
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Jesus was persecuted so that we shall have Everlasting Life

Verses: Psalms 69: 1 - 36

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

You can clearly see the persecution of David.  David was treated badly by many.  He was the anointed King yet people tried to overthrow him numerous times.  He did not live a perfect life and he admitted his sins.  Yet, God forgave him for his sins because of his faith.

Yet, if you look at the story closer you can see the persecution of Jesus.  Many people were against Jesus.  Some believed that Jesus would lead to anger by the Romans against the Jews.  Others believed that Jesus was causing a divide in the community.  Others did not believe that Jesus did not live up to be the Messiah they had waited upon.  They were expecting an heir of the Kingdom of David.  Therefor he was persecuted just like his ancestor. 

Jesus would be ridiculed by the very people that had awaited his arrival.  They would turn against him and strike with a kiss to kill him.  As he died and thirsted they would give him vinegar as a slap in the face.  His body would be sacrificed.  Yet, as God promised not a bone would be broken.  His blood would flow freely from his side.  His hands would be pierced yet he would not be broken.   

This symbolism of being pierced but not broken applies to us.  We may have enemies rise up against us.  We may sin against God yet we too can receive salvation.  The salvation can easily come into our life it we ask Jesus to forgive us and enter our lives.  Though we may be imperfect we will not be broken as long as we turn our lives over to God.

We all deserve to have our names taken out of the book of life.  Yet, here is where things change for us.  When we ask Jesus to forgive us for our sins we are given a special gift.  The blood that flowed from Jesus’s side covers our sins.  God no longer sees us a broken person but one that has been healed from the disease of sin.  Our faith has regained our access into the everlasting life that God so freely gives.  Jesus becomes our Messiah. 

Jesus came for this one thing.  Jesus is the last lamb that needed to be sacrificed.  The blood that flowed becomes the grace that covers our sins.  The long awaited Messiah came not only for those of old, but also for us today.  In the end we need to ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins.  We need to turn our life over to God and become a tool that helps others find Christ.  We may face persecution here on Earth yet, if we have Jesus in our life we will receive the reward of everlasting life.  Nothing here that people can do to us can ever outweigh the gift that God gives to us.


Dear God we praise you for your deep love for us.  We praise you Jesus for being the perfect sacrifice.  We worship God for the gift of everlasting life.  Help us as we face our enemies here on earth.  Walk with us as we live our life so that we shall not sin against you.  In the name of the Sacrificial Lamb we pray.  Amen


Have you felt persecuted by others in this life?  Do you feel like you are facing battles alone?  Have you asked Jesus to walk into your life?  Have you asked God to forgive you for the things that you have done in the past and in the future?  Is your name in the Book of Life?  Do you worship the Messiah?

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jesus will be Victorious

Verses: Psalms 68: 1 - 36

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

The Psalm refers to the victory Jesus will have.  There are several victories that Jesus will accomplish.  There are victories that happen during his life here on Earth.  There are victories that happen after Jesus ascends to Heaven.  There is a final victory when Jesus returns to Earth.

Let us start by looking at the victories that happened when Jesus walked on the Earth.  There are many victories that Jesus had during his lifetime.  I am going to only concentrate on three.  Yet, these are only the beginning of the examples.  It is up to you to think of all the other victories.  How did each victory impact your life now?  It is amazing how Jesus who lived over 2000 years ago affected us all.  He did this not only for those at that time but those before and those to come.

First, Jesus had victory over sin.  Jesus did something that no other person had ever done before or after.  Jesus never once sinned against God.  His whole life was spent worshiping God.  How many of us could have been in the desert for 40days tempted by Satan without sinning?  Imagine how easy it would to have been to give into the temptations.  Yet, Jesus not only did not get tempted he never was tempted to do wrong.

Second, Jesus had victory over sickness.  Jesus was able to heal those that were sick.  He had the power through God to heal the blind and the lame.  To cure those that no one else wanted to be around.  How many of us would have been willing to go into the midst of those with leprosy?  Jesus not only went there, but everywhere healing the sick.

Third, Jesus had victory over death.  Jesus could have easily avoided ever going to the cross.  Yet, Jesus knew that we needed him to die so that we could have eternal life.  Jesus freely walked to his death.  Yet, Jesus did not stay in the grave he raised.  With that victory Jesus was able to claim victory over to death for us all.  How many of us would knowingly go to our death for people that had rejected us?  Jesus not only went to the cross for those that had rejected him at that time, but for all time.

