
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Second Miracle in Galilee

Small Miracles Sometimes Make a Big Difference

Verses: John  4 : 43 - 54

My thoughts about the verses:

I often wonder why we expect God to show us miraculous signs.  We all have those things that we wish upon.  How many of us when in desperate financial straits buy the lottery ticket and reason with God?  How many times have we begged God to heal our loved one even reasoning with our own life as the sacrifice?  How often do we ask that things will change yet deep in our hearts fear that they will not change?

This occurs because we have faith in God but we forget that unanswered prayers are sometimes God's greatest gifts.  We believe God can answer our prayers.  Yet, when it is not the answer we want we start to think God has betrayed us.  One must ask themselves why God would have sent Jesus to save our souls if God does not want to help us on while we are here.

Think back to those things that you wanted and desired so much.  Did you want them to glorify God or did you want them for your own benefit?  I honestly believe that Jesus is teaching us all something very important in this story.  Jesus wanted us to know that putting others first is more important thing a person can do.  Yet, Jesus healed this young child to prove that faith will lead to the things we need in life.

Yet, we think that what the man needed most was his son to live.  Yet, is that really what he needed but rather he needed much more.  Maybe what the man needed was an opportunity to believe in the savior that was in his presence.  He had heard that Jesus was able to heal the sick.  Yet, he needed something more.  He needed to understand about true everlasting life.  That the power of God went much deeper than helping us here.  God granted this from a distance so that the official and others could see that God is present with us even when we believe no one is there.

This was a huge miracle.  That was used to help all of understand something years and years later.  If it hadn't been written would we truly understand how often God is with us.  The small things that happen each day are the things that we can see that help us know God is with us.  The fact, that we can wake up morning and take our first breath is a small miracle.  The days that we are able to see a beautiful flower or smell the fragrance of a blossom or hear the sound of wind we are witnessing the blessing of God.


Dear God thank you for all the things that you give us each day.  Thank your for the beauty of the earth.  Thank you for letting us witnesses your blessing.  Dear God help us be a blessing to others. Help us witness to others and share the miracles that come every day.


Have you been a blessing to someone?  Are you willing to accept the small miracles in life?  Do you feel the presence of God each and every day?  What will it take for God to prove to you that you are never alone?

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