
Friday, August 23, 2013

Jesus takes a Walk on the Water

Verses: John 6 : 16 - 21

My thoughts about the verses:

I love this story.  I  can only imagine being a disciple rowing the boat further and further from the shore. I can only imagine the wind blowing,  the waves getting higher and higher.  The task is excruciating hard because of the waves hitting the boat.  Then here comes Jesus, not in a boat but walking across the water.

You can almost hear the thoughts in their head.  I can imagine Tomas saying I can't believe it.  Peter going I don't know I don't see anything.  Philip saying it is impossible.  Then John saying that is Jesus walking on the water.   Lastly,  Andrew confirms then helping Jesus in the boat.

Which one of the disciples would you be in this moment.  Are you like Thomas who doubted that Jesus had risen from the grave.  Once Thomas touched the pierced hands and side did he finally accept that Jesus had done what he said he would do.  Many of us are like Thomas when things do not go exactly how we plan we start doubting God.  We demand proof that God exists.  Just to learn later that God was there walking right with us.  We often forget that unanswered prayers are sometimes really what we need.

Then how many of us are like Peter.  We deny the very existence of God because we do not want people to look at us funny or think of us badly.  We put up walls around our hearts because we think that sharing our love of God will only hurt us.  Yet, then we realize that the only way to survive is to allow God deep into our souls.  During these times God is there waiting for us to ask for help so that our problem can be resolved.

Many of us are like Philip.  Yesterday, we read the story of Philip in which he thought that it would be impossible for the crowd to be fed.  That the obstacle was so large and the solution to solve the problem so impossible that they must let the people go home.  Those that are going through times like this when things seem impossible are being carried by God.  God doesn't let us face these battles by us.  We may feel like we are alone, but when we are at our most desperate moments God lets is lean on the shoulders of comfort.  Then when we get past that moment we realize that we did not face it alone.

Many of us are like John.  We know that God is with us all the time.  We have moments that we hide because we are afraid yet we never doubt the presence of God.  It doesn't mean we are perfect but when things get rough the first thing we do is give it over to God.  We know God will help us the way we need it so we are not upset if the answered prayer is not the answer we wanted.

Some of us are like Andrew.  In yesterday’s story we see Andrew bringing the little boy to Jesus saying here will this help.  We call these individuals worker bees.  They want to help God by sharing their story or by finding ways of taking the word to others.  They are willing to do whatever is needed. Andrew did this several times in the Gospel.  Remember him running to get his brother Peter.  These individuals are needed because they are not afraid to do the work needed.

You can probably see that throughout your life you will have different attributes of the disciples.  Sometimes you will doubt God is present because you don't get what you wanted.  Sometimes we are like Peter because we are afraid of what will happen if our friends know we love God.  Sometimes we are like Philip needing to be carried through the obstacles of life.  Those moments when you are like John you see God as not only your savior but the true fiend that you need in your life.  Lastly, there are moments in our life when we are like Andrew running to help God anyway we can.


Dear God we thank you for the many times you have carried us in life.  We want to thank you for always being there even when we attempt to build a wall between our soul and your love.  We ask that you help us serve others.  We ask right now Go that you open our hearts so that we can be an instrument of peace to the world.  Lastly, God we ask you to help us understand when we do not get what we want we get what we need.  In you holy name we pray.  Amen


What disciple are you most like right now this moment?  What disciple would you prefer to be like?  What do you need to do to meet that goal?  Have you started building a wall that needs to be torn down?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Helping the Savior Willingly

Two Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread and the Multitude was Fed

Verses: John 6 : 1 - 15

My thoughts about the verses:

This story is very interesting because there are two parts.  The first is that of doubt and the second has to do with trust.  How many times in our life have we had doubts of what Jesus has planned for us?  We worried that God wants us to do impossible task.  Then when the task is completed we start trusting in God because we could not do the act without God.  What happens the next time we are faced with the impossible we often question God but have a little more faith.  As God answers our prayers and we are able to tackle battles our Faith in us and God grows.

Imagine being the disciples you have seen tons of miraculous signs up to this point in the story.  Yet, when you see how many people have come to hear Jesus there is concern spreading among this small group.  I would guess that Philip was not the only person thinking that there was no way that these people could be fed and they should go back home.  He was seeing this as an impossible task.

Andrew comes forward with this little boy and says here's two fish and five loaves it is all we have in this whole crowd.  Can't you see a small smile forming on Jesus's face.  Jesus knew that he could teach the disciples and important lesson.  That this small amount was all was needed because God can take the smallest thing and do great things with it.