Let us look at the main victory that was achieved after Jesus’s ascension.  Jesus was able to unite the world.  Think on this a moment.  Jesus was able to spread the Good News to people of all nations.  Jesus used the small group of disciples to spread the news to other communities.  Jesus used other after them to keep spreading the joy of Salvation.  How many of us could ever unite people under one cause? Jesus not only did that with those that were alive during his time.  He also did it with those before he was born.  He continues to use us today to spread the Word so that others may find peace.

There is a victory like none other that will come when Jesus returns to Earth.  He will at that moment will win victory over the world.  Those that had accepted Jesus and are still here will join the billions that have already found their Peace.  Jesus will claim victory over the evil of the world.  How many of us can win the battle over Satan all by yourself?   When Jesus comes back to Earth that is exactly what will happen.  Jesus will claim victory over the one that separated the people from their God. In the end Jesus will claim victory over the entire Earth. 

This Psalm is a prophecy of all these things to come.  David had come to a point that he was able to rest and soak in the Peace of God.  In that moment he wrote this Psalm of the grace that would soon be coming.  It is important to remember that Jesus would come from the line of David.  Imagine realizing that the salvation that the world had waited for would soon come from your own ancestor.  In that moment what would you do?  David went straight to praising God. Praising God for what had happened before that time that had kept the people free.  He praised God for the things to come.  David worshiped God for he knew that his salvation would come through the power of God.

Dear God we thank you for your never ending love.  Jesus we thank you for your sacrifice.  We worship you knowing that you won the victory over death.  We praise you for your many victories that have led your people to this moment.  Dear God we ask that you come into our heart.  We ask that you use us to share the Good News to the world.  In the name of the One that Declared Victory over Death we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Have you allowed God to use you to share the Good News to others?  Do you praise God for all the victories in your life? Have you praised Jesus for the victories that led to your salvation?  Do you worship the one that has brought salvation to the entire world?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Church United Lift Your Praise to God

Verses: Psalms 67: 1 - 7

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

The church needs to stand as a united body.  The Church is made of so many different parts.  The Church is made up of Christians, Jews and others that truly believe in the one true God.  The church only grows stronger when all parts of the body are united as one.

Yet, we as a society like to say that only this group or that group is part of the Church.  We judge others saying that they do not believe like us so they must not be part of the Body of Christ.  We compartmentalize the Church to fit our needs.  We attempt to justify our actions through different scriptures and teachings.

We miss the fact that God wants all true believers to have the same recognition as others.  I am thinking right now of the thousands of people that have been isolated for one reason or other from a Church Family that they needed in their lives.

I know of several people when they were in the lowest part of their life were pushed away from the Church.  They needed to be a part of the local body to help them deal with their issues.  Yet, the church judged that their actions had separated them from God.  If this is a true statement than none of us will go to Heaven and meet with God.  Instead we will struggle our whole life on our own.

Did God not send Jesus for all whom would believe?  It doesn’t matter your race, disability, sexual identification or gender identity.  There is only one true God and God is there for anyone that we believe.  To separate anyone from the grace of God is rejected the people that need God.

In the New Testament Jesus makes a comment that when you do onto the least of these so do you do unto me.  Think on this a moment.  How many times have you turned your eye on someone that needed a little lift?  How many times have you pushed someone away from the church because they do not meet up to your standards?  Haven’t we all at one time at another felt like people do not fit the mold that we have set as a believer of the Risen savior.

One day the Church will stand United.  In that moment, we will learn that there are more people that were true believers than we ever thought possible.  We will also learn that some of the people that we thought were Christians had put on an external front, yet they had not truly believed in the Savior.  The fact is that we need to be prepared for the day Jesus returns.  Open your heart and ask yourself are you judging other because they are different than yourself.  Is it time your accept people for who they are.

The church with one voice needs to sing praises to God.  United they need to worship God for the gifts that have been given.  The voice of the Church united will lead to the voice of praise that God desires.  Therefore lift your voice in thanks for the one that has set us free.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus.  Dear Savior we thank you for your sacrifice on the cross.  We worship you dear God for always being with us no matter what others say or do.  Help us bring unity to the Church.  Help us never turn anyone away from Christ.  N the name of the Heavenly Parent we pray.  Amen


Have you rejected others because they did not fit your cookie cutter design of a Christian? Have you felt like you and the ones like you are the only ones that are the true believers?  Do you see how Jesus died for all?  Have you accepted Christ in your Heart?  Is today the day you let go of your grievances against others so the Body of Christ can stand united?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

God is With us During the Trials of Life

Verses: Psalms 66 : 1 - 20

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God has helped us throughout our life.  In those moments that we felt our lowest God was there with us.  In those moments when we felt no hope God was there reassuring us.  In those moments where we felt alone God was there giving us comfort.

