
Saturday, November 9, 2013

God Corrects us when we do Wrong

Verses: Romans 3 : 1 - 8

My thoughts about the verses:

Now if I started out by saying that I did nothing to this picture most people would immediately know that I am not telling the truth.  I would be lying about my photography and doing something that is outside what God desires me to do.  Yet, there are many of us that tell those little white fibs because we don't think that they will hurt anyone.  We don't realize that the person that we are hurting the worse is our own self.  People will start doubting your word, because they will feel as if you are lying to them about everything.

Yet, God knows that we would do these things.  We Would  not only lie but commit other sins that would build a wall between us and God.  Yet, the wall is broken down by God because of the relationship that the Creator wants with us.

Does this mean we will not pay for our sins?  Know God judges us and for those that have the Holy Spirit within them will face their judgment here on Earth.  God will convict them within their own hearts and they will know that they are doing wrong.  God has the ultimate power and therefor even the people of God are judged when they do wrong.

The scripture says that people’s doing wrong that is visible helps prove the power of God.  Interesting thought, allowing people to witness you sin shows the grace of God.  So shouldn't we sin more often so people can see the true grace.  Again God is a forgiving God yet also a judge.

Imagine if the court systems throughout the world  one day said that all crimes committed on this particular day will not be prosecuted.  I would imagine that people would do things they never would have thought about before.  People would kill, steal, and do all other bad things.  Yet, what would that prove about the judicial system.  Instead, the judicial system only survives when each person is treated the same.  When the same crimes are committed people are punished the same way.

God is a lot like judicial systems with one difference.  The judge is also the forgiver.  If you truly repent of the evil you have done and accept God into your heart you are forgiven.  Unlike the judicial system there aren't repeat offenders getting worse crimes.  Because once you have the blood of Jesus covering your sins God no longer sees them.  There are those that do not accept Christ in their heart so by their own will they will face harder judgments.


Dear God we thank you for being a fair and just God.  We thank you for sending Jesus to cleanse us from our own sins.  We thank you for allowing the blood to wash us clean and take away all the blemishes that we have placed between us and you.  Now Dear Savior we ask that you help us live trying hard to follow your rules.  Help us walk the talk of faith that gives you reward.  When we stray Dear God we ask that you help us restore the relationship you so desire in our lives.  In the Name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you ever thought your sins were not as severe as others?  Have you thought that since you had Christ in your life it was okay to sin?  Have you ever been convicted by the Holy Spirit when you step out of bounds?  What do you need to turn over to God right now to grow your relationship with God?  Are you willing to turn your life over to God?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you a reflection of the light or a Beacon of Light

Verses: Romans 2 : 17 - 29

My thoughts about the verses:

Light is the one thing that people throughout the world see as a sign of wisdom and knowledge.  If you live within the beacon of light then you must be in the right place.  Yet, if you claim to be in the light but are actually are in a reflection of the light you are failing to show the light fully.  Yet, the only one that knows if you are the beacon or the reflection is God.

The Jews in Rome felt that they were much better off than the Gentiles that had become Christians.  They had the physical sign of circumcision.  Their physical sign of circumcision to the Jews showed their loyalty and dedication to God.  The Gentiles did not go through circumcision so they must not love God as much as they did.  Yet, what we are to learn it is not the outside that matters but the inside. See you can act like the perfect Christian yet if your heart is not in the right place only you and God know.

Physical signs of your relationship are truly only skin deep.  What God desires is a relationship that goes down to the very soul.  One in which you and the Savior are one.  People that have a relationship with God from their soul have a different type of walk in life.  They do not have to show people that they are one of God's children by showing physical signs.  People will know they are Christians by the way they act.

People in the early church had a hard time understanding how non-Jews could be Christians.  They really felt that the need for circumcision was necessary to show your obedience to God.  What had been missed is that the new covenant was  a promise of the heart and soul.  There was no need to go back to the Laws that was given to the Forefathers.  The lesson for the Jews was that Christianity went beyond the community that they thought it would reach out to.  They were under the impression that Jesus had come to save them from their oppressors.  When actuality Jesus came to save all those that believed from their oppression of sin.

This is really easy to see in the world.  Every group believes that their rituals and traditions are the only way to get to Heaven.  That you must do the outward things their way or you are not a true Christian.  I think of the one thing that has separated people from the beginning of Christianity and that is how to do Baptism.  Some traditions believe in infant baptism.  Other groups are totally against the baptism of infants.  Then there is the sprinkle or immersion as I like to call it the full body dunk debate.  The theory of how to have a baptism and when has created many denominations.