The trust comes in the little boy.  He did not hesitate in giving Jesus all he had.  It is amazing how many things you can learn from children. Their trust is not blinded by things that have happened in their life.  They trust people and are innocent.   It is only with life struggles that we start losing our faith and trust in people.  This little boy had no problem giving what he had because he knew that an adult could solve the problem at hand.

You can see the look of the crowd as Jesus blesses these two fish and five loaves of bread and breaks them.  This miracle would confirm that Jesus was able to satisfy all their needs.  After this event their trust in Jesus would be sealed forever.  They would be willingly to trust Jesus and give their life to God without hesitation.

Once you accept God without hesitation you heart will start wanting to give freely to God.  Your desire is to do what you can with what you have.  You no longer keep things from the Savior.  As your faith grows your willingness to help others also grows.  You are able to trust God and give what you have to Jesus to help other accept the risen savior.

Jesus doesn't ask for millions of dollars.  Jesus uses whatever we have to bring the word to those that need to hear it.  It is simple acts that people see over time that helps build trust in the Savior.  There is nothing that we cannot do with God in our lives.  Your faith will grow as you are able to see lives changed with what you have.  You just must be willing to give what you have without hesitation and you will see the great miracles God can perform.


Dear God thank you for all the things you do daily in our lives.  Help us grow stronger in our relationship with you.  Let us learn to give without hesitation trusting solely in you.  Help us become an instrument of change in the lives of others as we give to you whatever we have.  In your name we pray. Amen


Do you have the trust of a child?  Do you give to God freely or with hesitation?  What small thing can you do today to change the fortune of others tomorrow? 

How Much Proof Is Enough Proof

is Praise the Only Thing we Desire
Verses: John 5 : 31 - 47

My thoughts about the verses:

I love photography and have for the majority of my life.  There are so many times that I stopped what I loved because other things seemed more important.  Then I realized when everything else was taken away from me that my view of the world hadn't changed.  I have always had a little bit of a slant on the way things are.

I always doubted that people truly felt that my shots were worth anything.  In fact, I have thought about entering contest before but my ego got in the way.  Things changed this year because I had nothing else to lose.  I lost my ability to drive.  My head spins ninety percent of the time.  The other ten percent I am asleep.  My tummy revolts throughout the day.  Yet, I still could take a shot while being driven from place to place for appointments.

The hardest thing that occurred in my transition is the ability to just get up and go.  If you know me you will know that I release my stress behind the wheel of a car.  Does that mean I drive carelessly or tail others?  No, really what it means is that I choose someplace to drive to and allow God's peace to fill my spirit.  It has been gradually coming over the last few years, but it finally snapped this year. Driving is a thing of the past.  Not only is it not safe for me but I am so afraid I will hurt someone else.

So the thought came in my mind to start showing the world what I saw.  Have you ever seen the beauty that occurs in nature.  Are you so worried about getting from one place to the next that you miss what God has put right there in front of you?  That is what photography forces us to do.  It makes us forget what is going on around us and focus on what is happening right before our eyes.  One of the state fair competitions this year was transportation.  One that I really felt was something that hit hard in my own life.  How would I catch something that would show transportation and even be good enough to enter?

Then this shot happened.  I did not want to submit it.  I like the concept but, thought this isn't what there are looking for.  They are looking for something much different.  Yet, through encouragement of a friend and more shots through car windows driving from appointment to appointment it was determined that I should submit this one.  Who would ever think that God would let my love for being in nature riding in a car is the first contest I ever won a ribbon in.  Furthermore, who would have considered that what God was giving me was a since of closure?  A way of accepting what you can do now and do it for me.  That is what this means for me.

Now you may be asking what does this have to do with the story at hand.  Jesus was experiencing this but from a different side of the fence.  He wasn't  looking for praise.  He didn't need it.  He already knew that what he was doing was what was needed for all humankind.

Jesus was pointing out that we do not trust those close to us.  We seek praise and proof from the outside world.  Jesus further states that those that do not believe and trust those close in our life that we are actually rejecting them and our relationship.  I know when I saw that I won that my heart leaped for Joy I had validation that my stuff was good.  Yet, the people in my life had lost their validation because I didn't believe what they said because it was more important what an outsider said.  For that I am sorry and realize that God corrected me through this scripture.