We need to understand Jesus gave his life so that we may never feel alone.  He died so that we may live.  He loved us when we did not deserve that love.  Jesus is the pure sacrificial lamb that came so that we may return to Heaven.

We need to understand that The Holy Spirit guides us throughout our life.  The Holy Spirit helps us make positive choices.  It is through the Holy Spirit that we have a burning fire in our heart.  The Holy Spirit ignites a fire in our soul that pushes us to do all things that bring glory to God.  Through that Glory we also establish our loving relationship with the Creator.

Think back to that moment when the Israelites were fleeing Egypt.  You can imagine the fear and excitement at the same time.  You can feel the tension that they are going through.  All of a sudden they are standing with the sea in front of them and the Egyptians behind them.  God sends a wall of fire to separate them from the Egyptians and opens the sea to free them. 

Haven’t we all been there?  We face a time with two options that do not feel right.  We know we cannot go back.  We are afraid to go forward.  Yet, somehow God opens the door and allows us to enter into the new situation while closing the window behind us.  I think of those moments as the days God walks us through fire and water to get us where we need it.

Yet, what do we do when we get to the other side.  Do we offer praises up to God for what has happened?  Do we gripe and complain and wish we could go back?  Isn’t this the reality that the Israelites faced?  Some people complained and others rejoiced.  Which one do you think truly fit the situation?

God deserves our prayers because no matter what is happening we have the strength we need.  We have the shield and comfort to make it through whatever is happening in our life.  We have the knowledge that our Savior is there making sure we make it to where we truly need to be.  We have the Holy Spirit living within our soul encouraging us.  What more could we ask for?


We thank you God for your peace.  We praise you God for your comfort and strength.  We worship you as you lead us where we need to go in our life.  Help us always to stay focused on you.  Help us to ask for your assistance when we need it.  We ask that you help us as we walk through the struggles of our life.  In the name of the One that is Always with us we pray.  Amen


Do you feel God in your life?  Do you worship the one that makes us whole?  Have you asked God into your life?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Praise God for the Very Nature God has Given to Us

Verses: Psalms 65: 1 - 13

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Take one moment and think of all the things that God has given to us.  Everything that we see in nature is a gift given to us by God.  No matter what we look at it is given to us by God to enjoy.  We should thank God for all the things that we have been given.

Think about the sun that shines so that we can enjoy the day.  Think about the moon that gives us light and hope for the future.   The stars are in the sky to remind us of the greatness of God.  The heat that radiates from the sun reminds us how much God wants to love us.

Think about all the beautiful colors that God has given to us.  Look at all the multiple colors of flowers that give us the very essence of love.  The trees with all of their different shapes and colors that provide us shade and remind us of God’s peace.  Think about the grass as it changes colors reminding us of new growth and eternal life.

Then we need to think about the other gifts of nature.  Listen to the rain that brings us cool water.  Savor the various vegetables that give us nutrients.  Cherish the multiple animals that give us companionship and nutrients. 

Not only has given us all the physical things that we need to survive, but also our spiritual needs.  Jesus came to Earth to die so that we may have everlasting life.  This is a true free gift that we are all offered.  God wants us to be one of the many Children of God.  The gift is ours if we choose to accept Jesus.

When we are thinking about all the things that we have been giving to us there is only one thing that we can do.  We need to offer our praises to God.   We need to thank God for giving us all of our needs.  We need to worship God for everything that is given to us.

Praising God is our way of honoring God for the gifts that have been given to us.  Worshiping God is our way of expressing our enduring love to God.  Thank God is our way of showing true respect and gratitude for what God has done for us. 


We thank you God for loving us.  Thank you for providing our physical needs.  Thank you for providing our spiritual needs.  Help us be the people that praise you all the time.  Help us share your love with others.  Help us be a witness of your enduring gifts.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted the spiritual gift that God gives us freely?  Do you think God for the gifts that are feely given? Do you worship God with an open heart?