Yet, what I want you to think is that the most important part is not how or when you were baptized.  The most important part is do you trust God with your heart.  If you believe with your heart doesn't that mean more than how and when you were baptized. I know for me I have revisited this several times throughout my life.  The conclusion that I came to is that as long as the person believes with their heart that they love God then whether or not they were baptized they will go to Heaven.  I think to the thief on the cross that was forgiven he did not have time to have a baptism because he was at the same death door as Jesus.  Yet, Jesus told him that he would be joining him when they went to the other side. Baptisms along with other traditions are things that are man-made.  All God wants is you to have a relationship with your Savior.


Thank you Dear God for wanting a relationship with us.  Thank you for not putting barriers between us and you.  Allow us Dear Savior to put our differences aside.  Help us understand that all you desire is a relationship with us.  Help us unite the body of Christ so that we may do all the things you desire us to do.  Dear Risen Savior we offer you our life use it to fulfill your will.  In the name of Jesus we Pray.


Have you judged others because of different religious traditions?  Have you ever thought that your way of worshiping Christ is the only real way?  Is it time to start building a relationship with God?  Do you need to let the outward expressions of faith to go away so that you can stand united with other Christians?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Judging is to be left for God...Because all have sinned

Verses: Romans 2 : 1 - 16

My thoughts about the verses:

This book is written to the Gentiles in Rome.  When the Jewish community read the law and saw that the Gentiles were not following it they were judging them.  They believed to be a true Christian you had to obey the laws that were given to Moses.  The simple answer is that if you decide to judge individuals you are actually committing sin.

Individuals know they have committed sin within their own heart.  If they know that something that they are doing is against the will of God they are committing wrong.  When you have accepted God into your heart you will feel the guilt that comes with going against the will of God.  If you do well you will know that you are doing the will of God.

All people whether or not they have accepted Christ in their life.  Will feel when they are doing wrong. Yet, it isn't until they build a relationship with Christ will they truly understand the consequences of sin.  People need to understand that only God can judge you.  If you judge others you are taking on the role of God which is also against the will of God.  The Jews that felt that the Gentile Christians were outside the boundaries were missing the very first commandment.  You need to Love your God and to place nothing before God.  Assuming that you can make the decision of whether or not what someone does is sin is taking on the role of God.  This in itself is breaking the first commandment.

The most important lesson we can take away is to worry about our own issues and not concentrate on what others are doing.  Making sure that you keep from doing wrong in your own heart is the most important thing that you can do.  Thinking that you are better than another person or assuming that they have committed more wrong than you have is against the will of God.

Now you may ask why I chose this picture for today's post, but I want you to think of what you first thought about when you saw the picture.  I would guess some had the hair on their arms stand up because of fear.  Others probably thought how gross and why in the world did she take a picture of that.  While others probably saw this as a much needed insect.  These are judgments that we are making about the spider.  Do we know the real reason that God placed them on the Earth?  Do we know what it is thinking deep down?  We are basing why they do what they do on our own judgment.

I am still shocked that I got this picture.  I am petrified of spiders, well most insects.  Yet, when I have a camera in my hand I see the beauty of what I am taking pictures of.   It doesn't matter if it is a plant, an insect or a person I see the beauty of God's creation.  In fact, it helps me connect to God in a deeper way.  This little part of God's creation wasn't bothering me.  It was my intrusion into his world.  I wonder if it judged me for taking its photo and showing it off.  So the next time you go to judge someone remember that  you are making this decision based on your own prejudices.  That you need to remember that only Christ knows the true way someone feels.  That their life may not live up to your standards yet if they are doing what God wants them to do who we to judge are.                                                                                                                                

Dear God thank you for being a very fair and just God.  We praise you for accepting us even though we have faults.  We praise you for loving us enough to build a relationship with us.  Now we ask that you help us not judge others.  Help us concentrate on what you want us to do.  Help us remember that the final judgment isn't up to us, but rather that is your job.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen


Have you ever judged someone because of their appearance?  Have you ever judged anyone because they did things differently than you?  Are you doing what God desires you to do?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Relationship we have With God is the Most Important thing in our Life

Verses: Romans 1 : 18 - 32

My thoughts about the verses:

The truth is that Paul wanted the people to know that if they put others before God they were committing sin.  The principle is that all things should come after your relationship with God. Whenever a person puts people or things before their relationship with God they are dishonoring the Creator.  The most important thing that we can have in our life is a loving relationship with God.  God desires to have a relationship with us not based on fear or duty but rather out of our desire to love the Creator as much as the Creator loves us.

