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Verses: John 6 : 16 - 21
My thoughts about the verses:
I love this story. I can only imagine being a disciple rowing the boat further and further from the shore. I can only imagine the wind blowing, the waves getting higher and higher. The task is excruciating hard because of the waves hitting the boat. Then here comes Jesus, not in a boat but walking across the water.
You can almost hear the thoughts in their head. I can imagine Tomas saying I can't believe it. Peter going I don't know I don't see anything. Philip saying it is impossible. Then John saying that is Jesus walking on the water. Lastly, Andrew confirms then helping Jesus in the boat.
Which one of the disciples would you be in this moment. Are you like Thomas who doubted that Jesus had risen from the grave. Once Thomas touched the pierced hands and side did he finally accept that Jesus had done what he said he would do. Many of us are like Thomas when things do not go exactly how we plan we start doubting God. We demand proof that God exists. Just to learn later that God was there walking right with us. We often forget that unanswered prayers are sometimes really what we need.
Then how many of us are like Peter. We deny the very existence of God because we do not want people to look at us funny or think of us badly. We put up walls around our hearts because we think that sharing our love of God will only hurt us. Yet, then we realize that the only way to survive is to allow God deep into our souls. During these times God is there waiting for us to ask for help so that our problem can be resolved.
Many of us are like Philip. Yesterday, we read the story of Philip in which he thought that it would be impossible for the crowd to be fed. That the obstacle was so large and the solution to solve the problem so impossible that they must let the people go home. Those that are going through times like this when things seem impossible are being carried by God. God doesn't let us face these battles by us. We may feel like we are alone, but when we are at our most desperate moments God lets is lean on the shoulders of comfort. Then when we get past that moment we realize that we did not face it alone.
Many of us are like John. We know that God is with us all the time. We have moments that we hide because we are afraid yet we never doubt the presence of God. It doesn't mean we are perfect but when things get rough the first thing we do is give it over to God. We know God will help us the way we need it so we are not upset if the answered prayer is not the answer we wanted.
Some of us are like Andrew. In yesterday’s story we see Andrew bringing the little boy to Jesus saying here will this help. We call these individuals worker bees. They want to help God by sharing their story or by finding ways of taking the word to others. They are willing to do whatever is needed. Andrew did this several times in the Gospel. Remember him running to get his brother Peter. These individuals are needed because they are not afraid to do the work needed.
You can probably see that throughout your life you will have different attributes of the disciples. Sometimes you will doubt God is present because you don't get what you wanted. Sometimes we are like Peter because we are afraid of what will happen if our friends know we love God. Sometimes we are like Philip needing to be carried through the obstacles of life. Those moments when you are like John you see God as not only your savior but the true fiend that you need in your life. Lastly, there are moments in our life when we are like Andrew running to help God anyway we can.
Dear God we thank you for the many times you have carried us in life. We want to thank you for always being there even when we attempt to build a wall between our soul and your love. We ask that you help us serve others. We ask right now Go that you open our hearts so that we can be an instrument of peace to the world. Lastly, God we ask you to help us understand when we do not get what we want we get what we need. In you holy name we pray. Amen
My thoughts about the verses:
I love this story. I can only imagine being a disciple rowing the boat further and further from the shore. I can only imagine the wind blowing, the waves getting higher and higher. The task is excruciating hard because of the waves hitting the boat. Then here comes Jesus, not in a boat but walking across the water.
You can almost hear the thoughts in their head. I can imagine Tomas saying I can't believe it. Peter going I don't know I don't see anything. Philip saying it is impossible. Then John saying that is Jesus walking on the water. Lastly, Andrew confirms then helping Jesus in the boat.
Which one of the disciples would you be in this moment. Are you like Thomas who doubted that Jesus had risen from the grave. Once Thomas touched the pierced hands and side did he finally accept that Jesus had done what he said he would do. Many of us are like Thomas when things do not go exactly how we plan we start doubting God. We demand proof that God exists. Just to learn later that God was there walking right with us. We often forget that unanswered prayers are sometimes really what we need.
Then how many of us are like Peter. We deny the very existence of God because we do not want people to look at us funny or think of us badly. We put up walls around our hearts because we think that sharing our love of God will only hurt us. Yet, then we realize that the only way to survive is to allow God deep into our souls. During these times God is there waiting for us to ask for help so that our problem can be resolved.
Many of us are like Philip. Yesterday, we read the story of Philip in which he thought that it would be impossible for the crowd to be fed. That the obstacle was so large and the solution to solve the problem so impossible that they must let the people go home. Those that are going through times like this when things seem impossible are being carried by God. God doesn't let us face these battles by us. We may feel like we are alone, but when we are at our most desperate moments God lets is lean on the shoulders of comfort. Then when we get past that moment we realize that we did not face it alone.
Many of us are like John. We know that God is with us all the time. We have moments that we hide because we are afraid yet we never doubt the presence of God. It doesn't mean we are perfect but when things get rough the first thing we do is give it over to God. We know God will help us the way we need it so we are not upset if the answered prayer is not the answer we wanted.
Some of us are like Andrew. In yesterday’s story we see Andrew bringing the little boy to Jesus saying here will this help. We call these individuals worker bees. They want to help God by sharing their story or by finding ways of taking the word to others. They are willing to do whatever is needed. Andrew did this several times in the Gospel. Remember him running to get his brother Peter. These individuals are needed because they are not afraid to do the work needed.
You can probably see that throughout your life you will have different attributes of the disciples. Sometimes you will doubt God is present because you don't get what you wanted. Sometimes we are like Peter because we are afraid of what will happen if our friends know we love God. Sometimes we are like Philip needing to be carried through the obstacles of life. Those moments when you are like John you see God as not only your savior but the true fiend that you need in your life. Lastly, there are moments in our life when we are like Andrew running to help God anyway we can.
Dear God we thank you for the many times you have carried us in life. We want to thank you for always being there even when we attempt to build a wall between our soul and your love. We ask that you help us serve others. We ask right now Go that you open our hearts so that we can be an instrument of peace to the world. Lastly, God we ask you to help us understand when we do not get what we want we get what we need. In you holy name we pray. Amen
What disciple are you most like right now this moment? What disciple would you prefer to be like? What do you need to do to meet that goal? Have you started building a wall that needs to be torn down?