
Saturday, February 8, 2014

If Someone is Not Against you they Are For you

Verses: Luke 9 : 49 - 50

My thoughts about the verses:

There are numerous religions throughout the world.  In the sphere of Christianity there are hundreds of different denominations and sects.  Each group believes their way of serving God is the only way. They see flaws in the many different groups.  Each group is fighting for a slice of the pie.  The bigger the slice of pie a denomination has the more dominating that denomination comes to society.

As this is going on the different groups are in a constant battle.  Believing this group or that group is teaching falsehoods.  The concept that is in place is if they are not doing it our way they are misguiding people.  The goal then becomes to convert individuals from the other groups to their group.

People miss the big picture.  The picture of spreading the Good News of Jesus's saving grace.  People are so worried about standing against each other that they miss reaching those that feel alienated from religion.  From those looking in from the outside the church is divided.  Imagine being a nonbeliever and hearing different groups shredding others for small differences in the way they choose to serve God.

I say small issues because of some of the reasons churches have split.  New churches have started over hymnals, color of carpet just to name a few things.  Denominations have been created over do you sprinkle or do you dunk when it comes to baptism.  Other groups have been formed over just what the Lord Supper means to the believer.  If you noticed the splits and divisions did not occur because of the fact people believe differently about the saving grace of Jesus.

The fact is Jesus makes it very clear to the disciples if someone is not against you they are for you.  See if someone is spreading the Good News to the world then they are working for God.  They are reaching people that you might not be able to reach.  Yet, if you challenge their true purpose you may become a barrier to someone who needs to hear the word of God.  You should be happy that others are spreading the news about the saving power of God even if it is not connected to your denomination.  People once they find Jesus can seek out how and where they want to worship.  The most important part is that they are given the opportunity to hear the story of Jesus.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Jesus we thank you for going to the cross to clean us from our transgressions.  We ask that you help us accept the differences that others have.  Help us as we deal with other groups.  Help us never to push someone away because we think someone isn't living the way we think they should.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Do you judge other believers?  Have you tried to convert someone to your way of thinking because you thought they were not do things the right way?  Are you spreading the Good News to those that need to hear it?  What obstacles have you placed between your group and others?  Is it time to change your way of thinking?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Who is the Greatest?

Verses: Luke 9 : 46 - 48

My thoughts about the verses:

When I think of this verse I think back to when I was a little kid.  This reminds me of the big debate my brother and I went through with my Mom and Dad.  Who do you love best?  My brother always used the theory he was the youngest so he must be loved better.  I used the famous one liner that a lot of older siblings use I was wanted you were an accident so I am loved more.

Isn't it funny how we have a tendency to want to be more important than others.  We grow up thinking that we are more important than this person or that person.  We judge the way teachers treat us.  We love it when adults give us praise for the little things we do.   I know that there were many times in my life as a kid that I wanted to be the teacher’s pet.  Doesn't that mean that they cared about me more than others.  I had a tendency to push away kids because I thrived on the praise of adults.   I have a feeling that there are many of us that can remember feeling that way.

So we can understand how the disciples.  They wanted to be the teacher's pet.  The one that was loved the most must be the greatest.  Even as adults many people feel that need to be praised for everything that they do.  when they see others getting praised for something that they actually do they feel betrayed by the leaders.  Humans have a deep inner desire to have accomplishes recognized.  When the last was time that you did something great at work or home and didn't want people to know about it?

Jesus deflates the disciples bubble.  You can see their faces when he brings a child to his side.  You can imagine the embarrassment that they felt when Jesus pointed out that they were acting like children.
The greatest among them would be least amongst them.  The fact is that Jesus wanted them to know that it wasn't a matter of getting praise but rather doing things because it was the right thing to do.

It isn't about dong the big things it is doing the simple things that is important.  We all know of people that feel isolated.  They feel that no one cares about them that they are the bottom of the barrel.  They feel as if no one cares about them.  Yet, what Jesus tells the disciples that making these individuals feel love is more important than their own level in the Realm of God.