Monday, October 13, 2014

God will Forgive those that Accept Jesus in their Life

Verses: Psalms 64: 1 - 10

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

This is a very different Psalm.  This Psalm talks more about what will happen with the people that are not forgiven.  People who have chosen not to accept Christ will face God in the end.

They will not find favor in God’s eyes.  They will be trapped in their own snares. 
They will face the consequences of their choice.  They will be punished for the things that we do. 

On the flip side those that accept Jesus as their Savior will be rewarded. They will receive the gift of Everlasting Life.   God will be their shield and strength.  God will be their comfort and peace in times of struggle.  Their enemies will never be able to take away the gift that God has given to them.

Yet, there is a bigger issue at hand that needs to be considered.  God has given us all the chance to have everlasting life. It is up to us to make the choice to accept Christ as our personal savior.  When we decide to ask Jesus in our heart all the things that we have done that are not right in the eyes of God will be removed.  We will not have to pay for eternity for the things that we have done wrong.

What has to be understood is that salvation is for a chosen few.  Anyone can ask God into their life.  Yet, people still choose to not accept Christ.  They put the things of the world before their own salvation.  The gift is freely given it is up to us to decide if we want to ask God into our life to make us whole.  The choice is yours.


Dear God thank you for the gift of Everlasting Live.  We praise you for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  We worship you for loving us when we did not deserve it.  We thank you for offering the gift to anyone that will accept it.  Today dear God we pray for those that have not accepted Jesus as their savior.  We ask dear Lord that you stir their heart so that they may feel the need to ask Jesus in their life.  Weal so ask that you forgive us for what we have done wrong.  Dear God help us be the people that you need us to be.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you asked Jesus in your heart?  Have you felt the Holy Spirit working in your life?  Is today the day that you ask God to forgive you of your wrongs and enter your life?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

God’s Peace is with Us Day and Night

Verses: Psalms 63: 1 - 11

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

God’s peace is with us all the time.  God’s peace is with us when we are struggling.  God’s peace is with us when we feel alone.  God’s peace is with us as we sleep at night.  God’s peace is with us as we go throughout our day.

This is a beautiful psalm because it is all about praising God.  David is acknowledging that we are never alone.  No matter how big or small the problem we have God with us.  God will ensure that we will have the strength to get through situations.

I am thinking about the moment my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer.  It was a shock to all of our senses.  My family thought that he had simply had a stroke.  That with help he would be able to get back to his old self.  Then all of a sudden we were faced with the reality that we were going to lose him sooner than we ever thought.

He was the underlying strength of our family.  He really had kept the family together.  He was a rock because of his love of God and family.  He was a man that believed in giving things back to the community.  He had peace and wanted to share it with others.

The most amazing thing is when he found out he was sick he didn’t think of himself first.  Instead he started worrying about my grandmother.  He had the peace that he would be going home to his Heavenly Parent.  Yet, he knew that he would be leaving my grandmother behind to face the woes of the world.

His peace came just like David’s because he knew that God was the creator.  He knew that Jesus was his savior.  Even as he faced the inevitable end he was in a state of peace.  He had always said that when his time came he would be ready.  The thing that he wanted was for his family to have that same peace.

I will tell you in the beginning it was really hard to accept what was going on.  Yet, I never once asked God why.  I felt the same peace that he had.  It was because of my grandfather’s illness that I found my way back to Church.  I hadn’t left God and had always felt the peace.  Yet, I felt alienated from the Church, a place where I could worship God with others.  Before my grandfather died I came to his house and told him I had found a church.  I can still see his smile. 

I can tell you that as my life have moved forward from those days I have felt peace like never before.  Even though things have changed over time I know for sure that I will be going home to my Heavenly Parent.  I can feel God’s peace when I am stressed out.  I can feel God’s peace when I am very sick.  I can feel God’s peace when the world is turned upside down.

We need to look at our lives and recognize the peace that comes from having God as our Savior.  If you haven’t found that Peace it is never too late to ask for it.  God deserves our praises because those that have asked God into their life have nothing to fear.  God will help us by giving us the peace that we will need to make it.


Dear God we thank you for being with us in our times of need.  We thank you God for giving us peace in our times of struggle.  Dear God we praise you for being with us no matter the situation.  In the name of our Heavenly Parent we pray.  Amen


Have you found the peace of God?  Do you need to ask God into your life?  Are you praising God for the peace that you have?  What do you need to do today to show others the love of God?