
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Defeating evil by doing Good

Verses: Romans 12 : 14 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

We have all heard an eye for an eye.  Hurting people that hurt you has been something that has happened since the beginning of time.  Think back to Cain and Abel.  It was out of anger that Cain killed Abel.  He had felt that his brother had showed off by bringing the best of the sheep to the altar. He was mad at God for accepting his brother's offering and not his own.  That anger spilled over and he killed Abel.

What we are to learn is that we are not to hold grudges against others.  Those that hurt us are only rewarded for their hurt if we lash out at them.  Instead we should help our enemy by doing this they will feel ashamed for what they have done.  When someone hurts you and you help them it shows that you are a true child of God.

We know how it is to have friends that are going through hard times and our heart feels sad for them.  We rejoice when things go good for our friends.  We feel both their pan and their joy.  Yet, what happens to us emotionally when we see our enemies having trouble.  Do we celebrate or do we feel sad for them?  We are challenged by the scripture to feel the same for our enemies as we do our friends.  Even though it may be hard we should not rejoice at our enemies failures.  We need to understand that God rewards us when we take care of people in need whether they are our friend or our enemy.

I have found that for me the emotional pain that is inflicted on me is much worse than the physical pain. When people have hurt me in the past I have tried my best to forgive them.  Yet, it is very hard to do especially if it happens over and over again.  I have learned that people hurt others because of their own pain.  So when you feel hurt by someone feels sad for them because you do not know what led them to the action that they have committed.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for surrounding us with your comforting arms.  We thank you for standing with us as we undergo different struggles.  Please help us love our enemy.  Help us look past what they have done to us.  Help us feel their needs so that we can overcome the pain that we feel.  Help us rejoice at the victories that occur around us.  Help us feel the sadness that comes with connecting with people who are in need.  In your Holy Name we pray.  Amen


Are you there for others as they are going through hard times?  Are you there when they are having good times?  Are you willing to help your enemy?  Do you understand that as people feel pain they will often lash out?

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