
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who do you say Jesus is?

Verses: Luke 9 : 18 - 22

My thoughts about the verses:

We must first start by looking at the history that occurred before Jesus time.  There were many prophesies that predicted when the Messiah would come.  Many people felt that the prophets would come back introducing the Messiah.  Others believed that a King would come back to recapture the land that was given to the people.  There were those that thought a babe would be born.  Others thought that an adult Messiah would come.

People today still ask those same questions.  People debate over is Jesus the Messiah or a prophet. People wonder is this just a mere man that history has immortalized.  They question his ability to heal the sick.  There are questions about the fact that the Bible says that he never did anything wrong.  People question how a mere man could be both God and human.  The biggest of all questions is did Jesus truly exist or is this just another of humankind's myths.

See the questions arise because we allow our nonspiritual side to ask the questions.  There are several faith traditions outside of Christianity that believe that Jesus lived.  For example the tradition of Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet.

We as mere humans have a problem believing something that we cannot see.  Think back to the days that Jesus walked on this Earth.  People could not accept what was right in front of their eyes. If they could not accept it with their eyes it is understandable that people question it because they are hearing about it from an ancient text.  Yet, as we come to look closer there is evidence that has surfaced that shows that the mention of Jesus shows up in other historical documents of the time.  The events that happened during the Bible can be traced through written and oral history and show that the Bible coincides with major historical events.

In my eyes Jesus did live here on Earth.  Jesus was part of the trinity of God.  Jesus in my eyes was both God and human.  Jesus was the answer that had longed been waited for.  He had come to set his people free.  Not from the tyranny of the world but the tyranny of their own heart.  People needed a Messiah that was pure and innocent to take away their transgressions.  It would not have been the same if Jesus had come as a King.  The rulers of the time would have been destroyed.  yet, we would still not have a way to cleanse ourselves from the trespasses that we commit daily.

To me Jesus is the Messiah, the saving grace, the final atonement of sin.  those that accept Jesus have become Jesus brother and sister.  they are free to embark in a peace that lets them know that when they do things that are not pleasing in the eyes of God they will still get into Heaven.  It is an individual choice that you must make.  For me the answer is simple I have accepted God in my life anything that I do wrong is forgiven forever and I will see my Messiah when I die.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to cleanse us from our trespasses.  Jesus we thank you for living a clean and pure life.  We thank you for dying so that we may be whole.  We thank you dear Holy spirit from ascending from Heaven so that we may have the everlasting gift of life.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray.  Amen


Who do you say Jesus is?

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