Now I know that there are many things discussed in these verses.  Some which are used to attack one group or another.  I want to make it clear that making people or items or things we do before God is worshiping an idol.  The problem is that people have decided to take one or two verses out of the context with the scripture and interpret to fit their needs.  People have done this throughout history.  If you want to justify that God does not like an act then find a scripture that you can pull out of context and use against people.

Paul makes it very clear in these verses is that humankind had left the side of God.  Idolatry had started running rapid.  People were having relationships with temple prostitutes.  The fact is that people were worshiping many more things than God.  People started worshiping the things God created instead of worshiping the creator.

I have recently being reading the book "The Shack."  I encourage anyone to grab this is read and learn what having a relationship with God is all about.  I love the book because it shows that the most important part of our life is building a cohesive relationship with the Trinity.  Accepting that things happen that are out of our control.  Yet, if we have a relationship with the Almighty we are able to get through the struggles of life.  If we do not work on that relationship we are actually short changing ourselves.  Jesus came to the Earth to help build the relationship with the Creator.

As I have been reading the book one of my favorite parts has been the time that Jesus and the main character Mack spend on the dock.  As they lay there looking at the stars the humanity of Jesus is expressed.  See Jesus was completely human and part of the trinity at the same time.  Jesus was tempted just like us.  He could have easily fallen to the traps that Satan had placed in his path.  Yet, Jesus chose to continue his perfect relationship with God.  The things of the world though tempting did not lure him away from his relationship with the Creator.  We need to think about this the next time we let people, places, or things affect our relationship with the One that Loves us the most.


Dear God we are so blessed to have you in our life.  We praise you for wanting to build a relationship with us.  We thank you for sending Jesus to Earth to strengthen our bond with you.  Right now God we ask you to help us keep focused on you.  Help us put aside anything that we have put before you.  May we learn to give our love to you.  In the name of our Loving Creator we pray. Amen


Do you have a relationship with God?  Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to fill your life with everlasting love?  Have you walked along the paths of Life with Jesus at your side?  What do you need to do to build your relationship with God?  Is there something that you need to let go of so that you can refocus your time on worshiping God?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Faith is what Leads to Everlasting Life

Verses: Romans 1: 1 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Faith is the core of living a Godly life.   Faith helps grow the realm of God.  This happens because the more people that has faith in God the stronger the will of God occurs.  When you work with people that share the same faith you have a peace that surrounds you.

We all know people that we think of as having strong faith.  We witness their faith because how they get through hard times in their life.  We see them trusting God even as they struggle in life. They do not dwell on the bad things in life.  They look at the good things that are going on in their life.  Therefor they witness through their lives faith.

We are called on to have faith that goes beyond what we can physically see.  It is easy to believe the things that we see.  Yet, faith comes from that deep down emotion that allows us to see the things that are not visible.  The people of Rome were living this kind of faith.  Their faith was so strong that Paul felt that his faith was strengthened through theirs.

The fact that they had unconditional faith also allowed them to do the most important task anyone can be enlisted to do.  That task is to share the good news.  Paul let them know that they are to now share the good news with the rest of the world.  The fact is that through their faith they would be able to tell others about the life of Christ.  They had not personally witnessed the life of Christ.  Yet, they believed what the apostles had told them.  They experienced God's love through faith.  They would soon be called to go to others and share the same news that they were given.

The Romans were much like us.  We do not have Jesus physically walking among us.  We have to believe through faith that God's power is able to take away all our sins.  We then are convicted to follow God because of this new found faith.  The one thing that we are all encouraged to do is to share the good news to others.

During my life I have been blessed with people that show faith just by the way they live.  My mind wonders to my great grandmother.  She couldn't read and all she could do was write her name.  Yet, she knew the bible inside and out.  She lived to be a hundred six years old and walked with faith all those years.  She led a very pure life she loved her family.  She lived by faith.  She didn't beat us over the head with the Bible.  Yet, she lived her faith by true example.  Each one of us knew that we had come in contact with someone that had faith stronger than any mountain.