Jesus came to spread good news.  People actually met the savior while he walked in human form but they did not accept Christ.  Instead, they hunted for something more.  They were looking for this great victorious King to come in and free them from the Roman occupation.  When in reality what they needed was saving from them.  The fact is that God sent people predicting Christ's birth and the salvation for everyone  Yet, if we could not believe the predictions how could the people believe God in human form.  Jesus felt that pain in that moment and was foretelling what would occur if we rejected Christ.  We would face the final judgment.  The fact that we would deny Christ and the proof that he presented would lead to our end.


Dear God thank you for giving us the proof of Christ in our life.  We thank you Jesus for accepting the way of the cross to clear us of our faults.  We thank you Holy Spirit for entering our lives and walking with us each day.  Dear God right now we ask that you help us appreciate those around us.  Help us accept the proof that you show us each day.  We ask this in you Holy Name Amen


Do you accept the proof that is right before your eye?  Do you struggle with self-doubt?  Do you question those close to you?  Do you trust in the proof God has given you through the lives of others?  Are you willing to put your trust in God and believe in the ultimate of all powers?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

God is the Only Judge

Jesus Came to Save Us and Not to Condemn Us

Verses: John 5 : 19 - 30

My thoughts about the verses:

When I think about Jesus I think of the one who perished to take away all my sins.  I recently took this photograph of a wood statue that we have at church.  I have a feeling that Jesus looked much like this image.  Eyes filled with pain.  The rest of his face is calm willing to sacrifice without blaming others.

I believe that the pain experienced went much deeper than that of a mere human would experience.  The pain went all the way to the very heart and soul of Jesus.  The pain of knowing he would eventually have to judge those that he came to save.

The truth be known Jesus's plan to save all humankind.  His eyes of pain were not because of the sacrifice he was making.  The pain came because he knew there would be those that would see and not believe.  The pain existed because people would hear but not believe.  The pain existed because even though the sacrifice was enough there would be those that would perish.

Imagine having a child that was suffering and sick.  That they were suffering and the chances were great that you would lose them.  What would you do for them.  Would you not reason with God to take their place.

I know as I see kids sick that I too have wondered why they have to suffer when they are so young.  I started shaving my head to bring awareness because I saw what my grandfather went through.  I saw what my grandmother and the rest of the family went through.  Then I thought about the children who never have a chance to grow up because of an illness that destroys them either by death or by stealing a part of their childhood.  My sacrifice is small in comparison to what they go through daily.

Yet, imagine being the child who was sent knowing that your one purpose in life was to die for others. Could you as that child go so bravely into each day fighting and teaching.  I wonder how hard it was for Jesus to try to teach and bring healing when he knew only his own sacrifice would be enough.

So when I think of Jesus I see him as bravely approaching the cross.  Still in his heart knowing that he was not at fault.  He was carrying a cross because it was the will of God to save the world.  That the judging would not be his decision but of those that did the nailing.

Look at the cross does it not look a lot like a scale.  The biggest difference is that the cross is balanced. It does not lean to one side or the other.  It judges us the same.  Yet, we choose whether to claim it for our self or to walk away from it and turn our back.


Dear God thank you for sending the son.  The son was sent to heal us from the inside out.  We thank you for giving us free will.  We know dear Savior it is our choice to take upon the cross.  We ask God that you help us take and nail our sins to the cross and leave them there.  May we walk always knowing that you died so that we may live.  We ask this is the Holy of most Holiest Names.  Amen.


Have you looked into the eyes of Jesus?  Have you picked up your cross?  Have you started walking the path of the savior?  Have you chosen to pull the salvation that comes from the cross and place the truth in your heart?  Is there something that you need to leave and allow Jesus to handle so that you may walk free?  Is the final answer to be judged or to be saved?

Monday, August 19, 2013

You are Healed

Jesus Heals us When we Trust in Him

Verses: John 5 : 1 - 18

My thoughts about the verses:

Can you imagine being sick for 38 years?  Knowing that if you could get to a small pool of water before anyone else you would be cured.  Yet, you waited day after day and when the miracle occurred you were unable to get to the water before others.  This did not stop you, but made you wait longer and pray harder.  Your faith grew by leaps and bounds.  Knowing if you could make it you would be healed forever.

This man is like so many of us that trust God but have to wait for our answer to come.  We attempt to make it to the pools of healing water yet, others beat us to the punch.  We do everything we can to find our miracle.  We go from doctor to doctor.  We search for natural herbs and cures. We leave no stone unturned.  Yet, we fail to get better and it is in those moments that we start to wonder is God listening.