It isn't about climbing the ladder for your own good rather it is important to help others climb to the top. When you help others without considering what you will get in return God will bless your life.  How ironic that those that aren't looking for reward will be rewarded.  While those trying seeking the top rung will be knocked down to the bottom rung to help them understand to give to God freely.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for loving us when we do not feel loved.  Help us be there for others.  Help us put our desire to be the best out of our mind.  Help us serve you without expecting anything in return.  In the name of the Blessed Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you doing things to get praise?  Are you willing to help others without getting rewards?  Are you willing to put your desires behind you and put others needs first?  What is the most important thing that you can do today to help someone feel love?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jesus will be betrayed by Human Hands

Verses: Luke 9 : 43 - 45

My thoughts about the verses:

I realize that when many people read this now they see Judas as the betrayer.  Did he not turn Jesus over to the High Priest.  He did get paid for giving the location of Jesus away.  He was the one that led Jesus to his death.  Many people see Judas as a man that allowed his human nature to come between him and God.

Yet, I see this set of verses as something much different.  Judas was not called out as the betrayer at this moment and time.  Jesus knew who would be the betrayer way before the event ever happened.  Yet, Jesus tells the people that his life would be taken by the hands of the people.  See Judas did lead the High Priest to Jesus.  Yet, it was the masses that truly betrayed Jesus.

Now I know some of you reading this are saying how she can be saying this.  We all know that it was one man's hand that turned over the Messiah.  Yet, think about this a second who called for the Messiah to die.  Was it Judas?  No.  The Messiah was led to the cross because the people would rather free a man who they knew were guilty than to free the one that came to save them.  The people led Jesus down the road as they mocked him.  It was the masses that pleaded for the death.

See what I believe is important about this scripture is that we take responsibility for our part in the death of the Messiah.  We might not been there in that very moment.  Yet, we are as much responsible as anyone else.  Due to our sins the Messiah freely died so that we may be free.

Isn't it ironic that those that heard these words could not understand what was being taught.  Isn't that true today we blame others for the death without accepting our role.  We hear the story and think to ourselves that we would never have yelled for Jesus to die.  Yet, because of our iniquities we were there in spirit as he perished on Golgotha.  It wasn't just one man but humankind that led to the death of the one that was sent to set us free.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Precious Messiah we thank you for taking our place on the cross. Holy Spirit we praise you for coming so that we may be filled with the love of God.  Help us accept the power that comes from loving the Trinity.  Help us understand our role in the death of the Chosen One.  Help us to remember we are no better than anyone else.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray. Amen


Are you willing to accept your role in the death of Jesus?  Have you asked God to forgive you of your trespasses?  Have you accepted the Holy Spirit in your life?  Are you willing to share your story with those that have not accepted Christ as their Savior?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Testing our Faith

Verses: Luke 9 : 37 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

Now we all have moments that our faith is tested.  We do not see something happen in the time frame that we think it should happen.  We start doubting the power of God.  We assume that since God didn't answer our prayers instantly that God has not heard our pleas.

We also think that God should answer our prayers the way that we want them to be answered.  We do not allow God to come up with the answer instead we tell God what we want to happen.  When something happens that is outside our plan we get angry.  We start to doubt that God is even listening to us.

See we are no different than this man.  He wanted God to cure his son immediately.  He had gone to the disciples and they did not achieve what he wanted them to achieve.  He felt that he was abandoned and that God could not work through anyone except Jesus.  He judged the disciples on this one act.  He felt that they did not have the ability that Jesus did.  They were not truly guided by the Messiah.

Jesus responds with you faithless generation.  Jesus wanted us all to know that soon he would be gone. That we had to trust that God would send leaders to us that would guide us until the Messiah returned. We have to trust that God will send those that we need to further our life's journey.  We have to put trust in those that God has sent to lead us.

Yet, at the same time we have to understand that these individuals are only people.  They are not to be put on the same pedestal as God.  Think about different people that have been seen as strong religious leaders.  We have a tendency to place them on a high pedestal.  Yet, when they do something that we perceive as inappropriate we start to question our faith in God.  We have put people at the same equivalent of God and we lose focus on the one that has set us free.

The lesson to be learned is that we need to always be focused on God.  If we trust that God can do all things and work through people we will see miracles happen.  We have to always remember that we might not know what we truly need.  Just because things don't happen our way doesn't mean God isn't listening.  We have to also remember to not put people on a pedestal that they can fall far from.  There are many people that have left churches because the leaders do not live up to their expectations. Remember that People will make mistakes.  It is God's job to judge even those in Christian leadership. Don't base your decision to follow God on how others act but rather on your own need to have a Savior.


