
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Testing our Faith

Verses: Luke 9 : 37 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

Now we all have moments that our faith is tested.  We do not see something happen in the time frame that we think it should happen.  We start doubting the power of God.  We assume that since God didn't answer our prayers instantly that God has not heard our pleas.

We also think that God should answer our prayers the way that we want them to be answered.  We do not allow God to come up with the answer instead we tell God what we want to happen.  When something happens that is outside our plan we get angry.  We start to doubt that God is even listening to us.

See we are no different than this man.  He wanted God to cure his son immediately.  He had gone to the disciples and they did not achieve what he wanted them to achieve.  He felt that he was abandoned and that God could not work through anyone except Jesus.  He judged the disciples on this one act.  He felt that they did not have the ability that Jesus did.  They were not truly guided by the Messiah.

Jesus responds with you faithless generation.  Jesus wanted us all to know that soon he would be gone. That we had to trust that God would send leaders to us that would guide us until the Messiah returned. We have to trust that God will send those that we need to further our life's journey.  We have to put trust in those that God has sent to lead us.

Yet, at the same time we have to understand that these individuals are only people.  They are not to be put on the same pedestal as God.  Think about different people that have been seen as strong religious leaders.  We have a tendency to place them on a high pedestal.  Yet, when they do something that we perceive as inappropriate we start to question our faith in God.  We have put people at the same equivalent of God and we lose focus on the one that has set us free.

The lesson to be learned is that we need to always be focused on God.  If we trust that God can do all things and work through people we will see miracles happen.  We have to always remember that we might not know what we truly need.  Just because things don't happen our way doesn't mean God isn't listening.  We have to also remember to not put people on a pedestal that they can fall far from.  There are many people that have left churches because the leaders do not live up to their expectations. Remember that People will make mistakes.  It is God's job to judge even those in Christian leadership. Don't base your decision to follow God on how others act but rather on your own need to have a Savior.


Dear God thank you for answering our prayers.  Thank you for giving us exactly what we need in our life.  Help us to not judge others.  Help us to understand that we are to trust in your power.  Help us have faith in those that you have sent to guide us.  Help us to remember that people will make mistakes. Help us to forgive those that let us down.  In the name of the one that give all power we pray.  Amen


Have you ever judged others in leadership positions?  Have you placed people on pedestals that can easily fall off of?  Have you ever distrusted God because of the actions of people?  What lesson can you take away from this story?

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