a false witness. What they show is not what they truly live. They show people that they love God when in reality they are only doing this for others. God knows those that do not have God in their heart. From the outside others may think you are part of the tree when in reality they are really branches that are from a tree that are not connected to the branches of God.
I go to a Church were many members are from different faith traditions and belief systems. The root is the love of Jesus. The tree is a denomination that promises everlasting love and life to anyone that believes in Jesus no matter who God created them to be. Yet the tree has many different trees that have intertwined with it. It has grown stronger because people from different backgrounds have come together to create a denomination that is stronger than the sum of the individual branches. I feel blessed to go to a church were everyone is accepted and none are turned away. No matter what gift you have you are encouraged to share that with others. That you are free to be the person that God desires you to be.
Dear God we thank you for giving us the strength of Jesus to begin our foundation. We thank you for being with us as we struggle through life. We praise you for your love that you give to us freely. Help us as we desire a relationship with you. Help us never to turn away those that desire to be with you. In the name of God we Pray. Amen
Have you accepted God into your life? Have you trusted the one that gives you everlasting life? Are you willing to accept those that are different from you? Are you willing to allow God to work freely through you? What do you need to do to help others find the love that you have found in Jesus?
My thoughts about the verses:
Have you ever seen two trees intertwine with each other. One usually is much stronger and the other seems to come in and invade the second one. As time passes they become one unified tree. That is stronger as one tree than it was as two. I found this tree several years ago. You can see where a small branch off one tree had wrapped itself into another tree. Then it became part of one unified tree.
What we are to learn from this story is that we are stronger as a unified body instead of individuals doing our own thing. I think of the branches that have been removed are those who started out in church when they were younger. Yet, never accepted God in their life and left the church as they got older. The branches that have intertwined the larger tree are those that never went to church when younger but as adults found God and united with the body of Christ.
I love that the branches that are removed from the tree can be reunited with the tree. See God wants us to be in a relationship with our Creator that we can be united by only trusting in Jesus. Think about this a second. When you are intertwined with God in a relationship that comes with trust and love no one can remove you from that relationship. Look closely at this branch and you will see that this branch is now part of the tree they are not two separate entities but one.
Now there were two warning that were issued to the group that still applies to us. First do not think that you are better than the roots that started the tree. Simply do not consider yourself stronger than Jesus. Jesus is the very base of the root of that tree of life. You are blessed because you either started out as part of the original tree or were intertwined later in life. Yet, we are only blessed because God's choice to allow the strong roots to grow so that we may have Jesus to root our life in.
The second warning is one that can seem confusing we say that there is nothing that can separate us from the grace of God. This is very true yet, here is where I believe we need to understand that there are people that seem to have strong faith. Yet, it is a false witness. What they show is not what they truly live. They show people that they love God when in reality they are only doing this for others. God knows those that do not have God in their heart. From the outside others may think you are part of the tree when in reality they are really branches that are from a tree that are not connected to the branches of God.
I go to a Church were many members are from different faith traditions and belief systems. The root is the love of Jesus. The tree is a denomination that promises everlasting love and life to anyone that believes in Jesus no matter who God created them to be. Yet the tree has many different trees that have intertwined with it. It has grown stronger because people from different backgrounds have come together to create a denomination that is stronger than the sum of the individual branches. I feel blessed to go to a church were everyone is accepted and none are turned away. No matter what gift you have you are encouraged to share that with others. That you are free to be the person that God desires you to be.
Dear God we thank you for giving us the strength of Jesus to begin our foundation. We thank you for being with us as we struggle through life. We praise you for your love that you give to us freely. Help us as we desire a relationship with you. Help us never to turn away those that desire to be with you. In the name of God we Pray. Amen
Have you accepted God into your life? Have you trusted the one that gives you everlasting life? Are you willing to accept those that are different from you? Are you willing to allow God to work freely through you? What do you need to do to help others find the love that you have found in Jesus?
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