Dear God thank you for answering our prayers.  Thank you for giving us exactly what we need in our life.  Help us to not judge others.  Help us to understand that we are to trust in your power.  Help us have faith in those that you have sent to guide us.  Help us to remember that people will make mistakes. Help us to forgive those that let us down.  In the name of the one that give all power we pray.  Amen


Have you ever judged others in leadership positions?  Have you placed people on pedestals that can easily fall off of?  Have you ever distrusted God because of the actions of people?  What lesson can you take away from this story?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jesus is the Chosen One

Verses: Luke 9 : 28 - 36

My thoughts about the verses:

How many of us can identify with Peter?  Imagine you are up on the mountain with Jesus.  You are very sleepy but out of the blue you see this miracle happen.  You see Jesus shining brightly.  Then you see the prophets of old standing with Jesus.  In your state of awe you immediately say that how wonderful it is for us to be here.  Let us build a shelter for each one of you.  You can't see how this would be bad. Haven't we all read about the prophets.  This is a fulfillment of the promise that the prophets would come back announcing the Messiah.

You can see the shock that overcomes Peter when he is reprimanded by God.  Simply that he should recognize that Jesus is the true chosen one that deserves to be worshiped.  Not those from the old because they were just preparing the way.  That the very one that they had walked with was the one that should be put ahead of others.  There was no need to build a shrine to the prophets but rather to raise a temple for the Messiah.

How many times in our life have we jumped to do something without thinking it all the way through. We think we are doing the right thing at the very moment.  We move forward with our plan only to realize that we should have thought things completely through.  We jump before planning things out completely.  Then we realize that we cannot accomplish what we have already promised everyone that we would do.  We discover that it will take more than the resources we have at hand.  Our hearts were in the right place.  Yet, we jumped to a conclusion and we are put in our place because we cannot accomplish what we promised.

Now does this mean that we should avoid doing things spontaneously.  No there are times that we can make a quick decision and accomplish great things.  Think back to that moment when Peter left the boat to follow God.  He didn't know what would happen later but he knew that it was the right thing to do he didn't have to have a total plan all he had to do was follow Jesus and all would work out.  Yet, there are times that we have to work through the major details before we can move forward.  Sometimes making changes and not thinking it through can discourage others.  You have to weigh the outcomes and determine if this happens how it will affect others.

Does this mean that we will always be able to work out all the details.  No again we do not know how everyone will respond to a decision that has been made.  Yet, if we make a change with a God centered focus we can accomplish great things.  It doesn't mean that all will agree but it will reach those that God needed us to reach.

The lesson that occurred on the mountain that day was to put God first.  Not to focus on our own reward but rather furthering the Realm of God.  If God is the center of our praise we will have the strength we need to accomplish what needs to be done.  If we let God work through the details we can get what is needed accomplished.  We need to pray to God for assistance before we jump to conclusions.  When we do it on our own there is always the chance that we turn people away that needs to hear the word.  Yet, if we allow God to work through us we will reach those that God wants us to reach.  We will bring praise to the one that has saved us through his death.  The Messiah will guide us and lead us where we need to be as long as we put God in the center and not as the last resort.  Remember to always take that second and ask God if this is what is needed.  If we truly trust God for the answers we will not be alone as the plan works its way out.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sending the Messiah so that we can be made whole. Help us keep you in the center of our life.  Help us turn to you when we make decisions that may affect others. Work through us so that people may find you.  Dear Messiah we ask you to lead us and guide us as we go into the world spreading the Good News.  In the name of the Chosen One we pray.  Amen


Do you ask God to help you make decisions that affect others?  Are you quick to act without thinking through how to accomplish things?  When is the last time that you asked God to help you reach others?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Take up your cross

Verses: Luke 9 : 23-27

My thoughts about the verses:

It is almost hard to believe that Jesus is telling us to pick up our cross and carry it with us daily. Questions come into our mind.  Are we not supposed to be free from our transgressions?  Isn't it supposed to be easier once you become a child of God?  Is Jesus telling us that we will lose everything so that we may have eternal life?

My mom always said we aren't promised a rose garden.  This is so true.  Life has many ups and downs. You never know when the next bump may turn into a giant hill that you must climb.  We are not put on this Earth to struggle but sometimes that is what it feels like.  We are not guaranteed happiness here on Earth.  What we are promised is an eternal life full of joy, no sorrows, and no pain.