One of my favorite stories that she shared is when she was a midwife.  They would come from all over her small rural county to get her assistance.  She would get up in the middle of the night or leave what she was doing in the day to go help someone deliver a child.  She did it for years, she never got paid money, and people would give her gifts like milk and food for what she did.  One night this man came to her house desperate his wife was truly struggling.  So she went to the house and things were not well.  The man who was so distraught pulled a gun and said that if the baby and mom did not make it he would kill my grandma.  So there she was under a gun helping someone that was truly struggling between life and death.  She told me she prayed that God would keep them all safe and worked throughout the night.  The baby was finally born.  The mom and baby made it through the night she didn't have modern medicine to help her she only had her faith.

When I think about that and the many other stories she shared I am convinced that her life was truly a walk of faith.  I know the one thing that I can do is to live like her.  Her faith wasn't verbal instead it was visual.  To see someone not only talk the talk but walk their faith is something that we all need.  I know that I am going through a lot right now.  Yet, I know that if she was here living it she would be saying stay strong.  I figure she would be amazed with the Internet.  She would have learned her favorite thing and that is to turn things off.  Her lasting memory was not to waste your mind on the trivial but worry about the big picture.  I cannot tell you how many times she turned on the idiot box, TV, so people could spend time talking.  I guess those are the things that I will always remember about this woman of great faith.


Dear God we thank you for dying on the cross.  We thank you for the people that you put in our life that walk in faith.  Dear God we ask you right now to grow our faith.  Help us focus on you and spreading the good news throughout the world.  We praise you for your everlasting love.  Thank you for sending out your apostles to spread the good news to the entire world.  Thank you for dying to take away our sins if only we believe in you.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Do you know someone that walked the life of faith?  Are you being an example to others on how to live by faith?  Have you asked Jesus in your heart?  Are you willing to spread the good news to those in need?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lessons Learned from the Purim Festival

Verses:  Esther   9 : 18 - 10 : 3

My thoughts about the verses:

After the community was saved a feast was established.  A time to celebrate the fact that the Jewish communities time of sadness was turned into a time of happiness.  This was written so that every Jew would know that this was a feast that needed to be celebrated every year to commemorate the act of salvation that came through the sacrifices of Esther and Mordecai.  You have to understand that God was working through this the whole time.  Yet, if they had not walked in faith they would never had achieved the outcome that God desired.

I really feel that even though this holiday is commemorated by the Jewish community it is something that we as Christians can also commemorate.  Think about this a second if the will of Haman had occurred then Jesus would not have been born.  God would have fulfilled the salvation plan in a different way without Esther and Mordecai.  But there is an important lesson that we can learn and that is God uses regular people to further the Heavenly Realm.  They were no one special until God's plan went into place.  Then through the action of putting the right person in the right place at the right time God was able to prove his ultimate power.

So you may be asking how we as Christians can commemorate this very important festival.  I suggest that we follow the same guidelines that were issued right after the even.  This is a very joyous holiday.  I debated on when to do the book of Esther because the Holiday does not fall until March 15 and 16th of 2014.  Yet, I decided if people knew about the tradition when the Holiday falls in March more Christians can participate.  The actual dates change year by year but you can look it up on the Internet to find the exact dates.

So how to hold a Purim festival:

  • First you will need to read the whole book of Esther out loud.  (There are smaller versions that you can use and can find them online. The smaller stories are a good idea if the Purim recognitions are going to be part of you regular service.)
  • Each time the name of Haman is read children make noise with noisemakers and the adults stomp their feet.  (This is a way to get rid of the evil that happened during this time.)
  • Give money to at least two people who are less fortunate than you are. (This shows the unity of the community)
  • Send a gift of food or beverage to an acquaintance.  (This is a way of showing friendship to fellow believers.)
  • Prepare a meal to share with your friends and family.  (Remember the feast is very vital because it shows how the sadness turned to happiness.)
  • Many people wear costumes.  There are costumes  for both children and adults.   (This is a fun thing that is encouraged people choose to dress as Mordecai and Esther.  This shows that average people can make a difference if they follow God.)

You may ask how I can do this during a Christian service.  Several years ago I had my first Purim festival at Faith Metropolitan Community Church.  We did simple things ahead of time first we made noise makers for those that wanted them and brought them the day of the service.  I found a shortened version of the story so that the whole book would not be needed to be read.  We used the reading instead of scripture readings then I had a message about what it would be like if we did what God asked from us.  We actually collected a love offering that was sent to an orphanage.  We also asked everyone to bring food for the big potluck lunch after the service.

