
Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you a reflection of the light or a Beacon of Light

Verses: Romans 2 : 17 - 29

My thoughts about the verses:

Light is the one thing that people throughout the world see as a sign of wisdom and knowledge.  If you live within the beacon of light then you must be in the right place.  Yet, if you claim to be in the light but are actually are in a reflection of the light you are failing to show the light fully.  Yet, the only one that knows if you are the beacon or the reflection is God.

The Jews in Rome felt that they were much better off than the Gentiles that had become Christians.  They had the physical sign of circumcision.  Their physical sign of circumcision to the Jews showed their loyalty and dedication to God.  The Gentiles did not go through circumcision so they must not love God as much as they did.  Yet, what we are to learn it is not the outside that matters but the inside. See you can act like the perfect Christian yet if your heart is not in the right place only you and God know.

Physical signs of your relationship are truly only skin deep.  What God desires is a relationship that goes down to the very soul.  One in which you and the Savior are one.  People that have a relationship with God from their soul have a different type of walk in life.  They do not have to show people that they are one of God's children by showing physical signs.  People will know they are Christians by the way they act.

People in the early church had a hard time understanding how non-Jews could be Christians.  They really felt that the need for circumcision was necessary to show your obedience to God.  What had been missed is that the new covenant was  a promise of the heart and soul.  There was no need to go back to the Laws that was given to the Forefathers.  The lesson for the Jews was that Christianity went beyond the community that they thought it would reach out to.  They were under the impression that Jesus had come to save them from their oppressors.  When actuality Jesus came to save all those that believed from their oppression of sin.

This is really easy to see in the world.  Every group believes that their rituals and traditions are the only way to get to Heaven.  That you must do the outward things their way or you are not a true Christian.  I think of the one thing that has separated people from the beginning of Christianity and that is how to do Baptism.  Some traditions believe in infant baptism.  Other groups are totally against the baptism of infants.  Then there is the sprinkle or immersion as I like to call it the full body dunk debate.  The theory of how to have a baptism and when has created many denominations.

Yet, what I want you to think is that the most important part is not how or when you were baptized.  The most important part is do you trust God with your heart.  If you believe with your heart doesn't that mean more than how and when you were baptized. I know for me I have revisited this several times throughout my life.  The conclusion that I came to is that as long as the person believes with their heart that they love God then whether or not they were baptized they will go to Heaven.  I think to the thief on the cross that was forgiven he did not have time to have a baptism because he was at the same death door as Jesus.  Yet, Jesus told him that he would be joining him when they went to the other side. Baptisms along with other traditions are things that are man-made.  All God wants is you to have a relationship with your Savior.


Thank you Dear God for wanting a relationship with us.  Thank you for not putting barriers between us and you.  Allow us Dear Savior to put our differences aside.  Help us understand that all you desire is a relationship with us.  Help us unite the body of Christ so that we may do all the things you desire us to do.  Dear Risen Savior we offer you our life use it to fulfill your will.  In the name of Jesus we Pray.


Have you judged others because of different religious traditions?  Have you ever thought that your way of worshiping Christ is the only real way?  Is it time to start building a relationship with God?  Do you need to let the outward expressions of faith to go away so that you can stand united with other Christians?

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