Jesus didn't want the disciples to feel like the road ahead of them would be easy.  If he had told the disciples that all would fall in place at his death how would they react when they were confronted with struggles.  Jesus is telling us that we need to carry the heavy load that is given us so that we may enjoy eternal life.  Yet, when you are a Christian you do not carry it alone.  Jesus carries the heavy part and you carry the light weight end.  The struggles that you see as impossible to overcome Jesus are ready to help you over.

When you dedicate your life to Christ you are turning away from the things that you have here on Earth. Your eyes are focused on the reward of eternal life.  You are not to concentrate on what you can get here but what you can get in Heaven.  Salvation is a free gift you do not have to do anything to earn it.
What you must do is believe in the power of God

We often struggle with the misconception that those that are living the life of a Christian have no struggles.  We judge people on how there are doing here.  If things are going good they must have found the favor of God.  Yet, if things are challenging they must be outside the law.  I am telling you right now to gain entrance to the Heavenly realm you must give up the Earthly good and surrender your life to Jesus.

Christians will have struggles in their life.  Yet, there is a promise of eternal life that helps them overcome the struggles they face.  I know every day that there will be a new burden placed on my heart.  It might not be a giant mountain but a small pebble of weight that I must carry.  As Christians learn to carry their cross they also learn how to give over their worries to God.  They realize that they cannot do it them self instead what they learn to do is give their life over to the one that died for them.  The weight that they carry will lessen as Jesus takes more and more of the weight off their shoulder.  Yet, understanding that things will come into your life and that you need to rely on God will make you stronger.


Dear God we thank you for helping us carry the burdens that come into our life.  We thank you for helping us make it through this life.  We praise you for the reward of eternal life that comes from trusting in you.  Help us dear God to put the burdens of this world behind us.  Help us walk closer to you.  Help free our mind so that we can be the people that you need us to be.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Has the weight of the world gotten you down?  Do you doubt that Jesus is walking with you?  Are you willing to give over your worries so that the weight you are carrying will become lighter?  Do you understand that your reward is not here on Earth but in Heaven?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who do you say Jesus is?

Verses: Luke 9 : 18 - 22

My thoughts about the verses:

We must first start by looking at the history that occurred before Jesus time.  There were many prophesies that predicted when the Messiah would come.  Many people felt that the prophets would come back introducing the Messiah.  Others believed that a King would come back to recapture the land that was given to the people.  There were those that thought a babe would be born.  Others thought that an adult Messiah would come.

People today still ask those same questions.  People debate over is Jesus the Messiah or a prophet. People wonder is this just a mere man that history has immortalized.  They question his ability to heal the sick.  There are questions about the fact that the Bible says that he never did anything wrong.  People question how a mere man could be both God and human.  The biggest of all questions is did Jesus truly exist or is this just another of humankind's myths.

See the questions arise because we allow our nonspiritual side to ask the questions.  There are several faith traditions outside of Christianity that believe that Jesus lived.  For example the tradition of Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet.

We as mere humans have a problem believing something that we cannot see.  Think back to the days that Jesus walked on this Earth.  People could not accept what was right in front of their eyes. If they could not accept it with their eyes it is understandable that people question it because they are hearing about it from an ancient text.  Yet, as we come to look closer there is evidence that has surfaced that shows that the mention of Jesus shows up in other historical documents of the time.  The events that happened during the Bible can be traced through written and oral history and show that the Bible coincides with major historical events.

In my eyes Jesus did live here on Earth.  Jesus was part of the trinity of God.  Jesus in my eyes was both God and human.  Jesus was the answer that had longed been waited for.  He had come to set his people free.  Not from the tyranny of the world but the tyranny of their own heart.  People needed a Messiah that was pure and innocent to take away their transgressions.  It would not have been the same if Jesus had come as a King.  The rulers of the time would have been destroyed.  yet, we would still not have a way to cleanse ourselves from the trespasses that we commit daily.

To me Jesus is the Messiah, the saving grace, the final atonement of sin.  those that accept Jesus have become Jesus brother and sister.  they are free to embark in a peace that lets them know that when they do things that are not pleasing in the eyes of God they will still get into Heaven.  It is an individual choice that you must make.  For me the answer is simple I have accepted God in my life anything that I do wrong is forgiven forever and I will see my Messiah when I die.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to cleanse us from our trespasses.  Jesus we thank you for living a clean and pure life.  We thank you for dying so that we may be whole.  We thank you dear Holy spirit from ascending from Heaven so that we may have the everlasting gift of life.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray.  Amen


Who do you say Jesus is?