It is important to not do it in mockery this is a very important festival.  So we as Christians can learn that we can celebrate the story of an average man and woman becoming extraordinary. The lesson we can learn is that we need to do what God asks us to do.  This is a great way to start a stewardship program.  It can also be used to connect with a smaller church or help with another group.  The lessons that exist for the Jewish community are things that we as Christians also need to be reminded to do. 


Dear God thank you for showing us that your use ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Dear God we thank you for showing that no matter what your plan will come out the way it needs it to come out.  Help us remember to be there when you call us to service.  Dear God thank you for the multiple blessings that you give us each day.  Dear God we offer ourselves to you. We ask that you use us to grow the Heavenly Realm.  In God's Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Have you allowed God to use you?  Will you celebrate Purim in the future?  Have you learned that the traditions that happened in the Jewish Scriptures are something that we can all celebrate?  Have you done something special for a person less fortunate than yourself?  Have you just given a gift to an acquaintance to brighten their day?  Think of all the lessons and hopefully you will join me in March as I celebrate Purim.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bullying is something that must be stopped

Verses:  Esther  9 : 1 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

The new twist the conquered are now victorious. The King's new decree reaches every province. Those that stood to fight and kill the Jews were met with violence and destruction.  If you look at what happened originally Haman had offered to give 750, 000 pounds of silver to the King for having the right to kill the Jews.  According to the story 75,000 men were killed who stood up against the Jews.

The Jews had the right to take their property of those that had attacked them but they didn't.  They only defended their lives.  Those that rose arms against them were stricken down as their own punishment.

Now I am not condoning this behavior by any means but I do want to point out that sometimes you have to stand up for what you think is right.  In life we are all faced with times in which we must put our faith into action.  In this case, the Jewish community was protecting their own life.  Yet, they did not take any reward for their actions.  The fact that they lived and were able to continue on with life was enough of a reward.

The story goes onto say that the Jews in the capital city killed all of Haman's children.  Then they hanged them to show the rest of those that might fight them that they would have the same fate. The bully in the end was defeated and had to pay the utmost of sacrifices.  The hardest thing that we can face is standing up to those that bully us and keeping our heads held high.

I want to share the story of a young girl that is my hero.  I will not mention names but I will tell you that her fight is something we should all follow.  She is pretty popular at her school yet very shy. She has a heart of caring.  Several years ago she asked Christ in her life and she has led by example in many of the things she has done.

She has now taken on the battle of making friends with another girl that is being bullied.  She cannot stand it and she is taking up for her because it is the right thing to do.  Because she has befriended this young girl she has lost friends.  Yet, her motivation is to see her new friend make it through one of the hardest years that a child faces.  Bullying in the schools and playgrounds has to be stopped.  If one child is willing to befriend someone that is facing this how can we turn our backs on the hundreds more that are bullied daily.

We as adults need to make sure those children all around the world grow up in a safe environment. We need to understand that our children learn from us.  If we bully and treat others bad then our children will follow our example.  Yet, if we stand up and treat all people fairly our children will learn how to be good citizens.  They will change the world and bring a calming peace to all that are marginalized in society.

Children need to learn from us.  Think about the story with Esther.  Why did they kill Haman's sons?  I believe they knew that they would grow up with the same hate and animosity that their father had.  They would want revenge for the father's death.  The children of Israel learned that they could stand up against bullies.  I believe the best way to do this is not through violence but through love.  Teach your children now to respect all  individuals.  Show your children how to love those that are different.  Children are watching everything we as adults do.  If we want a future of peace where there are no people treated unfairly we must start by accepting people for who they are.  Once you realize that people's customs are just important as your own you will see their value.

I know we have experienced times in this century that the only way to stop hate was to defend ourselves.  Yet, if we want to change things for the future we must teach our children that all people are equal.  It is up to us as adults to be the role models.  To praise children those do stand up against injustice.  I believe that it isn't too late to change the world.   We must start now by helping the future leaders of the World, our children, learn to treat all equal.


Dear God we thank you for being with us through life's struggles.  We praise you for making the ultimate sacrifice.  We ask right now that you help us end bullying.  Help us teach our children how to be peaceful.  Help us Dear God put away our fears of differences and accept people for who they are.  Help us be the instrument of change that is needed in the world.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


The only question is you willing to help children learn how to stand up against injustice in a peaceful way?