I can tell you it is hard having an illness that drains you.  I know how it feels to have an illness that takes your desire to keep going from you each and every day.  I can also tell you that I am stronger now than I ever have been in my life.  I have done many bible studies over the years.  Read scripture attempted to learn what God wanted from me.  But, it wasn't until I hit the bottom and realized that my gift was to share with others what God had given me.  God wanted me to share what was happening in my life.  To quit wanting more but to enjoy and live with what I had.

I know that God has healed me from my self-doubt.  God has healed me from my faults.  I question if  I would ever be the same  that I once was?  In all honestly, I hope not.  That person had faith but attempted to fix problems on own.  That person believed that if God did not get me to the water I would get there on my own two feet.

See God doesn't always heal us the way we think we need to be healed.  It may not be the physical healing that you desire with all of your heart and soul.  It may be the gift of emotional healing.  I know for me that was the gift I received.  I thought that the pacer would give me healing.  I thought that the shunt in my ear would stop the spins.  I believed that I could kick my body in gear by the world of medicine and I would be unstoppable.  God didn't have that in the plans.

See there are times that you have to be forced to be humble.  I thought that I was on top of the world but I had forgotten to do the one thing that God wanted from me.  That was to share the thoughts that had been planted in my spirit.  To unleash the thoughts and ideas that had been stored up inside me.  I can't do the physical things anymore.  It takes everything out of me just to do simple things like get ready to go to bed.  There are times that I need help to walk.  I have become dependent on others.  At the same time I have become dependent on God.  I know that everything that I am able to do is a gift that comes from Christ's love for me.

So there are days that it takes hours for me to write these simple devotions.  Yet, if one person gets a closer walk with God I know my struggle was worth it.  So let's go back to the story and discover what was so important about that day.  Why Jesus decided that on this particular Sabbath he would give someone the gift  of healing.  Very simple answer that was to show the world that no one can put limitations or restrictions on God's will.

So the next time you worry about how you are going to make it through the day stop and take a deep breath.  Inhale the spirit of God and allow it to overtake you.  Do not be afraid and when limits come your way just remember that there are things you can do.  You may not do them the same way or be as successful as you thought but with God the impossible is possible.


Thank you God for giving us you’re chosen gifts.  Thank you for healing us in your time and in your way.  Help us accept what we cannot do.  Give us strength to live out our life to your fullest.


Are there things that you have been trying to fix yourself?  Have you given everything to God?  Is there something that you can do to help others?  Is it time to accept the healing gifts of God even if it isn't what you thought you needed?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Second Miracle in Galilee

Small Miracles Sometimes Make a Big Difference

Verses: John  4 : 43 - 54

My thoughts about the verses:

I often wonder why we expect God to show us miraculous signs.  We all have those things that we wish upon.  How many of us when in desperate financial straits buy the lottery ticket and reason with God?  How many times have we begged God to heal our loved one even reasoning with our own life as the sacrifice?  How often do we ask that things will change yet deep in our hearts fear that they will not change?

This occurs because we have faith in God but we forget that unanswered prayers are sometimes God's greatest gifts.  We believe God can answer our prayers.  Yet, when it is not the answer we want we start to think God has betrayed us.  One must ask themselves why God would have sent Jesus to save our souls if God does not want to help us on while we are here.

Think back to those things that you wanted and desired so much.  Did you want them to glorify God or did you want them for your own benefit?  I honestly believe that Jesus is teaching us all something very important in this story.  Jesus wanted us to know that putting others first is more important thing a person can do.  Yet, Jesus healed this young child to prove that faith will lead to the things we need in life.

Yet, we think that what the man needed most was his son to live.  Yet, is that really what he needed but rather he needed much more.  Maybe what the man needed was an opportunity to believe in the savior that was in his presence.  He had heard that Jesus was able to heal the sick.  Yet, he needed something more.  He needed to understand about true everlasting life.  That the power of God went much deeper than helping us here.  God granted this from a distance so that the official and others could see that God is present with us even when we believe no one is there.

This was a huge miracle.  That was used to help all of understand something years and years later.  If it hadn't been written would we truly understand how often God is with us.  The small things that happen each day are the things that we can see that help us know God is with us.  The fact, that we can wake up morning and take our first breath is a small miracle.  The days that we are able to see a beautiful flower or smell the fragrance of a blossom or hear the sound of wind we are witnessing the blessing of God.


Dear God thank you for all the things that you give us each day.  Thank your for the beauty of the earth.  Thank you for letting us witnesses your blessing.  Dear God help us be a blessing to others. Help us witness to others and share the miracles that come every day.


Have you been a blessing to someone?  Are you willing to accept the small miracles in life?  Do you feel the presence of God each and every day?  What will it take for God to prove to you that you are never alone?